Pure Blood Female Shifter ☆

By bclulu

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** ⭐️♡ Zoey Jordan Lee ♡⭐️ **

345 8 4
By bclulu

Zoey Jordan Lee

Pure Blood Female Shifter

Zoey entered the room and took her newborn baby boy back, then left the room. They'd all gone silent seeing her. Once she left the room, she was watched by others in the pack house.

Quickly she buckled her baby safely into the baby car seat and got in herself. She drove away, them thinking she was just going home. But soon to their shock, she was found long gone and no one could mind link her.


She refused to stay there as they were secretly making disgusting plans behind her back she wouldn't ever agree with.

She totally fled Alaska all together. And the ordered claiming they were secretly planning never happened.


When she arrived at the Council Headquarters a month later, she grunted. She quickly got out and then opened the back door to get her baby from the carseat.  Before she even stood, she knew she wasn't alone.

She grunted seeing Council Warriors and passed her baby over and grabbed the baby bag. Then she handed that over too as they insisted. She closed and locked her doors then said infirmary.

She was then swept up and carried. He saying the pavement is slick and icy in places.

Once in the infirmary, the Doctor they alerted quickly approached and only then was she set down.   He asked who are you, we've never seen you before? She sighed and said my name is Zoey.

He asked where are you from as the name is not familiar to us either? She said I'm from Alaska. He stiffened and asked is that so?  She frowned and said yes.

He said few actually come here who live in Alaska and females are said as rare. She said explain rare? He smiled and said we've been told there are few females there.

She said interesting.  I don't know about any other packs elsewhere but to me there are enough females living in packs in Alaska. Maybe the packs are just smaller in Alaska, but I have nothing to compare that to either.

Now he smiled and said very interesting, I never thought of that. So what brings you here? Why leave Alaska?

She said I personally hate the cold weather there unlike everyone else. He asked and who have you brought?  She said my son, he's a month old now. I called him Zane.

He looked off and said it seems no file was found in our database of you or your son. She said interesting.  He said indeed as we should have been sent the files immediately.

She moved and grabbed the diaper bag and pulled out two folders and said well here.  He took them and opened the top and said your files.  She said yup, I slipped in and grabbed them before I left.

He said here it states your the pack Beta couple's daughter.  She said I'm the youngest of four kids.  I have two older brothers then a sister then there's me. Growing up I honestly thought I wasn't theirs as I look nothing like my siblings or parents.

He asked really?  She said yes, when I was 8 I asked and was shown old pictures of family members. I resembled one that was said to be my father's mother's mother. So my great grandmother on my father's side. I was still talked about though.

Another Doctor approached and took her son.  He asked whose his father?  She said I honestly don't know who he was. I know it sounds bad, but my wolf was jumped and mounted. He said so DNA testing is needed. She said yes. 

She looked off and he grunted then asked what? She said I was jumped again and I'm pregnant.  They all growled.  She said after I gave birth, and once given the okay by the Doctor, I shifted and was immediately sent to go run.  I don't know if it's the same male. His scent was totally blocked.  You growl all you want but I'm freaking angry.

The Doctors actually smiled. She looked off and said I was told I was injected so I was fully protected. That couldn't have been the truth as I'm pregnant. The first Doctor asked who told you that you were fully protected?  She said my bloody mother. Before I left, I had to go to the pack house as she took my son to the pack house.  I used the link and read they were in the office scheming.

A Councilman approached and he asked scheming what?  She said secretly scheming and planning on who they were going to get to claim me. He grunted, not believing her.

She turned from him in disgust. She took her son back and entered the isolation room.  She laid her son down and started to strip him. The Doctors entered and so did the Councilman, then the door was closed.

She sighed once her son was only in a diaper, then stepped back. She moved as all three got closer. Then the door opened and another two males entered who looked on edge.

She moved again and put her back to the wall. The Head Councilman grunted and said she does not look familiar to me at all and I met her parents and their three kids.

She was looking down and she truly sensed he didn't believe her at all.  Her son was examined and pictures taken.  Then soon blood and samples were taken from her son as well. She moved in as they stepped back.  She put a new diaper on her son and dressed him again.

Then the five left mind talking. She grabbed the files and stuffed them back in the diaper bag. She opened the door and seeing no Warriors she grabbed her son and slipped back out the side door.  She quickly left as the weather was quickly changing and getting worse.

She drove away before they went back to the isolation room and found she and her son gone.


She stayed completely hidden as no one could find her, then after her second son was born,  she stopped at a pack. She totally surprized the Warriors.

One led her to the pack house and she took both her sleeping kids as he led her into the pack house using a side door so she wasn't seen, to their infirmary.

She said I'm a lone she-wolf.  I need the shots all given so I'm fully protected please.  The female Doctor took she and her kids to a private room. Once the door was closed, Zoey said I want to deeply thank you for helping me.  The Doctor smiled and said my mother insisted I help.

Zoey said I need his blood and DNA taken and sent to Council. They can test it against Zane's as I truly believe they are blood brothers. You can even test it here to see if they both have the Alpha marker.

Dr Fern smiled and said Zane senses to me as strong, and I'll test them first and send the samples.  But yours as well. Zoey said fine by me. Take blood and DNA samples as well. Then inject me with birth control for two years please.

Dr Fern asked why two years? Zoey said I need to feel safe and with two years it won't look like I'm just another disgusting scheming bitch aiming for a claiming. Your mother's been bending my ear and telling me about the out of control pack females.

Dr Fern laughed and said I see, I agree then. Zoey said I already have two kids and need a break from being pregnant. Like I told you, I was shocked as both times I had thought I was fully protected. My wolf had nothing to do with me getting pregnant either as I repeatedly asked her. So all I can think of is my mother was at fault as she worked in the infirmary when it was extremely busy and had even given me injections before.

She added as for my true mate...., the door suddenly opened.  They both looked and Dr Fern said the pack's next Alpha. Zoey looked away and said he definitely looks stirred up.

Dr Fern moved in his way and said that he does.  She moved and laid both her kids down. She then turned hearing him say she could be my true mate.

Dr Fern let him in and he looked at her kids, made a face then asked are you a slut. She snorted in his face and asked have you ever been to Alaska?  He stepped back then said yes, I was looking for my true mate. She asked you ever jump and mount any females while there?

He stuttered what?, looked away and said no.  Dr Fern said I'll test his blood against theirs.  He grunted what?  His father ran down and entered the room loudly saying what the hell?  She said shush, my kids are sleeping.

He approached the bed and asked they yours?  She said yes. He asked is my son their father?  She said not that I know of. He growled your lying. Dr Fern smiled and said that was the truth Alpha Sawyer.

She said I'm only here to get my needed injections and have my kids both DNA tested. He stiffened and said so your a slut.  She stiffened and growled in his face and said if you ever jumped and mounted any females you didn't know when running, then your a god damned rapist and a player.  Do you call those you jump as sluts when you don't know who they are?

He backed up and stuttered what?  She said you heard me.  How dare you call me a slut. You don't know me. You don't know what happened to me and now you've really royally pissed my wolf and I off with your disgusting insults.

Dr Fern smiled and said you riled them up Alpha, better apologize as she is not a slut. Alpha Sawyer sighed then said I truly apologize. Zoey backed down then said apology accepted. I was jumped when running. I had no idea the injections I was given hadn't protected me like they should have. I think my mother had something to do with it as she often worked in the infirmary. The last time it was just after I gave birth. I was given the okay by the Doctor to and shifted.  He told me I was protected and to go for a run. I was jumped again and learned I was pregnant a second time.  I felt targetted by whoever it was.  It made me leave as I didn't feel safe. I used the pack link and learned my mother who took my son without telling me and with others in the office were scheming on who they were going to get to claim me.

Dr Fern said she showed me her file that stated she was fully injected with birth control before and after the birth of her first child. It shouldn't have happened either time as the injections are full proof.

The son moved in and touched each of her kids and shook his head. He said not mine. She turned and said now you worry me.  He smiled and asked why?  She said because you looked unsure, so maybe you jumped and mounted some other female while there.

He grunted and said not that I remember. She said bloody hell, that worries me too that you don't remember. His father grunted and said it worries me too, damn it.


She snuck out quickly with her kids and drove away half an hour later, she was very happy being now fully protected for two years. A call was being placed to Council after the two Alphas got back from a run and she was avoiding them of course.

Dr Fern postponed it as long as she could then sent the updated file on her to the attention of the Council Head Doctor.

A month later she contacted Dr Fern and was told the results of the three DNA testing.  Both boys were 100% siblings, so they were fathered by the same next titled male.  She was proved 100% the Beta couple's daughter as well. Testing for the baby's father through DNA took longer.


Six months later she entered the Council chambers alone as she left her kids with another; Dr Fern's mother Norma.

As soon as her wolf alerted her, she got up and moved from the bleechers.  Warriors moved in her way to prevent her from leaving, but she turned surprizing them and walked up behind the next Alpha. The slut beside him, being restrained glared at her with hate.

As he looked at the slut, she swept his feet out from under him, causing him to fall to floor on his face in shock. He was restrained and looked at her.  She waved and he said I don't know you, why did you do that?

Instead she moved fast and knocked the shreeking slut out cold then said boy she reeks.  Explain to me why?

The Head Councilman stood smiling and said haven't you scented others like her?  She said I've scents sluts but honestly none reeked as bad as her. He said she is vile scenting and here to be possibly culled for her scent alone. So who are you?

She said boy you have a very bad memory Head Councilman.  He moved closer and said explain?  She said I was here before, it was last year.  She kicked the next Alpha and he screamed stop that.  She said I had brought in my son.  He growled.  She smiled and said shush it. You told me you didn't know who I was but had met my parents and three siblings.  You had everyone doubt who I really was.

He grunted and said I don't recognize you. She quickly pulled her fist back and knocked the next Alpha out cold and said back to me.  He smiled and said he won't bother you again.  She said I told the Doctor my wolf had been jumped and I was shocked when I ended up pregnant as I had my exam and shots to fully protect me.  I said I had no idea who he was. My son was checked over, blood and samples taken to learn who his birth father was. I said after having my baby, I was given the all clear from the doctor to shift, then he said I was fully protected and sent me out to run.  I was jumped again and it deeply angered me I was targetted again.

He asked who was the father?  She kicked the asshole again and said my kids were both DNA tested and it verified they were 100% siblngs.  This is who I was told fathered both my kids. I was sent a picture of his face and I had no clue who he was as I'd never seen him before, yet he purposely targetted my wolf.

He said so your blood is tainted?  She grunted back at him and said then yours must be truly vile.  He growled.  She said right back at you and no my blood is not tainted, I'm not a bloody slut. What say you of your blood?

He moved closer and looked her dead in the eyes.  She said I was DNA tested and learned they are 100% my bloody parents.  Wanna fight me?  He smiled and said you have balls. She said you truly pissed me off first. l'm standing my ground as I'm in the right. Now can you honestly explain her?  He laughed and said she's turning rogue. She said okay then. So her scent being so off means turning rogue. I have never scented anyone else who smelled like her before. But then her being a slut her scent was probably fully covered so it couldn't be scented.  He said exactly. So where are from?  She said Alaska and bloody hell, so you still don't remember.

She looked at his Head Warrior who smiled at her.  She asked do you remember?  He shook his head and said no, I don't recall your face at all. 

She pulled out her phone and called.  When Dr Fern answered she said well Doctor I have to say you need to call the Royals and tell them they need to assess the Council as neither the Head Couincilman or Head Warrior recognize my face.

Dr Fern sighed and asked are you kidding me?  She said nope. No recognition at all so their memories need reading to see who tampered with them.  Dr Fern said I'll call as that is very bad as they should have recognized you.  She said oh I agree.  We'll talk later. Dr Fern said yup bye.

Both growled how dare you! She moved in front of the Head Councilman and looked him straight in the eyes and said isn't it better to make sure you hadn't been? He leaned in and said no.  She said oh just have the Warriors knock everyone else out and take the memory.  He smiled and said you have balls. She said and you both should have remembered me. I took my child and left as you all walked away mind linking.  He shook his head and said I don't remember that happening at all. She said the DNA testing on my child was done as it was inserted in my file. You had my file flagged.  He shook his head and said now your worrying me. She said my parents are the Beta couple of their pack.  He growled what? She said I have three older siblings, two older brothers, then a sister then there was me. You said you had met them but never saw me before.

She looked in his eyes and still saw no recognition.  She looked and pointed at a Councilman and said you as well. He stood and said I've never met you before. She said you were there too.

The Head Councilman took her hand and bit her, used her blood and didn't inject his blood or venom. As soon as he slipped in her mind they snared him and showed him the memory.  He immediately started shaking as he was now scared. Even his wolf didn't remember. She said share with the two. He quickly did and both gasped and yelled what the hell.

She said Warriors knock everyone witnessing out cold.  They ran and shot everyone as the Head Warrior yelled do it.

He was shaking and she grabbed hold of him, and used links in his head and soon another entered her mind.  She said bring in the Royals.  He growled who are you?  She yelled do it now god damned you.  He said just you wait. She said oh shut the hell up, it's vital important.

The King slipped in and soon snared her.  She said read and assess as the American Head Councilman's mind was tampered with as memories are missing from he and his wolf.  He growled. She said his Head Warrior and another Councilman have no memory of my being here before either.  I shared and he is scared as he nor his wolf remembers what I showed him, so I told him to share with the other two and neither remembered.

He growled that is very bad.  She said yup. Please read and assess the American Council. He sighed and brought the Royal Council in and they quickly realized she was right as the memory was being watched over and over and the Head Councilman was getting frantic as he didn't remember.

Every Councilman froze as their minds were suddenly invaded and were then frozen before they could run. She grabbed the Head Councilman by the face and he looked into her eyes.  She said calm down, the Royals are here to help. He smiled as the King totally eased him down. She said I'm not in your mind and not reading anything as they are working to truly help find out what happened. All the witnesses were knocked out cold so no worries there.  He smiled as she was talking very calmly.

She said I angered the European Head Councilman as I used the link to him and he entered my mind and I sort of yelled at him.  I told him to shut the hell up.  He snickered  She said he said just you wait so I bet there is going to be some sort of backlash for pissing him off.

The King laughed and said he was angry alright but slipped away and not reading what's happening. He'll most likely try and order you before him. She said he can try, but I have two small kids dependant on me that will make him pull back.  He said indeed.  Though he could send Warriors to collect you and your kids. She said I say bring it on.  He laughed.

Soon the American Head Councilman dropped as he was completely knocked out. She said hold it, the Royals are reading them to find out what truly happened. They knocked out their wolves as well so nothing is being hidden from being read.

The Warriors soon opened the doors and allowed all the Elite Warriors in as they were all unnerved as the whole Council had been knocked out.

She looked around and said ease down please. Keep everyone out and protect your Council.  They Warriors all smiled.

She soon pointed as the Head Council Warrior was the first to sit up. He looked at her and she yawned.  He smiled. She said I'm normally taking a nap with my two kids at this time.

Soon the others sat up. She looked off and the King said they were indeed tampered with.  We snared the guilty. She said good, I won't even ask but hope you helped prevent it from happening again.  He said we have and can't thank you enough for alerting us.  She said good take me into the European Head Councilman's mind.  He snickered and pulled her in. She screamed.

He froze and the King laughed. She said oh for bloody hell, you were off having sex with some needy slut, really?   He shook and yelled what the hell, get out of my mind?

She said no I won't get out.  You threatened me. He said I did  not. She said you said just you wait,  so here I am, bring it on, dude. The King laughed.

He said for bloody sakes the King is laughing so this is a joke.  She said no joke dude. Where's the backlash?  He grunted and said there isn't any. She sighed and said you freaked me out man. Not nice.

He asked what's wrong?  She said trouble that the Royals needed to be called in to seriously help with.  I know nothing as I pulled away so they could do what only the Royals can when a whole Council needs asssessing.

He growled what?  She said they can tell you as I didn't want to know. I alerted them and was thanked. So bless their hearts and I asked to be brought into your mind to see what cow dung you stepped in. The King said yup, the female was collected and removed.

The European Head Councilman actually smiled. She said do actually even know we can read that your smugly smiling?  The Head Councilman paled as he suddenly knew he was being fully read.

Soon a Royal Councilman growled in his head.  She said stop.  They froze and she said I really don't need to be here for this and will disappear, bye Sire.  He laughed and said yup, I have a link to you now so see ya later.

She cheekily said fine by me, I'll catch ya later dude. She slipped away fast as the King deeply laughed.

She opened her eyes and saw everyone was watching her. She moved and said okay, I pissed off the European Head Councilman and asked the King to pull me into his mind.  Well a Royal Councilman slipped into his mind and was growling.  So I slipped away. The King said he had a link to me now and he'd see me later.

Anyway, wake this ass please.  The Warriors moved in and as soon as he woke, she shifted into her wollf and moved close and growled in his face.  He paled.  She shifted back still dressed and said now kick his ass good and hard for whatever he did. To me it wouldn't be enough.

The next Alpha groaned you're her.  She held up her hand up and said stop talking because nothing you say can help you.

The Head Councilman said he's here as he was caught with the one turning rogue.  She said not good. Then he needs a full reading and assessing.  He smiled and said yup, he sure does.

She said add on to his crimes of targetting and stalking my wolf and mounting my wolf multilple times. Besides he got me pregnant and as far as I figure I'll be rejected once I find my true mate. So I am really pissed at him as I was planning to keep my innocence until I found my true mate and he screwed that all up.

He said pregnant? She said give him a wack. The Council Warrior by him did as asked. She said you felt both my children being born so quit lying. 

He smiled and said I'll find you again. She said oh knock him the hell out please.   The Warriors all shot him. She said now he worries me with that comment.  You could take the memories of me being here.  The Head Councilman said we can do that easily.

She bowed and said thank you.  He makes me want to hide as now I deem him a threat. When others entered she said that's my que to leave. The Head Warrior said that's his father.  She said yup, catch ya later dudes, then she ran making them all laugh.


She got home without anyone following her thank god. Norma asked how did it go?  She said not good I'm afraid.  He's more of a threat as he said he'll find me again. I asked Council to take the memories of him seeing me today and the reply was they could do that easily. So we wait and see.

She hugged Norma and said thank you so much for looking after my kids.  Norma hugged her back and said I truly loved looking after them.


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