By Aira_BTS

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NOTE: - this is my 2nd book on step brothers but different story ,hope you enjoy! ... More

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part = 40

4.1K 146 26
By Aira_BTS

***ding...ding..ding ding***

the alarm clock rang ,as annoyingly y/n turn around and shut it down , she yawn and stand straight than  walk towards bathroom 

She look herself in the mirror and say

Y/n= even after sleeping you are looking like a miss universe  soo beautiful  just like diamond

She start adoring herself

Y/n= my voice is also very medolious

And than she start popping her head and take out tooth paste on the brush

" on the first day of Halloween my enemy and me , Duelled in the moonlight , flesh in my teeth "..

She sing the song and start brushing her teeth.

Y/n start making weird faces while looking at the mirror

She put the tooth brush in the brush set than take the 2 bath booms and drop them in the bath tub just in few seconds the bathtub get filled with bubbles and the fragnace of roses filled the bathroom. 

She sit in the bathtub and continues the song

" on the second day of Halloween I found a vat of acid, I spelled my name in finger bones full name Ashton, ...."

She sing and start giggling while playing with bubbles

" third day of Halloween I promised him a treat, caught him in my spiderweb and started on his feet......

            Fourth day of Halloween woke up without a face , accidently baked my facial features in to a cake ..."

She sing and take the shampoo bottle  and apply it as she continues

" I don't feel like myself  anymore , I can smell the blood and it's trailling out the door ,

      What if I'm rotten, worm eating at my core, Malibu barbie bodies are washing up on the shore ..." 

She step out from the bath tub and walk near shower and turn it on.

" on the fifth day of Halloween  I bathed in menstrual blood , than I took a nap because of evil tiresome, .."

After showering she went inside the changing room and weather clothes than she come out take her phone and went out of the room and she countinue

     "On The sixth day of Halloween  I hunted down the witches , so we could be bezzie friends those are my neatest bitches.. "

5 maids who are cleaning the surface stop there work and bow at y/n and whish her

Maids = good morning  miss

Y/n nod and start going towards dining area as she countinue

       "On the seventh day of Halloween I hallowed at the moon, ...

Y/n= ahhhhhh 

She scream while holding her ears and her beautifull song get cut by

Jin= yahhh can't you see that we all are waiting for you to have our lunch HUHH,  you didn't even see the timing,  you stupid brat  you wake up late seriously 1:00 at the afternoon and here you are singing.  Who the hell tell you to sleep late at night and on the above only 4 days left.  You remember after 4 days our Summer vacation are getting over and you didn't even write a single letter for your holiday homework. You are just doing waking up late in the morning,  eating,  watching horror movies, than again eating, and than playing vedio games,  than eating and eating and sleeping that's it,  no exercise and all you even gain 3 kg weight. Did you understand...

And at the last he leave her ears and start breathing heavy afterall he  gave her a lecture without even stopping in the mid

Y/n = bloody old man

She whisper and say

Y/n, = you are getting wrinkles on your face Mr. Grandpaa

She say and sit down on her chair between jimin and suga

But jin run towards his room just to watch his face

Y/n= where is NAMJOON and j-hope oppa's, brothers ??

She asked taking a bite kb her meal

Taehyung= they went to pick mom and dad from airport 

Y/n= Oooo

But than

Zen= baby aa

He say to tia while showing her favorite Oreo biscuit to her but tia don't even give a fuck to him

Y/n smirk evilly  and say

Y/n= tia let me teach you the correct way to eat Oreo

She say as everyone attention diverted towards her

Y/n= first , spread the black part than gently lick the white stuff ... Than tia grab the cup of milk and suck it......

She say and eat the biscuit than she lick her lips. Meanwhile jimin and zen chocked on there food as they understand her double meaning thought

Y/n= ahhhhhhhh

She scream as someone hit her head harder

Jin= when are you going to stop these kind of talks

He ask while sighing

Y/n= not in this life

She say while smirking

Jin ignore her and they all start eating  .

Jin= maid go and bring turkey that I made

He say as maid follow the order

Jin= y/n I specially made this turkey for you but just eat slowly Okk

He say as he take the knife and fork to cut the turkey

But than

Y/n= oppa's do you know the correct dinning adicate to eat turkey

She say while smiling evilly

Jin= I cant believe that y/n is talking about dinning adicates

He say and start laughing mockingly

Y/n= yes let me tell you,  first bite the neck gently,  chew the Breast softly than spread the legs slowly and than the last part taste the juice excitingly 

She say and run away

While jimin spit the juice over jungkook face,  suga and taehyung chocked on the food, tia become Red tomato,  zen start laughing hard and jin mistakenly cut his finger 

Jungkook= jimin hyung

He scream after bathing with juice


Y/n come in the living room and start laughing but she stop by a voice

Y/n mom= cherry

Y/n saw her mother and run towards her and hug her like a koala

Y/n = mom I miss you

Mr. Kim= Mrs. Kim let me also meet my daughter 

He say softly

Y/n mom let go the hug and look at Mr. Kim

Mr. Kim= go and get fresh honey

As he say Mrs. Kim went to there bedroom to get fresh

Mr. Kim look at y/n and signal namjoon to bring others

.....time skip......

Mr. Kim,  y/n ,all bts members,  zen and tia are sitting in living room

Mr. Kim= well y/n I got to know everything whatever happen behind my back.
Look  y/n i directly  love to come on the main matter.
Y/n  I know that you have a very different lifestyle but now the lifestyle you are living is different  .
Y/n we mare mafia,  mafia kings for the underworld.
But I promise that you and you mother will never face any problem because of our this life style.
Y/n I love you so much as my daughter. And I love your mother too.
In our wedding day I promise your mother that I will never hide anything from her but I did and I accept it. I hide that I am mafia king to her as I thing that she may leave me. I am afraid. You know y/n your brothers are not my real sons. I adopt them from different orphanages. Even taehyung,  namjoon,  and jin are not my real sons ,they are my elder brother children.
My brother and sister in law  died because of our enemies and Jin and Namjoon are very small that time while taehyung is just 3 months old baby. I adopt them and hide them and protect them from the world till I thought that they are capable of facing the cruelty . I adopt jimin,  J-Hope  jungkook and suga from different orphanages and from different places. After sometime I thought that they all need a mother so I get into a relationship but for my bad luck that lady is sent by our enemies to kill us. So I killed her.
Y/n These seven are the  most precious part of my heart, I can't afford to lose them at all cost.
After few years I understand one thing that they all are getting cruel, heartless and emotionless.
I think alot, alot y/n and than I understand I am not capable of being a good mother. Yes I some how become a good father but I can't able to take a mother place.
And thats when I meet your mother and you.
Y/n you and your mother become one of the important part of my heart.
My daughter please try to adjust in this family,  please never try and thought to leave us because this huge mansion will become dark.
I promise you that you will never ever face any difficulty because of U-

Mr. Kim words get cut by y/n as she kneel down in front of him and hold his hands  like she is assuring him that every thing is good stop worrying so much

Y/n= dad just think if I get to know everything a long ago but only me , dad zen and tia also know everything and if I don't want to be here in this family than I must try to escape and try to tell mom everything. Right.

She say making mr. Kim eyes widen

Y/n= dad I have no issue with your any lifestyle even ask brothers I am in love with your lifestyle.  I love you dad,  I love brothers and I love your lifestyle and I am seriously loving being a part of it.

Nothing will happen to our family  .we are a family and no one can break this apart.

She say making mr. Kim and bts smile on her words
But little did they know someone heard everything 

Y/n mom= you guys are Mafia's

She as making everyone diverted there gaze to her

Everyone stand up as y/n say

Y/n= m-mom lo-o...

Her words get cut by her mom. Her mom showed her hand as she is signing her to stop talking.

Y/n mom = I never thought you will hide this to me

She say to Mr kim. Anger is visible on her tone

Mr. Kim= list-

Y/n mom= enough,  I will not stay here. Y/n let's go pack your things now.

She say angrily holding y/n hand

Y/n start panicking she try to stop her mother but no her mother went to her room to pack the things

Jin= dad please try to stop mom

Suga= stop her at all cost

Jimin= they can't leave us

Jungkook = I will not let this happen at all cost

J-hope= gaurds block the ways

They all scream while panicking while mr. Kim sit down on the couch while lowering his head and tear start streaming from his eyes

After 15 minutes y/n mother come down stairs  holding 3 bags

Y/n run towards her and try to stop her but her mother didn't listen, her mother went near mr. Kim and trough the bags infront of him making everyone confuse

Y/n mother cross her hands and say

Y/n mom= go and pack your things y/n now

She say as more tears again stream down from Mr. Kim eyes

Y/n mom= go and pack your bags y/n now. We all are leaving for a camping trip right now.

She say softly while smiling as all of there eyes widen
Mr. Kim hug her tightly 

Y/n mom= I will not leave. Me and y/n will stay with you all
I take the vow to always be your side at all cost so how can I leave you in midway.
My dears sons  go and pack your thing we have to leave for camping. Zen, tia, y/n  you too go hurry up .

They all follow it and go to pack there thing

Mr. Kim = thank you so much 

Y/n mom= I pack my things but still there were more 8 bags in our room honey go and bring them and yes pack your things also.

She say as Mr. Kim mouth touched the floor

Y/n mom= what. Look one bags have my jewelry,  one have my clothes,  one have normal sleepers so one have designer one. And one bags have back up jewelry,  one have my make up profits and so on so go.....

....after 1 month.....


They all scream in the cafeteria to there little sister. As their little sister got into a fight with school plastic  model.

All the bts members hold y/n but still she is trying to escape from there hold

Y/n = you pathetic  shit  dare to bully someone again and I will make sure that I will become your worst nightmare and never forget this BITCH that Kim y/n is the bully of bullies..

And that's how there life continues


Hope you all like it

Stay safe stay healthy

Keep supporting BTS


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