Volume 1: Chapter 1 Part 2

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Part 2

Soon, the bonding session between the two groups ended (for now) and they returned to their respective seats in time for morning homeroom. As soon as the last student sat down in their seat, Chabashira Sae, the teacher for their class, entered the room and looked at her students.

She gave a small smile that was barely noticeable to people who looked closely, like Kiyotaka, and walked to the front of the classroom. Standing at the front desk, she turned to the students and began speaking.

"Looks like everyone is here again so no need for me to do a register. I'll go straight to the announcements this week then. Firstly, let me congratulate all of you. You've all managed to reach Class B status and are now 50 points ahead of the previous Class B. The Talent Show really did good for you all."

Everyone turned to look at the band members who performed in the talent show - Kiyotaka, Kei, Akito, Haruka, Satou, Airi, Matsushita and Mori. The students under their gazes, minus Kiyotaka with his usual apathetic looking expression, all wore embarrassed yet happy smiles.

"But remember that while you all are now Class B, you must continue to do well in order to keep that status and become closer to reaching and beating Class A. Doing well in your upcoming midterms, special exams, even the upcoming sports festival and cultural festivals will give you chances. I'm hoping for the best from all of you."

Chabashira looked at every student in the room as she said this. A small smile, that actually looked more like a smirk than anything, was plastered on her face as she did this.

"Sensei? Is there any news on the sports and cultural festivals? You said we would get more information this week."

Hirata Yousuke, one of the class leaders, raised his hand and asked such a question. Chabashira nodded as an answer and continued again.

"Yes, Hirata. That was actually the next thing I was going to announce. Regarding the sports festival, like I said last week, it will follow a similar nature, but with some changes and some attachments alongside it. I can't exactly give you any more information than you should expect elements from a previous special exam in this new sports festival."

All the students in Class B showed expressions of confusion and interest. Last year's sports festival was pretty normal with no strings or elements from a special exam attached to it. But it seemed that this year was different. What confused the students was that they didn't know what parts of the previous special exam Chabashira might be referring to.

"Of course, more of what the sports festival will hold will be announced when the training sessions for it begin, which will be in a few weeks. What I can give you all though, is information on the cultural festival. We're not just going to be doing any normal cultural festival. There are a few strings attached to it."

If it wasn't at an all time high already, the attention on Chabashira from Class B definitely was now. They all kept quiet and portrayed serious eyes and ears as they paid extreme attention to the next explanation.

"Just like a normal cultural festival, there will be a large number of invited guests that will enter the campus and take part in the many events being held. These events will be held by you, the students of all years. You will need to plan what event you would like your class to do within the budget that we have set for you. I will go into more detail about this shortly. As students from all years will be taking part in providing events for the guests, that also means that you will be competing against each class and year for the total amount of sales you can make."

Everyone nodded in understanding, prompting Chabashira to continue.

"Of course, for the event you will be doing you will need items and equipment. You can apply for as many items as you like, but the budget is limited. I shall be sending you all the general outline of the cultural festival to your tablets. Please look through that for more details."

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