Volume 1: Chapter 2 Part 2

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Part 2

"Will you girls be able to clean up fine on your own?"

Before leaving the room with Horikita, Kiyotaka turned back to the three maid girls and asked such a question.

"Yes. We'll be fine Ayanokouji-kun. Thank you for your help in getting this plan together."

It was Matsushita who responded to his question, leaving Satou and Mei-Yu to nod in agreement.

"Yeah yeah. Ayanokouji-kun really carried us there. Please continue to lead us more."

Satou chimed in with her quip and Mei-Yu just smiled since the main bits had already been said.

Kiyotaka nodded and then left the room with Horikita. Kei and Maezono were still outside acting as guards, but it seemed as though they heard everything inside. Maezono had a satisfied look on her face while Kei just smiled at Kiyotaka.

"Text me when you're finished and then we can go to the cafe ok?" He said to Kei just before he left. Kei nodded and hugged Kiyotaka before letting go and allowing him to leave. As he walked down the corridor with Horikita in tow, Kei and Maezono waved at him from their guard positions.

"I'm glad that went well."

Kiyotaka started a conversation with Horikita as they kept walking.

"Indeed. I wouldn't readily admit it was a good idea if I didn't feel that way. In fact, most of the ideas that were brought to me were rejected on the spot, or at best, put on hold. That's how powerful the presentation was. With this proposal, I'm fairly certain we have a chance."

The idea of a maid cafe is not that unusual. However, it seemed that Horikita was willing to help because she saw the potential for Class B to show off its strengths and impress the guests.


"What is it?"

"I'm surprised that you happened to be the leader for the whole proposal. You said before that you had a helping hand, but I didn't think you were in charge of the whole thing."

"Yeah. You may be right. Well, I was sort of forced into the leadership position even though I know nothing about maid cafes compared to people like Ike and Hondou or even Sotomura."

"Right. Ike-kun and Hondou-kun may have keener eyes for things like maid cafes. But despite the fact that I said I was surprised, I would rather have you lead the proposal anyway. One, you have more important skills than them. And two, they are blabbermouths, so letting them in on the idea or even lead the proposal could lead to it being leaked."

"Well, I can't deny that."

"You say you have a few people in on the proposal already. Other than Karuizawa-san, Maezono-san, Satou-san, Matsushita-san, Mei-Yu-san, and Yukimura-kun, who else is in on the idea?"

"Haruka, Airi and Akito know about it. Shinohara and Mori also know about it too. Other than that, no one else."

"I see. I don't exactly want to unnecessarily increase the number of people who know what's going on inside. You understand, don't you?"

"Yes. But you know with the budget plan that I need to get more people in."

"Unfortunately. Well, I'm trusting that you can handle this proposal well in the meantime. Judging from how you handled that budget, I trust that you'll do fine."

"You seem to be putting everything on me after hearing my involvement. Well, I guess I shall make sure I live up to that trust."

Horikita gave a momentary glare before responding.

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