Volume 1: Chapter 2 Part 3

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Part 3

A couple of minutes later, Kiyotaka arrived at the library. In all honesty, he wasn't exactly sure what he was going to read. He had read most of the mystery novels that had interested him in this library and upon recommendation by his book buddy - Shiina Hiyori.

"Oh, Kiyotaka-kun."

Speaking of the devil, or angel in this case, a girl called out to him from one of the nearby desks. She had silver hair, complimented by her violet eyes and beautiful figure. It was none other than the girl he was just thinking about.

Shiina appeared to be sitting at one of the desks, reading a classic. In her hand was The Village of Eight Graves by Seishi Yokomizu. Kiyotaka remembered reading this book, as it was one he read based on her recommendation.

"Hiyori. Haven't you read that book already?"

"Eh? Oh yes. I've read it before. But I really liked it and I've been thinking I should go back and reread a few of the novels I've loved while taking a break from reading some new ones."

Shiina's smile was angelic, reminding Kiyotaka that there seriously shouldn't be someone so angelic.

He couldn't help but remember Shizuku from the days they used to play so often. His eyes turned slightly down but he recomposed himself quickly. He came to a realisation just when he did.

"Come to think of it, I've seen you more around the karaoke bar than anywhere else. Don't you usually spend a lot of time here straight after lessons finish?"

Shiina shifted slightly in her chair, showing a little bit of embarrassment.

"Ah... Well. Ryuuen-kun has been asking me to come with him to the karaoke bar often. I can't say much more than that."

She didn't say anything more. Usually whenever they talked, the two would discuss a lot about their class even if some of the things they discussed wouldn't usually be things they should really be discussing. However, she seemed to be a little more distant this time.

Kiyotaka could tell it was likely because it was related to the cultural festival coming up and their plan for their venue.

"Either way, Kiyotaka-kun. You haven't been around the library that often either. Does it have to do with Karuizawa-san?"

Since they returned from the uninhabited island exam and the small holiday on the cruise ship, the entire school had begun to know about Kiyotaka's relationship with Kei. And the recent Talent Show only helped that further.

"Well yeah. Kei and I have been hanging out more lately and going on dates. And I've also been a little bit busy with other things so I haven't really been able to come here as often as I used to. I'm sorry."

"Ah. No, you don't need to apologise, Kiyotaka-kun. I understand your current circumstances, especially since I have a few of my own that's preventing me from coming here often. But when this is over, I want us to hang out here again as often as we can. I have a few new books to recommend to you!"

Kiyotaka swore he could not only see flowers blooming around her face, but also a halo above her head, some feathery wings clinging to her back, and a bright shining light behind her back.

Shiina Hiyori really was an angel, metaphorically and literally.

"Speaking of Ryuuen. How is he?"

He decided to change the subject to be something a little more important.

"Ryuuen-kun? He's been alright. Why do you ask?"

Kiyotaka wasn't sure if Shiina knew about Ryuuen investigating the incident involving Komiya, Kinoshita and Shinohara so he stayed silent. However, it appeared that she understood what he was thinking as she smiled.

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