Bts sickfics, hurt & comfort

بواسطة jiminietsuki

29.3K 689 111

standalone fics where the boys get upset, hurt, sick & care for each other! tw will be mentioned as we go, a... المزيد

Pandemic (Jin)
Deadlines (Yoongi)
Crowded (Jimin)
Lost and Found in Translation (Namjoon)
Ship Wars (Jimin & Jungkook)
Under (Taehyung + OT7) p.1
Under (Taehyung + OT7) p.2
Sunshine (Hobi)
Power's Out (Jungkook)
Close Call (Hobi & Yoongi)
Does it hurt? (Jin & Jungkook)
Years (Taehyung)
Pink (Namjoon)
S'too hot (Jimin)
They can't know (Taehyung)
Shoes (Yoongi)
Peaceful (Hoseok)
Call 112 (Namjoon)
Spiked (Jungkook)
Bad Day (Seokjin)
In dreams (Yoongi)
Karma? (Hoseok)
Doll, p. I (Jimin)
Doll, p. II (Jimin)
Fall (Yoongi)
Target (Namjoon)

Guilt (Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin)

1.6K 37 7
بواسطة jiminietsuki

as requested by annalliaa


Yoongi's POV.

Blood. Everywhere. On his hands, on his shirt, on the car seat, on his shoes... it's all over the place, but it's not his. And that's the issue.

*1 hour ago*

Subunits. The boys have been divided into two teams. Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok and Jungkook make the first and have been shooting since early this morning. Having a fourth member means more time spent in the studio, more takes to get the "one" shot that they need. It's been a long morning and the boys are half awake, counting on Hoseok to cheer them up until the end of the project. But there's only so much that sunshine and hope can fix and the truth is, the maknae is sleeping in between shots and Seokjin is completely silent. Namjoon gets easily distracted and Hobi can't pretend that he wouldn't rather be in bed. Luckily the pictures are coming out great, but the set is quieter than ever. That's why Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung, second team of the day, bring them enough coffee to re-energise a whole classroom when they finally arrive.

Now that they're here, the general morale has gone up and Jungkook, Jimin and Seokjin are running around playing tag. Hoseok has gone back to laughing beside them and Namjoon smiles fondly next to him as the members play around. They're really happier as 7. Taehyung and Yoongi are exchanging the newest videos of their dogs and when time comes for team 1 to resume the shoot, they know that they will wrap it up quickly. As team 2 is now ready and dressed for their own subunit concept, they are led to the cars and beg their goodbyes to the members that will meet them later on. Their own set is situated three hours from the main studio and then they plan to head out to a forest even further north for group pictures. The others are supposed to meet them on site. Yoongi thinks the whole project will turn out to be very pretty.

When they get to the car though, Jimin is still very playful from his time spent running with the maknae and the oldest, and Taehyung has started to tickle him and push him around a little. They laugh and run and they're generally pretty loud, and when Yoongi sees the car that they have to use, he groans. With the staff members, the three of them will have to be squished in the backseat and he knows how his two dongsaengs can be. He just wants to sleep. It's still pretty early after all.

"No- Jimin-ah, I'm gonna sit in the middle-" he tells them, "there's no way that I'll let you two scream for the next hour."


"I'm sure the driver will agree with me on this... you're loud. Come on, move Jiminie. One on each side of me, let's go."

Taehyung argues that he's ruining the mood as Jimin is forced to wait outside. The latter is pouting, but he knows that Yoongi makes a good point: the car is smaller than what they would usually use, and they can't afford to get into an accident because they distract their staff. But Taehyung promises that they'll be quiet and eventually the rapper ends up accepting that he won't win this argument. So he moves to the right, and Taehyung, who had been sitting at his left, happily takes the middle. A very happy and giggly Jimin runs around the car to sit at the singer's left.

"I was gonna put my bag between my feet..." the rapper says. "Taehyung-ah, do you mind if I leave it there?"

The younger man shakes his head as he gives Yoongi his best boxy smile. Here we go then. Beside them, Jimin hums happily as they finally start heading to the second studio. The area is quite remote and they're a little behind on schedule, but now that's out of their hands. All they can do is sit back and relax. Manager Sejin has promised that he'll be right behind them, grabbing a few accessories before heading out. The forecast says heavy rain and Yoongi sighs. Despite their team's optimism, he can tell that they'll have to adapt their outfits to the current weather and he really hopes that this will not have been all for nothing. The younger members are singing along to the radio and Yoongi closes his eyes. This is going to be a long day.

They are about 40 minutes in when the rapper gets jolted awake by Taehyung shaking his shoulder. He can hear the raindrops hitting the windshield in full force as they drive down the highway. Rain has already started? He sees them take an exit to one of the national routes that lead deeper into the countryside and take in the sight of his dongsaeng beside him.

"Did you sleep too?" he asks Taehyung.

"Yeah, we just woke up! I was wondering if you wanted to stop by a rest area. Jiminie wants to sit in the middle, he feels a little sick."

"Oh, ok. Sure."

Despite the complaint of their driver, they soon take the next exit and within another five minutes, Yoongi is thankful to stretch his legs. He can tell that Taehyung is as well. Being the tallest and sitting in the middle really must not have been all that comfortable. Next to them, Jimin seems to be really relieved as soon he's led out of the car, crouching against a pole outside to take a deep breath. The rapper knows how embarrassed he gets about his car sickness... not that any of it is his fault. And there is still a plus side to stopping in the middle of nowhere. Their surroundings are quite foggy, making it all seem like a scene straight out of a halloween movie, and Yoongi wished he brought Jungkook's camera to immortalise the sight. But rain hasn't stopped pouring and the boys can't stay out for too long, as the humid air creeps to their bones. The minute Jimin feels better, they resume their route to the second studio location.

Their driver seems to be a little stressed about the impromptu stop as they were already behind schedule a little, and he urges them to get seated so that they can leave. With Jimin in the middle and Taehyung to the dancer's left, Yoongi feels a little more comfortable in terms of leg room. Taehyung's legs had been on either side of the middle seat, half on top of Jimin and on top of Yoongi. And while the boys don't mind a little skinship here and there, sitting this way for close to an hour had been a challenge. Now, Jimin happily leans against his fellow 95 liner and they feel pretty happy despite the gloomy atmosphere and the heavy rain. They ignore the mumbling and complaining from the front seats and focus on what matters: the photoshoot will be fun. But with time the muttered swearing gets more and more obvious and Yoongi sees the way Jimin stares at the ground in response. They hate upsetting their staff.

Silence quickly follows, as they start to feel bad for stopping and making everyone late. Taehyung tries to whisper a quiet "sorry" but doesn't get an answer and they figure that either the man didn't hear him or he simply doesn't care to reply. But in the end, Taehyung doesn't try again and he only gives Yoongi a small smile in defeat. And, since there's not much that they can do about it, the members remain quiet until they start to fall asleep one at a time. Jimin is the first to surrender to sleep, sliding the seatbelt off his shoulder to rest on Taehyung's lap. Then the two others follow swiftly, in an order that Yoongi isn't sure off. Slumber claims him to the sound of raindrops hitting the window.

The next thing that wakes him up is the driver cursing loudly. He doesn't know how much time has passed nor where they are, but there are trees on each side of the road like they're getting deeper in the mountains. Rain has gotten much worse which is what their driver seems to be complaining about. He quickly notices the way that they can't see much as the droplets start to drown out the sound of the radio. The driver curses again. To Yoongi's left, Taehyung is awake, looking out the window with a concerned expression. He turns to face him, probably feeling watched, and even if not a word is said out loud, it is clear that the two members think the same. It isn't safe. But Yoongi isn't given the time to say anything about it.

He sees the way Taehyung's reflexes kick in as soon as the horn goes off in the distance. First his head jolts to his left, to the window. Yoongi sees him connect the dots, sees the way his dongsaeng realises the imminent danger that they're in as his face falls. In less than a second, Taehyung goes from looking out the window to draping his arms around Jimin. And then there's hell. It's like they are thrown three seconds into the future as Yoongi blinks one last time. By the time he processes that a truck is coming their way, they're already flipping over. Things are flying around them as up and down lose all meaning and the car slowly traps them in. Yoongi's eyes close and his arms fly up in front of him to protect his face. And then something hits him, hard, and he's pretty sure he blacks out. He realises with a delay that "that something" is Jimin.

It takes him a minute to move. Both his arms are still up, gripping the side of his head, waiting for an impact that never comes. And then air comes back into his lungs with force and he snaps back to reality. The car is back on its four tires, the sky is back up. But the left side of the car and its roof are completely smashed in. He quickly realises that the left passenger door is curved inward, onto Taehyung's lap. Where Jimin's head used to be. He refuses to look at either of them. The silence is deafening. He doesn't move, doesn't breathe, doesn't look. Until he does.


The younger man is folded in half, like a discarded rag doll left in the middle of the backseat. His head is resting against his knees, facing Yoongi. Both his arms fall limply at his side and a cut runs across his eyebrow, all the way to his hairline. He is bloody. His breathing sounds funny. And when Yoongi calls his name, the silence only gets louder.


The youngest's head is falling back against the seat, mouth slightly open. The right side of his face is a deep shade of purple, swelling slowly. Yoongi lets his eyes slide down to his shoulder, to his arm, to his waist and to his legs. His left side is crushed. Half metal and half flesh, he can't tell where the door ends and where Taehyung starts. And then he sees his right arm. It is curved at an unnatural angle and he pretends for his sake that it isn't a bone peeking out. Yoongi quickly realises that this was probably caused by Jimin. Jimin, who was sleeping on his lap. Jimin, who wasn't wearing his seatbelt properly when it all happened.


He eyes his unconscious dongsaeng once more, adrenaline spiking. He remembers how he wasn't wearing his seatbelt from the waist up. Yoongi's heart stops. And the marks on Jimin's face confirm what he fears. With every roll of their car, the dancer must have gotten thrown around, unrestricted -or almost, if not for Taehyung holding him with all his might. He knows for a fact that Jimin has crashed into him at least once upon the car immobilising, and realises that he most likely has been thrown onto Taehyung or even the front seats the rest of the time. Probably. Yoongi doesn't know, his eyes were closed. Just like Jimin's right now.


His dongsaeng doesn't budge. And Yoongi wants to cry. Or maybe he's already crying. Who knows? And who cares. Blood is painting Taehyung's face red and it's a dark contrast against the paleness of his face. The rain coming from outside is failing to wash it out completely. Yoongi knows that they're off the road at least. That tree is way too close... The rain doesn't stop. Silence doesn't stop. Until Taehyung groans and his brows furrow. But his eyes remain closed, and Yoongi almost finds himself selfish for wishing to meet his gaze again. His warm chocolate eyes would be filled with pain. It's better this way. But Yoongi is worried. His breathing quickens. The silence is too loud and he's all alone.

He almost cries out when Jimin jumps back up with a gasp. His dongsaeng's eyes are round with fear as he scans his surroundings left and right, until they lock on Yoongi. And then he screams -and Yoongi's face twists in pain.


"Don't move. D-don't move -oh my god."


"Please don't move! P-please don't-"

They go back and forth, unable to settle on anything that can fix the mess they are in. That's about when Yoongi takes notice of the front seats. Or rather, what is left of the driver seat. No confirmation is needed to tell him that no one can survive that. He wants to gag. Fuck. He focuses on Jimin instead. Jimin who wasn't wearing his seatbelt properly. Jimin's who just started shaking next to him.

"H-hey, Jiminie... look a-at hyung. Take a deep breath. D-deep breath, please-"

Jimin tries, he really seems to. But as soon as his lips part he lets out a whimper that freezes Yoongi to his core. And then he hiccups, which turns into a cough, which turns into blood splattering onto his chin. And it's a nightmare. Hell opens up for Yoongi but his heart gets left behind, stuck in his body that's frozen next to Jimin. Jimin who wasn't wearing his seatbelt properly. His mind is screaming and there is nothing he can do. Jimin's complexion is ashier than he wants it to be, and as pink leaves him slowly, red takes its place.

Purple, red and yellow colour the dancer's skin like a bad painting. He hates it. A moan. A cough. A curse. Jimin's lips are getting darker as Yoongi's eyes are transfixed on the sight of blood pouring down the side of his face like rain. He must have cut it open at some point. The wound matches Yoongi's. But the rapper swears that the only pain he feels is from his heart breaking into a million pieces. The feelings are too strong and they crush any of his attempts to draw in air into his deprived lungs. He hyperventilates a little faster every time Jimin takes a second longer to blink. And when the younger man's eyelids finally flutter close, it's his turn to scream.

And that's how Sejin finds him. Yoongi doesn't care for the passage of time around him, and the sound of their manager calling his name barely meets his ears. He slowly blinks out the tears that blur his vision, and feels them roll down the side of his face. Their saltiness burns his injuries along the way and it keeps him grounded. He hears the sound of his heart beating, and he sees red. Everything's red. Sejin is calling for him but it doesn't matter. Because he's covered in it. Blood. Everywhere. On his hands, on his shirt, on the car seat, on his shoes... it's all over the place, but it's not his. And that's the issue. He's covered in his dongsaengs' blood and it makes him want to die.

"Yoongi-ah! Can you hear me? Where are you hurt?"

"I-I'm not. 'Not hurt."

"Are they-" Sejin doesn't get to ask.


"-I called an ambulance! Our driver is..." the manager shakes his head, swallows down the end of his sentence with a shaky sigh. "I checked the guy in the truck, his head is bleeding a little, but he's ok. Did they wake up at all? Yoongi?"

He hears the questions, but the words won't come out. All he sees is Jimin's lilac lips and Taehyung's ashen figure. And then blood. He knows he's being asked about them at the back of his mind. Dragging out a simple word takes all of his energy.


"Thank g- that's good. Both of them?"


"O-oh." replies Sejin. He's working the door open. "Who then?"

And that's the last straw for Yoongi. He can't say their names, not right now. His eyes meet Sejin's, who's eagerly awaiting his response. And he sees his crestfallen expression when he realises that the rapper isn't answering him any time soon. That's when time stops making sense for Yoongi. He understands that Sejin's hair is slowly getting wetter from the rain. He watches the arrival of unknown people in bright uniform around him, he listens to their questions and hears his own voice suddenly answer them. When time comes to leave, he feels his hands wrapped tightly around Jimin. He can sense the tension in his arms as they try to convince him to let go of him. And then he sees himself walk out of the car with their help. He sees the wreck of what's left of the company car, but he doesn't comprehend it. He watches the paramedics take care of Jimin and Taehyung but he wishes he didn't.

His own hands are covered in blood and the buzzing in his ears covers the sound of the sirens in the distance. Sejin is holding him up as they wait for another ambulance and he can't get his eyes to focus. Yoongi knows that they should seek shelter but he finds that he doesn't care. The cold is making him shake and it's soaking his clothes, and yet he doesn't move. His body is out in the storm, but his heart has not left the backseat of that car. And Yoongi wonders if it ever will.

Seokjin's POV.

He feels silly. In the passenger seat of their van, Seokjin is still all dressed up to get photographed. While his bandmates are fighting for their lives. The phone call came just before the end of their shoot, and the boys found themselves running before they let reality hit them. And now that Seokjin is sitting next to their staff heading to the hospital, he realises that he's still wearing his suit. Makeup is slowly running down his face as he cries silently, and he just feels so silly. He's in a car on the way to see his best friends involved in a car crash.

"How l-long until we get there?" he hears Jungkook ask from the back.

"I don't know, it's raining so much." their driver explains. "We've got to be careful, the government issued a sudden flood warning an hour ago. We can't afford to have a second ac-"

"-Ok, thank you." interrupts Hoseok.

The atmosphere is tense in the van. Namjoon still hasn't said a word while Jungkook is anxiously babbling every once in a while. Hoseok on the other hand is holding on by a thread, snapping at any awkward attempt to comfort him. And Seokjin feels silly. The whole idea of a photoshoot seems futile now that he knows how much his friends risked for it. So he cries. He's afraid, he's bitter, and in the face of the possibilities that cross his mind, Seokjin can't help but share Hoseok's anger. When they finally arrive at the hospital after what seems like a lifetime later, he has to remind himself that the distance cannot be blamed on their staff. Nor the rain.

"Please wait here. I'll go get someone."

So they wait. Again. Until a nurse finally comes out. She tells them that his dongsaengs were brought in not long ago after their car crashed into a truck that swerved into their lane. And then she says that they're alive, and that's when Seokjin stops paying attention. They're alive. He hears the words "intracranial bleeding", "multiple fractures" and "heammorrage", but he only breathes out in relief. She talks about "spinal injuries" and "sutures" and "bruises" and "pneumothorax" and a lot of words that Seokjin doesn't understand. He doesn't know who she's talking about and he can't bring himself to ask. She mentions "shock" and maybe it applies to him too. They're alive.

"If you have any more questions, my name is Mijeong and you can ask the people at the counter to your left. I'll leave you with your manager until then." the nurse softly explains. "Now- which one of you is Kim Seokjin? Please follow me."

His head snaps back up at the mention of his name and he raises his hand, walking out of the room after her. He can feel his members' shocked gaze following him out of the waiting area, and he isn't less confused. Sure, Seokjin is the oldest and he knows for a fact that he is listed as caregiver for the members since pre-debut. But he also knows that Sejin has been with the boys since the crash, and the hospital shouldn't need his authority or his consent for anything as the man was the second person listed in their emergency contacts list. The nurse must have been able to read his expression as she suddenly starts to explain the situation.

"We think you can help your dongsaeng. He hasn't talked since he got separated from the younger two... And he has been refusing his treatment. You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with of course, but our team thinks a familiar presence might help him. We really don't wish to sedate him unless it's our last resort."

"Y-yoongi? You're talking about Yoongi, right?" he asks. Mijeong nods. "I'll help. I'll do anything. Lead the way please."

The way to Yoongi's room is silent and the serious expression on everyone's faces tells Seokjin two things. One, the staff knows that they've got Bangtan on their hands. Two, it isn't good. He catches a glimpse of his reflection in the elevator and chuckles bitterly, he's a mess. No wonder people avoid his gaze. But the nurse is used to it and she kindly ignores the way his nerves make him clear his throat a few times and blink a little too often. She simply leads him down the corridor to Yoongi's room, and explains that he can press a button or call for help if he needs anything. And just like that, Seokjin finds himself reunited with his oldest dongsaeng and his stress comes crashing down all at once as he takes in the sight of him.

Yoongi's back is turned to him, but he sees the way he seems to be looking down. The rapper's hair is wet and he is still wearing the outfit he last saw him in earlier that morning. But something's wrong. As Seokjin walks into the room slowly, he realises that the rapper's hands are open in front of him, empty palms up as he stares at them with a frown. The tears roll down his dongsaeng's cheeks but he doesn't make a sound. And then he starts rubbing his hands, scratching the skin frantically as he rushes to the built-in toilet. Seokjin, unnoticed and completely taken by surprise, runs after him. After a few seconds of watching Yoongi being absorbed in his hand washing, he decides that he finally has enough of the heartbreaking sight.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"H-hyung." Yoongi finally acknowledges him in the mirror. He then turns around, flinching as he avoids looking at his hands again. "The blood won't come off."

His lost look burns a hole into Seokjin's soul. There isn't a single drop of blood on Yoongi's hands, but he can sadly imagine that it wasn't the case not too long ago. The younger man's clothes are proof of it, and he realises that Yoongi has even refused to change. The man that stands in front of Seokjin is a broken version of the dongsaeng he loves, and the scene breaks his heart further.

"What happened Yoongi-ah?"

"We got hit by a truck... The driver couldn't see a thing -he's dead now."

His tone is ice cold and shivers run down Seokjin's spine at the detachment in his voice. Yet Yoongi is still crying and he knows that deep down his dongsaeng cares about it, he knows that he's affected by what happened. Perhaps even too affected.

"And Jiminie? And Taehyung?"

Now that gets his attention. Despite the shock, he sees Yoongi swallowing the lump in his throat.

"T-they're... I don't k-know where they are." Yoongi stutters out. "So much blood..."

"The nurse said they're both alive. They're here, in this hospital." he hides Yoongi's hands in his, making the rapper look up at his face. "They're here and they're alive."

"Jimin wasn't wearing his seatbelt."

That gets Seokjin's breath caught in his throat. Jimin wasn't... Why wasn't he? He tries to not let his frustration and his distress show, but the shock has his mind spinning. He can only imagine what they went through. Seokjin winces. But Yoongi's eyes are holding on to him like a lifeline and he goes on.

"He... he wasn't wearing his seatbelt properly." he repeats. "He was lying down, you know... like-e he does sometimes.  He was still a-asleep when we got hit. Tae pushed him out of the way so-o fast... And I only watched. I- I didn't- didn't move... and then, I couldn't m-move."

"It's ok, you couldn't know, Yoongi-ah... no one could! Seokjin insists.

"But Taehyung did! He sa-saved his life. You should have seen the car! If his head was s-still on Tae's lap he would be d-"

He chokes on the word. And the pain in Yoongi's eyes hurts Seokjin to the core.

"The nurse said you won't let them help you..." he tries changing the subject, but Yoongi isn't done.

"W-when the car stopped moving they were both out... Fuck, Jimin got tossed around so much... I know he crashed into me! I should-should have said something when he moved his seatbelt.. I should have- And he got hit by my s-stupid b-bag that I left on the floor. T-taehyung tried holding h-him in place but it got too hard at some point. They say-said he hit the back of his h-head because he was fa-acing Jimin when..." he looks down, shaking his head. "They are so hurt, hyung. T-they're so hurt... and I'm just fine. I walked out of that car, hyung! Walk-ed!"


"Oh, Yoongi..." he matches his tears. "Yoongi-ah, it's not your fault. Look at me- is that why you're refusing their help?"

"The only b-blood on me... isn't mine."

"That's not even true. Sweetness, this hyung is thankful that one of his dongsaeng walked out of that crash... please let them help you, ok? Taehyungie would be pretty upset to know that I let you bleed out. Look at your arms! Your face too... Jiminie would want you to get that fixed, don't you think? Come on." he gives him a soft smile. "Let's dry your hair, you'll catch a cold."

He starts to walk out of the bathroom, Yoongi in tow. Grabbing him by the hand, he slowly leads him towards the bed in the middle of the room, hoping to get him to sit on it. But the younger man suddenly stops in his tracks, fingers fidgeting in Seokjin's hold.

"H-hyung? Can I- I just.... I-I need-" his voice cracks. "C-can you-"

"Come here."

As Yoongi melts in his arms, he slowly guides him down to the mattress. The oldest holds him while he sobs and lets go of his emotions for the first time since the incident. He can feel the fight leaving him, the way his dongsaeng has finally accepted that he is safe and worthy of saving. Seokjin rocks him back and forth gently, murmuring reassurance to him until Yoongi doesn't choke on his tears. And as the adrenaline leaves him, he grows a little drowsy. He presses the button. The nurse assures him that he is fine and simply exhausted. And Seokjin listens as she explains the phenomenon known as survivor's guilt. What Yoongi is going through. He walks back to the waiting room with a broken heart but a hopeful smile. And the boys are waiting for him.

The wait for news of Jimin and Taehyung gives him plenty of time to explain the whole situation to his other dongsaengs. At some point, when he thinks they're finally done crying, someone comes to inform them that Taehyung is still considered in unstable condition. Then news about Jimin come. Surgeries, complications, medical terms that sound absolutely terrifying... cold air conditioning and antiseptic smelling blankets. The waiting room that they have been relocated to is silent. The members leave the room quietly for visits and come back without a smile or a word. And just when he's about to try and comfort the boys with another bad joke, he's called back to Yoongi's side by a nurse. It's been hours.

"We've taken out the glass shards left in his arm and face. He collaborated with us this time, thank you."

"How is he?"

"Still in shock, but better. He's strong. This way."

Sure enough, he is led to Yoongi's room. She explains his condition a little more in detail but Seokjin doesn't pay too much attention to her words -he just needs all his members by his side. He needs them to be ok. So he pushes the door open. His dongsaeng is sitting in a bed, now changed out of his stained clothes and all bandaged up. When Seokjin enters the room and the nurse finally leaves him, the rapper's face brightens up.


"Hey, just thought I'd pop in for a visit." the oldest smiles. "Did you let them stitch you up?"

"You know I did... but how are Tae and Jiminie?"

"I'm glad you let them." answers Seokjin. "The nurses were really kind to us. I hope they know how grateful we are... You really needed that help no matter your stubbornness! Now they can finally release you and we can-"

"You avoided my question."


"Hyung, please."

Yoongi's eyes are big but his voice is small, so small that Seokjin almost doesn't recognise the man pleading with him for honesty. He catches the way it trembles a little, hesitant to bring up such a sensitive question but unable not to. He must be consummated by it. Seokjin can't imagine what the younger one went through and what must be going on inside his head. He knows how devastated he would be in his position.

"No one tells me anything-" Yoongi adds, voice wavering. "Are- are they..."

"No. No, I told you they're alive." Seokjin sighs. "It's just... it's been hard."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Can you walk?"

Yoongi eyes him for a few seconds, pondering why his only hyung counters his question with another one. But upon seeing the resolve on Seokjin's face, he nods. They both know how exhausted they are, how worried and scared everyone is. Seokjin won't tell him that a picture of their car is circulating on Twitter. He won't tell him that the whole world has seen them being wheeled in... Instead, he reaches for his hands and leads him down the corridor, to the elevator. They go up two floors, turn right and then right again. I will show you. Finally, they get there.

Yoongi's POV.

They end up stopping in front of a door and Yoongi waits for his hyung to explain. But the older man remains quiet. Squirming under the uncomfortable silence, he looks down at his hand trapped in Seokjin's. He can still see the blood on it. But deep down, Yoongi knows that it's nowhere to be seen. Not anymore. He shakes his head.

"Where are we?" he asks.

"Jimin's room. Ready?"

Yoongi doesn't nod this time. Seokjin waits for the surprise on his face to slowly melt into resolve before he leads him inside. It takes a few seconds. He grabs him a chair and they sit right next to the bed, side by side. He watches quietly as Yoongi hesitantly grabs Jimin's hand. It's silent, and Seokjin looks away as he gets used to the sight. Yoongi is thankful. Jimin is lying on his back, in a hospital robe that is about two sizes too big for him. His face is all bruised up but it has been cleaned and it doesn't look as scary as it did in the car. The wound on the side of his face has also been stitched up and a white bandage now covers it. Yoongi knows it will leave a scar. You were so scared... He looks at the many things connected to his dongsaengs. A machine is helping him breathe better and fills the otherwise silent room with a low thrum.

"He's sleeping." Seokjin explains. "They say he's strong. Not that we didn't know that already."

"What happened?" Yoongi whispers.

"One of his ribs broke and made his lungs collapse. But they fixed it, so don't worry about it anymore." his hyung clarifies. "They say he got very lucky for someone who wasn't wearing his seatbelt in a frontal collision. We can thank Taehyung for that... look at the bruise on his arm."

Yoongi's eyes follow Seokjin's finger. "Is that a... hand? Tae really did everything he could to protect him." he chokes out a nervous chuckle. "God... he's really ok?"

"He is." his hyung smiles softly, reassuring. "He's sleeping."

"Sleeping..." Yoongi clears his throat. "But you won't talk about Taehyung."

"He got hurt the most." the oldest member admits. "His head took the impact from the back and then Jimin pretty much headbutted him... and the car... Well, you were there, so I guess you already know. But his surgeries went well. It's just his brain they were worried about because of the bleed and the swelling. We can't see him yet, but he's recovering under close supervision. So... I guess he's sleeping too."

"So they're both sleeping? And they're gonna be ok?"

"Short answer, yes."

"I just feel like... I-I feel so guilty, hyung" Yoongi scowls. I should be in that bed. "I hate this. Look at him... I walked out with a concussion and cuts... caused by my own bag and Jimin flying around like a ragdoll because I let him sleep like that. It's not fair."

"You got a severe concussion and you were involved in a fatal car crash. Sejin-hyung was so worried when you went into shock... don't you go wishing for more injuries! None of this is your fault! Jimin is an adult, he knew the risks. And Taehyung did too when he held onto him." he reaches for his shoulder. "You couldn't know Yoongi-ah. I'm sure he doesn't want you to blame yourself. Oh- yes! He's telling me via telepathy just now! He says "don't blame yourself, Yoongi-hyung!" so-"

"You're-" Yoongi can't help but crack a smile as a giggle escapes his lips despite his inner turmoil. "y-you're so stupid-"

"Ya- respect your elders!"

"But my elders are stupid." the rapper replies. "Although... maybe sometimes my elders know best... he's just sleeping, right?"

"Yeah, just sleeping." the older man confirms, eyes going soft.

"O-ok. Thank you, hyung."



"I'm glad you're ok." Seokjin tells him. "I'm glad you're all ok."

" too, hyung. Thanks for bringing me here." he smiles. "He looks so peaceful. It's not fair to be this pretty just after surgery..."

"Ah- Jungkookie said the same thing!"

"Of course he did..."

"Now, come on- let's go! I'm sure it's best that we go find Hobi before he figures that you've been released an hour ago..."

Once again, Yoongi knows that Seokjin is right. An upset Hoseok is a scary Hoseok. So he lets his only hyung grab his hand and slowly gets up from his chair. He walks after him to the door, looking over his shoulder one last time to look at his dongsaeng. Speedy recovery, Jimin-ah. He smiles softly to himself as he leaves to see the others. Sleep well, angel. See you soon.

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