Pokemon: Dreams Come True

Por WellThisIsPointless

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The Sinnoh region holds many tales about the great and beautiful Cynthia, the reigning Champion. She was reno... Más

Prologue: Why I Hate Them
Chapter 1: Rejection
Chapter 2: Terror
Chapter 3: Rekindle
Chapter 4: True Beginning
Chapter 5: Moment of Truth
Chapter 6: New Trainer
Chapter 7: A Journey
Chapter 9: Trouble in Viridian Forest
Chapter 10: Two Siblings
Chapter 11: Catching Ralts Part 1
Chapter 12: Catching Ralts Part 2
Chapter 13: A Heartfelt Discussion
Chapter 14: Pewter City, At Last
Chapter 15: Pewter City Gym Part 1
Chapter 16: Pewter City Gym Part 2
Chapter 17: The Thing I Wanted To Forget
Chapter 18: Aerodactyl's Rage
Chapter 19: Mega Bonds
Chapter 20: Ass Ketchup
Chapter 21: Ambiguous
Chapter 22: Showdown at Mount Moon
Chapter 23: Bitter Hatred
Chapter 24: Misty Waters
Chapter 25: Revenge Seeker
Chapter 26: Gym Battle of the Crashing Wave
Chapter 27: Path to Vermillion
Chapter 28: The Hunt
Chapter 29: For Hire
Chapter 30: Surging Gym Battle
Chapter 31: The Dawn of a New Beginning
Chapter 32: Eerie Whispers
Chapter 33: Colossal Problems
Chapter 34: Chills
Chapter 35: Ghostly Chaos
Chapter 36: What Once Was
Chapter 37: Unwelcome Reunion
Chapter 38: Spectacle
Chapter 39: Darken
Chapter 40: Hail the Nightmare
Chapter 41: Vali Hates His Life
Chapter 42: Ferocious Hatchling and Overgrown Gym Battle
Chapter 43: Remembrance
Chapter 44: Remembrance Part 2
Chapter 45: Miracles of Evolution
Chapter 46: Rift
Chapter 47: Underground City
Chapter 48: Discovery
Chapter 49: Shadow Garden
Chapter 50: Growth
Chapter 51: Bounty Hunter
Chapter 52: Piece of the Puzzle
Chapter 53: Toxic Gym Battle
Chapter 54: Going Forward

Chapter 8: Conflict

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Por WellThisIsPointless

The walk through Route 1 was as simple as it gets. Without a pokemon, even I was able to get through and back safely. The Pidgeys and Rattatas weren't threats before, and they sure as hell aren't now.

Trinity and I, with Pikachu and Eevee, decimated the wild pokemon, getting some battle experience. If this were a game, we would be severely overleveled for this area. But this was practice for where we were going next.

It was already evening by the time we made it back to Viridian City. We weren't going to stay long. Trinity had to say goodbye to her family.

"Wait here," she said to me as we stood in front of her house, which was much bigger and nicer than mine.

"Hopefully Gabriel doesn't find out," I said.

Trinity rubbed Pikachu's head nervously, "I hope so, too. I'll try not to let him figure out that I'm traveling with you. That would make things... complicated."

I nodded at that. Eevee and Pikachu looked at us with confused faces, obviously not knowing what we were talking about.

"I'll be back," Trinity said at last, before walking inside her house.

I tried my best to stay out of sight and not look suspicious at the same time. Hopefully, Gabriel didn't come busting out of that door and start harassing me with Venusaur. If he did, I didn't know if I could beat him.

Yeah, I beat the Ursaring, but it was reckless. It attacked with an unquenchable frenzy that pushed away all sense of caution or awareness. It charged in a blind rage, which allowed Eevee and I to outwit it.

Not only is Gabriel—as much as I hate to admit it—a more experienced trainer than I am, but he also isn't stupid. He's an asshole, sure, but he isn't as stupid as I wished he was. He's not someone I could beat.

The door flew open, and I bit back a curse as I realized that the thing I didn't want to happen just happened.

Gabriel was walking over to me with a scowl, Trinity running behind him. How the hell did he find out? Come on, I don't need this!

"Gabe, wait!" Trinity yelled after him, but he ignored her.

"Why the hell are you traveling with my sister, Vali?!" he said as he stopped in front of me, his eyes brimming with anger.

"Because it just makes sense," I shrugged indignantly. "We're both new trainers, so why not stick together?"

"Oh? So, you're playing Pokemon Trainer now? After all these years?" Gabriel snapped. His eyes were filled with rage and something else... something that looked strangely like pain. "After what you did?"

"What did I do?" I couldn't process the look in his eyes. His accusation startled me, for whatever reason.

He scoffed. "So, you don't even remember? I expect that from you."

I gave him an annoyed look, "You know, you're starting to act defensive. If you would tell me what 'I did' then that would be super helpful." I pretended to look thoughtful. "On second thought, I don't care."

Trinity, meeting my eyes, shook her head solemnly, as if I did something wrong. Really? Her too.

She put her hand on her brother's arm, "Big Bro, you don't have to do this."

Gabriel looked at her, his eyes softening slightly. "Not until I pay him back."

"It's still wrong—both of you are in the wrong," she shot back.

"Can someone tell me what I did wrong?" I asked.

They both ignored me, much to my annoyance. I really wish someone told me what was going on.

"Sorry, sis, but this is something I have to do." He said seriously, speaking as if he was the one getting bullied all these years. But it does make me wonder if I knew him before I moved to Kanto, and what I supposedly did to him before.

Trinity sighed, "Well, there's no stopping it." She looked at me, "Vali, you got to go through with it."

"Go through with what?"

"A battle," Gabriel gave me a wicked grin. "And I'm going to kick your ass."

"Yeah, yeah." Despite my calmness, I was not at all confident that I could win this.

"Alright then. A one-vs-one battle. Trinity, you be the referee."

"Yeah sure," Trinity responded.

Gabriel and I stood at opposite sides. Since there were no convenient arenas, we had to settle with secluded areas in Viridian.

"I'll finally show you!" Gabriel threw his pokeball. "Go Venusaur!"

A blue-white flash of light burst from the pokeball. Venusaur, in all its glory, appeared after the light show faded. "Venu!" it roared as it faced me down.

I sighed. "Ready, Eevee?"

"Eevee!" it yapped, before jumping off my shoulder, facing Venusaur.

"Begin!" Trinity said, and the match started.

Gabriel, unfortunately, beat me to the punch. "Power Whip!"

"Venusaur!" its vines, which glowed with green energy, shot at Eevee with explosive speed.

"What do you think that weak pokemon is going to do to my Venusaur?" Gabriel asked. "He's never even been hit by any other pokemon in our school!" he gloated.

I grinned, "Then I'll be the first. Eevee, Mimic."

"Vee, Vee!" Eevee barked, absorbing the purple orb from Venusaur, copying Power Whip. I didn't know how she would use it, considering she didn't have vines. But I had no time to question it.

"Power Whip!"

Eevee grew vines made out of glowing green energy, cracking as it flew toward the other vines, intercepting them.

"What?" Gabriel spat. "How did It do that?"

"It's one of Eevee's moves it learns over time." I  calmly responded. "Don't underestimate an Eevee."

"Eevee!" she agreed. Her vines were clashing with the others, trying to keep them at bay. Suddenly, her whips started to interlock with the other ones, holding them in place. She tied hers with Venusaur's, before plunging two into the ground, which served as an anchor.

"No matter how weak and small she may look like, she's a real crafty one." I vouched. "So, don't underestimate us! We don't care about your tragic, edgy backstory. We're just in this to win!"

"Ee.... Vee!" she growled, her voice strained with intent as she started to pull Venusaur toward her.

"Venusaur, don't let her!" Gabriel ordered.

"Saur!" Venusaur rumbled, using some of his vines to also anchor it to the ground.

"Not so fast. Eevee, stop him."

Eevee used some of her vines to stop those vines, preventing Venusaur from planting them into the ground. Meanwhile, she was starting to pull Venusaur toward her. "Veeee..." she put all her effort, all her strength, into doing this.

"Heh," I chuckled. "We know how to use whatever resources we have to win."

"Eevee!" she agreed, her legs tensing as everything she had was put into subduing Venusaur.

Eventually, Venusaur was fully immobilized, being dragged toward Eevee.

"Now, Eevee. Swift!"

"Vee!" she flipped into the air, stars appearing around her tail, before bringing it down. They flew to Venusaur, peppering him with apparitions of radiance.

"Venu!" cried Venusaur, its voice filled with pain and surprise, as if it wasn't used to being hurt.

"Looks like we're the first. Are you really the best trainer in our school?" I taunted. I wasn't being overconfident, I just felt the need to rub it in his pretty face.

"Oh, I am. And I'll show you." He shot back.

"Tackle, Eevee."

Eevee pounced at Venusaur, using its burst of speed to leap at him at fast speeds, headbutting him. The vibrations of the impact could be felt from where I stood, the wind blowing through the makeshift arena

I emptied my mind, focusing on the battle. If I truly became cocky, I wasn't going to stand a chance. Being cautious was my specialty, so I couldn't give in to my ego.

Venusaur was pushed back, but he used his strong legs to steady himself.

"Ha! That was weak. Let me show you what a real attack looks like," Gabriel gloated. "Sunny Day!"

Venusaur growled, and suddenly the sun became harsher. I knew what it was going to do next.

"Solar Beam!"

A beam of radiant energy was formed from Venusaur's flower, and at point-blank range, it shot toward Eevee.

"Eevee, dodge it!" I said, knowing that it was futile.

Eevee couldn't untangle herself fast enough to dodge it, so she instead pulled the interlocked vines to block Solar Beam, which radiated enough heat to burn away every vine in the vicinity. Unfortunately, she still couldn't get out of the way.

The brunt of the Solar Beam hit her, an explosion erupting upon impact.

"Eevee!" I shouted as I winced, trying not to let the smoke in my eyes.

The smoke began to clear, and I could barely make out Eevee's figure. She was struggling to get up, her knees shaking.

Gabriel grinned, "Power Whip."

I realized that this time, I was fooled. The Solar Beam was more of a distraction than anything. I got too cocky. This was my fault.

"Watch out!" I bit back a curse as I yelled.

Eevee, who was blind in the smokescreen, wasn't able to see the vine-whips. They cracked and hit her, crying out in pain with a hurt "Vee!"

Venusaur promptly began to smack her around, each vine hitting harder than the last.

"Now, finish this, Venusaur," Gabriel said in a cruel tone. "Solar Beam."

"Venusaur!" he was about to charge the move once more, intent on taking out Eevee.

But I couldn't just stand there.

I ran in between Eevee and Venusaur, "Wait! Don't hurt her! I surrender!" I hated seeing Eevee so hurt. I couldn't take it anymore. It was my fault that this was happening to her.

"Eevee!" she whimpered, looking at me with a pained look that told me I can... keep battling, but I knew that she couldn't go on, nor will I force her too.

Venusaur's Solar Beam dissipated, and he roared in victory.

Gabriel laughed in delight. "Wow, how touching. What a pathetic way to lose. Not so tough once you actually battle, aren't you? This is what you get, its what you deserve," he boasted.

I ignored him, running to Eevee. She was still standing, but I knew she was ready to collapse.

"I'm sorry, Eevee. I-I failed you..." I apologized.

Eevee shook her head, "Eevee!" she chided me, as if saying you're not to blame.

I picked her up and rubbed her head, sighing. "Let's get to the Pokemon Center as soon as possible."

Trinity finally spoke, "Gabriel wins," she said with a sad look as she eyed us.

"Pika..." Pikachu said solemnly, sad to see his friend lose.

I looked at Gabriel with no sarcasm or hatred. "You won." I nodded. "You're the better trainer. I admit it."

He looked astonished. "W-what? Aren't you supposed to be... I don't know, mad?"

I shook my head, "I lost. That's all there is to it. Listen, I don't know what I did to you, but I'll say this: I'm going to beat you one day. I'll become the Champion, something that you weren't able to do."

Gabriel, from what I'd heard, placed second in the Indigo League a few years ago. The person he lost to, obviously, failed to take the throne from Champion Lance.

He suddenly grinned, accepting the challenge. "Oh, now you're being all tough? Fine. But just so you know, I'll pulverize you again, just you wait. We'll meet again, in the Indigo League."

I chuckled, "Glad we came to an understanding." I offered a handshake, which caused him to stare at me in surprise.

With hesitance, he shook my hand. We wouldn't become friends, but we would be rivals. I wasn't the type to get revenge, but after all these years of him being an asshole... I wanted to pay him back. And apparently, he wanted to pay me back, too.

So, we will both strive to be better than one another. Because we are enemies and rivals.

"Just remember Vali. If something happens to my sister..." he didn't finish.

"Right, right, you'll rip be limb by limb," I guessed.

"Alright then," he nodded. I'd never seen him be so understanding. I wonder what inspired the change.

"Then we'll see each other again, and in due time, we'll have the final showdown," I said.

"And we'll see who's truly the better trainer," Gabriel responded.

We both nodded.

Trinity made her way to us. "Vali, is Eevee okay?"

I pet Eevee, who was resting on my shoulder. "Should be."

Gabriel looked at his sister. "If you're going to travel with this loser, then at least kick his ass."

Trinity shot him a skeptical look, "You're actually okay with me traveling with Vali?"

"I'm not. But it means that I'll get to pulverize him later on."

She sighed, "Fair enough."

I shook my head, "We should get to the Pokemon Center." I was still worried about Eevee.

"We should," Trinity agreed.

Gabriel and I exchanged one last look, before saying "Later" in unison, for once not showing aggression toward each other. He hugged his sister, saying goodbye, then entered his house and closed the door, leaving Trinity and me standing there, alone.

"What were you talking to him about?" Trinity asked at last. "You two didn't seem so tense."

"We promised to each other that we'll settle things once and for all in the Pokemon League," I admitted.

She looked at me with a strange look, "You know you hurt Gabriel in the past."

I nodded. "Yeah, I picked up on that. Maybe, after our battle—no matter the outcome—we'll have a chance to talk. If I really knew him in the past..." I shrugged helplessly. "Then I guess I forgot." I had no sarcasm or spite in my voice.

"Do you know what I did to him?" I asked.

Trinity shook her head, "That's not for me to say. You'll have to ask him about it."

"Right, 'cause this is a mystery novel," I mumbled, sighing. "Then maybe... when I figure it out, we could both apologize to each other. Then we'll end this bickering." I was surprised at how I sounded. Normally, I would use any opportunity to flip someone off, but now... not so much. I let go of my anger from before. Now wasn't the time to act like a little kid.

Trinity gave me a surprised look, "You know... I disliked you before."

"Yeah, I kind of guessed. I guess I was an asshole before," I admitted.

She smiled, "But now, I can't help but admire your talents. And now you're my rival. Things will start for real."

I chuckled, "We may be opposites, but we're fit to be rivals."

"Then we'll push each other to the very limit," Trinity held up her fist.

"Until we reach further heights," I held my fist out.

After making our promise, we bumped fists.

Trinity and I quickly made it to the Pokemon Center. Eevee was asleep on my shoulder. She deserved the rest after a hard-fought battle. She was the first pokemon in our school that has ever hurt Gabriel's Venusaur.

I was still bummed out about the loss, but it reinstated my drive to grow stronger—to create a stronger bond with pokemon, until we reached the top. No matter how many times I lose, I'll pick myself up. No matter how many times I mope and groan, I'll put a smile on my face and continue to go forward. I'm sure Eevee feels the same way.

We walked to the counter, a bored-looking Nurse Joy greeted us.

"Nurse Joy, hey again." I greeted and placed my sleeping Eevee on the counter. "Eevee here is a bit winded from our last battle. Could you please heal her?"

Nurse Joy looked at me with a questioning glance, "You? Saying please to me?" she shook her head as if the prospect was disturbing, which quite frankly, it was.

"Please just heal her," I pleaded.

She nodded, "Of course." She then eyed Trinity. "Trinity?" she looked at both of us with a raised eyebrow. "Are you two dating or something?"

"Don't even joke about that," I deadpanned.

"Nope," Trinity said with equal amounts of emotion.

We were both already working like a well-oiled machine, instead of acting like cliché bumbling idiots who get red-faced after every little misunderstanding.

Nurse Joy chuckled. "Alright then, I'll take Eevee for a bit, and then she should be fine soon."

"Thank you, Nurse Joy," I said sincerely.

She flinched as if me thanking her was surprising (which it was), "Y-you're welcome," she stammered and then went into the back, beckoning for Chansey to follow her.

"Chansey!" she greeted and then followed Nurse Joy.

Trinity looked at me with an arched eyebrow, "Does Nurse Joy like you or something?"

I shook my head, "God, I hope not."

After our pointless banter, Nurse Joy came back with a rejuvenated-looking Eevee, who yapped a "Vee!" and then bounded toward me, jumping on my shoulder.

"She should be all good now," Nurse Joy confirmed.

"Thanks, Nurse Joy," I said.

"Thank you," Trinity also said.

"You're welcome," she smiled.

I looked at Eevee, "You all good?"

"Eevee, Vee!" she agreed.

"Then let's go," I looked at Trinity.

"What about you, Pikachu?" she asked.

"Pika, Pi!" he also agreed.

We both nodded to each other, and then walked out of the Pokemon Center, making our way to our first obstacle: Viridian Forest.

End of "Pokemon Acceptance Arc"

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