Made For Me (bwwm)

Af zaynswifeyr

13.3K 408 234

Kimani Harris has a big heart hiding the true struggles she faces below the surface. Hidden under his rough e... Mere



1.7K 54 39
Af zaynswifeyr


Come out of the shower I see Sasha and he's seated on a chair, sitting awkwardly.

"Uh- Ivy let me in" He stands up when he sees me.

"Hi um, I wasn't expecting you" I grab my towel and pull it tighter around me.

"I called but you didn't answer, I can leave and wait for you to finish changing if you need me to" He looks around awkwardly and I nod.

He doesn't say anything he just gives me a half smile while stepping out. 

I'm going to kill Ivy.

I know he's seen me naked before but that was when I was feeling confident and good about myself.

But it's Sasha and I'm just nervous. I'm very nervous. Where's the weed when I need it?

Once again using my several sisters to my advantage, having my own professional plug. Which I thank the lord for because there's no way in hell I'm getting laced.

While lotioning up my body I look for my bra, my pen, and my panties.

While clothing my body I simultaneously take hits throwing it onto my bed once I have on shorts and tank top.

"Okay" I speak up while opening the door.

Sasha comes back in and when I notice the way his brows furrow I want to physically melt myself.

"Were you.." He asks, a smile raising on his lips.

"Yeah" I give in laughing slightly.

"I can tell, I know a thing or two about weed" He lightly closes the door.

"Hm well tell me a thing or two about it then" I come closer to him and he rests his arms behind his back.

"Well first I know that it's no fun being the only one not high" He raises his brows coming closer to me.

"What are you suggesting?" I know exactly what he's suggesting.

"Two is better than one" Is all he says and I squint.

"Two high teenagers, alone in a room, you think that's a good idea?" If I get any closer to him we're gonna kiss.

"It's only a bad idea if they're both horny and attracted to each other." He looks me in my eyes, I swear he's eye fucking me.

"Are you horny and attracted to me?" At this point, I'm whispering because with how close we are I know he can hear me.

"Very. You?" His eyes wash over my face intensely waiting for my response.

"Yeah" I mumble but those words don't matter because I'm already kissing him, feeling his hands gripping onto my waist and pulling me into him.

"Kimani tell me why the fuck Dean Marshall ju-" But Ivy stops short.

"Oh, my g-" She raises her brows.

"I'm gonna go" She turns around slamming the door and I just look back to Sasha whose hands are still around my waist.

"Maybe this was my sign to get to the point" He slightly pulls away and the loss of contact makes all the heat that was rising bubble back down.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to go out on a date with me." I'm having a lot of firsts this week.

This is my first date, ever which is weird considering I've dated before.

"Yeah" That's all that can come out of my mouth.

"Where exactly do you want to go?" I question.

"It's a surprise." That's not gonna help me in any way.

"But I need to know what to wear and when it is and-" But he cuts me off.

"I'll text you the details" That's all he says before rushing out. This is not helpful.


A man without a plan. I don't know the first thing Kimani likes I just wanted to ask her out.

When I exit I see Ivy sitting on the floor outside eating grapes and playing some game on her phone.

"Ivy, are you playing episode?" I scrunch up my face.

"No" She widens her eyes and shuts her phone off.

"Ivy I have sisters, I know what episode is" I glare at her.

"It was choices, not episode, because their gems cost less" Of course it was.

"You can sit on the floor you little germaphobe, I mop daily" She speaks up when she notices how I'm looking at her wearily.

I'm not a germaphobe, my mom was but not me. My therapist thinks I have OCD but I know I don't. My mom did but I don't, I just have some OCD-like habits I picked up from her if that even makes sense. 

I do just that and when I did down I sigh extra hard.

"What you drama queen?" She looks at me.

"I asked Kimani on a date and I don't know where to take her. I could take her to a fancy restaurant and us-" But she's stopping me.

"Fancy restaurants as a first date night feel a little too much. I don't know how to explain it but like you're wearing fancy clothes and dress clothes and you put on this fancy persona and you spend most of the night overthinking not being your genuine self but that's just my take and I know with how anxious Ki can get especially knowing that you like her and she likes you it might not fit. But don't listen to me because if I'm wrong them I don't wanna be blamed" She laughs.

"What about the movies?" I ask.

"That could work, but it's not a lot of talking involved so if you're looking for a quiet night that would work, and then you can talk about it over dinner." I'm gonna add that to the list.

"An arcade or isn't there like a winter carnival or festival going on?" I ask and Ivy nods.

"That would work too, that might just work best. I think that she might actually enjoy the carnival. You make memories there and you guys can bond over carnival foods, get intimate on the Ferris Wheel, and Kimani talks a lot with some sugar and good competition and you can win her a bear or something" Ivy is really passionate about carnivals wow.

"What? I've never been to one before and I've always wanted to go so obviously I have a lot of imaginary ideas" She furrows her brows getting defensive.

"I didn't say anything it's a good idea" I clear my throat.

"I know it is, I was gonna go with Jayden but you need to more than I do" She reaches in her pocket for two wristbands.

"You don't have to, it can be a double date" I offer.

"I wouldn't be able to go anyways, I have a new tutoring gig" She stands up leaving the bands on my lap.

"I thought you were tutoring that freshmen? How much do they even pay you to tutor students?" I know for a fact Ivy is getting paid for it with the way that she's taking it so seriously.

"Never ask a woman how much she gets paid and I was but he passed the course so I'm picking up new labor. Can you guess who?" She rests her hands on her hips.

"I don't know" Why would she even ask me to guess? I hate guessing games.

"Alex" She groans.

"Oh man, that is terrible" Alex is my best friend but I can't help but feel terrible for her.

"At least you're getting paid right?" I ask and she just takes a deep breath.

"You're doing it for free? For Alex?" I widen my eyes.

"I hate him, I can't stand him but for a second I actually felt bad so I agreed. No questions asked please." She exits and I just laugh.

I stand up once again and enter Kimanis room and she's just laying on the floor with headphones in her ears.

What the hell is up with all the human mops? Why are we laying on floors?

"Ki" I tap her and she looks not me blankly.

"Do you want to go to the carnival with me?" I ask.

"I've been wanting to go for weeks and today is the last day of course" She widens her eyes and I smile to myself.

I'm thanking Ivy in my head but I also feel bad because she said she's never gone and now it's the last day.

I give Kimani the all information preparing to meet her here at 7.


I put on brown pants and a white top, going for the whole simple look. I'm actually happy he came up with the carnival idea.

It would be too awkward at a big fancy place because I wouldn't know what to say. At a carnival, I can eat a ton of junk and we can bond over food and games.

Maybe I just enjoy this more because with being a cheerleader I never get to go out much and enjoy the simpler things.

"You look really pretty" Sasha smiles and I smile right back.

"You clean up nice too" I joke considering that every time we've spoken it was when he was messy from playing.

"Thank you I try" He laughs as we start to head out.

We walk past Ivy who's standing outside our dorm repeatedly banging her head on the wall and we both pause.

"Are you okay?" I furrow my brows.

"Alex doesn't know the quadratic formula. How am I supposed to help that? He is a lost child and on top of that, he's an asshole. You cant be a fucking asshole and illiterate" She groans while sliding down the wall.

"Don't let me bore you with this, enjoy your date and send pictures" She smiles shooing us away.

Once we get outside we're met with a car and he and I both stop short.

"You have a nice car" I don't know anything about cars but it looks fancy, I'm sure he's a rich white boy like Alex too.

"Funny you say that 'cause it's not my car" He laughs slightly and now I feel embarrassed.

"It's Alex's, I didn't want to get on the bus for a first date but I also don't have a car and I didn't wanna lie to you and stuff because I don't know if you're like into guys with nice fancy cars but I normally just take the bus bec-" He's just like me, rambling when he's nervous.

I notice it so I cut him off halfway, "It's fine I normally just walk places too. You know moms and how they think we never need stuff" I joke but Sasha doesn't laugh he just gives me a half smile.

Did I say something wrong? I know I'm not the funniest person ever.

"Yeah moms, we should get in now" He walks up to the car and opens my door.

Most of the ride consists of him and I listening to SZA, which now he conveniently knows all the words to every song in the album ctrl. Ironic.

Once we get there I feel an automatic boost of energy. The lights the food the people. I love it.

Sasha trails behind me while I get on practically every ride but it's all-around fun.

After the rides, we choose to eat since we don't plan on riding anything else.

Well, I do. I need a cold shower. This is not a whore house it's a carnival.

"The corn is really good" He widens his eyes while devouring the full cob.

"I know I love corn" I smile holding his free hand.

We tried pretty much everything there and we also played games. It was fun until the stupid bottles wouldn't drop.

Sasha hit them for me though and I got the big bunny. I love bunnies.

Finally, since it is pretty dark we decide the Ferris wheel is best.

Sitting up there next to him, watching all the lights and people. I just feel happy. I feel content.

"How'd I do?" He asks.

"A really good job, I got food, a new bunny, and I went on my first date" He just looks at me completely confused.

"Your first date? This was your first date?" He raises his brows.

"Yeah, I mean I've dated but I've never been taking out. I didn't mind it though" I get being in high school and not being able to afford fancy date things. It's fine.

"I'm happy that your first one was a good one" He wraps his hand around my shoulder pulling me closer.

"Me too. How about you, you can't tell me you've never been on a date before" I look at him and he shrugs.

"I've been on many dates yeah but never to a carnival as a date. It's better than sitting in a restaurant and trying so hard to impress each other" Am I kind of jealous that he's dated girls, yeah but then again he looks like himself and I can't blame women for being attractive.

"So you're the dater and your menacing best friend is the sex addict?" I joke and Sasha nods laughing.

"Basically yeah, I have sex but I don't always mess around with random women, normally we'd have something serious or at least something going on. It wouldn't just be a one-night stand" I can get that, I don't do one-night stands either.

"I think it's because I have a lot of sisters and their experiences kinda scare me into just not hopping around too much" My sisters are my prime examples. I enjoy learning from their mistakes because man I can make a book about it all.

"A lot? Well, how many do you have?" I ask.

"Seven" He just looks at me with completely wide eyes.

"My mom pops them out like eggs, there's one twin and five other girls. Amaya and Anaya the twins, Lea, and Cammie are the oldest, and then there's me, then there's Kalease and Bailey. A house full of girls" It's a lot and I don't expect him to remember but I'm very prideful about my family so I can't help but mention them. It's like the loud house.

"I just have one sister, one stepbrother, and one-half sister" He shrugs it off.

"What are their names, give me the details" I smile and his lips curve into one too.

"Well, I was the youngest because Caroline, my sister was born three years before me. Then my dad remarried two years ago so his wife's son is my stepbrother, Jordan who's younger than me, he's cool I guess. Then there's Selena, my half-sister, she's just two so I don't really have many thoughts about a two-year-old" He jokes and I laugh lightly.

"Do you like your stepmom? You don't have to answer that if it's too personal" I throw in realizing I'm overstepping.

"No it's fine, I like her she's cool, she'll never be my mom though" I want to ask about his mom so bad but there are boundaries and I should respect them, I will respect them.

"I think Alex and Ivy are more alike than we think" I immediately change the subject.

"Trust me they are and that's why they hate each other because they are the same person" God he sees their stupidity too. When he walks past she immediately gets angry and I don't understand why. I mean I don't like rich white boys either but they don't agitate me that much.

We run through the course for thirty other topics of just random things. It's like we can't run out of things to say.

By the time the Ferris wheel is done we start heading back but even through the ride back it's no longer silent humming it's laughing and talking and even pit stops for ice cream.

"Looks like we're pulling up" He looks at me and I groan.

"No, let's go around one more time" I whine.

"Whatever you want Ki" He pulls out, we've driven around the campus three times because I just don't want to leave yet.

It's like spending time with your cousin that you haven't seen in a while and it's awkward at first but once you get comfortable you have to leave.

Except this isn't my cousin and I don't have to forcibly leave him.

"Wait Sash, do you want to just come inside?" I ask and he nods almost relieved.

"I didn't mind going around constantly but I was getting a little bit of a cramp" He's coming around to open my door.

As we walk up to our room right before we enter we can practically hear Ivy and Alex yelling at each other in the lounge room.

Sasha and I just laugh while heading into my room.

"Sooooo" He stands there awkwardly while I take off my shoes.

"Get comfortable we're having a sleepover" I joke and he's already throwing off his shoes and his zip-up.

"Are you being serious?" He asks.

"I was joking but If you want to stay you can, I mean I want you to stay but if-" He doesn't even let me get through my sentence because he's kissing me.

His soft lips take in mine but he soon pulls away and I almost frown at the loss of contact.

Before I can speak Ivy is coming in with her hands over her eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sleeping in Ciara's room tonight I just need to get my computer for my psychology homework" Ivy quickly grabs it and turns away.

"I hope your date was fun, use protection and lock the door" She shouts before pulling it in.

Sasha and I stare at each other for a second before busting out in laughter.

"Does she think we're gonna have sex?" Ask jokingly

"I don't know I think she does " He smiles.

"But you don't have to worry about that because I have something better than sex" He steps back like he's about to present.

"Weed" He smiles and I smile with him.

"Are you asking me to get high with you?"


A/N: mmmm not sure if I should rob y'all with the next chapter idk

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