Par AyakoShizuka

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❝ Never be a prisoner of your past, it was just a lesson not a life sentence.❞ ✽ Honkai Impact 3rd/F!Reader ✽ Plus

Rebirth of a Soul - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Interlude-Kevin Kaslana Memories
Remembrance of a Soul - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
2nd Eruption - Sirin x Sister! Reader
My One and Only Master - Mei Raiden x Reader
Till Death Do Us Part - Su x Reader
Innocence - Kevin x Child! Reader x Hua
Soft Spot - Kalpas x Reader
Anger - Kalpas x Reader
Enemies to Lovers - Su x Reader
Individuality - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Will of Himeko - Himeko Murata x Reader
Family - Welt Yang x Wife! Reader
Jealousy - Welt x Wife! Reader
Acceptance - Yandere Mobius x Reader
Friendship - Sirin x Reader
Let's Start Over - Pardofelis x Reader
Limited Time - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Misunderstanding - Pardofelis x Reader
Star-Crossed Lovers - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Second Chance - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
The Warmth of a Cold Touch - Kosma x Reader
Girlfriend - Kalpas x Reader
Time Had Never Been A Problem - Fu Hua x Sister! Reader
Never Let You Go - Yandere Aponia x Reader
Clashing Personalities ~ Vill-V x Reader
Broken Promises and A Shattered Blade - Kiana Kaslana x Reader
A Spark to Light the Trailblaze - Himeko Murata x Reader
Black Dahlia ~ Vill-V x Reader
Hope for a Better Ending - Elysia x Reader
Her One And Only Regret - Elysia x Reader
One-sided Eternity - Su x Reader
The Calm Cold of Raging Wind - Yae Sakura x Reader
The Incident - Yandere Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Gone - Yandere Herscher of the Void x Reader
Su relationship headcanons
What Matters Most - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Proposal - Eden x Reader
A Flame Under The Stars - Kalpas x Reader
Forgiveness - Su x Reader
Tea is Better than Coffee - Su x Reader
The Troubles Of Fame - Hua x Reader
Until Next Time - Kevin Kaslana x Reader
Kevin dating headcanons
Matchmaker At Play - Kosma x Reader
The Future Is Not So Bleak Anymore - Kalpas x Reader
The Weekend - Kosma x Reader
Valentine's Day - Sakura x Reader
Trust - Su x Reader
Stars - Elysia x Reader
Profession of Love - Su x Reader

Confession - Kosma x Reader

2.2K 59 61
Par AyakoShizuka

Requested by fqiirytqlepixxl.


Griseo had taken a liking to the new combatant who transferred to MOTH's main base. She had been looking for inspiration when she came across you, a person who held a palette of colors she had never seen before. She was curious about you so Griseo began following you around. Of course, the painter's action didn't escape your vigilant eyes. It was hard to miss the little girl who was never too far. The 2nd Flame-chaser whom you had met upon your arrival took great amusement by this development.

"She's like a baby chick following after her mother." Elysia watches as the little girl pokes her head out from the wall. The blue-haired girl quickly darts her head back when she sees you looking at her. "Griseo seems to have found herself a new inspiration."


You say nothing to the pink elf's words. This went on for a while, but at some point, the painter had enough of watching you. She come up to you one day, tug on your cloth, and asked, "Do you want to meet Kosma?"


The little girl, having gained your permission, takes your hand, and leads you to meet the person called Kosma. That's how you end up meeting the 9th-ranking MANTIS.

"(Y/N), this is Kosma. Kosma, this is (Y/N)." Griseo introduce. "She's new."

The last part was unnecessary, but you didn't say anything.

The green-haired male nods and introduces himself to you. "I'm Kosma."

"(Y/N). I'm a new combatant." You provide.

He dips his head in acknowledgment. You noticed that Kosma wasn't as chatty as Elysia. He must not like interacting as much as the pink elf.

"Kosma." The boy's attention shifted from you to the shorter girl. "(Y/N) just transferred so she doesn't know her way around the base."

He knew what the blue-haired girl was asking. "I will show her around."

Griseo noticeably brightens. "Promise?"

"I promise." He smiles at the girl.

You look towards the painter.

"Don't worry. Aponia will be watching Griseo."

It took you a moment to realize he was talking to you. You did not know who the person the male spoke of was, but what you did know was that Kosma had read your thoughts. Had you been that obvious? You must have if he had caught the unspoken question you asked. You glanced at the little girl. Hesitantly you reach out to pat the little girl on the head, careful with the amount of force you used. It startled you when Griseo leans into your touch. Instinctively, you withdraw your hand. The painter stares at you.

"(Y/N) is shy." She says with absolute conviction. "She's not used to being about people."

You were stunned by her statement. Most of all, by how sure she sounded. The conviction that radiated from her almost seemed like... Your brows furrowed and your mouth opens. You didn't get a chance to question the painter.

"Griseo, I need to talk with the lady. Aponia should be in the meditation room. Be careful on your way there. I'll be back after I give (Y/N) a tour of the base."

"I got it."

Then the blue-haired girl left, leaving the two of you alone. Kosma looks at you. He had an anxious look etched on his face. You can only assume the reason for his expression was because of Griseo.

"I apologize." He said. "Griseo means no offense."

"It's okay." You replied, assuring the boy that you held no resentment for the girl. "I was the one at fault."

He stares at you with a fixated look before turning away.

"Follow me. I'll give you the tour of the base."

You nod and follow Kosma. The walk was awkward, to say the least. The MANTIS only spoke when the two of you arrived at a new area. He simply provided you with the name of the section before walking off. You didn't dare to address the elephant in the room so the awkwardness sat uncomfortably throughout the whole trip. You were surprised when Kosma attempted to strike up a conversation with you despite how little he seemed to interact with you.

"You're new." He said.

You stared at the back of the male's head, confused. Hadn't that been established?

"That's right." You replied. There was a pause as you consider your next words. "Is there anything else?"

"No." He hastily denies it. His gaze return to the front where the medical wing was coming into view. "This is the Medical Divison."

Other than informing you of the layout of MOTH, Kosma spoke no more to you. You were unsure of his intent earlier. Has he been trying to talk to you? It made you wonder if he was only doing this because Griseo asked him to. The thought saddens you. The tour ended at the dormitories.

He turns to you and announces. "Our tour ends here."

"I appreciate you taking me around." You express to the MANTIS your gratitude.

He dips his head and bids you farewell, "Goodnight, (Y/N)."

"Good night." You head up to your room.

That night, you slept like any ordinary night, never expecting to see Kosma or the little girl again.


Griseo and Kosma were waiting for you when you came out of your room. Upon spotting you, the blue-haired girl dash towards you. You were surprised to see her.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." She said with a hand to her chest.

"Good morning." You said. "Did you get a good night's sleep?"

"Umm." She nods.

You saw Kosma walking toward the two of you. He greets you with a nod. You nodded back. The awkwardness from last night comes back. He was silent, seemingly deep in thought. Then he opens his mouth.

"Griseo and I are leaving the base." He informed.

You were confused as to why that was relevant to you.


Griseo was the one who answered your question.

"Mama Aponia said that it would be a clear sunny day. I wanted to find new colors to paint." The soft-spoken girl explained. "It would be nice if (Y/N) can come with us."

You were touched they wanted you to come along. However, you were unsure if you should accept or decline their invitation. You look between the two MANTISes. Kosma seemed anxious. As for why you didn't know. Griseo looks at you expectantly. Almost as if sensing the debate in your heart, she walks up to you and tugs on your uniform. You look at the girl, questioningly. Her action also confounded Kosma.

"Griseo?" He calls.

The girl didn't turn to look at the MANTIS. She kept staring at you with her doe-like eyes.

"Kosma would be happy if you come with us. He was the one who wanted you to come." Her revelation surprises you.

Was this true? You turned Kosma. The male MANTIS was looking at the blue-haired girl in shock. It seem he too had not expected her to say that.

"No, that's not..." He tried to deny the painter's words but was at a loss for what to say.

It took a moment to regain your composure. When you did, you stared at Kosma blankly. "You dislike my company." You said with conviction.

Kosma's eyes widened at the crestfallen look on your face. He opens his mouth to explain himself, but the little girl beside him stole his spotlight.

"Kosma likes your company," Griseo said much to the male's mortification. Her next words made the male want to use his skill to devour himself and save himself from the embarrassment of experiencing the outcome. "He likes you."

You blinked owlishly at Griseo. Kosma was mortified that Griseo would say such things. Not that it isn't true... Still, the problem stems from the fact that it was said in front of you. When you look at him, Kosma averts his gaze away to the floor. You felt a twinge of pity for the male.

"I'll go with the two of you. Outside I mean."

He looks up at you, his eyes wide in disbelief. Griseo brightens at your answer. The three of you walk out of the dormitories. Suddenly, the painter stops.

"Wait." At her command, you and Kosma halt. Griseo takes one of your hands in her left hand and one of Kosma's hands in her right hand. She nods, satisfied. "Okay, let's go."

Kosma and you didn't comment on Griseo's decision and allowed the child to take charge.


The scenery outside was pleasant and warm. Griseo had chosen a spot to paint while you stood a good distance away to observe the girl at work. Kosma comes over and joins you on the sideline.

"About earlier..." He began, his mind still fixated on the incident at the dorms.

"Don't worry. I won't make any assumptions." You assure.

"Thank you." He paused for a moment. "I apologize if we interrupted any plans you had."

"It's okay. I didn't have anything planned."

"I see." The two of you turn and watch as Griseo paint. "Is something bothering you?"

You turn to the boy with a questioning look. "What makes you say that?"

"You look preoccupied when I came over." He explained.

It was pointless to hide your emotions so you chose to be upfront with him. "Do you dislike me?"

Kosma was stunned by your words. "I'm afraid I don't understand. Why would I dislike you?"

"You dislike interacting with me."

"I enjoy talking with you." He correct. "I apologize if it came off the wrong way. Griseo once said that you were shy. You were not the only one."

You blinked and stared at him with your mouth hung open. Before you could utter a word, he had already left. It didn't escape you that his ears were bright red.


Kosma left desiring nothing more than a refuge. He took a seat beneath a tree he found and pulls out his harmonica. The event with you was still fresh on his mind and he needed a distraction. The male was about to play when a voice spoke.

"You play the harmonica?" Kosma jolted from his spot. He turns and found you standing a few feet away from him. It seems that you have followed him. "I'm sorry if I surprised you."

"It's okay. To answer your question, I do play." He turned to you and holds the harmonica up. "Would you like to hear me play a song?"

You perked up to his offer. "Is that okay?"

"It's fine."

The green-haired male tensed when you sat beside him. He tried to ignore the racing of his heart as you settle beside him. Once you were comfortable, Kosma press the instrument to his lips and begins playing. In an instant, you were captivated by the song. You had never heard such a heartfelt song. The MANTIS had his eyes closed as he played, his fingers moving the instrument back and forth, producing a wonderful symphony for all to hear—for you to hear. You close your eyes, allowing the song to whisk you away.

The MANTIS stopped playing when he felt something warm press against his shoulder. He turns and found himself face-to-face with you. Kosma cranes his neck back with a gulp. You looked defenseless at that moment yet still enchanting, like a character out of a storybook. Kosma lowers his harmonica, his eyes falling victim to your mesmerizing features.

Griseo finally finished her painting. She wanted to show you and Kosma the finished product only to find that the two had fallen asleep on one another. She gently placed her painting down safely on the grass and runs back to retrieve her stuff. The painter walks back to the two sleeping individuals and sets up her easel. She then picks up her paintbrush, pressed it against the blank sheet, and began painting.

It took a few minutes for the little girl to finish her new piece. On the canvas was a portrait of you and Kosma, sleeping beneath the comfort of the tree.


It all started with a regular play date with Griseo. One moment she was painting the next she was acting strangely like you. At first, you thought it was cute that she was imitating you, but it became increasingly concerning the more she took after you. You took the painter to Kosma.

"What is it?" He asked when he noticed the concern on your face.

"Griseo is acting strange." You informed. "One moment she's herself and the next she's acting like me. I don't mean imitating me. She's almost like me."

Something flashed in his eyes.

"Is something wrong with Griseo?" You asked.

"No, she's..." He paused and then looks at the girl still holding your hand. "Griseo, I need to talk with (Y/N). Go play with Aponia."

"Okay." The blue-haired girl lets go of your hand. She looks at you and Kosma. "See you later, (Y/N). Kosma."

You watched as she leaves. It was only when you were sure the girl was gone that you turn to the male and ask, "What's going on? Why was Griseo acting like me?"

"Griseo is easily influenced by people." The male explained. "Do you remember when we came by your quarters to ask you if you wanted to come with us?"

How could you forget? "When Griseo told me that I was shy?"

Kosma nods. "Griseo is a special individual. A blank canvas is a blank canvas until color is on it. Griseo is the same. The more time you spend with her the more she takes after the person she is in contact with. That's why she's kept away from people."

"So that's why." No wonder you found her to be similar to you. "Am I in danger?"

"Griseo simply imitated people. There is no malicious harm towards anyone she mimics."

"I'm glad."


"I would be sad if I could not hang out with her. Especially you."

His eyes widened. Kosma raises a hand to cover the bottom half of his face.

"Don't say that." He whispers loud enough for you to hear. "It makes me feel embarrassed."

You blinked, surprised by his honesty. Then, you burst out laughing much to the male's disbelief. Kosma was unable to comprehend what he could have said that was so funny. Despite it all, it felt as thorough the two of you have gotten closer.


Someone tugged on your clothes and you turned to find Griseo behind you. She had something behind her back. You bent down to her level and ask. "What's behind your back?"

She takes out the item behind her and held it up. It was a rectangular piece of paper. It took you a moment to realize that what she held was a ticket to Vill-V's magic show. You sighed, understanding what she was asking.

"You want to go?"

She nods. "I want to go with Kosma and you."

"Does Kosma know?" She nods.

Your shoulders slump in defeat and a sigh escape from your lips. "Alright."

The painter smiles and runs off, most likely to inform the green-haired male of the good news. Despite your sigh, you couldn't contain the smile on your face. On the day of Vill-V's magic show, you and Kosma, together with Griseo, went to see the con artist's performance. It was an exclusive event. Only a select few could enter and witness the spectacle. You look around in awe, having never seen such a magnificent place.

"Is this your first time?" Kosma asked.

You turn to the green-haired male. "I never attended a magic show." You admit.

"That makes two of us."

"I've never seen a magic show." Griseo remark.

"Three." Kosma corrects with a smile. "Be careful, Griseo. It's not crowded, but it can't be dangerous so stay with me and (Y/N)."

"I understand."


A few days ago, Kosma asked if you could meet with him in the meeting room. The boy says that he had something important to tell you. You replied that you would be there. He planned to profess to you his feelings. Somehow his plans got leaked.

"I'm hurt, Kosma. How could you not tell me that you were going to confess to (N/N)?" Elysia pouted. "Of course, I understand if you wanted to keep it a secret."

"... How do you know?"

"Is that more important than your date with (N/N)? It's good that you chose a place that would be empty save for you and (N/N). Good job, Kosma, but have you considered what to say to her?"

His silence was more than enough of an answer to the pink elf's question.

"I bet you were just going to meet with her and confess. Did I get that right?"

"Is something wrong with that?"

"Of course not, but a confession should be more romantic and heartfelt. You want (N/N) to know the sincerity of your feelings, don't you? Leave everything to me."

The boy stared at Elysia. "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry about that. You should focus on what to give to (N/N). I'm sure Felis can give you a discount."


And so, the MANTIS bought you a bouquet of roses which he kept inside a fridge to preserve. On the big day, Kosma put on the clothes he wore for Kevin's birthday party and retrieve the bouquet from the fridge. He heads to the meeting room. Instead of finding an empty room, he found utter chaos.

"Griseo, your job is to scatter flower petals on (N/N) and Kosma, okay?"

"Okay." The painter nods to the older girl's words.

"Ellie, they're not getting married." Eden gently reminds.

"I know, but it'll be a nice touch. Just thinking about my two friends getting together fills me with such happiness. I can't wait for it to happen. Oh, Kosma!" Elysia spots the boy standing in front of the door. "Why are you standing there? Come, come. Wow, those are beautiful flowers! Those are for (N/N), right?"

Kosma ignores her question. "What are you doing?"

"I'm planning your confession of course," Elysia said as if that was obvious. "What do you think? Isn't it romantic?"

He glances around and no matter where he looked, hearts were staring right back at him. Eden must have been the one to purchase all the decorations. How else would it have gotten here so quickly?

"Speechless? Maybe I did get a bit carried away."

"I think you mean a lot."

"Heh. It's because I care a lot about you, Kosma. So, how will you confess to (N/N)?"

"It's none of your business."

"Speaking like Kevin now? That's fine, but I think (N/N) would prefer Kosma to Kevin." Elysia remarked.

Kosma keeps his mouth shut.

"Alright, places everyone!" Immediately Eden and Griseo head to their assigned place. "(N/N) should be coming here soon. Good luck, Kosma. I'll be cheering you on."

She heads off before Kosma could so much as speak. He sighs. There was no use stopping her. He might as well make the most of it. Maybe the decorations could help.

Kosma sure wasn't feeling it.


You arrived later than expected, but you came and that's what mattered. However, you came disheveled as if you just had a tussle. Your clothes had some singed and your hair looked fried.

"What happened?"

"Kalpas." You simply answered and shake a few ashes off of you. He glanced over your form in deep concern. Why had you been fighting Kalpas? "I'm okay. He didn't hurt me too badly." It was then you notice the roses he was holding. "Why are you holding flowers and why—" You look at the decor in the room. "—is the place decorated with pink streamers and heart-shaped balloons? Is it someone's birthday?"

Kosma swallows, nervousness building in the back of his throat. He takes your hand much to your confusion and leans in to plant a small kiss on the corner of your lips. Your eyes widened at what he had done, but you hadn't flinched nor gave any sign of rejection. The male felt hopeful. He squeezed your hand.

"I love you, (Y/N)." He whispers while looking straight into your eyes. "I understand if this is a lot to take in. You must be surprised, but I wanted to tell you that since the time you have fallen asleep on my shoulder, my heart had decided that you were the one. I don't know what the future has in store for us or if we'll survive this war, but what I do know is that I want you to be mine." He then presents to you the flowers in his hand. "Would you be mine?"

You stared at him before taking the flowers from his hand, "Yes."

He immediately goes over to hug you, uncaring if he crushed the flowers in the process. Griseo comes over and sprinkles the two of you with rose petals while Elysia and Eden clap. You and Kosma pulled away. Then there was a click and a flash. The two of you immediately snapped your heads at the sound.


"I-I'm sorry! I didn't know the flash was on! I swear!"

You and Kosma glanced at one another before smiling. After that, there was a celebration to congratulate you and Kosma for getting together. Eden tribute a song to the two of you and of course, Elysia couldn't pass up the opportunity to invite everyone. It was a big party, one that was filled with lots of memories.

At the end of the day, Griseo had herself another masterpiece. She hung the piece, with the help of Aponia, next to another painting, one that she had previously drawn for you and Kosma. The paintings would tell the story of Daybreak and (Code/Name) for visitors to come.

A/N: I apologize for the long wait. The week has been hectic so I had little to no time for requests. Still, I hope this part can make your day. Sorry if Kosma is a bit out of character, I'm afraid I'm not an expert at writing his character just yet.

Thanks for reading!

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