𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

By neptunesao

1.8K 46 3

normal. that was a word that everyone used to describe soloria castillo. and she liked the word. she never ha... More

force of the stars
signs at my friends
changing the light
screams in the beginning
disruptions of nightmares
enhancing secrets
children without honor
opponet of the eclipse
choking on history
eliminating the moon
death to the void
leading the beginning
pleasing the end
going to the mist

rebels and cats

41 1 0
By neptunesao

── ✧《✩》✧ ──

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IT was smelly behind the dumpsters that the five teens were hiding. A helicopter passed overhead, they couldn't take any chances. Anything and anyone could be spies looking for them. "So, how do we get to Graciella's? She lives, like, 20 miles away." Molly ask them as they started to walk. Their plan was to save Graciella, warn her before their parents could find her and do something about it.

"Remember when life was so easy, like 48 hours ago when all had cell phones and Lyft accounts?" Gert recalled, Solaria nodded. "Yeah. That would be so much easier. If our parents weren't hunting us down." Ria takes of her jacket to tie around her waist, "Do pay phones still exist?" Chase asked them, followed close behind the group of girls. "Even if they did, they require payment." Nico fans herself off, holing her ankle length skirt so she wouldn't trip. Molly suddenly had an idea.

"We could take the Metrolink." That was public, it was too risky for them. "Public transportation?" Chase rhetorically asks the youngster, "Do we even know how to do that?" Solaria looks around, they were so used to driving their own cars or taking a lift, that none of them even touched public transportation. They were spoiled, but not rotten. "I do. That's how I got to school from Graciella's. I still have my card." She announced to them

"You take the purple line to the red line, then you transfer to the yellow line, then there's another red one, the last two are buses, not trains. Only we would do it backwards." She explained throughly to them, it sounded confusing but it would seem easy once they do it. "But there's one problem." She said, making Ria slump her shoulders. "Only one?" Karolina questions. "The train runs only during rush hour." Everyone stopped in their tracks hearing the news.

"Which is hours from now."

"And too late for Graciella."

Everyone sighed, now how were they going to get there? The clock was ticking faster by the minute. "Of course, the d bag who owns that car could go wherever he wants." Nico mentions from across the street where fancy diner was at.  "Yes..yes he can." Gert smiled and went unzip Chase's backpack, getting out his suit from the dance. "Oh, yeah, this is definitely going to work." Ria smirked as she started to tell the plan.

Karolina and Chase were going to act like a couple, classic. But, they were going to argue about how Chase was flirting with another girl, Karolina getting mad at him. The plan was set in motion as Gert, Molly, Nico and Ria watched from afar, hearing the funny words coming out Chase's and Karolina's mouth. "That's the opposite of a giant dick. Keys." Chase defends himself, the man giving him the keys quickly without question. "Oh, yeah. Were you being nice when you banged my roommate? That's right. You're a giant dick."

Ria couldn't stop herself from laughing quietly at the scene, Karolina and Chase gotten into the car, driving to where the other teens were. They gotten in the backseat, feeling the cool air from the vents. "Oh, that feels nice." Ria had relaxed into the black leather seats.

── ✧《✩》✧ ──

THE engine revved as Chase pulled up to Graciella's house quickly, the tires squeal loudly, hopefully they had gotten their before any of their parents got to her. Molly was the first one who jumped out the car, everyone else doing the same. "Molly. Wait, what if our parents are in there?" Gert had tried to warn the girl, but she just ran up to the house, ringing the doorbell.

"Graciela?" Molly called her name, ringing the doorbell once more, then banging on the door. The older teens had watched her bang on the door rapidly, "Graciela, háblame por favor!" Everyone looks at each other, "Maybe she got smart and left." Chase suggested to them. Molly had came done the steps, looking to where Nico was by the window. Nico could only look at her with sadness. Something wasn't right. Molly had broke down the door to her house, walking inside.

The teens followed behind her, Molly had stated to sob, and she fell to her knees next to Graciela and they saw Graciela on the kitchen floor, dead. "No signs of forced entry." Ria looked at her body, and the surroundings. "Maybe she couldn't take the stress and had a heart attack?" Chase asked all of them, Nico had started to look for things. "That's what they want people to believe." Nico had stood hop, something in her hand.

"Our parents staged this. We must have just missed them." Nico told, Gert was starting to hyperventilate, Karolina had went to calm her down while Solaria had rubbed Molly's back, bringing her into a hug , "She's didn't do anything wrong." Molly choked out the words, "I know, Molly." Ria frowned when looking at her broken face. "We gotta go." Chase had bent down to them, "We can't just leave her. We have to call the police!" Molly was rightfully angry.

"I'm sure Flores is on his way. Our parents own the police, remember?" Sirens started to approach, Nico had grabbed her wallet form out of her purse, "Seriously? You're robbing a dead person?" Chase looked at her, "Look, I know it's harsh...but this is our reality now." Nico stated as everyone had left her house. Solaria rubbed Molly's shoulders as they left.

── ✧《✩》✧ ──

IT was now nighttime as the teens walked through a dark area, people were there and fires were going. There was a lot of tents put up, it was the place Alex had told them to go and he would meet him there. "This is where Alex told us to meet him." Nico looked around at the area. "If all these people can survive out here, so can we." Chase had hoped, trying to keep it positive as possible.

"We have no other choice." Shrugged Solaria, Old Lace growled softly in the shopping cart. "How's Old Lace holding up?" Karolina asked Gert, who covered her up some more. "She's great. She's really settling in. She's actually quiet the Dumpster connoisseur, and if I'm calm, then she's calm." Gert blurted out quickly, but her words were getting jumbled together and she was cleary not calm. "You don't seem calm." Chase
pointed out and Gert takes in a sharp breath. That wasn't helping her case.

"That's a really helpful thing to say to someone whole they're trying to be chill so that their psychically linked dinosaur doesn't freak out, which would be so much easier if I had my meds," Gertrude's words spun out of her mouth, "...but they're in my room, which is next to my parents room, who, just if we need a little reminder, then to murder people." Gertrude finished up her little rant. "So what you're saying is you're not calm? Um, there's a whole tone I'm trying to follow."

Solaria rolled her eyes at Chase, he could be a little dumb sometimes. And say the wrong things at the wrong times. "Not helping." She hits his shoulder, making him flinch a little bit. "I still can't believe we left Graciela. She at least deserved a funeral." Molly was still teary eyed at the news. "She's gonna get one." Nico held her hand, "Come on." The group had walked amongst the people. They had found a empty spot, and they've decided that was going to be the spot for Gracielas funeral.

Solaria had lit some nearby candles, Nico had gotten out some things of hers, like her credit card. "It's Wiccan tradition. The candle can be adorned with anything that resonates with the energy of the deceased. Then we add our own offerings." Nico explained to Molly, a train had passed them nearby, everyone had started to put their own offering down by her. Solaria's being a follower that she had picked from nearby.

Nico had started the speech, "As we come from the goddess to experience life in death, so shall we return to her to experience peace." People had started to come up to them, and drop their offerings. "By the element of earth, you were grounded in the physical world. By the element of Air, you were open to knowledge and communication. By the element of Fire, you inspired with passion." Everyone knew that this was hard on Molly, and they tried to support her in any way they could think of.

"By the element of Water, you could dream your dreams. So now, by Earth, by Air, by Fire, by Water, shall you pass to the next stage of your existence." Nico bent down to Molly's level, whispering something to her. Molly slowly stood up, fixing her clothes. "I didn't really get a chance to know her that well, but she was kind to me..." Molly croaked out, "...and she gave me change to see my parents again, if only for...a little while."

Everyone hearts break at their friend, Solaria couldn't imagine what it was like to loose the only person left that you had. "She was the last blood relative I had, and now she's gone. Everything's been taken away from me. I have no one." Her tone was mixed with anger and sadness. "You have us, and we'll always be here." Solaria pats her back, "Merry we meet, and merry us part, until we meet again." Nico blows out the candle she was holding.

── ✧《✩》✧ ──

CHASE sat down next to Solaria by the fire. Ria watching the flames go up in the air. "Everything, okay?" He asked her, and she chuckled at him. "What do you think?" Something from the back of her head had came up, and she needed to tell Chase. They still haven't had the talk yet about their relationship. And it was killing her on the inside. "Hey, can I talk to you about something?" She asks him, and he nodded.

She took a deep breath in and out. "About the night of the dance...we still haven't had a proper discussion." Chase licked his lips, he knew that the day would come.

"Uh, yeah. Um," Chase didn't know what to say, "What are we, Chase? Friends? Lovers?" Solaria asks him, she liked him, a lot. But she didn't want to ruin their friendship. "Ria, I don't know. But that night, I felt something." Chase looks her in the eyes, "What?" Ria asked him, Chase opened his mouth to speak, but Alex had came, holding a bunch of bags in his hands. Solaria frowned a little at their conversation had ended.

"I, uh, got us some tents, sleeping bags, couple cheap burner phones." Alex told them the stuff that he had bought, Ria was impressed. He was doing his job as the groups leader. "You bought all this?" Nico smirked towards him, "Uh, yes. Well, some of it was on sale." Everyone had took a bag from him, not even saying or mumbling a thanks towards him. "You're welcome!" Alex says to them, Solaria had went to sent up her tent.

She knew how to set up one from camp that she went to a couple of years ago. Alex had even brought some pillows to sleep on. She puts her hair up in a messy bun, and started to make the inside of her tent as comfortable as possible. The girl sighed and sat down, she was a little tired from all the traveling they've been doing. Their stories only continue.

graciela's death was literally not needed. I feel so bad for Molly :(

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