The Devil went down to Honnou...

By slenderfanboy

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(Y/N), also known as the Black Demon, arrives at Honnouji Academy to get some answers regarding a deceased fr... More

Welcome to Honnouji Academy
I've got balls of steel
Clash of the Kamui
I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!
Mr. Mohawk
Turn a Blind Eye
The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.
I'm on the highway to Hell
Major Whiplash
Now you see me, now you don't!
Face the music
Going Berserk
Shinijiro Nagita
We're going on a trip
The full story
Party Crashers
Things are starting to unravel
Rescue Mission
Do or Die
Wake up call
Final Battle part 1

Final Preparations

948 12 9
By slenderfanboy

(Y/N) or Y/N: Your Name

(F/N): First Name

(L/N): Last Name

M/N: Mother's name

F/N: Father's name

Italic: Thoughts

Bold: Locations


Italic underlined: Flashback

Bold Italic: Telepathic communication


On the Naked Sol, Junketsu was encased in a glass container, badly torn up thanks to Ryuko breaking free from Ragyo's control earlier.

Satsuki stood before the badly conditioned Kamui with Iori and Tusmugu. Satsuki thougt it would be best to keep Junketsu restrained.

Y/N: Wouldn't it be best to have that thing purged?

Sastuki turns to look and see Y/N and Ryuko.

Satsuki: No. The fight isn't over yet.

Ryuko: You think you can control it?

Satauki: Yes, as a matter of fact I do.

Ryuko: Yeah. Good luck with that. You couldn't even think with Senketsu.

Senketsu: Stop harassing her, Ryuko. Remember, she risked her life to save you.

Ryuko: So what if she did? You think I'm just forget about the attitude she's been giving me and Y/N?

Ryuketsu: Should we intervene?

Y/N: I wouldn't.

Satauki: What do you want?

Ryuko: Let me best you one.

Senketsu: Stop it, Ryuko.

Ryuketsu: I'd listen to him if....

Y/N: You'd best butt out, dude.

Ryuketsu: Y/N...

Ryuko: If I lunch you with everything I got and can't knock you down, I'll know you've got what it takes to fight along side me.

Aikuro: God, that's the craziest thing I ever heard. She's wearing a coat and...

Y/N: Aikuro, better stay out of it man.

Aikuro and the others, sans Ryuko, looked to him like he was crazy.

Tsunugu: You mean you're going along with this?

Aikuro: You do realize is that all it takes is for one lucky to kill Satsuki!

Y/N: I've got a feeling that it's not going to come to that.

Satsuki then turns around to Ryuko.

Satauki: Very well. Do it. We face Ragyo Kiryuin. And if I fall to you, then I have no chance at beating her. Go on, hit me.

Ryuketsu: Dude, we should intervene!

Y/N said nothing as Ryuko went to strike, only for Ira to take the hit for Satsuki. And strangely enough.

Ryuko: Gamagoori, this is between me and her!

Ryuko then went to punch Satsuki again, but Sanageyama took the hit like Gamagoori did.

Ryuko: My God! What's with you people?

Ira and Uzu stood up, surprisingly still alive.

Ira: Is that the best you can do, Matoi?

Ryuko: What?

Satsuki: Dud you put everything you've had in that punch? Because it didn't feel like it.

Ryuko: Yeah! Of course I did!

Y/N: 😏 If that's the case, then why are they still standing?

Ryuko: Huh?

Y/N: One punch is all it takes for you to kill someone. And yet, Gamagoori and Sanageyana are still standing.

Ryuko: I pulled my punches because those two bozos got in my way.

Y/N: That doesnt matter. It doesn't matter who gets in your way.

Gamagoori: L/N is right, Matoi! Such lack of commitment proces that you are not worthy to punch Lady Satauki.

Ryuko: Screw you! I'm committed!

Y/N: Sure you are.

Ryuko: 😡 Just whose side are you on, dammit?!

Jakuzure and Inunuta then joined in to shield Satsuki.

Jakuzure: You wanna punch her? Punch us first! You wanna Chop her limbs off, chop ours off first! Whatever you plan to dish out on lady Satsuki, we will take it for her!

Ryuko: (annoyed) God, what's your problem? You guys are all freaking nuts!

Suddenly, it all hit Ryuko like a freight train.

Ryuko: You got batshit crazy people protecting you, just like I do.

Y/N: It's about time you've got it figured out.

Ryuketsu: I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted from that.

Satsuki: It seems that way, doesn't it? I had to defeat Ragyo, and I thought the only way I could was if I used others as my pawns. So naturally, I thought I could use you and Y/N both in the same manner.

Satsuki then approached the two.

Satsuki: Since the day you both appeared in your respective Kamui, my goal was to train at least on of you, if not both, as my assets, to turn against Ragyo and her allies. I told you I killed our father because I wanted to gauge your and Senketsu's power.

Y/N: And I take it that you wanted to do the same with me as well.

Satsuki: (nods) Yes. If I could hold onto your free wills without being swallowed by both of your Kamui, you two could prove useful when it came time for the coup. (Looks to Ryuko) And I thought if I kept the truth from you, I could control you better as a weapon against Ragyo.

Ryuko: Thanks bitch!

Y/N: Cut her some slack, Shadow the Hedgehog. In a sense, she did this for a noble cause.

Ryuko retorts by punching Y/N square in the gut, making Y/N groan in pain.

Ryuko: Use that nickname again, (F/N) (L/N), and I'll the next place my fist will hit is your damn groin!

Y/N: (groans) Duly noted.

Satsuki: Treating you like a fool was a mistake on my part. In the end, I was using the same methods as Ragyo. I should have known I could never win that way. If anyone here is a fool, it's me.

Ryuketsu: Never thought I'd hear something like that come from Satauki's mouth.

Satsuki looked down, avoiding Ryuko's gaze.

Satsuki: I understand now. People are cut from the same cloth. And no matter how odd we seem, their differences make this world beautiful. (Lools back to Ryuko) Our world is worth protecting. And I'd be honored to share the task with you. (Looks to Y/N) With both of you.

Satsuki the bows, and Senketsu reverts back to his normal dormant state.

Ryuko: Geez! Even your apologies are turned up to 11. I don't feel like hitting you anymore. I got folks I want to protect to. So, if you want to team up and pull mom's plug, I got no problems with that.

Sukuyo: Well, now that you've made up...

Sukuyo: Lets sit down and eat some dinner.

Ryuko: Sweet! You've made some of your famous croquettes.

Sukuyo: Yep. And they're stuffed to the gills with all kinds of mysterious things.


It was now dark and everyone was conversing with one another. Ryuko was enjoying some of Sukuyo's croquettes, but she noticed something.

Ryuko: Hey, where's Y/N?

The others took notice of Y/N's absence.


Y/N was at the aft of the Naked Sol, holding the locket and examining the picture with a sad expression.

Ryuketu: You really miss your parents, huh?

Y/N: You have no idea. (looks to the picture.) Mom, pop, I just wish you guys were here with me right now.

Y/N then took a deep breath, and prepared to sing a song he would sing to honor his dead parents.

Y/N: 🎶Leaves from the vine,
falling so slow. Like fragile, tiny shells,
drifting in the foam. Little soldier boy,
come marching home. Brave soldier boy, come marching home.🎶

As Y/N sang, he began tear up while Ryuketsu said nothing, not wanting to ruin his moment. And yet he failed to notice everyone else was listening

Y/N: 🎶Ash in the snow, falling so slow. Like fragile, broken hearts, with no place to go. Little soldier boy, taken from home. Forced to fight a war,
that was not his own. Little soldier boy, cold and alone. Brave soldier boy,
never made it home.🎶

At this point he began to recall everything he went through long before enrolling Honnouji Academy. The death of his parents, the falling out with Lizzie, how he nearly died, the day he met Dr. Matoi, Kinue's death, and even Dr. Matoi's death.

The others listened, and they joined on the waterworks as well.

Y/N: 🎶Leaves from the vines, changing so slow. Like empty, fallen souls, looking for a home. Little soldier boy, thought he could soar. Brave soldier boy, fallen in the war. My little soldier boy, I need you home. Brave soldier boy, come marching home.🎶

At this point, Y/N fell to his knees and wept.

Ryuko: Y/N.

Y/N gasped in shock, but before anything, Ryuko wrapped her arms around him.

Ryuko: (sobbing) Great! Now you've got me welling up.

Y/N turns to look at Ryuko, then noticed everyone else.

Y/N: You guys heard all of that?

Satsuki: Quite so. But just know that you're never alone.

Mako: Yeah! Your parents and Dr. Ishin Matoi may no longer be around, but you have us.

Aikuro: Got that right.

Y/N as stunned silent, but he wiped his tears away and smiled.

Y/N: Thanks guys. I really needed that. Sorry you had to see all of that.

Aikuro: No need. It's natural to mourn for lost loved ones.

What happened next was something Y/N, or everybody else did not expect. Ryuko wrapper her arms around Y/N's neck and planted one on him.

Mako: 🤩 (gasps) AAAWWW!

Jakuzure: 😳 Oh my.

Y/N was still stunned, but he eventually decided to wrap his arms around Ryuko's waist and return the kiss.

Sukuyo: 😊 Oh, such a sweet moment.

After at least a minute, the two eventually separated. Both were red with a blush and panting.

Y/N: I... I wasn't expecting that.

Ryuketsu: Neither was I, dude.

Ruko: I figured I'd get that off my chest before we deal with Ragyo.

Ryuketsu: 😏 And I bet that won't be the only thing she'll be taking off her chest later on down the line, if you know what I mean Y/N.

Ryuko and Y/N give Ryukstsu a deadpan look.

Y/N: Really dude?

Ryuketsu: Hey, I've seen you glance at her chest, so don't go playing innocent with me Mr. Hypocritical.

Senketsu: Way to ruin the moment, Ryuketsu.

Mako: Ryuko, you're lucky to have a guy like Y/N.

Sukuyo: Indeed. You two make such a good match.

Ryuko: (bashful) Yeah. I guess we do.


Meanwhile, Ragyo was flying on the Prinordial Life Fiber, when suddenly her phone rang.

Ragyo: What is it? Ryuko's freed her self, eh? Well, be a dear and have Nui work faster. (hangs up) I never thought my daughters would be such nuissances. it appears I've failed to discipline them.

Back at REVOCS, Nui was not handling the loss of her arms very well.

Nui: If it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna make Ryuko Matoi and Satsuki Kiryuin pay! And when im done with them, I'm gonna have (Y/N) (L/N)'s head on a fucking pike for what he did to me!


Naked Sol Storage Area

Satsuki, Iori, Tsumugu, and Aikuro met in the storage area of the Naked Sol that Iori had made into his sewing lab.

Iori had flung a few needles to Junketsu.

Iori: In injecting a mixture of Lady Satsuki and Ryuko's into blood into Junketsu. I've also added a dash of Senketsu's Life Fibers to it.

Aikuro: I get it. With their blood and Senketsu's power, you've tamed Junketsu so Satsuki can wear it. Its a shame it has to be altered.

Satsuki: But it's the only way to make it work for me. As this point though, I would do anything to win.

Aikuro: Sounds like the wotds of a woman with victory on her mind.

Satsuki: How are things holding up?

Iori then walks to a large machine that can be best described a huge sewing machine.

Iori: Everything is ready to go. We've managed to collect than we need. In fact, I was just about to start making thr new Goku Uniforms

Aikuro: Wait! By yourself?

Iori: I can handle it.

Iori then brought up his colar up, revealing 3 black star.

Iori: 3 Star Goku Uniform! Taylor Regalia!


On the command Deck

Satsuki: Ragyo Kiryuin's ultimate bbjective is it to transform the human race unti hosts for life fibers and cover the entire planet, turning it into a started cocoon sphere. Every product REVOCS makes has life fibers woven into them. The plan was to beam a signal to the clothes, awakening the life fibers. Humans would be converted into energy sources and their clothing transformed into COVERS. Then, seven-billion would rise into the stratosphere and shroudong the planet.

Tsumugu: She was gonna make the Earth wear a sweater? Talk about messed up?

Aikuro: I knew she was turn the human race into life fibers, butbI had no idea the plan was so epic in scope. Question is "why".

Satsuki: Life Fibers are an organism that drifts through space. Once they reach a planet of intelligent life, they cause it to evolve to a state more suitable as energy sources. The Life Fibers convert their hosts into clothes and cover the planet. Then they use the planet as an energy source until it explodes, scattering their seeds through space until they find another planet. That is how find another planet. That is how they continue to reproduce.

Sanageyama: My God! Talk about sowing the seeds of destruction.

Y/N: Heheh! Good one, dude.

Y/N shares a fist bump with Sanageyama.

Y/N: And I gotta tell ya, I dealt with som serious loonies before, but Ragyo is possibly the most batshit crook I've faced.

Jakuure: Like what?

Y/N: Huh?

Jakuzure: You said you've dealt with loonies before.

Y/N: Oh. Uh... well, the only person that could come even remotely close to Ragyo would be Dr. Baikal Solomonari. Let me tell you, what this sick bastard did was truly sickening.

Tsumugu: Like what?

Y/N: You wanna know?

Ryuko: Lay it on us.

Y/N: Well... Ok. The guy was a batshit crazy fucker who believed he was God, which is already a huge red flag. And what he did... he made a pathogent designed to convert people into infected, or as he called his "followers".

The others just fell silent upon hearing that, and were even horrified upon hearing that.

Sanageyana: 😨 Y-youre kidding... right?

Y/N: I wish I was.

Satsuki: You made sure to take some... precautions when confronting this Dr. Baikal, right?

Y/N: Oh absolutely. I used some of the best robots to take care of both him and his "cult". I wasn't going to risk getting whatever that sick fucker made or spread it. (shudders) I'd rather not go into detail.

Nobody said nothing as they let the info they have just heard sink in.

Inumuta: Here we go. I've hacked into REVOCS satellites.

Ryuko and Y/N gathered to the monitor Inumuta was manning.

Y/N: Damn. You truly are technically savvy to do that, man.

Inumuta: I do my best. Now, let's have a look at the Prinordial Life Fiber.

And with a click of a button, he accessed the video feed sattelite, which showed the Primordial Life Fiber. And with it was none other than Ragyo.

Y/N: Well lookie here. Looks like skittles head is on the move with her pet.

Inunuta: And both her and the Original Life Fiber are heading to Honnouji Academy.

Ryuko: Why's she going there?

Satsuki: Simple. By attaching the Prinordial Life Fiber to the academy's transmitter, Ragyo can send out the signal into the life fibers.

Tsunugu: Bitching. Then all we need to do is smash the transmitter, and we stop her plan.

Inunuta: There is one problem.

Nonon: What's that.

Inunuta: The missiles that'll be slamming into us shortly.

And as Inunuta had said, a bunch of missiles made of life fibers were haeding towards them.

Y/N: Allow me to assess that.

Y/N then pulled a metal sphere from hisnpocket and flucmng it. Once it popped open, a large burst of light appeared before willing a large green robot that resembled a Dogu figurine to existence.

Ryuko: Whoa! What the...?!

The robot then fired green energy blasts from its eyes, destroying each one of the missiles before they could strike.

Robot: Threat nuertalized!

Tsumugu: What is that?

Y/N: Retaliator. One of my newest toys I made.

Aikuro: 😏 Always one step ahead.

Satsuki: Mr. Mikisugi.

Aikuro: "Mr."?

Satsuki: I'd like you in command of this operation.

Aikuro: Seriously

Satsuki: Ryuko, Y/N, and I will stop Ragyo. I'll be busy with that, so I can ot command as well.

Aikuro: Good point.

Satsuki: Elite 4! Are we clear on that.

Elite 4: Milady!

Aikuro: It's our job to destroy Honnouji's transmitter. And Satsuki, Ryuko, and Y/N will keep Ragyo and the Primordial Life Fiber off our backs. Yall know what to do? Good! Then let's get this show rolling.

Y/N: And just in case, I left you guys some back up.

As Y/N said that, 4 smaller versions of the Retaliator approached, each one of a specific color; red, blue, yellow, and silver.

Ryuko: Captain bossy strikes again.

Ryuko: Are you two ready to fo.

Y/N: I know I am.

Ryuko: You sure you're ready?

Satsuko: I have no choice.

Satsuki: You better hurry up and go get changed then.


After Satsuki donned Junketsu, Satsuki, Ryuko, and Y/N prepared to fly off towards their flight.

Soroi: Lady Ryuko, look after your sister for me.

Ryuko: Will do.

Y/N: Before I gorget, two things. Firstly...

Y/N handed Satsuki and Ryuko two devices of different colors.

Satsuki: What are those.

Y/N: Specialized KAMs I made for you two.

Ryuko: Wait! You made KAMs for us?

Y/N: I figured you could use a little bit of a boost in this brawl.

Satsuki: It's very appreciated.

Both sisters accepted the KAMs and strapped them on their left arms.

Y/N: And secondly, during my near death experience earlier, your father wanted me to tell you that he loves you both.

Both sisters looked to Y/N, and gained a heartfelt smile.

Ryuko: Ready S-S-Sis-

Satsuki: You dint gave to the bond between us. I can feel your blood flowing through Junktsu. I know what you mean.

Ryuko: Really.

Satsuki: (nods) Yes.

Senketsu: How touching.

Ryuko: Not now, Senketsu. Suck it up.

Y/N: If anybody gonna be crying, it's Ragyo when we're done with her.

Ryuko: Life Fiber Synchronize: Kamui Junketsu!

Satsuki: Life Fiber Override: Kamui Junketsu!

Y/N: Life Fiber Maximize! Kamui Ryuketsu!

Once that was finished, the trio see a bunch of Life Fiber missiles zeroing in on them.

Ryuko: Senketsu Shippu! (To Saysuki) Grab on.

Satauki: (smirk) No. I got this. Junketsu Shippu!

Ryumetsu: Whoa!

Y/N: Alright! Time to test out the new feature I installed.

Y/N then strapped on his KAM, then tapped the circular pad. But something different happened. A transparent of Arsenal Armor Rage Mode and Arsenal armor Sting Mode appeared on either side of Y/N before merging with Y/N.

Astrid happened Ryuketsu began to morph and change. Eventually, Y/N was donning a new arsenal armor, one that had the insect-ike traits of Sting Mode but the buljy frame of Rage Mode.


Satsuki, Ryuko Junketsu, and even Junketsu were surprised by what they host bore witness to.

Ryuko: Whoa!

Satsuki: Incredible!

Senketsu: You can combine your Arsenal armors now?

Ryuketsu: Hell yeah we can!

Y/N: Now let's see hat it can do!

Y/N then flew up a few feet as the missiles got closer. Then, a large red blade emerged from Y/N's forearms, and with a swing from both blades, he sent two massive red energe crescents at the missiles, destroying each one.

Y/N: Alright We better buzz off before more come flying at us.

Satsuki and Ryuko nodded before taking off, and the trio flew towards the Primordial Life Fiber.

Ryuko: 😒 And buzz off? Really

Y/N: 😑 I swear I had no intention on that being a pun.

Senketsu: Wait. If you can combine your arsenal armors, then perhaps Ryuko and Satsuki can do the same.

Y/N: Of course. I made sure to add that feature.

Satsuki: I'm sure they'll be more than efficient.

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