Pokemon: Dreams Come True

By Darkxtex

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The Sinnoh region holds many tales about the great and beautiful Cynthia, the reigning Champion. She was reno... More

Prologue: Why I Hate Them
Chapter 1: Rejection
Chapter 2: Terror
Chapter 3: Rekindle
Chapter 4: True Beginning
Chapter 5: Moment of Truth
Chapter 6: New Trainer
Chapter 8: Conflict
Chapter 9: Trouble in Viridian Forest
Chapter 10: Two Siblings
Chapter 11: Catching Ralts Part 1
Chapter 12: Catching Ralts Part 2
Chapter 13: A Heartfelt Discussion
Chapter 14: Pewter City, At Last
Chapter 15: Pewter City Gym Part 1
Chapter 16: Pewter City Gym Part 2
Chapter 17: The Thing I Wanted To Forget
Chapter 18: Aerodactyl's Rage
Chapter 19: Mega Bonds
Chapter 20: Ass Ketchup
Chapter 21: Ambiguous
Chapter 22: Showdown at Mount Moon
Chapter 23: Bitter Hatred
Chapter 24: Misty Waters
Chapter 25: Revenge Seeker
Chapter 26: Gym Battle of the Crashing Wave
Chapter 27: Path to Vermillion
Chapter 28: The Hunt
Chapter 29: For Hire
Chapter 30: Surging Gym Battle
Chapter 31: The Dawn of a New Beginning
Chapter 32: Eerie Whispers
Chapter 33: Colossal Problems
Chapter 34: Chills
Chapter 35: Ghostly Chaos
Chapter 36: What Once Was
Chapter 37: Unwelcome Reunion
Chapter 38: Spectacle
Chapter 39: Darken
Chapter 40: Hail the Nightmare
Chapter 41: Vali Hates His Life
Chapter 42: Ferocious Hatchling and Overgrown Gym Battle
Chapter 43: Remembrance
Chapter 44: Remembrance Part 2
Chapter 45: Miracles of Evolution
Chapter 46: Rift
Chapter 47: Underground City
Chapter 48: Discovery
Chapter 49: Shadow Garden
Chapter 50: Growth
Chapter 51: Bounty Hunter
Chapter 52: Piece of the Puzzle
Chapter 53: Toxic Gym Battle
Chapter 54: Going Forward
Chapter 55: Surprises
Chapter 56: Before the Third Task
Chapter 57: Dragonite Island

Chapter 7: A Journey

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By Darkxtex

Both Pikachu and Eevee crashed into each other, the collision of force proving to be equal as both were flung backwards.

They didn't look very damaged, but they did look dazed. Both stood up, waiting for our orders. They looked to be pretty evenly matched. But that wouldn't last long.

Trinity didn't know Pikachu's moves. He just used Tackle, but his three other moves are still enigmas until he shows them.

"We're both trainers, Vali." Trinity said. "But even if you have an advantage when it comes to knowing your pokemon, me and Pikachu are going to win!"

"Not so fast! Eevee, Swift!"

"Eevee!" Eevee flicked her bushy in Pikachu's direction. A stream of stars shot out it, making their way to Pikachu at fast speeds.

Trinity's didn't know what to do, but she trusted Pikachu. "Pikachu! Do something!"

"Pika!" Pikachu's tail started to glow, its color turning metallic. He swung his tail, which made a clanging sound as it batted away the Swift.

Trinity grinned, "Oh? So you know Iron Tail? Okay then, use Iron Tail!"

"Chu!" Pikachu said in agreement, and he jumped into the air, swinging his metallic tail overhead, trying to slam Eevee with it.

"Eevee, use Tackle to dodge it," I ordered.

"Ee, Vee," Eevee nimbly used its burst of speed caused by Tackle to swerve out of the Iron Tail's way.

"That's an interesting use of Tackle," Trinity said, mildly impressed, "but you can't escape Pikachu. Use your tail to launch yourself Pikachu!"

Pikachu's tail twitched. He used it like a lever, using it to propel himself to Eevee, who stood there, defenseless. "Pikaaa."

I grunted, "Swift."

"Eevee," stars surrounded her tail, and instead of using it offensively, she used it to block the Iron Tail. Sparks flew as their moves intercepted each other, a blanket of wind whipping my hair.

Pikachu started to overpower Eevee, which made sense due to him having the stronger move. But how did Pikachu know Iron Tail already? It shouldn't be able to learn it yet. But whatever, I had to find a way to deal with it. And good thing I already knew how: to use it against him.

"Eevee, use Mimic!" I shouted.

"Eevee!" a purple orb shot out of Pikachu, before getting absorbed by Eevee.

"Now! Iron Tail!"

Like Pikachu, Eevee's tail became metallic. But instead of looking like a sword, it looked more like some kind of club or mace. Combined with her Swift, it gave Eevee enough power to win the struggle, smacking Pikachu straight in the stomach.

"Pika!" Pikachu cried out in pain as it was smacked into the ground.

"Pikachu!" Trinity shouted. "Come on, you can do it. Thunder Shock!"

Pikachu got on its feet, electricity sparking from its cheek pouches. "Pika... chuuuu!" it shouted as arcs of lightning were shot at Eevee at nearly unseeable speeds.

But I still had a plan. "Eevee, Iron Tail."

Eevee knew what I was planning. She blocked the Thunder Shock with the Iron Tail, using it as a conductor. Sparks swirled around it as she used her tail as a lightning rod.

Trinity seemed baffled, "What? I-I've never seen anyone use Iron Tail like that!"

"This Is how we beat Ursaring! By not thinking normally!" I responded.

"Eevee!" Eevee confirmed. She leapt at Pikachu, swinging her electrified Iron Tail downward.

"Pikachu, dodge it!"

Pikachu took a big step backward, but all he did was avoid the brunt of the attack.

As Eevee's tail hit the ground, the electricity was released, forming something that looked like Discharge. Bolts of electricity traveled through the ground, hitting Pikachu directly.

Despite him being an Electric-type, and the fact that the electricity came from him, he was still affected by it. He was staggered for a moment.

"Eevee! Finish it!" I shouted. "Leap upwards!"

Heeding my order, she used her Iron Tail—like Pikachu did—to fly upwards, before turning her body to face Pikachu.

"Tackle," I said in a chilly tone.

"Eeeee..." Tackle propelled her downward, speeding up after every second that she descended, a blanket of wind forming around her.

"...veeee!" then she hit Pikachu like an airstrike, a booming sound reverberating through the air as a cloud of dust billowed around the arena, blocking our view.

Trinity and I stood anxiously as the dust settled, waiting to see the outcome of the battle.

But I already knew I'd won.

When the cloud of dust cleared, Pikachu and Eevee were sprawled on the floor side-by-side, none moving.

But then Eevee stirred and stood up, looking at her opponent, who was laying down next to her, fainted and defeated.

She stood up straighter and cried in victory, "Eevee!"

I grinned and put my fist in the air, "Good job, Eevee!"

She smiled and bounded toward me, jumping on my shoulder and nuzzling me.

Meanwhile, Trinity looked solemn, walking to Pikachu, petting him with a sad smile. "You did great, Pikachu—" she looked at me briefly "—but we still have ways to go."

"Pika..." Pikachu said softly as he slowly got up, looking at Trinity.

"This is just one loss. It may be our first battle, but we can still grow," Trinity said, reassuringly.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu's mood brightened up again as he climbed to her shoulder.

Chuckling, I walked up to her and offered a handshake. "That was great battle. You had me sweating."

She looked at me and actually smiled, "You looked so calm you looked like a completely different person—as if you had everything under control."

I smiled back, "As much as it seemed that way, I could have lost. If I didn't think quick enough Eevee would have gotten hit by a devastating move and the tides would have turned quickly. A pokemon battle is like chess, you never know how the game will go until someone wins some way or another."

Trinity looked thoughtful, and then nodded, "That's an interesting analogy, but it does make sense," then she looked at me skeptically, "but even you just became a trainer—not to mention the fact that you have hated pokemon for who knows how long—so how do you know so much that you can come up with strategies like that?"

I felt my face heat up from embarrassment, "Well... I just kind of know. You see, when I was little, the only thing I would focus on was studying pokemon. I loved them so much, back then... before..." I paused "...Anyway, I just know a lot from all the notes I took, okay? And also, I can adapt pretty well to new situations."

She looked at me strangely, "You loved pokemon? But what caused the change?"

"Nothing," I said quickly. "I mean... don't worry about it."

I didn't want to think about Cynthia, and I definitely didn't want to talk about her in front of anyone.

Trinity looked at me some more, being sighing. "But you gave me a great first battle. Thank you."

"No problem. But you also gave me an awesome battle, you know."

We both shared a smile.

Professor Oak came up to us with sparkle in his eyes. "My, I don't think I've ever witnessed a battle quite like that one before. What intriguing ways to battle!" he seemed awfully excited.

"Both of you showed excellent skill as trainers. Trinity, despite not knowing your Pikachu's moves, you still battled splendidly, learning as you go. And Vali, my boy, I haven't seen strategies of that caliber since Ash Ketchum!"

Trinity and I seemed embarrassed by the praise. But I had to admit that it felt good.

"I was saving this for after the battle," he reached into his coat pocket, "I have a gift for you two."

He pulled out ten empty pokeballs and gave half to each of us. "Here you go. Every trainer needs pokeballs. Do me a favor: build up the greatest teams you two can possibly make. I have a feeling that any pokemon raised by the two of you will end up being something extraordinary."

"Why is that?" I asked as I put away my five pokeballs.

"Yeah, I'm curious, too." Trinity put away her pokeballs as well.

"Just a hunch," Professor Oak winked, "we'll see if it's right or not."

I nodded. "I'll try. Thanks Professor, for everything." I shook hands with him and gave him a hug.

"You're welcome, my boy," he smiled.

"Yeah, thanks Professor," Trinity beamed and hugged him as well.

"You're welcome as well, lass," he smiled at her.

"So, what are you two going to do now?" he asked. "Are you going to travel together?"

"Travel together?" I exchanged looks with Trinity, who also looked confused.

"'The greatest way to grow stronger is when you have a rival firing you up.' That's what Ash said." Professor Oak explained.

"What I'm saying is that the greatest trainers in the world had rivals—people that encouraged them to get stronger. They learned from every trainer they had ever met, using their newfound experience and wisdom to become who they are today. And having a rival with you will push you to new heights. Take World Monarch Ash Ketchum for example. He is where he is today because of battles with rivals—whether wins or losses. The friendly competition he had was the reason why he became such a great trainer."

It made sense. In order to become the greatest trainer you could possibly be, you had to battle other trainers, preferably people you could call rival. The competition will force you to fight until your very limit.

"A rival, huh?" I started to say. "That sounds great."

"A companion and rival?" Trinity said. "Alright then. There's no one better than Vali to be my rival, then."

We both shared a grin. Even if we were both opposites, the two of us seemed to be better suited to be rivals than anyone else.

"Very well then," Professor Oak said, "then you two will go on a journey together. Are the two of you going to challenge the gyms?"

"Yeah," Trinity and I said in unison.

Pikachu and Eevee also agreed.

"Then you two should get going. If I'm correct, then the Viridian City gym is only for trainers with seven badges, so I advise that you two head for Pewter City." Professor Oak said.

The two of us nodded.

"Very well then. Good luck on your journey!" he said cheerfully.

"Bye, Professor, I'll see you when I'm the Champion," Trinity said as she started to walk toward the direction we were supposed to go "let's go, Vali."

Professor Oak waved at her.

I was going to follow her, but then I remembered that I had something I needed to talk about with Professor Oak. "Wait, Professor."

He raised one eyebrow, "What is it, Vali?"

"There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

I proceeded to tell him about the strange Ursaring, and how its appearance was strange. I also told him about how abnormally powerful it was. I also didn't forget to leave out the strange pillar of darkness that rose to the sky.

"It had this weird... energy, I don't really know how to explain it.

Professor Oak thought about it for second. "I'm afraid I haven't heard or seen anything like what you just explained. I'm also not well-equipped to study strange energies like the one Ursaring was cloaked in. I'd have to ask Professor Sycamore in Kalos, Professor Kukui in Alola, or Professor Sonia in Galar about it—they are specialized in studying abnormal energies and phenomena, such as Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, and Dynamaxing/Gigantamaxing. I'm sure they can figure something out."

"Alright, I'll leave it to you and the other Professors," I said with obvious relief. I still wanted to know about that strange phenomenon that happened.

"If that's all, then you should get going." Professor Oak said.

"Alright then. See you Professor." I said.

"Eevee!" Eevee said in farewell.

"Stay safe you two," he said.

I was about to walk away, but Professor Oak stopped me. "And Vali."

I turned with a questioning glance.

He smiled warmly, "You will be a great trainer. I've always known that."

After I said my goodbye to Professor Oak, I caught up to Trinity.

"What took you so long?" she demanded.

"I needed to talk to Professor Oak about something," I said.

"Then, we all ready?"

I managed a smile, "Yeah."

We stood before the invisible boundary line separating Pallet Town and Route 1.

We looked at each other, and nodded.

"Ready Eevee?"


"What about you, Pikachu?"

"Pika, Pikachu!"

"Then let's do it," Trinity and I said together.

And with that, the four of us walked into Route 1, officially starting our adventure—Trinity and I officially becoming pokemon trainers.

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