Chase (Sequel to Truth or Dar...

By WayBelowAverage

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Sequel to Truth or Dare. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
I'm sorry
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Not An Update
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
The End

Chapter 1

274 2 7
By WayBelowAverage

Hello, my name is Isabella Winn Martinez. I live in Milan, Italy in an apartment complex a good friend had loaned to me as a.. Get away if you would.

Of course, many others know me as..Tori Rivera from Cleveland,Ohio.

Everything's different now.

No more past life.

As of right now,  I was fixing my pixie cut hair in the restroom of my beat up old work place, De Zila.

It's a bar where mostly whores and broken souls drink at. I've met so many people with terrible stories in this past year it only makes me wonder if life gets worse.

So far, everyone knows me as Izzy or Iz. The only two people who know about me are Luis's uncle and cousin. Marco and Samuel (I call him Sam). Sam has become my best friend in the past year, being that he lives next door to me and works at the bar with me.

Marco, is rarely around because he's a well managing business man but he'll check up on Sam and I every once in a while.

I push my purplish bangs to the side and chew on the silver lip ring that was stuck on the right side of my mouth.

I then hear a knock on the door and I'm sure that it was Sam trying to tell me to hurry up, considering there were more customers than usual.

"A-And then she just left! Left me with absolutely nothing but a couple dollars and a note." A man with blackish grey hair in his 50s'said in despair. Poor guys'wife left him for his best friend.

I poured him another straight scotch and patted his shoulder "It'll be okay, sir. She wasn't worth it" is what I say as he chugs down the scotch and nods.

"Could I get the check? "He says, quite lazily and sad. I tried not to sympathize him as I got the check for him.

When he saw it you could see it in his eyes that he didn't have the money. He ran his hands through his hair and started to go to his wallet when I knew nothing was in there because he pulled it out earlier to show me his license.

I pulled the check away from him and nodded to him "This is on the house. Get home safely."I say as I rip the check up. He looks at me with thankful eyes as he stands up.

"God Bless you child.."He says as he walks out of the bar.

When he's gone I pull out my purse and start putting money in the register to pay for the man. I could see Sam looking at me from the other side of the bar and I wasn't surprised when he ended up being right next to me.

"Iz, you really have to stop sympathizing people with no money." He says, I don't even look up at him. (He like 6'5) I just stare at the register and finish putting the last of the money in.

"You sympathized me."I say, closing the register and putting my purse back under the counter.

"Oh don't use that argument."He says with this sassy "tired-of-your-shit" voice he gets sometimes.

"I just did"I say look up at him finally. His long brown hair and green eyes staring straight back at me.
We stay like this for a good 20 seconds before someone rang the little bell on the counter and I walk past him to the customer.


Later on, I was walking out of the bar, waving bye to Sam who said he would close up. I walk out to my car, the warm Summer air blowing against my skin and hair.

In the car, I open my text messages knowing that Luis and Lilly would have texted me.

As you know,  Luis and I made a deal before I left saying that he would text me every night to make sure I'm okay and if I didn't answer he would be on the first flight out here.

Lilly on the other hand is a friend of mine who lives on the same floor above Sam and I at the apartment building. She has this firey red hair that you could see from miles away and her eyes are always changing color from the seasons. She's very ungraceful and tends to forget things. She's pretty cool though.

First message was from Lilly.


Dude I know you're at work but you'll never guess who's in town!

I'm going to take a good guess at this and say it's a famous person from her enthusiasm.


A famous person?

I put my phone down and start my car, but before I could even start driving she texts me back.


More like persons! One Direction is in Milan!

I blink at the screen of my phone. She's joking, right? No she can't be. She doesn't know so she couldn't try tricking me.

So the first thing I do is dial Luis's number, panicking. After about 4-5 rings he answers the phone.

"This is Luis." He says,his high voice blaring through the other end.

"Luis. "I say with an uneasy voice.

"Tori? love,  what's the matter?" He says with urgency.

"Why didn't you tell me they were in town?" I ask I answer him with a question

"Excuse me? Who are you talking about? "He asks now sounding  genuinely confused.

"The boys! Niall! Why didn't you tell me they were in Milan?! "I say raising my panicky voice.

I heard him talking to someone on the other side of the line and then he came back "Love, I didn't know they were going to Milan this early in the air. Calm down."  He says "I'm sure they'll be gone by the end of the week."

I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. I tell Luis bye and reassure to him that I'm okay. I then start to drive to my apartment building.


i stare out the window of the rental car. Louis had been driving and I was in the front seat.

This past year has been terrible honestly. Tori leaves, Zayn leaves. I mean what's next? One of us gets killed? Ignore that last comment. I don't want it to happen.

Maddy and Harry are engaged as of two weeks ago and Maddy definetly doesn't want us to break up (I think she cried the most when Zayn left) .

The lads think I'm okay but they don't believe it. In all seriousness, I just want her back. I regret our last conversation. I regret calling her a bitch. I regret letting her run. Now, we can't find her.

It was all because I overreacted. I couldn't handle the pressure. I made it worse .

Joeseph had his words with me and they weren't calm at all. Ms.Dawn was completely broken. I can't imagine how much worse their pain is than mine.

Everywhere on magazines and news channels you saw her name. "Tori Rivera MIA" "Missing:Tori Rivera." "Alert! Missing woman! " and that made social sights explode.

I went on a rampage and threw my phone off of the roof. Shattering it into pieces, unable to take the constant ringing.

Now, it's a year later. We're on tour in Milan. It's the present not the past.

"You alright, mate?" Louis asks taking a sharp turn and running a light. He's such a bad driver. It was dark out and no one could notice anyhow.

I nod my head "Yeah, I'm fine." I lie through my teeth, not wanting to go through the whole sympathy conversation again for the 1000th time.

"Well alright man. As long as you say so. I'm always here, you know that. "He says pulling into the hotel parking lot extremely dangerously. I almost fell from my seat.

I can't help but laugh a little at his driving "Alright man."



That my dears is chapter one of the sequel to Truth or Dare.

Welcome to Hell

This is just the beginning of it.

This in fact will be the last book of the series because three of them is too much.

Well guys, I love you all so much and I really hope Truth or Dare gets more reads so this  one can just as much.

Love you guys!


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