The Journey of Wei Ying

By NatalieTaehyung

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Wei Ying is a mortal who saved a man called Lan Huan and with whom he fell in love with. Lan Huan too fell in... More

Things you might need to know
Chapter 1: Your choice is...?
Chapter 2: The handsome stranger
Chapter 3: Realization
Chapter 4: The Urgency
Chapter 5: I love you, Wei Ying
Chapter 6: Return to the heavenly realm
Chapter 7: Sickness or...?
Chapter 8: Pregnant
Chapter 9: Auction
Chapter 10: Wedding and a newborn princess
Chapter 11: 16 years later...
Chapter 12: Something changed
Chapter 13: Betrayal
Chapter 14: The loss
Chapter 15: Pain
Chapter 16: Lan Huan gave in...
Chapter 17: Once the trust is broken ...
Chapter 18: Dreams and feelings...
Chapter 19: Talk with Wen Qing
Chapter 20: Giving up and giving in
Chapter 21: I belong to you
Chapter 22: Talk with Wen Ning
Chapter 23: The Date
Chapter 24: My deepest secret
Chapter 25: The heir is sick
Chapter 26: Parting ways
Chapter 27: A dream turns into a nightmare
Chapter 29: Reunited
Chapter 30: Birthday gift and unsaturation
Chapter 31: Two boys
Chapter 32: Birth and a new life
Last Chapter: Fate

Chapter 28: The real punishment

2.2K 165 76
By NatalieTaehyung

I just finished editing :)  

It's quite late so I won't comment much. Let's get right into it. 

I hope you enjoy this new update <3 <3

Wang Ji's POV

I felt immense pain and sorrow. That happened out of nowhere and made me clutch my chest.

"Prince Wang Ji, is everything alright?" The crown prince of the water realm asked as I stood up.

"I need a break."

"We are discussing the next steps to attack the enemies. Is a break really necessary?"

"It is. I am sorry. I will be right back, your Highnesses." I bowed and left the tent.

"Let him have a break. I know you all don't want to admit it but he is better than most of us. He killed more of the enemies than us." I heard someone say.

"True. If he is already this strong, how strong must crown prince Lan Huan be?"

"That's what I am curious too. What if-" The rest I didn't hear any more as I left the tent in hurried steps.

I took in deep breaths as I tried to calm down. I knew without someone telling me that something happened to Wei Ying. I was worried and wanted to go back immediately but that would have been a crime. I didn't mind that but Wei Ying would be disappointed.

I was separated from him for 15 months now and I was missing him like crazy. I wasn't even able to sleep much despite knowing that once I closed my eyes I would at least see him.

I was worried about him. He was currently in emotional pain. As much as I hoped it was just because he was missing me, I knew that wasn't the case. Something had happened. Something Wei Ying couldn't cope with. He needed me.

'I need to go back as soon as possible!' I thought.

But I couldn't just barge into the enemy's territory. Especially not alone. We needed a good plan and probably patience. A lot of patience but with Wei Ying being like he was, I had everything but patience.

'Calm down, Wang Ji. You won't be able to be back with him if you die on the battlefield.' I tried to calm myself down but I only succeeded in half.

"Prince Wang Ji, can we continue?" Someone called me and I nodded before approaching the tent again.

'Wait for me, my love. I will finish this as quickly as possible, I promise. Just wait a little more, Wei Ying. Just a little more. I will soon be back.' I held my chest and took one last deep breath before entering the tent and joining the others.

Wei Ying's POV

Feeling the discomfort and slight pain in my body as well as the tiredness, I knew I didn't have slept much when I opened my eyes due to the tumult happening outside. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Wen Ning who knelt in front of my bed.

"What is happening outside? And why are you kneeling here?" I asked him silently and rubbed my eyes.

"I... deserved to be punished for not being with you. It wouldn't have happened wh-"

"Stop it, Wen Ning. You can't be with me 24/7. There are only two persons at fault and you are not one of them. So get up or I will get angry." Wen Ning bit his lips and for a moment I thought he would go against my order but then he rose from the ground and sat on the chair near my bed.

"What is happening outside?" I asked again and slowly got up. The pain was still there albeit not as great as before. I got out of bed and walked to one of the windows. Wen Ning jumped up and stood right behind me as we both looked out of it. I knew that until Wang Ji would be back, Wen Ning wouldn't leave my side.

"I hadn't time yet to announce that the crown prince had moved out yet. They must have sent him back here..." Wen Ning confessed when we saw doctors enter Lan Huan's quarters. The emperor followed immediately and even Wen Qing was there, waiting outside the room as she was not allowed inside.

She looked pale and she clasped her hands together as she knelt on the ground, seemingly praying to the gods.

"Wen Ning, help me with my garments. I will go out there."

"What!? Why!?"

It wasn't that I was worried about Lan Huan. I just wanted to check his condition, and how bad his shape was. I wasn't hoping he would die but I wouldn't mind it either should it happen. Right now I felt nothing at all. I was a little surprised about how cold the situation left me but I wasn't shocked.

Whereas I still cared for Lan Huan a little before, how he would cope with the situation of losing his son, I wasn't interested anymore. Before last night, I thought of him as... I don't know, maybe as a friend who I had feelings for a long time ago. But now even that changed. Lan Huan was not the person I met 20 years ago. He wasn't the person I fell in love with and married anymore. He was a changed person. He was nothing.

I wasn't praying for him to survive and I wasn't praying for him to die. I would let the gods handle everything.

"Please, Wen Ning. I just want to check the situation." I told him and Wen Ning hesitated only a few seconds before nodding and walking away to get my garments.

A few minutes later we walked outside and approached the place of action. Wen Qing saw me and almost cried.

"I don't understand what is happening. Why would he do that!? I miss our son too but why would Lan Huan..." She sobbed and looked back to the door of Lan Huan's bedroom. "Why would he punish himself!? For what exactly?"

I didn't answer any of her questions and looked at the emperor who left his son's bedroom first. The doctors followed him.

"How is he!?" Wen Qing jumped up and looked at the doctors in anticipation.

"80 strikes of lightning are deathly. But the crown prince has a stronger body than usual people and his spiritual power is also very strong. He didn't die from these 100 strikes yet."

"YET!? What do you mean yet!?" The emperor growled and glared at the doctors. "If he is in such bad shape, do something!!"

The doctors looked at each other before meeting the glares of the emperor. "We can't, your Majesty. His whole back being this extremely wounded and bleeding nonstop is not the worst part. His internal injuries are fatal. If we were to use our skills to heal him, it could do more harm than good. The crown prince's spiritual power is busy keeping him alive. If we were to heal him now, we would interrupt the flow of the crown prince's energy and that could cost us his life."

"What can we do then!?"

"I am sorry, Your Majesty. All we can do now is tend to the wounds on his body, especially his back. That will give us some time to wait until the crown prince gets stronger again so we can heal the internal injuries."

"HOW CAN THIS BE ALL YOU CAN DO!?" The emperor shouted in anger and all the doctors could do was bow down to him. The emperor sighed as he massaged the bridge of his nose. "Tend to him, then. If he dies, all of you will die with him!" He growled.

He was furious and showed this openly. What he didn't show was how heartbroken and worried he was deep within. Only I could see that. I would never understand why royals in high positions would never show their true feelings to anyone.

"Please, let me enter and see him. Doctors, please..." Wen Qing begged the doctors but they shook their heads.

"We can't let you in. It's not suitable for a princess to see the state the crown prince is in."

"I don't care what he looks like! I just want to see him! Please..."

"I am sorry, your Highness. It's better to now see him like this. Once the crown prince is better, we will let you meet him." Wen Qing tried every method for the doctors to allow her inside but they wouldn't allow it. Then the doctors turned to me. "Your Highness, the crown prince.... He keeps calling for you. I think it might help him recover if he knows you are with him."

I didn't bother to react to their words.

"Wei Ying." It was the emperor who called me and I turned to him. "I remember you have medical knowledge as well. You wanted to become a doctor before marrying Lan Huan. I am sure my son will get better in no time if you were the one to treat him."

"Your Majesty?" The doctors looked at him in shock. "You want him to use mortal ways to help his Highness, the crown prince? But-"

"But what?!" He hissed. "Didn't you say you couldn't use spiritual power until at least his external injuries are treated!?"

"We did, but prince Wei Ying is not a doctor. He only has his mortal medical knowledge and-"

"So?! Does it matter if it's mortal knowledge or immortal knowledge? If the wounds have to be treated without spiritual power then Prince Wei Ying can heal them as well! My son called for him so I know he will get better if he feels Wei Ying next to him!" He answered firmly and approached me slowly. He turned in a way, others would hear what he would say.

"I don't know what happened between you or what Lan Huan did to you. It must have been something great if he punishes himself with 100 strikes of lightning. Not even the worst criminals get more than 80 strikes. Albeit I do think due to his feelings for you, Lan Huan would even make a big deal out of it when he pushes you in a fit of anger. In any way, whatever he did to you, I can't rate the greatness of it and I won't because this is something to be discussed between you. But I know he is sorry or else he wouldn't punish himself like this."

I didn't say anything so he continued.

"I know you didn't even forgive him after I more or less forced him to have a child with someone else. So I don't ask you to forgive him for whatever he did wrong to you this time. It's not my right to ask you that either. But I will ask you this not as the emperor of the heavenly realm, but as a father who loves his son. I sincerely ask you to help Lan Huan to get better. He calls for you, Wei Ying, I am sure you can help him to get better."

After what he did to me I had to help him recover? I knew he didn't know anything of what happened but I was sure he doesn't care about that either. Yes, he was a father who didn't want his son to die but... was he ever on my side? No, never.

"Wei Ying, you wanted to become a doctor, right?" He asked and I looked at him with a slight frown. "I am sure you know that for a doctor, it doesn't matter if the patient is a criminal or a saint, he would save his patient nevertheless. Am I correct?"

"I wanted to become a doctor, yes. But I never became one nor am I one now so these rules do not apply to me. You have doctors here. I am sure these imperial doctors are much more knowledgeable than me."

"It doesn't matter if you have become a doctor or not. If you have a chance to help, I doubt you would want someone to die. I know you enough to know that. Lan Huan wants you with him. He needs you. And I need you to attend to him. Please help my son to recover."

The emperor was right. I didn't want anyone to die. If there was a chance for one to survive with my help and I would refuse to do so... I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I knew I was weak. I was a weak mortal who couldn't even let his worst enemy die.

I looked at the door separating Lan Huan and me. I looked at it for a while, knowing that the doctors and Wen Qing became restless as no one was attending to him despite needing medical treatment right away. I also noticed the emperor signaling them to stop moving, giving me time to think.

But actually, I didn't need time to think. My answer was already clear, even the emperor knew that seeing the soft smile on his face.

"Are you only caring for your sons?" I asked and looked at him in displeasure. "I might be a mortal but I am a human being too. I am family too since the moment I married into your family. Why is it that you don't care about what I want? You even care more about Wen Qing. Why? Because she gave birth to a son?"

It was quiet around me, everyone staring at me in shock as I was talking to the emperor rather disrespectfully.

"Are you looking down on females? But that can't be as you trusted Wen Qing enough to give her the task of bearing you a grandson. Or was it because she is a princess, a born royal? And I am not? Was it? If not, then.... was it because my daughters were mortal? Are you looking down on mortals?"

"I do not look down on mortals, Wei Ying. I never did. The amount of time an immortal has together with a mortal is short, for us, this happiness will be over in a blink of an eye. I don't think it's worth the pain. The same goes for my grandchildren. I love them without a doubt. They are my grandchildren, my blood. But I don't intend to spend more time with them knowing I would have to bid farewell in a blink of an eye."

The emperor explained to me his view in a soft tone.

"You can call me cold-blooded if you want. But this is how I see everything. I don't judge others who fell in love with a mortal, be it a man or a woman, I really don't care. But don't expect me to feel pity if these mortals die and leave behind the mourning immortal."

He looked up at the sky and then sighed before looking at me.

"But I do have to admit that it was indelicate of me to bring Wen Qing and Lan Huan together so soon. I could have waited a few more years before doing that but who could assure me nothing would happen until then? I found them to be a perfect match and decided to act fast for my plans to go smoothly. I could have talked to you about it but you would have been against it. Lan Huan.... he is so madly in love with you, if you would have forbidden him to go along with my plan, he surely wouldn't have no matter how much I would have begged him."

"Didn't you say the life of a mortal is over within a blink of an eye for an immortal? Then why couldn't you just wait for this blink to happen? You never cared about me at all." I shook my head slowly. "But it doesn't matter anymore. I will stop caring for you all as well. My life is way too short to spend it caring for others who don't care for me."

"Lan Huan does care for you, Wei Ying."

"No, he doesn't. He comes after his father, only caring about himself. The only difference is that he at least knows how to reflect on himself. That is the only part he probably inherited from his mother. The second prince.... He doesn't have any similarity to you so I guess he comes only after the late empress. I would have loved to meet her..."

"She would have adored you." The emperor smiled. "My late wife was-"

"Forced to get married to you. You wanted to marry her despite knowing that she didn't love you at all. You even asked your father for a royal degree she couldn't decline. In the end, she was forced. All that because you were madly in love with her. Doesn't that sound familiar?" I sighed and walked up to Lan Huan's bedroom.

"I will take care of Lan Huan from here on. If I need one of the imperial doctors I will send Wen Ning to get them. Unless that happens, no one is allowed to enter." I said and turned to look at the emperor. "Unless you aren't trusting me, that is..."

"Your Majesty, we can't-" The doctors tried to interfere.

The emperor chuckled. "You heard Prince Wei Ying. No one is allowed to enter. Wei Ying is the first consort. Let him take care of the crown prince."

"But Your Majesty-"

"I know Prince Wei Ying better than you. He won't harm him. Let him help my son to recover. He saved his life in the past as well. Isn't that why they fell for each other in the first place?"

I turned away and entered Lan Huan's bedroom. Wen Ning followed me and closed the door after him. The last thing I saw before that happened was Wen Qing's disappointed look. Her aura also showed that she was worried. Why? Was she worried that I would forgive Lan Huan and once again fall in love with him, just like the first time we met?

But that wouldn't happen. Never again.

I had to confess that what I saw was a terrible sight. Honestly. Lan Huan's back was.... shredded. There was no part of his skin that was not affected. But that was what he brought upon himself.

"Your Highness, are you going to help him?" Wen Ning asked me curiously.

"Of course. I might not have become a doctor in this life but ... be it back then or now, it is still my dream. I won't harm a patient."

"Then what are you going to do? How can I ... help?"

I smiled. "You sound unwilling to help, Wen Ning."

"I am, your Highness. The crown prince does not deserve to be treated so respectfully. Especially not by you. What he did to you, not only last night but also years ago.... I can't forgive him for that. I am grateful that I am a servant and not a doctor."

"I can't forgive him either, Wen Ning. But I can't just let someone die when I can help. Not even if it's Lan Huan. So I will have to help him to recover. But...."

Wen Ning waited for me to finish and when I didn't he tilted his head in confusion.

"But what, your Highness?" I didn't answer but sorted my thoughts.

Yes, I would help him to recover but I wouldn't be able to let him live his life as if last night didn't happen. He needed to be punished. Punished by me and not himself! I had every right to do that. So I tried to figure out in what way I could punish him. Well, I had something in mind. But would that be enough? Wouldn't it be easy for an immortal doctor to undo it?

I wanted Lan Huan to remember last night his whole life, never to forget his wrongdoings, his crime, never to forget what kind of pain he inflected on others, inflicted on me. What would be a better way to remember than keeping every scar he got from these 100 strikes of lightning?

Was that heartless? Was that barbaric? Maybe. But I didn't care about these things anymore. My task was to make him recover from his own chosen punishment and I will do so. But I never promised I would get rid of every injury.

How could I achieve that? There were different kinds of poisonous plants in the mortal realm which could help me. Usually, they were to help to get rid of vermin or, sometimes, even to fight off other types of poison. But if I would use them in the right way, or in this case rather the wrong way, they could help me make sure the skin wouldn't be able to heal properly. Scars would be left behind for sure.

But I was in the immortal realm surrounded by immortals. With the skills of the imperial doctors and their spiritual power, they would surely be able to get rid of my punishment right away.

"Your Highness?" Wen Ning must have called me multiple times as he knelt in front of me, looking worried. I met his gaze and asked myself if Wen Ning could help me. He was also immortal and surely knew of things I didn't. Maybe there were similar plants here that could achieve what I wanted. One that wouldn't be able to be undone. Not even by an imperial doctor.

"Wen Ning, how much do you know about plants?" I asked him curiously.

"Plants? Why suddenly ask?"

"I am just curious. So?"

"I was never really interested in gardening so I do not know much about them." He frowned when I couldn't help but laugh. "Your Highness?"

"I am not talking about gardening, Wen Ning."

"Then?" He looked more lost than before.

"There is something I want to do, no, something I need to do. I wonder if you could help me out a little." I looked at the in pain moaning Lan Huan before looking back at Wen Ning. "You don't have to, though. I won't force you to do anything you are against."

"What can I help you with, your Highness?" He asked me seriously.

"There is none, your Highness." Wen Ning answered honestly after I explained to him what I wanted to do. He was surprised that I dare to intend to do something like this to the crown prince of the heavenly realm, yet he wasn't against it. He was rather eager to help me.

"None at all?" I asked slightly disappointed, realizing that my punishment would not succeed.

"I am sorry, your Highness. Of course, poison does exist but just like you already expected no poison would last long. The doctors, especially imperial doctors are highly skilled and able to get rid of most poisons except for the ones that are deadly seconds after being taken. I doubt you would want ..." He didn't finish his sentence but he didn't need to.

"I guess I can't even punish him then...." I looked at the wounds on Lan Huan's back and when I barely touched them, Lan Huan hissed in pain. "Why does everything turn out in your favor, huh?" I used a little more strength and he moaned louder.

"Why did you become like this? You weren't like this when we first met. You are not the same man I fell for. How could you change that much?" I mumbled and shook my head in disappointment.

"Your Highness, do you really want him to keep the scars for him to remember what has happened?"

"Of course," I said firmly. "His life will be very, very long and he will surely forget a lot of things. I want him to remember. No, I need him to remember! With these scars, he will be forever reminded of me and what pain he brought me. Wen Qing as well. I want everyone to remember me until the end."

"Your Highness..." Wen Ning suddenly got up and hugged me. He seldom did so and it felt good. "I will help you."

I patted his back until he stepped back and stared at me. He looked rather determined and it surprised me.

"There is a way for the scars to remain. No doctor will be able to get rid of them."

I raised my brows. "But just now-"

"If we use the plant from the mortal realm and combine it with my spiritual energy, it will work."

I shook my head. "No, Wen Ning. I won't let you use your spiritual power. They will know it was you as I don't have them. I know you are loyal to me but I won't let you sacrifice your life just like that. I wanted your help to find me something I could use, not for you to help me in this way. "

"They won't know, your Highness. No one ever received 100 strikes of lightning so no one can know the outcome of this."

"Wen Ning, you-"

"Please let me help you, Your Highness! I wasn't there for you when it happened but I will surely make sure he can receive your punishment! You don't intend to hurt him without reason. You have more than a proper reason. And the crown prince having scars his whole life long is the same as you carry around the emotional scar he left on you to carry the rest of your life!"

"Wen Ning...." I widened my eyes before the first tears were falling. I couldn't help it. If I hadn't Wen Ning with me, I would be all alone. He understood me. Everything I thought and wanted, he understood me so well. Just like Wang Ji did. Wang Ji knew me even better. If I hadn't Wang Ji, I would be a lost and lonely soul.

After what happened last night, if I didn't know that I still had Wen Ning and especially Wang Ji, I wouldn't want to continue to live.

"Let me help you to punish those who deserve it. I promise your Highness, that no one will find out."

I sobbed as I tried to stop the tears. "I want them to find out. If they ask I will tell them that I used poison. I want Lan Huan to know that I was the one who made his body unable to fully recover. I want everyone to know what Lan Huan did to me. I don't care what they will think of me! Sure, they won't really care as he is the crown prince. They will want to look away, just ignore that this ever happened but I won't let them. I won't let anyone forget it! They won't be able to ignore the scars on their precious crown prince's body."

I was unable to stop crying for some time. Wen Ning held me the whole time trying to soothe me. It was a little embarrassing for me, being in my mid-thirties and crying like a baby, but I had every right to let it all out.

Wen Ning left me alone for a short moment to go to the mortal realm to find the plant I described to him. I did feel bad for using him like this. Yes, he wanted to help me wholeheartedly but it is still wrong of me to do that.

"I hope this is the right one?" He came back just a few seconds later and for a moment I was shocked he found it this fast before I remembered that the time flow in the mortal realm was a different one than here.

"It is...." I answered and seemed to have looked rather guilty.

"If I wouldn't help you, I am sure Prince Wang Ji would." He told me before shaking his head. "No, he would probably do even worse than what you want to do. A simple punishment like this wouldn't satisfy him."

"He is not evil, Wen Ning."

"No, he is not. But when it comes to you, things are different. His love for you can't be compared to anything else. He was already in a rather murderous mood when he found out about the crown prince cheating on you. This time...." He shook his head again.

"I miss him..." I mumbled. "When will he come back?"

"I am sure he is thinking the same as you and trying his best to come back as soon as possible, your Highness." I nodded but it didn't make the longing for Wang Ji any less painful. I needed him the most right now.

"Your Highness, what do I have to do?" Wen Ning asked me and I was brought back from my deep thoughts.

"I will need a few more things," I told him and listed a couple of herbs to prepare tonics and ointments for Lan Huan to take. It would take a few days, maybe even longer before the herbs, combined with Wen Ning's spiritual power, would start its take effect but that was okay.

"Wei Ying.... please...." Lan Huan mumbled in his restless sleep. "Don't leave... forgive me...."

"I won't forgive you, Lan Huan. And I will make sure you will remember what you did your whole life. Don't judge me. This is your fault!" I whispered and pressed on his back resulting in him moaning in pain.

"Wen Ning, bring me these things, and let's start."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Two weeks later

It did take longer than expected. Especially because after using the special ointment I had to use the normal ones to make sure I wouldn't poison Lan Huan for good. Slowly, very slowly the open skin on Lan Huan's back as well as on his chest started to rot and Lan Huan was obviously in pain. But no matter how great the pain was, he didn't wake up.

I soothed the attacked skin with the medical ointment but only enough to ensure that no poison would be left that could enter his blood system. It was difficult because I had to be very precise but my patience worked. And after two weeks the wounds were almost fully closed, forming ugly scars. Some were rather big, and many were rather small, yet not less ugly than the big ones.

On his chest were only small ones and less than he had on his back because as I worked on that I couldn't turn his body over to reach his front. I looked at my work and was satisfied.

It scared me. The numbness I felt, no sign of guiltiness.... What has become of me?

The doctors tried to enter often, asking me every day if I needed help. Wen Qing however didn't. She waited in front of Lan Huan's bedroom every day but not once knocked on the door and asked for entry. When Wen Ning left the room to get me different things, she would approach him and ask him about Lan Huan, yet Wen Ning never answered. So all she could do, and all she did was wait for Lan Huan to wake up, not skipping even one day.

"Wei Ying...." I looked towards Lan Huan, expecting him to call me out in sleep as he usually did and therefore I was shocked to see him awake and staring at me weakly.

I didn't answer and looked away.

"Wei Ying... I ...." He started but then stopped.

"Your Highness, I brought... breakfast...." Wen Ning saw Lan Huan was awake and stopped approaching me. His aura turned into different colors within seconds until it stopped at the color red. A different shade of red than the one Wang Ji had when he looked at me, of course. Wen Ning was furious and I am sure his aura mirrored mine.

"Thank you, Wen Ning." He nodded, put the breakfast on the table next to me, and stepped back, far enough to give me some space but close enough to jump in if something happened.

"Wei Ying...." Lan Huan slowly got up and winced at every movement. Once he sat up he looked down at his body, seeing the scars on his chest. He touched them and hissed in pain as a few weren't closed yet.

"It will hurt for a while longer so you should get used to it," I told him. "Don't try to get rid of them. It won't work."

Lan Huan looked at the scars and then at me. "What do you mean?"

"The scars won't go away no matter how much you or the doctors try," I said and glared at him.

"Wei Ying, I..."

"How could you do this!? How, Lan Huan!?" I hissed at him and he flinched as I have never spoken to him in such a cold way, not even when I found out about his betrayal. Lan Huan looked away as his aura turned dark.

"I am sorry, Wei Ying. I-"

"You are sorry? YOU ARE SORRY!?" I shouted in disbelief. "You forced yourself on me while I was sleeping and then run away. And you are SORRY!?"

"Wei Ying, I know... I didn't run away. I knew I was wrong. What I did...." He ruffled through his hair in despair. "I was just.... everything was... I needed... What am I even trying to say? There are no explanations. There is no excuse for what I did. I know that! I am sorry, Wei Ying!"

What made me even more furious was that his aura showed me that he was telling the truth. He indeed knew he was wrong, he indeed knew there is no excuse, and he indeed feels sorry. How could he accept everything so fast? I should feel better knowing he knows all that, yet it made me even more furious.

"WHY!?" I shouted. "Why, Lan Huan? Just... why!? What did I do to deserve such treatment? Was that your revenge for me breaking it off with you? Was that your punishment for not loving you anymore, for giving you up? Why did you do that? And even while I was sleeping... did you think it wouldn't hurt much just because I am not conscious?"

Lan Huan shook his head violently. "I was wrong! Wei Ying, I was wrong! I was just so.... heartbroken... you were there.... You were comforting me... I thought... no, I hoped that between us.... God, Wei Ying, there is no excuse for what I did. There is none!" He said and pulled his hair.

"Because I knew I was wrong, I knew I had to be punished. I deserve a punishment! I deserved these 100 strikes of lightning." He slowly got out of bed and knelt in front of me. "I didn't run away, Wei Ying. Knowing what I did was wrong, knowing I have committed a crime, I went to get the punishment I deserve. Wei Ying...." He bowed and his forehead met the floor. "I won't ask you for forgiveness because what I did is unforgivable. But I am sorry."

"Who are you to decide that!?" I asked getting angrier by the minute.

"W-what?" He looked up at me. Guiltiness and sadness showing in his eyes.

"You deserve to be punished, Lan Huan!"

"I know...I am sorry..." He bowed again. "The 100 strikes of lightning were deser-"

"That was not a punishment!" I hissed. "You think going out and receiving 100 strikes of lightning would be punishment enough?"

"If you think I deserve more I am willing to get as many more strikes as you want me to."

I laughed. I couldn't help it and it freaking scared me. Even Lan Huan looked at me in shock.

"Wei Ying...."

"You don't get it, do you!? These 100 strikes of lightning weren't a punishment, Lan Huan! It was self-reflection! Your self-reflection!" I shouted. "It would have been a punishment only if I would have told you to do that. But I didn't. Do you think if you reflect on yourself, using something as dangerous as these strikes of lightning would be enough? No, Lan Huan. I deserve to punish you. Not you, not anyone else. Just I!"

I suddenly felt as if I wasn't getting enough air into my lungs. I stepped back, trying to take deep breaths.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Huan paled and reached out to me, trying to get up from the floor but he was too weak to do that.

"Your Highness!" Wen Ning was by my side within seconds and I could feel something entering my back. Spiritual power. Wen Ning's hand was on my back, gently stroking it while using his spiritual energy to make me calm down to be able to breathe properly.

"Wei Ying, are you okay?" Lan Huan asked with a white face. His aura turned blue, showing he worried about me.

"Don't ask me questions you don't mean, Lan Huan!"

"But I mean it! I am worried ab-"

"If you really care for me, Lan Huan... YOU WOULDN'T HAVE FORCED YOURSELF ON ME!!!" I screamed at him. Lan Huan fell back and looked at the floor. His aura turned darker than before, almost black. Wen Ning used more of his spiritual power to calm me down.

"These scars on your body will remain your whole life! No one can get rid of them, not even the best doctors here. These scars will forever remind you of your crime." I said and glared at the kneeling figure in front of me. "What? You think it's unfair?"

"No, Wei Ying. I accept every punishment you will give me."

"You will move out of this palace, Lan Huan. Move in with Wen Qing or get yourself more concubines if you think Wen Qing can't satisfy your needs. But you will leave here and if you dare to come close to me ever again, I swear I won't hold back."

"I am sorry.... Wei Ying...."

"Stop it, Lan Huan. I don't want to hear anything like this." I turned around to Wen Ning. "Tell them that he woke up."

Wen Ning shook his head. "I won't leave your side. I won't leave you alone with him."

We both looked at the crown prince of the heavenly realm as he heaved himself up back to his bed. He looked at his chest and touched some of the scars.

I thought he would get angry or feel unfairly treated but he accepted everything easily. It made me angry again but before I could say anything, the doors opened and the emperor followed by the doctors entered the room.

"Lan Huan!" The emperor called him with a hint of worry in his voice. He took a look at his son's body and shook his head before signaling the doctors to get started.

"Thanks for taking care of Lan Huan, Wei Ying. That he woke up so soon is only thanks to you. I was right when I said that everything will turn out well if you tend to him." He turned to Lan Huan.

"He seems to me much better now. Well, without spiritual power the scars wouldn't go away so I don't blame you for not being able to get rid of them." He stepped back and let the doctors do their work

'Good luck.' I thought amused.

It was quiet in the room for about 10 minutes and all I did was watch how the doctors were using quite a lot of their energy to fully heal Lan Huan. I saw them frowning, looking at each other for advice before using even more spiritual power. After another 10 minutes, they stopped and turned reluctantly toward the emperor.

"What are you going?" The emperor asked and looked at each of the doctors in confusion.

"Your Majesty, the internal injuries of his Highness are gone..." He stopped and looked even more unsure.

"Good. Then tend to his external injuries. It shouldn't take long for the scars to be gone, I assume?"

"Well, that...." The doctor jumped from one foot to the other, showing his nervousness. The emperor looked at the doctors in displeasure.

"What are you doing? Get to work."

"Your Majesty, we.... the scars ... well, as strange as it is, we can't get rid of them. They .... we used a lot of our spiritual energy, all of us did, but... they won't go away..."

The emperor rolled his eyes. "These are scars, gentlemen. Both of the princes got quite a lot while playing around as kids. You want to tell me you forget how to treat those?"

"No, Your Majesty. We know very well what to do. But it doesn't work..."

"Nonsense! Hurry up and get rid of them! Do you want him to keep walking around with them?"

The doctors flinched at the order, turned around, and tried once more to get rid of the scars, using up most of their spiritual energy.

I watched in satisfaction and even smiled at their unsuccessful attempts. I said it once and will do it again. I found myself to be quite scary, thinking and acting like this. Yet, who could blame me? After all, I went through it shouldn't be a surprise. I should have turned out even scarier and it was a miracle that I didn't.

The emperor watched the doctors as well and frowned when nothing happened. He turned to me and caught me smiling. He widened his eyes and looked back to Lan Huan who just let the doctors do their best. Lan Huan sat there and just accepted everything. He looked calm and didn't show any signs of anger, frustration, or any other kind of displeasure.

But he was obviously tired.

The emperor turned to me again. "Is this your work?"

"...." I didn't answer and kept my eyes on the doctors.

"Prince Wei Ying?" He called me and this time I met his gaze without showing any fear. I literally stared into his eyes. He seemed to be surprised and after another look at Lan Huan, who closed his eyes, he sighed.

"Stop it, gentlemen. The scars won't go away." The emperor said firmly.

"But, Your Majesty. This shouldn't be... how can his highness's body not recover?"

The emperor stared at me. "It seems that the 100 strikes of lightning were too much for human's skins. Lan Huan's skin doesn't seem to be able to heal fully after what it had to suffer. Take note of that in the books so the future will know of the outcome of surviving 100 strikes of lightning."

I widened my eyes in shock at his words while the doctors looked at each other and nodded.

"Let's give the crown prince a few more days to rest." The emperor turned around to leave. My eyes met those of the emperor as he passed me. His aura showed me he was angry.

"This should satisfy you." He left and the doctors followed while discussing the recent discovery of the outcome of 100 strikes of lightning.

"Lan Huan!" Wen Qing entered the room and run toward the bed where her husband was laying. She inhaled sharply seeing his skin. "Oh, my goddess!"

Lan Huan didn't open his eyes as he fell back into a deep slumber.

"What is this? Why won't they heal them?" She touched the scars and Lan Huan winced in his sleep. She quickly took her fingers from his damaged skin and reached out for his hand instead.

"They won't be able to. Get used to the sight of this, Miss Wen Qing."

Wen Qing looked at me. "I don't care what he looks like. Even if his whole body is covered in those scars, it's still Lan Huan. It is still my husband whom I love."

I snorted. "Good for you. Let's see if you keep thinking like this in the future when you will always be reminded of how your husband forced himself on me while I slept."

Wen Qing paled and stared at me in shock.

"May these scars remind you of what kind of person he is."

"No... way..." She shook her head.

"Oh, but yes. Think about it, Wen Qing. He claims to love me and yet he forced himself on me. If he could do something as disgusting as this to someone he claims to love... then what will happen to those he doesn't love?"

"He would never do something like this ...." She shook her head but deep within she knew I didn't lie. I had no reason for that after all.

"You keep telling yourself that. The saying Love makes blind does not exist without reason. But then again, this is the person your heart chose, this is the life you chose."

"I won't stop loving him just because you tell me that. The Lan Huan you know and the Lan Huan I know are different. Lan Huan is not like you describe him." She said and kissed Lan Huan's fingers gently. "I won't leave his side."

I shook my head and turned to leave. "I don't want you to stop loving him. But don't give others the fault if your life will not turn out to be a happy one. This is the life you chose after all. Anyway, take the man you love and leave this palace. I don't want to know him close to me. Take him and leave! He already agreed to it anyway." With that, I left and left her alone. I didn't blame her. She was right when she said there were different Lan Huans.

There was the one I met 20 years ago and with whom I fell in love with.

There was the one who would listen to his father, who doesn't think much of my opinion and cheated on me.

There was the one with whom Wen Qing fell in love, the one only she would see as Lan Huan always treated her the same.

And then there was the one who dared to forget his humanity and forced himself on me.

Who knew? Maybe there more types of Lan Huan showing up in the future. But I hoped I wouldn't witness that. Seeing how the man you once loved turned out into something like he was now...

I shook my head and returned to my bedroom. "Wen Ning, make sure that Lan Huan leaves within the next day."

"Yes, Your Highness." He opened the door for me to enter. "You didn't eat breakfast earlier, I will bring you a new one."

"I would like to take a bath first. I feel... dirty..."

"Of course, Your Highness. I will prepare it right away." Wen Ning left for the bathroom and I turned to the table to fill a cup with water.

The last two weeks were stressful but it was worth it. It was quite strange that the emperor didn't do anything to me after what I did to Lan Huan. He surely knew that it was my work. Yet, he didn't reveal it. Why? What was his plan? Would he come after me when I expect it the least? Did he want me to live in fear?

"Wei Ying." I flinched and accidentally let the cup in my hand fall to the ground where it broke into many tiny pieces. I immediately turned around and face the person who called me. I stared at him in shock and the urge to run up to him and just hug him was great. So great that it was painful, yet I didn't approach him.

"My love.... I am back...." Wang Ji took a step toward me and I immediately stepped back. It was a reflex, I couldn't help it. Wang Ji stopped and looked surprised at me seeing me stepping back. He was confused and worried.

"Wei Ying, what is wrong?" He asked me and tried to approach me once more but stopped when I retreated. "Wei Ying?" There worry in his voice deepened but there was something else. Insecurity. And it hurt hearing that.

"Wang Ji...." I called him but no matter how much I wanted, I couldn't go near him. My feet wouldn't listen to me.

3rd POV

'Something happened!' Wang Ji thought as he saw Wei Ying stepping back once again. He already expected that when he felt restlessness and pain in the last months. He wanted to know the reason for his beloved's pain but he knew better than to approach him right now.

"Wang Ji...." Wei Ying called him and the tone he used gave Wang Ji chills.

"My love, tell me, what happened?" Wang Ji asked him fearing the answer. He took in his beloved's appearance. He looked pale and tired.

"I...." Wei Ying looked away not daring to look into my eyes.

"It's okay, my love. Tell me, what happened." Wang Ji soothed him. "I felt your pain, Wei Ying. I felt it deep within me while staying in the mortal realm. I would have come back right away but I know you would have disapproved of that."

"It's..." Wei Ying shook his head not knowing what to tell Wang Ji. Of course, he wanted to tell him the truth, he would tell him for sure, but how? How could he say those disgusting words?

"Yes?" Wang Ji followed up and then waited for Wei Ying to continue. Whatever happened it was something Wei Ying couldn't tell easily. But Wang Ji would wait. However long Wei Ying needed, Wang Ji would wait patiently.

He looked around and took in his surroundings. How he longed for this room, for the air in it. How much he longed for Wei Ying, to be finally with him again after so many months apart from each other.

When Wang Ji's eyes fell on the bed he recognized it immediately as his. It warmed his heart and soul to know that Wei Ying missed him so much as to claim Wang Ji's bed as his.

He heard Wei Ying taking in a deep breath. "Lan Huan..."

Wang Ji froze and suddenly everything felt cold. It was not because Wei Ying said the name of his brother, no. It was the way how he said it. The emotions behind these two words were heavy and Wang Ji couldn't help but feel cold all over.

"What happened?!" The question sounded quite harsh and Wang Ji regretted the tone of his voice right away. His tone softened a little. "What happened, my love?"

"I just pitied him... he lost his son, so I just wanted him to feel a little better. I only allowed him entrance because of my daughter's belongings. That was the only reason....I didn't know it would turn out like this."

'Lan Wuying died?' Wang Ji thought and sighed slightly. It was only a matter of time before that would happen but that didn't mean everyone accept the death of that child easily.

"I didn't know, Wang Ji. I was dreaming of you. Just like every night, I was dreaming of you. I didn't know that it happened."

Wang Ji tensed up. He was suddenly angry, and this anger turned into something far more furious. Deep within he already knew but he couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. His brother wasn't like that.

"I was sleeping... I should have woken up but-"

"Did he touch you?" Wang Ji asked as calmly as possible. He waited, hoping to hear a negative answer despite knowing deep within that such an answer would not come.

Wei Ying nodded.

"I am sorry." He apologized right away.

He had no reason to apologize for what happened as he couldn't influence it. Yet, Wei Ying's apology was probably the only reason why Wang Ji didn't turn around and leave to look for his older brother right away.

Wang Ji was so furious and thought that he would surely kill his brother. He didn't care that they were family. What he did was disgusting, hateful, and unacceptable! To dare to touch his beloved! Without permission at that!! He was about to look for him the moment he saw Wei Ying nodding but stopped hearing his beloved's apology.

"Why would you apologize, my love? Did you agree to it? Did you allow him to touch you?!"

"I didn't!" Wei Ying answered and looked into Wang Ji's golden orbs which, no matter how furious Wang Ji was, didn't show any of his emotions. "I never allowed him to do that! Wang Ji, I am sorry! I know I should have pushed him away but... but I was sleeping. I didn't know it happened. I really thought I was just dreaming like usual."

Hearing the pain in Wei Ying's voice made the anger at his brother go away for a moment and replaced my calmness.

"Wei Ying, it's okay, my love. I don't blame you. No one blames you."

"I only realized when I woke up in the morning... only then...." Wei Ying's voice had lowered to a whisper and tears fell down his soft cheeks. Wang Ji wanted to reach out to wipe them away but when he saw Wei Ying stepping back, out of his reach, he froze. Wei Ying didn't avoid him out of fear but out of shame. He was ashamed of himself for having cheated on Wang Ji.

But Wang Ji knew it wasn't cheating. Wei Ying didn't do anything wrong. All he did was try to console Lan Huan who was heartbroken over the death of his only son. The son he got by betraying the man he claims to love the most. Albeit he loved his brother dearly he was happy that Lan Huan made this one mistake in his life. Without it, he wouldn't be able to be with Wei Ying, who owned his heart and soul.

Seeing Wei Ying like this, being ashamed of himself and thinking he had cheated on Wang Ji, made the latter's hand shake in rage. He wasn't furious at Wei Ying, no, no matter what Wei Ying would do, he could never be angry at him or hate him. No, he was furious at his brother who dared to touch what was no longer his. He dared to touch his beloved, who was only trying to sleep in peace!

"Wei Ying..." Wang Ji called him gently. "Don't avoid me, please. I can't bear it."

"I am sorry, Wang Ji."

"You did nothing wrong!" Wang Ji said seriously and took a step closer to Wei Ying. Slowly at first but when Wei Ying didn't step back he came closer until he could take the love of his life into his arms. "You did nothing wrong, Wei Ying. Nothing."

Wei Ying took in the smell of Wang Ji. How he missed that smell.

"My love, look at me." Wang Ji asked but Wei Ying was too ashamed to do that. "Please, Wei Ying. Look at me. I beg you." He pleaded and because Wei Ying couldn't handle it anymore he looked up. His eyes met those of Wang Ji's.

He raised his hands, reaching out for Wang Ji's face to hold it. He wanted to touch him so badly but didn't dare to do it. So he was about to take his hand down again, yet Wang Ji didn't let him. He grabbed Wei Ying's hand and let it to his face.

"You did nothing wrong, my love. Please don't avoid me. I can't bear it when you do."

"But I-"

"No, Wei Ying. There is no but. You did nothing wrong. All you did was be the kind and angel-like human being you are, trying to console someone who lost his son. It was Lan Huan who took it too far. My brother is a criminal! He needs to die!"

Wang Ji couldn't hold his anger back anymore. He turned around and was about to leave the room, to make his way to the one person who deserved a painful death.

"No!" Wei Ying shouted and grabbed Wang Ji's waist, not letting go another step. "Don't, Wang Ji! Please, don't do it!"

"He deserves to die!" Wang Ji growled and tried to break free, of course, without hurting the man he loved.

"Don't kill him, Wang Ji! Don't leave!" Wei Ying begged and hugged Wang Ji tighter.

"Let go, Wei Ying. I need to-"

"No!" Wei Ying shouted. "If you kill him, then what about me!? I need you, Wang Ji! If you kill Lan Huan you will be sentenced for treason and we will be separated."

Wang Ji stopped fighting against Wei Ying but he was still tensed up. He wanted to kill Lan Huan. His brother didn't deserve to breathe the same air as his beloved. How could he let him continue his life as if nothing happened!?

"If I can't be with you then what reason have I to keep living here, Wang Ji?" Wei Ying asked and turned Wang Ji over. "Don't leave me. If I can't be with you... without you I am nothing!"

"Wei Ying...." Wang Ji caressed his beloved's cheeks softly. "How can I allow him to live as if nothing happened? After all he did to you... Tell me, Wei Ying. How could I do that?"

"His Highness already got punished in more ways than one." Wen Ning said as he came out of the bathroom. He bowed to Wang Ji and then approached the couple. "It's still not enough, in my opinion. But he won't ever forget what he was done. Nor will Wen Qing or anyone else."

"What do you mean?" Wang Ji asked as he slowly calmed down.

"His Highness can explain it to you. " Wen Ning answered and turned to Wei Ying. "The bath is ready, your Highness. I will go and bring breakfast for the two of you."

Wei Ying nodded and Wen Ning turned to Wang Ji.

"His Highness missed you a lot. He needs you more than anyone right now. It would surely kill him if you go out and followed your anger rather than stay with him. Not only will his Highness lose you, but you would also lose his Highness. Killing the crown prince is no solution. No matter what happens, killing someone was and will never be a solution. It will only bring pain."

Wei Ying felt Wang Ji's strong arms tighten around him and he calmed down, knowing that Wang Ji would stay.

"I will leave and bring the breakfast now." He smiled softly at the couple and left. Wen Ning knew too that Wang Ji has changed his mind about killing his brother. If not, he would think about other, more drastic ways to stop him. Wen Ning wouldn't allow Wang Ji to follow his anger and hate and destroy what he had with Wei Ying.

Wen Ning looked up to the sky. 'Please protect them. They went through too much to lose each other now.'

He hoped the goddesses would have mercy on this couple. He knew that they hadn't any control over Wei Ying's and Wang Ji's fate but the least they could do was guide them so fate wouldn't hit them too hard.

To be continued...

The good news is... 

Wang Ji is back, y'all!! 

The bad news is...

Lan Huan will not die... at least he will walk around with a body full of ugly scars, big ones, and small ones. He will be a walking shield, I tell you. 

"I forced myself on an innocent, angel-like mortal while he was asleep, just because I could, and he punished me with those nasty scars!"

Well, something like this. 

What will happen next? You will find out soon enough. But for now, let's give our couple some time for themselves, shall we? 

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