Ghosts in Gotham

By Mask1005

85.9K 2.5K 607

Batman x Danny phantom "Danny we love you but we need time." "It's for the best if you leave Amity Park son... More

Brother Grayson
"Don't make promises you can't keep."
Ice cream
'Creepy little boy with creepy little powers'
Tired of Bruce
I'm no 'world's greatest detective'
Terrible Father
One last Act
Snappy Danny
Wayne Gala
Bruce Wayne
Thoughts of a brother (Dick)

Jason's POV

2.2K 55 2
By Mask1005

A/N: Jason's perspective of events. 

"Why would you shoot at him?" Dick paced around the room. "What if he thinks-" Jason ignored his brother, attempting to get rid of the nagging feeling in his heart. He only wanted to scare the boy. If it weren't for Tim, he would have never pulled the trigger.

"Leave it to Todd -"

"Shut it Demon brat! If it weren't for replacement-"

"Me? Did I ask you to pu-"

"HE'S GOING TO HATE ME!" Dick dropped to the sofa. Bruce sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"You're all........... Jason, I warned you there are to be no guns in the manor. If you're staying at the manor, leave your guns at home -" Jason walked out the door. It was his own fault for thinking the manor was his home. If Dick had not begged him to visit just for tonight, he would have never set a foot in the manor. He put on his helmet, making his way to his apartment. His home. Tonight was a disaster. Jason reached his apartment, grabbing his Red Hood gear. If he was going to have a bad night then he was sure as hell going to make sure he was not the only one. Screw batman. Screw the boy- No, not the boy. Jason didn't know if he liked him or not. There was an aura to the boy. Jason leaped from building to building, ignoring all the calls from the cave and Oracle. He had stopped three muggings and was on his way to stop a bank robbery when he felt the worst headache ever. It lasted a second, leaving him with a sudden urge to make his way to crime alley. He was swinging away from the robbery before he knew it. It was like something was pulling him and all he could do was comply. He swore if it was the league of shadow's again, they better pray Batman comes to save their asses.

"Now you've made me mad." Jason dropped to the fire escape, watching the interaction between a kid and man. He pulled out his gun, shifting for a clear shot but stopped when he saw the boy. He didn't know why but he wanted to beat the man to death. A bullet to the head would be an easy way out. This man deserved worse. "Do you know what happens to naughty children?" The man pulled out a knife.

"Do you know what happens to weirdos who threaten the kid's in Crime Alley?" The get shot in the head but not you. Jason couldn't say the second part. No, he didn't want to say the rest. The kid looked terrified, on the verge of tears. He didn't need to be traumatized to death. Perhaps he should consider rubber bullets after all.

"Who's there?" Jason landed between the boy and the man.

"Red Hood at your service. Now, how do you wanna do this?" Jason pointed his gun at the man even though he didn't plan to shoot him. Not in front of the boy at least. He had done more than enough to scar the boy for one night. The man bolted out of the alley but Jason would find him. He pulled out his tracker, throwing it at the man. Jason turned to Danny and God he was going to give the boy an earful. Why was he out without a jacket? Why was he out at all?

"Th - thank you -" Jason bit his tongue, holding back his remarks.

"Let's go. You're guardians have been looking for you." Jason called his motorbike to their location. He sent a quick message to the Oracle to let the others know he had the kid. He ignored her calls, knowing what she would say.

"How do you know who my 'guardians' are?" Jason was happy to know the boy wasn't stupid enough to follow a random stranger even if he was stupid enough to roam the streets of Gotham at night. What a complicated boy.

"Trust me kid. More than half the city knows Bat- Bruce is searching for you. You know billionaire playboy, Prince of Gotham, et cetera," he shut his mouth before he could say anything else. He had so many PG words to describe the man. The boy slowly made his way to the motorbike, holding on to Jason as if his life depended on it. It probably did. Jason didn't understand why but he felt the need to protect the boy. It was not long before they made it to the manor. He didn't want to leave the boy there but he had to. He smiled at the boy's tactics, picking him up princess style. "I know you're awake. Gotham's not a nice place Kid. Don't go running around unless you're looking to get killed." There was no one who knew more about that than him. Bruce stood at the manor door with his arms crossed. "Mr. Wayne, Here's ya boy. Found him in Crime Alley," he added. Bruce did not look convinced but took the boy from him. Jason felt empty as he made his way back to motorbike and away from the manor. He checked the tracker he had placed on the man. Making his way to the cave, he sent the coordinates to Demone with a message to keep the man alive. He changed into his casual wear, making his way to the living room. The boy was struggling for air as Dick crushed him in one of his hugs. "Where did you go?" Jason pulled him off the boy, taking a seat across from him.

"Crime Ally." Jason answered Dick's question before looking at Danny. "Care to explain how you got there?"

"How did you even get to the city?" Tim walked in.

"Forget that, how did you get out of the manor?" Blue bird pulled at his hair. It took Jason many unsuccessful and painful attempts before he could do it so how could a boy who spent less than five hours in the manor do it? Danny looked at his hands, avoiding their eyes.

"I...I'm....I used to sneak out a lot at Amity it wasn't that hard....." Jason wanted to laugh. Was the boy comparing sneaking out of a small house in a small town to sneaking out of the freaking Wayne manor? Batman must really be losing his touch.

"You are used to sneaking out of the world's most secure manor? Without tripping an alarm?" Robin material 101. Not even Damian could do it on his first try.

"Most secure? ....Isn't....that a bit overconfident?" Jason held back his smirk. He was liking the kid already. Bruce kept a blank face but Jason knew this was killing him.

"Since it was so easy, I'm sure you won't mind showing us?" Bruce stood up. Jason saw all the color drain from the boy's face as he followed Bruce to his room. The boy left the manor somehow but Jason was sure it was not using the balcony in his room. "We're waiting." Not being the patient one, he decided to make things go faster. "Do you need a push?" Jason moved behind Danny. The boy grabbed the pipe, looking at the ground. Jason knew what was coming, he wished he had popcorn.

"Danny, you don't have to do this," Dick screamed from the ground. At least he had someone to catch him. Dick and Jason sure didn't. Jason unconsciously rubbed his elbow, grimacing at the memory.

"You could always tell the truth," Tim offered. Tim was the smart kid. He wasn't stupid like Jason and Dick, hence not attempting to sneak out using the balcony. Danny grabbed the pipe, slowly adjusting his weight to it. Three... two.... one. The electric bolts ran through the boy's body. Jason, having mercy for the boy, loosened the boy's grip on the pipe, allowing him to fall into Dick's arms. Stupid Kid. Should have thought of a better lie but at least now Bruce would have something other than Jason to focus on.

"Well that was fun," Jason remarked, making his way out of the room.

"Jason-" Jason ignored Bruce's calls as he grabbed his gear from the cave and made his way to a certain man who would certainly not be alive for much longer. Jason turned on his robotic voice as he neared the Gotham bay. Parking his bike, he made his way to his men.


"Mr. Killing machine." He wanted to punch that smirk off Demone's face but refrained himself. When was he going to get tired of that nickname? "I got your man but I thought we had bigger fish to fry." Demone pointed at a blind folded man. Jason paused, disgusted at the man's wet pants.

"Did he-"

"Yes, yes he did." Demone looked ready to throw up. The man could kill someone in a second but not stomach looking at any bodily fluids. How the hell did he become a gang leader? "Love to stay but I have actual work to do." Demone left with the rest of the men. Jason took off the man's blind folds, smiling at his broken bones. Of course, Demone wouldn't just capture him.

"Remember me?" The man tried to scramble away but Jason kicked him in the stomach. "You know I was going to torture you but looks like that's off the list."

"Please. I'll never hurt another kid again!"

"Of course you won't because I'm no Batman." The man's eyes widened in fear. Jason took out his gun, shooting him in the forehead. He felt no remorse. No one who hurt an innocent child deserved to live. They all deserved to rot in hell and Jason would make sure to send them there.

A/N: Thank you for reading. For those wondering if this work is abandoned, it is not. I have been busy with life and stuff like reading a 776 + part novel, then reading the manhwa for it before going to read and write fan fics for that. I'm still trying to find a balance between work, school, hobbies so it might take a while for the next update but i will update. Thank you for your patience and understanding :). Till next time. Take care and be safe. 

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