A Twist of Fate(Clato fanfic)

By Booklover12394

839 50 9

I do not own any of the characters, Suzanne Collins wrote them. This is from Clove's perspective and follows... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 14

31 3 0
By Booklover12394

I walk over to the moving targets, take a few knives, and do exactly what I did the first day of training. I hit every target in the center. I look up and see the Gamemakers are hardly paying attention to me. Typical, why should they value me over wonderfully cooked feast just now brought out. I grab a few knives and climb the rope course, I need to get their attention. Oh I have an idea, I make sure I'm secure in the ropes and aim at the rope holding up a target. I throw my knife and it splits the rope sending the target plummeting to the ground. Good, that got their attention. Unfortunately for them they can't figure out where I am, so I throw the other knife and it lands right in the center of their table. I climb down and nod in acknowledgment before walking out. I'm a little upset, I waited an hour and a half for that. Whatever, I did good, Cato joins me and we enter the elevator and arrive at our floor. We walk in and Silvia runs to us taking us to the living room wanting to know how it went.

"So I'm assuming Cato went first, so he'll start. How did it go?" Brutus asks as we sit down,

"Great, I think I impressed them." Cato says sitting up straighter and smiling. I wonder if he did that on purpose,

"Good. What did you show them?" Enobaria asks him

"I used the swords, spears, and axes." Cato says proudly. And Brutus nods,

"And Clove, how did you do?" Enobaria asks me

"I think I do really well. They did seem more interested in the food they were given, but I think I fixed that." I reply and I can't help but smirk a little as I remember their faces when the knife landed in front of them.

"Good, and what all did you do?" Brutus asks

"I used the moving targets and climbed the ropes and threw some knives." I reply

"That's it?" Enobaria says a little disappointed,

"Well I got their attention back by throwing a knife at their table." I respond causing Brutus to chuckle

"What do you have against tables huh?" I shrug and head to my room to take a shower. I finish my shower and get dressed. I head to the living room and sit on the couch next to Cato.

"Do you think you'll get a good score?" He asks

"Yeah, do you?" I reply

"Yeah. Do you know what you're going to act like for the interviews?" He asks, I'm really not looking forward to those.

"I don't know, I was just going to be myself." I say making him laugh,

"The whole point of the interviews is to make yourself likable." He responds still slightly laughing.

"Yeah, we'll I'm plenty likable, right?
Were you not going to be yourself and just be all like oh I'm Cato and I really value these tributes and I'm not looking forward to killing these people. " I say making my voice deeper to mock him.

"Oh yeah, you're real likable. Too likable if you ask me." He replies

"Why do you think I'm just pretending and the moment we enter the arena I'm going to kill you? And if I fail it'll just be awkward until one of us kills the other." I state half joking

"Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the last two. If I'm honest maybe I'll just let you kill me." He says seriously

"Yeah right, I'm sure you'll change your mind once we get there. If it makes you feel any better I'm not exactly looking forward to having to kill you either." I reply

"I never said anything about you killing me, just that I might do the job for you. So technically, correct me if I'm wrong but you're planning on killing me?" He laughs

"Well no, I just was trying to make you feel better. I meant it as in I'm not thrilled with the thought of having to kill you." I say and he chuckles

"Yet again, you mentioned killing me."He responds with a smile

"Look, I'm trying to sympathize wit you. Just take my lack of enthusiasm of having to kill your as a compliment." I say slightly annoyed, and he laughs. Silvia comes out of her room and tells the Avox to start preparing dinner. Eventually, dinner is ready and all of us sit down and eat. Silvia quickly rushes over to turn on the television and Caesar Flickerman comes on and addresses everyone. All of us set aside our plates and move to the couch. Caesar then moves onto the scores. Marvel got a 9, which I expected, and Glimmer got a 9, I wonder if her lack of skills with a bow was an act. I fidget with the pillow as Caesar starts to announce our scores. Cato got a 10, and we start to congratulate him as Caesar starts to reveal my score. I had to of at least gotten an eight, but maybe they scored me lower for the table incident. A 10 flashes across the screen, oh my god I did it! I start to congratulate Cato and he pulls me into a hug. What is with all the surprise hugs?

"Sorry, I don't know why I did that. Congratulations, we're not losers!" Cato says laughing and pulling away

"It's alright, yeah congratulations on not being a total loser." I laugh as the rest of the scores come up. The boy from district 11 got a 10, we'll have to be careful of him. We all watch in anticipation as the scores from district 12 come in. The boy got an 8, he probably painted or threw stuff. Time for the moment of truth, Katniss shows up and beside her an 11. How the hell did she get that? No one says anything for a little bit,

"What the fuck?" Brutus interrupts angrily

"Now I get you're all upset, but you don't have to use such fowl language." Silvia says shaking her head in disapproval at Brutus and his very reasonable outburst. No one still has an appetite after that. We're all just sitting there staring at the tv, until I  hear a knock at the door. I walk over and open it to see district one in their pajamas all scowling. I would've laughed if I hadn't known why they were like that. They move past me and Gloss and Cashmere plop onto the couch with a sigh. Glimmer stalks down the hallway to Cato's room and we follow her. Cato opens the door and we walk in and sit down with various noises of discontentment.

"How did she do better than me!?" Glimmer whines and I have to resist the urge to smack her.

"She probably told them some sob story." Marvel says

"And how would a story give her an 11?" I ask

"Maybe she told it to them naked." Glimmer says sniffling

"Let's forget about her for a minute, congrats on the 10s. I'm sure you'll get a lot of sponsors from that." Marvel says while attempting a half hearted smile.

"Thanks, not as many as her, first it was the parade costume, and now she has an 11. She's just making me more excited for the arena." I reply and Marvel nods.

"Well I need my sleep in preparation for the interview practice tomorrow." Glimmer says smoothing her pajama and standing up.

"Oh it's just practice, you don't need to look great for that." I reply and she scoffs

"Well, I don't need it I just prefer it. See you at the interviews!" Glimmer says flouncing away.

"Goodnight see you at the interviews. Congrats again on the 10s." Marvel says before following Glimmer.

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