Black Or A Mikaelson (N.M)

By 20erza

569K 17K 2.4K

"I will kill you and everyone you have ever met don't your dare lie to me. What do you want me to say brother... More

Cast 2 (Harry Potter)
Chapter-1 Beginning of the Change
Chapter-2 When Change started
Chapter-3 An Unexpected Turn Of Events
Chapter-4 Unrevealing the Truth
Chapter-5 A New World
Chapter-6 A New World-2
Chapter-7 My little Star
Chapter-8 Something Special
Chapter-9 Missing her first
Chapter-10 Birthday and Then.....
Chapter-11 Goodbye for now..
Chapter-12 Memories
Chapter-13 Hogwarts here i come.....
Chapter-14 Darling, it's Potter genes
Chapter-15 A New Adventure
Chapter-16 Hey! It's double Potter
Chapter-17 Some bets!!!!!
Chapter-18 How about I'm the best House.
Chapter 19 Non Existent Love Life
Chapter 20 Life at Hogwarts
Chapter 21 Awww...I mean Ahhhhhh
Chapter 22 Let's take a break!
Chapter-24 Troll ok TROOOLLLL.
Chapter 25 Witch's Intuition
Chapter 26 It's Qudditich TIME
Chapter 27 It's Christmas time.
Chapter 28 Mirror of Erised
Chapter-29 The Mystery Nicholas Flamel
Chapter-30 I want that
Chapter 31 The Original Child
Chapter-32 Ending of year one-1
Chapter 33- Ending of Year-1(2)

Chapter 23 Broomstick-It's Nimbus 2000

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By 20erza

Make sure to comment and vote.

After everyone came back in the living room they were just waiting for Lily or anyone else from the wizarding world to show up. When suddenly Stefan asked Elijah and other Mikaelson's as well."So now you know about your daughter how are you gonna proceed after this"

To which Elijah raised his brow and asked" What exactly do you mean Mr.Salvatore".

"I mean how are you gonna approach her or the others. They are all about secrets and laws." Stefan further asked Elijah to which he replied" I don't know exactly but i think maybe these spirits may help us, if they have shown us this much so in future they could be of further help." Elijah looked towards his other siblings who also nodded with his answer .

"I think as much as wizarding world sounds good it's also kind of scary" Elena suddenly asked drawing attention towards her words. To which Rebekah replied mockingly" Now what does this means doppelganger. Oh Are you scared that your loyal dogs won't be there to save you now"

To which Elena's friends glared at them while Kol and Klaus were snickering. Elena just shook her head and said" You get me wrong Rebekah i mean it's good and amazing but every society has its dark side like they have blood purity i don't know how much does it affects them like we have for supernaturals for us. And you saw that guard dog. In a school housing so many children. You can take a guess there risk taking and our has definitely different  meaning" Elena finished with a shiver  through her body.

"Miss. Gilbert is kind of correct sister" Finn said to others. "They do have some flaws and danger but i think with every evolving century those flaws and dangers has also changed" 

"Well said brother. We do have our flaws and dark moments but that's our nature to overcome them" Elijah replied to other who just nodded.

"Can you please stop this boring lectures i'm kind of getting bored when will they start again" Damon whinnied yes Damon Fucking Salvatore, the bad boy whinnied like a child.

"Please Damon they will start when they are ready" Bonnie replied to Damon annoyed with his antics. "But looks like someone's really tired" when everyone looked towards Bonnie she pointed towards one couch where Jeremy was taking a nap comfortably with his mouth open and quilt almost on ground. Everyone just chuckled while Klaus and Kol said "week humans".

Elena properly covered Jeremy with his quilt with a soft smile." I think you should also rest for some more time Miss Gilbert and Miss Bennett while we all our vampires you need some rest" Elijah told Elena and Bonnie who didn't argue much as they wanted to rest but were afraid to say anything further making those Originals angry at them. Kol, Klaus and Rebekah wanted to argue but one look from Finn and Elijah they stopped. 

"Brother but we should also talk about what that dog or that Cerberus is guarding. I mean in school full of children that thing is not just for show something deep is going in there" Klaus said to Elijah and others were also thinking.

"I don't want to say but Klaus is right brother that castle is hiding many secrets" Stefan reluctantly agreed with Klaus's words but truth is truth.

"In my opinion brother we could just watch and speculate what's going to happen as this thing has already happened in past, we can't do anything" Finn told them.

"You are right brother for now we will cease this discussion here" Elijah gave  nod to others and relaxed on his seat taking a book and started reading it or pretending to read as his mind was going through his daughter's life and future.

(Everyone were like where did he get a book from with wide eyes and open mouth.) 

After some hours when everyone was properly freshen up and awake. Suddenly there was a light and pop sound indicating someone final came it was Lily again with a warming smile on her face.

"I hope i was not late"Lily asked other who just shook there head saying no, only Damon and Kol were the one who said" Finally" "I was getting so bored".Stefan and Elijah looked so done with there brothers antics.

"Shall we start then" and suddenly it was pitch black and then it showed Hogwarts again.

The next day when Adhara went down with Harry and Ron to the Great Hall she could see the shocked face of Malfoy seeing as Harry and Ron were still in Hogwarts and not expelled.

"I'm loving it" Kol said while watching Malfoy's face with a huge grin on his face. His siblings only shook there head.

Harry had told Ron and Adhara all about the Gringotts situation and the package that Hagrid had taken. Adhara was running all the possible scenarios through her head on what it could be.

"It's either really valuable or really dangerous" Ron says

"I think it should just be really valuable you know,cause there is a three headed dog guarding it" Rebekah said to her brother.

"I think it should just be really valuable you know, cause there is a three headed dog guarding it" Adhara says

Rebekah beamed  at her brother after her niece saying same thing as her. Who were just happy seeing there baby sister smiling like that.

"Or it could be both" Jeremy also input ed his  view. Others also agreed as it could  also be true.

"Or both" Harry points out and nods.

Now it was time for Jeremy to blush.Elena, Caroline and Bonnie just laughed at Jeremy.

"Oh Adhara what broom are you going to use?" Ron asks Adhara as she stuffs her mouth with bacon and eggs.

"No idea as i have written to her but i have got no reply." Adhara's muffled voice says and Ron nodded .

"Ehh What about the broom that James gifted her at her first birthday" Damon asked Lily. She just smiled and said" Now if i tell you everything how are you guys gonna get surprised later" Lily had a mischievous look in her eyes. Damon just nodded and he really did not pout. No he's Damon Salvatore he don't pout.

Just like on time Harry's and Adhara's owl swooped down and dropped in two package with a letter on top and Harry opened the letter first.

"What is it?" Adhara asked looking over his shoulder and saw that McGonagall had given Harry  and her a Nimbus 2000, she could see him trying to hide his smile.(It really a broom- Jeremy said with a hug smile) Adhara was confused why did she get from Mcgonagall one then she read her own letter and smiled brightly.

"I also want to read what's in that letter"Kol complained to Lily who just sighed remembering someone else antics.

"A Nimbus 2000??" Ron groaned "I've never even touched one!"

"Is it really that important" Elijah asked Lily who just nodded.

The three left the hall as quick as possible since they wanted to open the broomstick in private before their first lesson, but they were stopped by Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

Adhara had a frown plastered on her face as they took the parcel from Harry.Crabbe and Goyle tried to took her package also but she holded it tightly and gave them Mikaelson worthy glare which gave a shivers in there spine and they backed off.                                                   

Other than Mikaelson all the Mystic Fall shuddered seeing her glare they remembered the feral like glare from the Mikaelsons . While all the Originals felt proud at her glare. Yup that's there girl right there. 

"This is a broomstick" He said throwing the broom back at Harry with a spite on his face.("Nah this is a toothpaste" Kol said sarcastically)But when he looked towards Adhara he has soft look.

While Adhara also said under breath" Nah this is a toothpaste" Malfoy just frowned

In Mystic fall Kol did a happy dance yes his niece took after him.

"You'll be for it this time, Potters, first-years aren't allowed them"Malfoy said with spite.

"It's not any old broomstick" Ron said as he couldn't resist showing it off to Malfoy "It's a Nimbus 2000! What did you say you got at home, Malfoy."

"A Comet Two-Sixty?" Ron grinned at Harry "Comets look flashy but they're not in the same league as the Nimbus"                                                                                                                               

"What would you know about it" Malfoy snapped "I suppose you and your brothers have to save up, twig by twig"

These Children are just fueling the fire "Finn said to Elijah who just replied"What can you expect from children brother they are way over there head in these centuries." They both sighed.

While Kol and Klaus looked towards each other and turned there face towards Rebekah saying loud and clear pointing towards Finn and Elijah " Old people" With a mocking tone. Elena, Bonnie , Caroline and Jeremy were trying to suppress there laughter .

Stefan mouthed same to Damon who being a bigger person just stuck his tongue to him.Lily was watching all this with fond smile.

Adhara was about to butt in before Professor Flit wick came to the scene.

"He so tiny"Caroline pointed out. "Thank you for saying Ms. Obvious otherwise we wouldn't have know this" Kol said mockingly.

 Klaus wanted to say something but one look from Rebekah he backed down remembering there earlier conversation. Caroline was embarrassed just smile

Elena and Bonnie came to her defense saying she was just saying, Before an argument broke off Elijah said"Children please" and everyone just quieted down.

"Thank you please Lily continue"Elijah nodded towards Lily.

"Not arguing, I hope, boys ? and Ms.Potter" He says giving the girl a small smile.

"Potter's been sent a broomstick, Professor" Malfoy quickly said hoping to get Harry in trouble.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  "Well, yes that's right" Professor Flit wick responded looking at Harry happily. "Professor McGonagall told me all about the special circumstances for both the Potters. Now Harry and Adhara what model is it?"

"A Nimbus 2000!" Harry and Adhara said at same time grinning widely.

"Yeah and we wouldn't have gotten it without Malfoy!" Adhara added as she tried to stifle a laugh at the look of jealousy plastered onto the Slytherin's face.

The three then raced upstairs, giddy in excitement as they laughed at Malfoy's face."Well it's true" Harry says as they reached the top of the staircase. "If he hadn't stolen Neville's Rememberball, I wouldn't be in the team.."

"So I suppose you think that's a reward for breaking rules?" The three turned at the angry voice and saw Hermione going up the stares and glaring disappointingly at the broomstick.

"No please not her" Kol said winningly.

"I thought you weren't speaking to us?" Harry said

"That was rude of Harry" Lily shook her head at her boy's way of talking.

"Yes, don't stop now" Ron piped up "It's doing us so much good"

"Come on Mione, Harry's going to do great for the team" Adhara tries to reason but Hermione looked at her with a stare."I thought you were better than this Adhara! I can't believe you would go around breaking rules with these two!" Hermione snapped.

"Oh trust us, even without us she's breaking rules. Dung-bombed the corridors at least 6 times this week!" Ron laughed and Hermione just stomped away.

"Now that's my niece" Kol said with a loud yahoo. Elijah didn't know weather to be laugh or cry. Others were laughing loudly. 

Damon had a smirk on his face" Oh i would like to meet this trouble maker." Mikaelson just glared at him

"Maybe you will just do more than liking" Lily said under her breath so slowly that not even vampires could hear her but one did as he was near her at that time. Kol looked towards Lily and blinked what does that mean. Looks like Lily is hiding more than she's letting them know.

"Looks like Detective Kol have to come soon" Kol said to himself which others heard and dismissed thinking he's again at some mischief. But Rebekah didn't she knew her brother well and he's not one to say anything without reason. Something really deep is going on.

Throughout the whole day Adhara easily forgot all her lessons as she was excited to actually practice quidditch without getting scolded by her uncle about how it was too dangerous for an 11 year old.

Adhara had tricked so many people today with her metamorphic abilities like today, she was in the common room alone with Neville when she decided to turn into him.

The poor boy fainted when he saw Adhara,  and she just laughed it off before morphing back and running off before someone thinks she killed him.

Lily was laughing hard with other Mystic Fall member thinking how much she's making Marauder blood in her proud.

Adhara couldn't be there when Harry and Ron opened the package since she was already in the quidditch pitch at around 6:50. She already opened her package. She was on her broom and had flown up to see that scenery as the sun was already set but it wasn't too dark.

She looked down to see Harry waving frantically at her before zooming up and the two chased each-other on the brooms, Adhara managing to dive down and up before Harry could catch her.

"Wow this is so much amazing" Jeremy said looking towards Potter's in awe. Kol, Rebekah and Stefan also agreed with him. Elijah didn't know what should he feel on one hand he was scared for his daughter's safety on other he wanted her to enjoy her life.

"Hey, Potters!" Adhara heard that accent she would just swoon over and stopped abruptly. 

Rebekah and girls squealed loudly bursting out boys eardrum."So Cute"

 "Come down!"Oliver said.The two first-years landed down and saw Oliver with a brown box.

"I see what McGonagall meant. You two really are a natural. I'm just going to teach you the rules this evening, then you'll be joining team practices three times a week"

Jeremy, Kol and Stefan even Elijah heard rules with utmost attention but for two different reason. One for fun and other for safety.

Oliver started explaining the whole basics of the game and Adhara let her mind drift off before Oliver threw a golf ball besides her and she quickly got it because of her natural reflex."Thought you weren't paying much attention, but then again you're mom is already a player so you would know all the things" Oliver shrugged.                                                                         

"Yes my Sister is best at this" Lily said remembering Krystal and James and how they used to play.

"You'd make a good seeker, maybe you can be a reserve Seeker since Alicia said there is someone that would be an amazing reserve chaser" Oliver says as he got the golf ball back.

Oliver gave the girl a bat and started explaining to Harry about bludgers before sending one free and just before it was going to hit Harry, Adhara swung at it causing it to go zig -zagging away."See?" Oliver says "The bludgers rocket around trying to knock players off their brooms. That's why you have 2 beaters on each team. The Weasley twins are ours- it's their job to protect their side from the bludgers and try and knock them towards the other team. So- think you got all that?"

Harry nodded before summing up everything about quidditch and the two others nodded at him."Er- have the bludgers ever killed anyone?" Harry asks (Now Elijah was alert.)                                           

"Never at Hogwarts. We've had a couple of broken jaws but nothing worse than that. Now, the last member of the team is the Seeker, that's you. And you don't have to worry about the quaffle or the bludgers-" Oliver says (Elijah looked like he was going to faint. Even Klaus , Finn and Damon were thinking otherwise but this was making Jeremy, Stefan and Kol more excited)

"-unless they crack my head open" Harry says ("No baby you are natural just like you dad"Lily says)"Don't worry, the Weasleys are more than a match for the Bludgers" Oliver says."They're like a pair of human bludgers themselves" Adhara shrugs."Exactly"Oliver got out a sack of golf balls and a quaffle."Alright, since it's too dark out we aren't going to use the snitch. We might lose it, so we're going to practice with these" He says and the two first-years nodded.

They practiced for about 30 minutes as Oliver tried blocking Adhara from getting the quaffle through the hoop and threw golf balls everywhere.They all stopped practicing after a while and decided that it was too dark to do anymore so they all went to get some sleep.

"So uh- you like Puddlemore United?" Adhara asks Oliver who nodded.("Oh quiet down everyone i want to see this budding romance" Rebekah said shushing her brothers and other boys. Elena, Caroline and Bonnie nodded eagerly understanding Rebekah's plight.

"Sister what budding romance i will nip this bud before it blooms'" Klaus said showing his hybrid face and his other brother also agreed she's way to young for all of this.

Lily was so enjoying this she looked towards Jeremy and sat with him when Jeremy felt someone was near him he looked towards Lily and blushed seeing her Lily gave him a smile and enjoyed the show.)

"One of my favorite teams" He says before remembering about the incident at the Hogwarts Express.

"I like the Montrose Magpies, but I kind of have to support Puddlemore United since you know" Adhara says and Oliver nods."Sorry about the incident, didn't really know what come up to me since your mom is my favorite player" He says and Adhara chuckles.

"She's everyone favorite player" She says and Oliver glanced at her.(Yes everyone's favorite "Lily said glancing at Elijah discreetly)"Hey, you'll do well. I can see that you got potential in you since you can fly effortlessly and almost confused me when you were flying" Oliver says and Adhara nods.

"She's beautiful, amazing and confident i don't think she needs to doubt herself. I don't know her personally but she's one of her own kind of person. I know she will do great" Elena says to Caroline and Bonnie but mainly to Elijah who just gave her a grateful nod.

"Thanks, I needed that. Everyone expects me to be as good as mom but I'm not sure if I can always do that" She sighs before they reached the bottom stairs to the common room.

"She will do great after all she's my little troublemaker" Kol said puffing out his chest.

"I'm going to go to the Hufflepuff common room, I need to meet someone there" Oliver says and Adhara nods.

"Don't forget about the practices, the Weasley twins always makes excuses but they come eventually so you have no reason not to" Oliver points at her before running off to near the kitchens.

"Those twins are amazing"Damon told Stefan who also nodded.

"Where have you been Potter?" Adhara turns to see Draco sneering at her.

"Why are you near the Gryffindor Common Room Malfoy? What's it to you" Adhara asks.

"This Draco guy is giving me major Damon vibes" Caroline said to her friends who also agreed with her.

"What do you mean by that Blondie" Damon asked with sneer to which Caroline just replied"Nothing which concerns you."

"I think it was Nik's vibes he was giving" Rebekah said to Finn who was near her who agreed with there little sister both know there brother's bipolar tendencies.

Niklaus just looked towards his sibling with his glowering hybrid face" You do know Rebekah that i still have your dagger and coffin. So please enlighten us what do you mean"He asked with a smirk showing his fangs.

Rebekah just turned her face and said under-breath but loudly for vampire hearing" Bloody wanker". Lily was so enjoying this drama. She wished she could have popcorn's but alas she was dead. Such a bummer. This was more interesting than watching Dumbledore and James teasing Severus.

"Just wondering around since there was nobody as pathetic as you to mess around with" Draco says

"He's just a child" Elijah was muttering this like a charm.

"Oh shove off Malfoy, the only thing pathetic here is you and your daddy issues" Adhara snapped before brushing past him and going up the flight of stairs.

"Yes well done my angel. Uncle Kol so proud of you."Kol said wiping his fake tears.

"Well i think majority over here has daddy issues" Stefan told Bonnie who nodded with laughter.What can she say she also has some.

"Insolent little Potter thinks she can do anything does she?" She heard Draco asks from the bottom

"Don't be so petty Malfoy" She sang before rushing up and entering the common room which was empty other than the twins sitting on the couches discussing somethings.

"Hey it's Morphy!" George yells and Adhara squints her eyes before turning to George.          "Hey it's Morphy!" She imitated. ("How sweet" Bonnie says seeing there banter')                            "Hey! Why are you attacking me!" Fred asks, jokingly offended                                                          "I'm not, I'm George!" She says confused at him.

"What?!" Fred asks.

"He obviously thinks that I'm more handsome since he thought that you were him" George sniggered.

"You guys look the same" Adhara sighs before switching back to her normal self.

"Whatchu up to Morphy?" Fred asks as she plops down on the single couch near the fireplace.

"Just got a little warm up from Oliver" Adhara says and George raised an eyebrow at her."This late?""It's Oliver" Fred says and George tilted his head in a sort of 'you're right'.

"Well, I'm going up before Hermione thinks I ditched her for Harry and Ron" Adhara says standing up and walked behind the boys, she ruffled their hair and watched them stand up in annoyance.

"Oh we are so going to do that to you" Fred says and ran after her, Adhara ran towards the girl's staircase and dashed up.. She looked back down and saw the boys slipping down the now slide-like case.

All Mystic Fall gang also laughed seeing such innocence from these children."Oh so that's how they stop boys from going in girls dormitory" Jeremy says with glee look he also wanted such stairs which can turn slide it would be amazing.

"GOD DAMN IT GODRIC" George bellows and Adhara just giggled before going into her room.

"She looks so happy' Elijah says to his brothers. "No matter what i want her to enjoy her life like this always." he thinks.

Well i wrote another chapter. Make sure to comment and vote. And in previous chapters i changed Elijah's last name from Mikaelson to Smith for some future plot.

And as for Klaus and Adhara's pairing you guys are giving me mixed opinions so i don't know what should i do as i though of all plot from that perspective.

I don't want to change my mind but do tell me ideas. I really like Klaus for my character. You guys are confusing me. 

Well let's see in future and in advance Happy Halloween.

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