Volume 1: Chapter 3 Part 6

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Part 6

The next day flowed without too much trouble. Students were a little nervous about tomorrow and some even asked Horikita if she had any plans so far, to which she replied that they were all good for tomorrow.

Thanks to that small reply from Horikita, a few of the students' worries dissipated into dust. There were still a few who harboured worries, Kiyotaka included, but they didn't let that cloud their mind right now. If they did, it wouldn't let them be ready for the exam tomorrow.

Soon, the evening arrived and at 6pm Kiyotaka was sitting at the desk chair by his table. He was on his computer scrolling through a few random websites. They were a mix of forums, explainer sites and a bit of social media.

Knock knock.

The sound of someone knocking at the door distracted Kiyotaka from scrolling on a forum page. He got up from his seat at his desk and walked to the door.


When he opened the door, Hirata Yousuke appeared behind it. Clubs had finished at least 2 hours ago, allowing him to change into more comfortable clothing, however he was still clad in his school uniform. However, he wasn't the only one doing so as Kiyotaka hadn't so much as change out of his shirt and trousers either, only going as far as to take just the blazer off.

"Come in."

Kiyotaka made way for Hirata to enter and the two made their way over to where he had been earlier. Kiyotaka sat down at his desk again while Hirata sat on the bed. When he thought about it, this was the first time Kiyotaka had invited Hirata to his room like this. The last time Hirata was in his room was more Hirata asking to talk with him in his room.

"How did your club go?"

"Oh. We just practised a lot as per usual. Training actually seems to be increasing a bit more because of the upcoming sports festival. And apparently after the sports festival, we'll be playing against another large school in Tokyo on a weekend. So our training is picking up for that too."

"That so?"

"Yeah. There's also a chance that I could be made the next captain of the club too. I'm not too sure how to take it but..."

Hirata was a really good football player, since he played for his junior high school's team. He most likely was a key player for their team as his reputation in ANHS's football club was also quite high. Kiyotaka wasn't surprised that he was likely going to be offered the role of captain in due time.


The door opened again and revealed Kei. Just like the boys, Kei was also still wearing her school uniform, though she did not have the blazer on. She entered the room with ease and gave a weird greeting that made Kiyotaka have to revert to his memory banks as it somehow sounded quite familiar.

But he didn't have enough time to think about it as Hirata gave him a small glance as if asking "how did she get in easily?"

"Kei has a spare key to my room so she can come by. I have one to hers too."

Being satisfied with his answer, Hirata nodded. Although, it occurred to Kiyotaka's mind that while Kei had a spare key to his room, she wasn't the only one who had one. Ike, Sudou, Yamauchi (when he was still at ANHS) and Kushida also had spare keys to his room which were made without his consent.

None of them had returned it to him, even after all this time and Kiyotaka didn't even bother to ask them for it. He had bought a U-lock in order to prevent them from coming in randomly with those keys, which had been unlocked now to allow Kei and Hirata to enter. He made a mental note to probably get those keys back at some point now.

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