Two Worlds Collide

By stacyyy16

39.6K 2.3K 768

Henrie Archibald is Ceo of several corporations he is hard working, but his biggest stress of all is his fami... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 13

1K 71 28
By stacyyy16

I'm fuming I follow Henrie to give him a piece of my mind and when he feels me behind he turns

"Is there something you need Rylee?" he ask

"Yes as a matter of fact I do you Henrie can not and will never control what I wear that's number one so if I'm proud of how I look which I am I will continue to wear whatever I choose no matter what comes with your family name" I say

"Rylee I'm not trying to control I'm just helping do you want everyone to get a look at your goods that's should be for your man and private" he says

"No its not its for myself I'm happy with how good I look and if people want to stare because I look good that's great for them I don't care what others think and that's your problem and why you will keep caring for others opinions but I won't they only thing I need you to do is be a good dad to Dash not to micromanage me got it" I say and walk away

I go back to the party where I see Blair and Kleo talking and I join

"Hey Rylee good to see you!" Kleo says

"Good to see you too I spoke to your wife today she great hi Blair you look great" I say

"Yes she told me she loved you and that I need to invite over with Dash" he says

"I would love that I really enjoyed seeing Rome and Dash play today maybe it'll stop him from asking when I'm going to give him a sibling" I say laughing

"Aww how cute maybe you should give him a sibling" Blair laughs

"Haha yeah first I'd have to find a man" I say laughing

"No one special in mind I'm surprised girl you are stunning!" Blair says

"Um I have something and I a feel special connection I just hope it's real for both of us but I'm not thinking of adding more kids yet I'm happy with just Dash" I say

"You can tell he's happy you are doing a great job Rylee" Kleo says

"Thank you" i say and then look and see someone walk in and approach us

"Hello you must be Rylee I'm Lawrence Archibald hello Blair and Kleo it's great go see my kids" he says

"Father!" blair says

"Kleo I'm so glad you are here I wanted to speak to you" Hé says

"I heard Henrie told me I hope you're not playing games"Kleo says

" no games I'm embarrassed of the way I've been and all I have to say is I'm sorry and I want to be better But before we talk I wanted to say it's good to finally meet you Rylee and I'm glad my grandson ended up with you I heard nothing but great things" he says

"Thank you Mr Archibald it's nice to meet you too!" I say

"Dad I didn't know you arrived!" Henrie says holding on to Dash

"Yeah I just arrived son and you must be Dash" he says smiling

"Yes I am nice to meet you dash!" says

"Dash this is your grandfather!" I say

"Cool now I have a second one do you like doing the yard too I love doing that with poppop" Dash says

"I'm sure that is fun but I like fishing maybe we can go one day with your dad" he says

"Can mommy come too and Rome?" dash ask

"I'm sure that'd make it extra fun for everyone" he says

Hours pass and I'm eating and everytime I look over Henrie is looking at me he's so annoying but I can tell Dash is having fun with his dad and that's what is important but it's getting late so I get up and walk over

"Hey buddy I think it's time to go it's late" I say

"Okay mommy lemme grab my bag" and he runs and Rome follows

"I think he had a great time" I say

"Yeah I'm glad you both came I think it was a good day" he says and he walks us out

"Dash say bye to your dad" I say

"Bye buddy I'll see you soon okay" I say and give him a hug and put him in the car

"Um I wanted to ask you Henrie I know its last minute and I have other plans but do you want to take dash tomorrow ill be home late I have a date" I say

"Oh I would love too but I can't tomorrow I had plans but if you really need someone to watch him I can change it" he says but looks really disappointed

"Its alright I can tell it's important for you I'll send him to my parents but I'll see you soon" I say and he nods and waves goodbye

The Next Day

I wake up and I'm in a great mood and not because it's my Birthday but because today I finally get to meet my wonderful girl and nothing can make this day go to shit

So I went to work and had a good day nothing could bring me down alot of birthday text and my brother called and we spoke and I came home and Blair had a cake waiting for me

"Happy birthdayy old man" Blair says

"Thanks sis but nothing can bring me down today I'll eat the cake later I have to get dressed for tonight" I say giving her a hug and running upstairs and showering and right before I leave I get an email from my girl

Happy birthdayy babe I just wanted to tell you I can't wait to meet tonight and I hope this a special day for you. I just wanted to tell you I'll be wearing jeans and brown shirt and a big smile on my face can't wait the first day of our real beginning

Yours ❤️

I smile and pick up her favorite flowers yellow and white roses and I drive to the Resturant and I stand in a corner and wait for her to see me or for me to spot her I then see a bunch of women walk in and I'm betting one of them is my girl I first notice the 2 blondes and a beautiful red head I'm wondering which one she's is it's hard to see since it's dark and I can tell they are all wearing  jeans

But my heart stops when I see Rylee walk in and I turn to analyze this must be the date she's going on I wonder where her man is but my focus jumps back to the other ladies and I decide to walk forward but then I really come to a complete standstill when Rylee looks at me and the flowers and I notice she has one a brown shirt and jeans

"You there's no way this can't be happening to me" she says and I have no words

"You're my mystery woman!" I say

"I'm not your anything Henrie I have to go" she says

"Rylee wait please we can't avoid each other please have a drink with me" I say

"Happy birthday Henrie but this is a sick joke goodbye" I say and walk out but turn to give him his birthday gift and then I bucket out the door leaving him there with people just staring

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