Book Two: You're my Treasure...

By TheScreamingEgg

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Two years of intense training have passed and the Straw Hat Pirates are meeting at Sabaody once again and pre... More

Chapter One ~ Character Info
Chapter Two ~ Once again at Sabaody Archipelago
Chapter Three ~ The Straw Hats gather
Chapter Four ~ Setting Sail
Chapter Five ~ The Protector of the Sunny
Chapter Six ~ Shameless Pun
Chapter Seven ~ The Kraken
Chapter Eight ~ Dangers of the Deep Sea
Chapter Nine ~ Welcome to Fish-Man Island
Chapter Ten ~ Blood Loss
Chapter Eleven ~ The Starfish Pappagu
Chapter Twelve ~ To Ryugu Palace
Chapter Thirteen ~ Jamon
Chapter Fourteen ~ A Big Misunderstanding
Chapter Fifteen ~ Invasion of the Occupied Palace
Chapter Sixteen ~ Escape the Palace
Chapter Seventeen ~ Gathering at Gyoncorde Plaza
Chapter Eighteen ~ An All Out Battle Begins!
Chapter Nineteen ~ The Officers Move In

Chapter Twenty ~ Show Off Your New Moves Straw Hats!

415 25 14
By TheScreamingEgg

Nicole assessed her opponent as he ranted about justice or whatever, the merman had a cap on his head like a mushroom except it was transparent like that of a jellyfish.

His bottom half was also a mess of jellyfish tentacles but his upper half was like that of a regular human, except his skin had a blueish tint to it and his face was rather average looking, his eyes were red, indicating he was using Energy Steroids.

He wielded just one blade a rather ordinary cutlass but at least it seemed like he knew how to use it as he had blocked her strike earlier, also it was fair to assume being that he is a jellyfish merman that those tentacles could paralyze.

*I'll have to avoid those tentacles but he doesn't seem like much of a threat otherwise* Nicole concluded her analysis and gripped her blade in preparation for the ensuing fight.

Just then however an emergency siren started blasting throughout the island, followed by an emergency broadcast.

"To all citizens of the kingdom, from the Air Tank above the island, an emergency evacuation order has been issued, the giant ship Noah is falling onto the island again! Please leave the island immediately!" the broadcast said.

Gozarde grinned "Just as fate dictated, the Noah will fall and all you villainous humans and the traitors of justice will be flattened, leaving only us the righteous to inherit what remains" he said.

Nicole lifted a brow "What are you even talking about? You do realize you'll be crushed along with everything and everyone else" she said.

"Foolish villain, my body may crumble but the spirit of justice will live on!" Gozarde exclaimed.

Nicole sweatdropped "Yeah, okay, whatever you say, dickhead" she muttered.

"I heard that you filthy villain! I will silence you!" the jellyfish exclaimed charging at Nicole, wildly swinging his blade as he tried to strike her but Nicole simply deflected each strike with her blade, Nicole actually looked bored.

"Curse you villain, if my blade won't reach you perhaps this will!" Gozarde exclaimed and started wildly flailing his tentacles around, it still proved ineffective as Nicole effortlessly dodged every one of them.

"Stop flailing those around, what sort of show do you think this is? Pervert" Nicole bluntly stated.

"You're the pervert for thinking of that!" the jellyfish yelled turning pink in his anger and flailing around more wildly then before and he managed to graze Nicole with a tentacle.

"Aha, i have you now villain!" the jellyfish merman  exclaimed wrapping Nicole up in his tentacles as the effect of his paralyzing poison took effect immediately.

Gozarde laughed "Take that! Taste the sting of my justice!" he exclaimed.

However Nicole remained unfazed even as the tentacles squirmed around her spreading more paralyzing poison on her "Powerful stuff, my body's all tingly" she commented casually.

"Ahaha, so you admit defeat villain?!" Gozarde asked grinning at her.

"This is certainly a tough pickle, however i haven't used my full power yet" Nicole said smirking at him, maybe playing along with his delusions a little bit.

"What?" the jellyfish merman asked confused.

"Change now!" Nicole exclaimed as a bright light engulfed her "Gah!" Gozarde exclaimed as his tentacles burned releasing the pirate in his grasp.

(A/N: Yes i'm building  a whole anime transformation around this, this is the first time the crew (and you readers) will experience Nicole's half beast transformation so it's special, though from here on it will be straightforward as the rest of them, though i might repeat this for her full beast transformation)

A bright ball of white light jumped back, seemingly floating in the air for a moment as bright as the sun gaining everyone's attention, the bright light seemed to shrink into a shape.

It was Nicole, the light dyed her hair mostly white with it fading into black towards the end and two fluffy dog ears popped on top of her head, her skin turned white with red marks burning onto it and around her face.

Her clothes turned white and red, her nails grew longer and turned black, a fluffy white and black tail appeared from her back as the light died down and her transformation was done.

Nicole landed in a crouch and smirked, a fang peeking out from the corner of her mouth, "How's that? My light burns quite brightly no?" she said.

"Whoa, Nicole! When did you eat a devil fruit?!" Usopp, who was closest and had seen everything, exclaimed.

"When we were separated" Nicole simply replied with a smirk.

"So cool!" the snipper gushed.

"You damn villain, using a dirty trick like that but don't think anything has changed!" Gozarde exclaimed.

"That's where you're wrong , now everything has changed" Nicole smirked as she drew both her swords and crouched as if ready to pounce.

"Amaterasu Style Form Thirteen: Sunburst" she called out her attack in typical anime fashion as she charged forward a blazing trail of fire behind her as both her blades were lit aflame.

The strike hit before Gozarde could even register Nicole was attacking him, "You damn villain" Gozarde groaned before croaking as he passed out, or died, who cares.

Nicole huffed a bit "You weren't all talk but you shouldn't accuse every person of villainy" she said before walking away grouping with the rest of the crew as they had also finished their fights.

"You look so cool Nicole!" Chopper gushed in his monster form.

"What sort of devil fruit did you eat?" Nami asked.

"Mythical Zoan, the Zodiac-Zodiac no mi model: Dog" Nicole replied.

"So cute! So beautiful! So cool!" Sanji gushed with heart eyes twirling around Nicole.

Zoro patted her head sending her tail wagging as they shared a smile, he didn't have to say what he thought Nicole already knew.

"He did it, this time Straw Hat Luffy really beat Hordy!" an announcement rang through the plaza and everyone around it celebrated at the strawhats victory.

"H-hey! The Noah ..." the announcement trailed off.

"The Noah is almost on top of us!" someone yelled sending everyone into a panic, the fishmen in the plaza tried running away but it was likely futile with how huge the Noah is.

"Straw Hat Luffy is doing all he can to destroy the Noah!" the announcer said as the giant ship continued falling.

"Destroying the Noah?" Chopper asked.

"That enormous ship?" Brook asked pointing up to it.

"Seriously? That's just too reckless" Usopp exclaimed.

"Have some faith, all of you" Zoro said.

"I agree, let's watch and wait" Robin said.

"I'm not worried, Luffy breaks things unintentionally all the time, imagine him purposely destroying something" Nicole pointed out and the crew shivered in sympathy for the unfortunate thing their captain decided to destroy.

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