
De downtownpoet

714 27 13

Forget about the world while subtly reminding yourself how screwed up everything is... (Completed) Mais

When will it ever be worth it?
Oh Sad Looking Girl, Send Me A Smile
Stained Glass: The World In Blue
Stories of the Attic: Grans Rug
Stories of the Attic: Cracked Mirrors and Salt Shakers
To Take a Compliment
Couplets/Magnetic Poetry (see image)
Grey Birds Song Unheard
Not Knowing
Voice of a Writer
Ode to Closet
Ocean Burials
Red Headed Highschoolers
I Never Thought
Secrets , certains de partager et de certains de prendre à la tombe
If Still Air Returns
Never Content
Imperfect Puzzle Pieces
Never Waking
Sorry for an Absence of Love Poems
Wicked Quote
Shadow and Ladybug: Part 1
Shadow and Ladybug: Part 2
Shadow and Ladybug: Part 3
Shadow and Ladybug: Explaination
Fear of Loving
Reasons To Love My Mother
The Fuck Does It Matter?
School(ish) Couplets
Roller Coaster
"I'm sorry", Such a simple phrase
They say I'm not really
Run Away With Me
Conversations with the Stars
Last a Little Longer
Is It Wrong To Name Her Maya?
What love is... Quotes
Eyes That Stare Into Mine
(Ignore this for your own sake)
Buy Me a Drink
Wonder of Her Sad Eyes
From You To Me.
The End.

Shadow and Ladybug: Part 4

16 0 0
De downtownpoet

"I will forever be yours."
I assure her on the first day of school.
A first day of middle school,
All by myself.

Some teachers were mean
But I can kiss up easily.
The students were their usual
Loud and rude selves.
None of my bully's were back this year.
It didn't mean a few didn't replace them.
Not as bad,
I can tolerate a Kick Me sign.

I made five friends
And they helped.
I was happy and silly
And random.
No one saw the side of me
That stayed with Shadow.

That part is her's to savor,
Just us.
I had secrets
Only Shadow knew.

Shadow was really sweet to me

She would sit on my desk
And distract me from my work,
Swinging her legs back in forth
In a blur of black tights.

Play with my hair on long drives
To seemingly no where.
She would jump from tree to tree
In the country
Or lamppost to another in the city
Outside my window
As we drive to now where soon.

"I'm leaving.
I'll be back,
But I'm so sorry Ladybug."

"Please don't."
Is all I can wimper
Before Shadow is gone.

No escape.
Being apart of life,
Yet numb.

This numb feeling
Turns to a deep sadness.
Dying seems like the only escape.

Late one night
I screamed to Shadow,
"Come back Shadow!
Save me!
You promised!"

A familiar tall black figure
Appeared at the foot of my bed.
"Beg for me."
I lunge for her
But she's gone in a flash
And sitting on my vanity,
"Beg. For. Me."

"Please Shadow.
Please, please, please Shadow."
I know one thing
That just might bring her back.
I wanna be your's again."

Shadow returns with a rough smack
To my cheek.
"Don't you dare lie to me."
Each word venom.
"There's another girl,
The little slut."

"Don't call her that!
I-I think I might love her!"
Wrong answer.

"Love huh?
You know what my absolute favorite
Love stories are?
Forbidden love.
Is it like that Kaybug?
Sure it is,
The only difference is this:
Your happy ending doesn't exsist."
Shadow shoved back my shoulders
So my back is against the bed.

She looked down at me,
"Love sure,
But no fairy tale endings
No way."

"Not for my little Ladybug."
She leans down and places a kiss
On my forehead


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