All or Nothing

By rainy26541

182K 4.3K 1.1K

The Sequel to The White Room Troubles is finally here! Follow Kiyotaka on his journey for freedom, peace of m... More

All or Nothing Volume 1
Suzuki Shizuku Memoirs Page 1
Volume 1: Prologue
Volume 1: Chapter 1 Intro
Volume 1: Chapter 1 Part 1
Volume 1: Chapter 1 Part 2
Volume 1: Chapter 1 Part 3
Volume 1: Chapter 2 Intro
Volume 1: Chapter 2 Part 1
Volume 1: Chapter 2 Part 2
Volume 1: Chapter 2 Part 3
Volume 1: Chapter 3 Intro
Volume 1: Chapter 3 Part 1
Volume 1: Chapter 3 Part 2
Volume 1: Chapter 3 Part 3
Volume 1: Chapter 3 Part 4
Volume 1: Chapter 3 Part 5
Volume 1: Chapter 3 Part 6
Volume 1: Chapter 4 Intro
Volume 1: Chapter 4 Part 1
Volume 1: Chapter 4 Part 2
Volume 1: Chapter 4 Part 3
Volume 1: Chapter 4 Part 4
Volume 1: Chapter 5 Intro
Volume 1: Chapter 5 Part 1
Volume 1: Chapter 5 Part 2
Volume 1: Epilogue Intro
Volume 1: Epilogue Part 1
Volume 1: Epilogue Part 2
Volume 1: Epilogue Part 3
Volume 1: Epilogue Part 4
Volume 1: Epilogue Part 5
Volume 1: Epilogue Part 6
Volume 1: Chabashira Sae SS
Volume 1: Ichinose Honami SS
[Mature 18+] Volume 1: Karuizawa Kei SS
Volume 1: Authors Endnotes
All or Nothing Volume 2
Suzuki Shizuku Memoirs Page 2
Volume 2: Prologue
Volume 2: Chapter 1 Intro
Volume 2: Chapter 1 Part 1
Volume 2: Chapter 1 Part 2
Volume 2: Chapter 1 Part 3
Volume 2: Chapter 1 Part 4
Volume 2: Chapter 1 Part 5
Volume 2: Chapter 2 Intro
Volume 2: Chapter 2 Part 1
Volume 2: Chapter 2 Part 3
Volume 2: Chapter 2 Part 4
Volume 2: Chapter 3 Intro
Volume 2: Chapter 3 Part 1
Volume 2: Chapter 3 Part 2
Volume 2: Chapter 3 Part 3
Volume 2: Chapter 3 Part 4
Volume 2: Chapter 3 Part 5
Volume 2: Chapter 4 Intro
Volume 2: Chapter 4 Part 1
Volume 2: Chapter 4 Part 2
Volume 2: Chapter 5 Intro
Volume 2: Chapter 5 Part 1
Volume 2: Chapter 5 Part 2
Volume 2: Chapter 5 Part 3
Volume 2: Chapter 5 Part 4
Volume 2: Chapter 5 Part 5
Volume 2: Chapter 5 Part 6
Volume 2: Epilogue Intro
Volume 2: Epilogue Part 1
Volume 2: Epilogue Part 2
Volume 2: Epilogue Part 3
Volume 2: Epilogue Part 4
Volume 2: Kushida Kikyou SS
Volume 2: Hasebe Haruka SS
Volume 2: Onodera Kayano SS
Volume 2: Tsubaki Sakurako SS
Authors Endnotes
[BONUS] Volume 2: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka SS
All or Nothing Volume 3
Suzuki Shizuku Memoirs Page 3
Volume 3: Prologue
Volume 3: Chapter 1 Intro
Volume 3: Chapter 1 Part 1
Volume 3: Chapter 1 Part 2
Volume 3: Chapter 1 Part 3
Volume 3: Chapter 1 Part 4
Volume 3: Chapter 2 Intro
Volume 3: Chapter 2 Part 1
Volume 3: Chapter 2 Part 2
Volume 3: Chapter 2 Part 3
Volume 3: Chapter 2 Part 4
Volume 3: Chapter 2 Part 5
Volume 3: Chapter 2 Part 6
Volume 3: Chapter 3 Intro
Volume 3: Chapter 3 Part 1
Volume 3: Chapter 3 Part 2
Volume 3: Chapter 3 Part 3
Volume 3: Chapter 3 Part 4
Volume 3: Chapter 3 Part 5
Volume 3: Chapter 4 Intro
Volume 3: Chapter 4 Part 1
Volume 3: Chapter 4 Part 2
Volume 3: Chapter 4 Part 3
Volume 3: Epilogue
Volume 3: Nanase Tsubasa SS
Volume 3: Ichinose Honami SS
Volume 3: Ryuuen Kakeru SS
Volume 3: Tonokawa Makoto SS
Authors Endnotes
[PREVIEW] All or Nothing Volume 4
[PREVIEW 2] All or Nothing Volume 4

Volume 2: Chapter 2 Part 2

1.1K 49 7
By rainy26541


Part 2

Tokyo Metropolitan High School did not only focus on Kiyotaka and Class B. There were many students in the other classes who had just as much of a great focus. One of those classes happened to be Ichinose's Class C.

"Ichinose. Can we talk?"

At the end of the school day, a violet haired and yellow eyed boy called out to Ichinose just as she was packing her belongings into her bag. Ichinose, having heard her name called out by one of her classmates, turned around with a smile.

"Kanzaki-kun. What is it?"

"...Can we talk privately? It's important..."

Seeing Kanzaki's serious expression, Ichinose knew where this was likely going. She immediately lost her usual outgoing and beautiful smile and sighed, turning to the others waiting for her by the door.

"Go on without me for now. I'll catch up later. Kanzaki-kun and I need to have an important talk," she said to them.

"Ehhhh! Please make sure you come after you're done Honami-chan!"

"We'll save you a seat, Ichinose-san!"

"Take care of Kanzaki-kun, Ichinose-san."

The group left, leaving only Ichinose and Kanzaki left in the classroom. Their homeroom teacher, Hoshinomiya Chie, had long left the classroom to head to the staffroom. Ichinose sighed and then turned to Kanzaki, who took a seat nearby her.

"...What is it, Kanzaki-kun?"

"...Ichinose, we're currently in a 2 way battle with Ryuuen's Class D. Horikita's Class B has overtaken us by over 150 class points now. We're in a position where one small wrong move and we'll be completely left behind. If we don't start taking this seriously, we'll never ascend to reach Class A."

Ichinose sat there with a serious expression, something which unnerved Kanzaki as this serious expression from her was different from the others she used to show. But he kept his cool and continued to explain his point of view.

"I will admit, you were right during the unanimous special exam. I didn't want to expel any of our classmates in that special exam. But if we don't really consider the situation, then we'll be left behind in the dust. It's very possible we'll drop to last place in the sports festival. We'll become the last drop of the beer bottle with no way to return."

"Kanzaki-kun. It is true that we are on the verge of rolling down to Class D. I can't deny that now that Horikita-san's class is now further ahead and Ryuuen-kun's class is pretty much neck and neck with us. Depending on what happens, we very might end up going all the way down to Class D. However, is that such a bad thing?"


At Kanzaki's confused face, Ichinose gave a small smile.

"It is a good idea to stay as high up as possible. We managed to stay as Class B for an entire year. But even we need to face defeat at times and even we need to drop to a point where we are too low to be considered amazing. By doing that, it will motivate the rest of the class to do better and become stronger. Just like pouring water back into the bottle to become a whole bottle again."

Kanzaki honestly couldn't refute that, because he knew she was right. However, he caught one important detail in her explanation that he just couldn't ignore.

"Are you saying you want us to drop to Class D?"

"Not at all. I don't exactly want us to drop that low either, however, I want us to see the benefit of it in case we do. Horikita-san's class was stuck at the very bottom of Class D since the start of school and now look at them. The same thing can happen with us."

"But that won't happen if we keep doing what we've always been doing. I'm saying we need to do more than this friendship and protect everyone!"

"Of course. Even I know that things need to change. Which is why when the cultural festival comes by, I'll be looking to make a few changes. And for that to happen, I'll need your help, Kanzaki-kun."

The beautiful bright smile from Ichinose returned as she stood up from her seat.

"However, I still think we need to keep doing what we've always been doing. I want us all to graduate from Class A. I don't want to lose anyone. You're the same, aren't you? We need to keep everyone, but we also need to make changes to our strategy so that we can really become a strong and formidable class by the end of this year."

[After all, if I can't do that, I won't be able to face Ayanokouji-kun again and show him how much I've changed.] She added in her head.

"So let's work together after the sports and cultural festival and bring our class back in the fray, Kanzaki-kun," she said as she held out her hand again in front of him.

He was a little shocked as he expected a debate... no, more like an argument like the one back in the unanimous vote special exam where they just went back and forth. However, it seemed like she had made a change. Kanzaki couldn't quite put his finger on it.

However, he decided to just shake her hand and agree with her.

"But for now, I would like us to keep doing what we're doing for now and then go from there. Kanzaki-kun, if you want us to really make some changes, then there is only one thing you can do."

"And that is?"

"Become the commander of our class for the sports festival."


Now Kanzaki was just outright shocked. He was sure that Ichinose would take the commander role for their class. He wasn't expecting her to say he should become the role.

"How should I say this? You'll be able to see where we can go forward if you become the commander for the sports festival. Plus, I think the rest of our class needs me as their anchor rather than their commander. You're our next best option to be the commander. Actually you might fit the role better than me."


"Please just take the role, Kanzaki-kun. It'll be for our future. That's what you wanted to talk to me about, isn't that right?"

He could no longer argue with Ichinose. Being the one who wanted to persuade her that they needed to change their ways, he really didn't expect this coming from her. He could only nod and agree with her.

The two of them talked a little more before Ichinose decided it was finally over and left the classroom. Kanzaki also realised he had been in the classroom way too long and decided to leave.

"Seems you got what you wanted. Although maybe not the way you wanted."

However, as soon as he left, he was confronted by a girl with long twintale violet hair, complemented with the serenic violet eyes. The girl was none other than Himeno Yuki, a girl also in Ichinose and Kanzaki's class.

"How long were you standing there Himeno?"

"Long enough to hear Ichinose-san make her pledge."

Kanzaki sighed before speaking up again.

"Do you still agree with Ichinose like you did back then?"

When he tried to change his class's way in the unanimous vote special exam, one of the people who argued with Kanzaki and sided with Ichinose was none other than Himeno. Kanzaki thought she was just like him in a few ways because of how she acted, but after that day, he thought maybe his prediction was a little bit wrong.

"Of course. Though you probably know that I don't think we should always act like besties and delude ourselves from certain reality. There are lines to draw. That's what I told Ichinose-san."

It was at that point Kanzaki's eyes widened.

"Himeno... Don't tell me..."

"All I did was follow some advice Ayanokouji-kun gave me. I just mentioned to Ichinose-san what he thought I should tell her, and it turned out that she ended up agreeing, leading to what she told you now."


That was the last name Kanzaki thought would pop up.

"I'm sure you know already, but Ichinose-san is fond of Ayanokouji-kun. Something must have happened between the two of them because he told me he couldn't be the one to say that stuff to her at the moment, which is why I did it. He did say if it weren't for the fact that you are really... thorny? I think he said... He would've come to you and told you to tell her."

"I see..."

"Well what's done is done. I came here to get my bag because I left it, so I'll be taking it and going back home. Ichinose-san will be one of our two pillars for the sports festival. I hope you will do the same with your role... Commander."

Himeno grabbed her bag quickly and left just as fast. Kanzaki had witnessed a lot of surprises today that he just couldn't move at this moment. After taking some time to regain his thoughts, he sighed and began making his way back to the dorms, wondering where Class C was going to head now that a new strategy was getting ready to form itself.


A short chapter with Ichinose, Kanzaki and Himeno. Ichinose is finally developing, and it's thanks to Kiyotaka and Himeno? Wow... Ok... But there will still be the power of friendship though... Oh guys, btw. Fun fact. Remember the g-string theory I told you guys about back in Volume 1? Himeno Yuki was the one who allowed myself and my friends to start this theory before it ultimately moved onto every single girl in ANHS. So I treasure Himeno Yuki more than you think (Those who've known me on discord long enough will understand what I'm talking about) haha.

- rainy26541 (G-String)

P.S. If this chapter seems a little rushed or all over the place, honestly I really wanted to include an Ichinose and Kanzaki part but really wasn't sure how to go about it. This ended up being what I created and even then I still wasn't sure about it. In the end, I just accepted this and went with it. Up to you guys if it's alright. Anyway, see you guys again soon.

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