By bigstarqueen

890 130 303

Charlie never liked traveling or making friends, but after meeting Jungkook. he fell hard like a rock and mel... More

.... characters•◍✧*。
....Happy Kookie Day!!!...•◍✧*。


16 3 0
By bigstarqueen

The party ended in a blur as news began to spread non-stop. By the time, the power was back the audience has realize that Yu Jin was no where to be seen, her mother panicked and people raised assumption of her being kidnapped.

The guards were confused as the security chief gave a clue that some intruder might have broken into the hall. Mr. President became more furious than ever, his assistant was angry and worried about him.

He sent tons of officers and agents to go out there and secretly search for the missing kids. They couldn't find anything on the CCTV camera footage as well since Taehyung already gave Charlie a head up on how to avoid being cut on the CCTV monitor.

Taehyung entered into Jungkook's room and took the younger dairy, he thought it could be off help to let the president's know of the pain and suffering his child was going through after he became the father of the country.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Sir. The president's wants to see you." Taehyung tilted his head to stare at the young agent behind him before slowly nodding his head.

'i hope you forgive me but it's time.' he thought and spun on his heels before walking off to go see the president.

Getting into the office, Taehyung halt by the door and eyed the assistant who glared at him in return. The younger sigh and shook his head before inviting himself into the president's office.

Jimin as well, followed after Taehyung and as the agent notice this he turned and glared at the assistant before whipping his head towards the president who was gulping down a glass of alcohol.

"Sire, with all due respect I'd like to speak with you alone." Taehyung declared, unable to bear the assistant present in the room.

Seokjin looked up at Taehyung and tilted his head towards his cute assistant who has an angry expression spread over his baby face.

The president chuckled and slightly shook his head before keeping the alcohol on the table and cock a brow at the agent.

"Why is that?"

"I have something else to tell you. But I'm afraid i won't say anything if he stays with us." Taehyung elaborate and Seokjin nodded in understanding.

"Sire." Jimin called but kept his mouth shut per Seokjin's order.

"Give us the room." Seokjin said briefly before turning back to his alcohol and began to sip from his glass.

Jimin silently huff and spun around, leaving the two men alone.

"So? What is it that demands my assistant to leave the room?" Seokjin leisurely inquired, taking another sip from his alcohol.

"I don't think young master Jungkook was kidnapped." Taehyung clarify with confidence. It was the plan after all, make people think he was kidnapped before telling the truth that he escape but of cause Charlie's role play in all of it must be kept confidential.

Seokjin frowned at that and slowly tilted his head before slamming his fist on the table. "Then tell me what exactly happened??! Why has it bring disgrace upon me?!" The president yelled by which Taehyung was not even frightened.

"Here." The agent nonchalantly spoke and slowly thrutch Jungkook's diary towards the president's.

" I find this in his room." Taehyung spoke and watch as the president took the book and glanced at the cover page before throwing it into a basket by the side of his table. A basket that was meant for rubbish.

'i knew this would happen, he doesn't care at all about his son.' Taehyung sighed before bringing out a neatly folded paper from his blazer and thrutch it towards the president who then looked up, confused.

"And what is this?" Seokjin inquired, curiously waiting for a respond but Taehyung didn't utter a word.

Knowing he won't get an answer, the president curiously took the paper and unfold it before reading every word while his eyes bulge out in shock.

"Y-you." Seokjin immediately stood up and furrowed his brows as Taehyung took a step back and bow respectfully before standing upright.

"As it is said in the letter, i wish to resign and start a new business of my own."

Seokjin let out an involuntary scoff and began to laugh like a maniac, if you could walk into his office and see his state, you won't even dare to think that this very man is a president of a country.

" can't be serious." Seokjin weakly spoke as he look up to stare into those determined orbs of the agent.

He looked away and slowly nodded his head, slumping back into his swivel chair before gulping down another glass of alcohol. "Fine, i see you have already made your mine." Said the president as he clench his fist. "You can leave."

Taehyung made a salute gesture and spun on his heels before exiting the office.

As he came out, he was grabbed by the furious assistant who held the collar of his sleeve and demand some answers.

"What do you think you're doing?" Taehyung angrily inquired before taking the assistant's hands off his shirt.

"I should be asking you that. Why did you have to talk to him in private? What are you plotting?" Jimin inquired.

"Do you think you deserve to give an opinion concerning the president and his son?" Jimin backed away in surprise as Taehyung growl at his face.

"No. You are just a wicked sly animal who cares for no one other than himself." Taehyung whispered through gritted teeth and caged the shorter male against the wall as he threateningly stare into his surprise orbs.

"Do you think i don't know about your feelings? Yet you act as if being gay is some sort of disease just to please him, Now tell me, what would he think of you when he finds out you're just a green snake hiding under the green grass?" Taehyung inquired, slamming his palm beside the shorter male's head before stepping backward and storm away, leaving Jimin panicking all alone in the hallway.


"You called for us sir.." Heeseung said as they all saw Taehyung walking down the stairs towards the living room. The older sighed and then stare at each one of his boys before taking a step closer to them.

"I decided to stop walking as a S-KIA agent. I won't be working for anyone as of today. should choose, to stay if you want or come work at my factory."

"Factory?" Niki the youngest agent repeated in surprise, earning a subtle nod from Taehyung.

"Yes. My parents are dividing their company into different department. I have decided to run the factory on my own, you can come work for me if you want."

"I will come with you." Jungwon; another agent spoke for himself, excitedly.

"I will work for you." Sunoo; another agent spoke with an infamous smile.

The others exchanged a knowing look and simultaneously nod their head before looking back at Taehyung and smiled.

"We'll work for you as well." They said.

"Me too sir." Ni-ki grinned making Taehyung to chuckle.

"Fine. Let's go."


3 months later....

Ding dong!

Jungkook groaned and slowly toss to face his lover before smacking the younger's ass to wake him up.

"Go get the door." The now sky-blue haired boy said to his boyfriend with an undercut sleek haircut.

Since they were able to live freely and do whatsoever they wanted since they both came to Canada, they were able to do whatever pleases them and live their life to the fullest in each passing day.

Charlie groaned in response and slowly shifted to lay on his back, facing the ceiling.

Ding dong!

"Go get the door!"

The sound of the doorbell was indeed very irritating, especially when you thought you could sleep peacefully till you wish to get up from bed after getting drained off your energy just the night before.

If Jungkook wasn't sore, he'd have gone downstairs and screamed at the person who was disturbing his beauty sleep.

"Please lemme sleep a little longer I'm too tired." Charlie mumbled with his eyes closed as he yawn before turning his back at Jungkook who felt even more irritated.

"But it was me who was receiving your hard thrust." The older whispered and felt even more annoyed as the doorbell resonate again.

"Go get the doo-"


"Oops my legs slipped." Jungkook lied after kicking the younger off the bed before using the duvet to cover his whole body and started snoring away.

Charlie groaned, holding his waist as he slowly got up and glared at the older.

"Why are you takin it out on me?"he whispered and hiss as he felt a sharp pain on his waist.

"Ahh, damn it hurts so much." He grunt and mumbled curses under his breath as he walks towards the door.

"You were the one who told me to go harder anyway." The younger mumbled and quickly slammed the door, dodging the pillow that was thrown at him.

Ding dong!

"I'm coming!" Charlie yelled, and furrowed his brows, increasing his pace as he storm towards the door wondering who the visitor might be. It's not like they have many friends here in Canada.

"Oh my."

"Geez put on some clothes will you!" Yu Jin yelled and quickly cover her girlfriend eyes for her not to see the male early standing rod that was protruding against his Calvin Klein.

Unlike the boy who would ran off to hide his dignity, this Charlie standing before Yu Jin and her girlfriend was totally different. From his looks to his attitude, he was different from the Charlie everyone use to know-more like he has blended into a badass ever since he started hanging out with Yu Jin.

Seeing, Yu Jin standing protectively over the Chinese female she came with, Charlie quickly assume it was the kitten Yu Jin was head over heels for. The lady just won't shut up whenever they ask of her girlfriend.

" Well duh. This is my house and my body, i can walk around butt naked, yes because I've the right. you're the visitor who just barge in here to wake me up from my beauty sleep."

Yu Jin stared at the male in disapproval and swung her leg to kick him in the ass but sadly missed.

"You're lucky."

Charlie just rolled his eyes and went over the couch, grabbing his bathrobe which was hanging on the headrest of the couch and slip it on before going into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. "Besides, why are you here?"

Feeling satisfied, Yu Jin uncovered her girlfriend eyes and let the younger explore the apartment with her fleeting gaze as she shove her hand into the buttom pocket of her jean and started walking towards Charlie who was busy picking out some fruits from the fridge.

"Take a seat kitten." Yu Jin said to his girlfriend before resting against the kitchen island.

"Wow... you're just so full of surprises, aren't ya?"

"Sure. Whatever you say." Yu Jin replied and took an apple for herself before taking a bite.

"What about Kookie?"

"Hey, only i get to call him that."

"Fine, fine, fine you possessive bitch." Yu Jin rolled her eyes before turning to wink at her girlfriend who was silently watching them.

"Want an apple, kitten?"

"No, I'm good you guys go ahead." Xiaoting; Yu Jin's girlfriend spoke in fluent Korea, making Charlie amazed.

"So where is he? I guess he's taking a sitz bath right? I mean guessing from the clothes i can see on the floor i can swear you both had a-"

The rest words came out as a muffle sound as Charlie shove an unpeeled banana down Yu Jin's throat.

Xiaoting gasp in surprise and quickly scram towards her girlfriend, patting her back as the older recover from getting choked.

" You shouldn't say everything you see." Charlie warned, picking up the clothes on the floor before taking them into the laundry room.

"Are you okay?" Xiaoting inquired in a soft tone, earning a smile from Yu Jin who felt relief Charlie was done with his payback, she started this choking thingy and he ended it. Yu Jin couldn't be more happier, she thought it would be worsen than this.

"Yeah. Were you worried?"

"Of course i am." Xiaoting replied almost instantly and pouted as she furrow her brows. Yu Jin smile and began to pat the younger hair. "I'm fine."

"Oh-oh, Yu Jin-ah. You didn't tell me you were coming."

The couple tilt their head to watch the beautiful male descending from the stairway.

"Oh-er... Surprise!" Yu Jin quietly squeal, motioning to her girlfriend who sudden felt a bit shy as Jungkook gaze at her with his bambi orbs.

"And... I'm guessing she is kitten." Jungkook added, darting his gaze between the two female.

"She has a name."

"Oh? Really? But you never mentioned her by her name. It was 'kitten' every single time." Jungkook elaborate and the sleek haired girl deadpan.

"You are awake." Charlie spoke, coming out from the laundry room. Jungkook turned around and smiled as the younger wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Yikes." Yu Jin mouthed before leading his girlfriend to a two seater couch and sat down next to the younger.

Charlie smiled back and peck the older cheek before going to the kitchen and grab the apple and banana smoothie he had made, handing one to his lover and passing the other to Xiaoting who bow in appreciation and smiled as she took the filled glass.

"Where's mine?"

"You ate the biggest apple isn't that enough?"

"You punk." Yu Jin mouthed and glared at the male who smiled in return as he sat down next to his lover who was already sitting on the opposite couch.

"So what brings you here?"

"Oh yeah, you do remember you're owing me a favor. Right?"

Jungkook quietly kept his smoothie on the coffee table and tilt his head to look at his lover before looking back at Yu Jin with a cock brow.

"Favor? What favor are you talking about?" The oldest among them inquired, earning a subtle smile from his ex-fiancée.

"W-what do you want from me?" Charlie quietly inquired, trying to hold back his emotions.

"Nothing much." Yu Jin spoke before grabbing her flute of old expensive wine and took a sip.

"So?" The American boy inquired, wondering why his lover fiancée has come to meet up with him.

"Here is the thing." Yu Jin spoke, sliding her tongue over the corner of her lips as she kept the wine and lean upon the table, looking dead serious.

"i will help you get into the event hall tomorrow evening but in return I'd need a favor from you."

"Wait... w-wha-what are you talking about?" Charlie asked confused.

"Are you plain dumb or you're just stupid?" Yujin spoke in a hurry, they've already wasted much time. It's only a matter of time before the president finds out she was out of the castle when she's supposed to be sleeping.

Charlie tilted his head in wonders as he squint his eyes at the lady.

"I know what you're trying to do, believe me you would only endanger the lives of your friends and you'll be caught. You can get Jungkook out of that castle alive, except you have my help." She elaborated, making Charlie understand her point.

"Then...h-how- are you going to help me?"

"Taehyung will tell you everything in details, I'll prepare my private jet to get us out of the country as soon as you both walk out of the castle. You don't have to worry about accommodation. I know someone who can help."

"Really?" Charlie inquired, feeling a rush of excitement making his heart to bounce as the pretty lady nodded her head but he tried not to show how excited he was.

"Can I ask you a question though?"

Yu Jin hummed, nodding her head as a 'go-on'

"Why are you helping me?"

"Well.... let's say i need a favor from you in the future. But don't worry much about it. I'll let out know when the time comes."

"Oh...i see."

"So that's was your deal?" Jungkook quietly asked, before tilting his head to look at Charlie who was rubbing his hairy nape, awkwardly.

"Yeah. So what do want Yu Jin?"

"Well... it's er...Well the thing is....hmmm, h-how- should I put it? Well... Xiaoting and I wants a baby."

Jungkook mouth fell open as soon as he heard the lady's full statement.

"I-i mean...we just needed a sperm donor and inseminate Xiaoting with it."

"Aish....why you little- why didn't you tell me it was something like this?"

"Then what? Would you have rejected my offer?" Yu Jin angrily shouted.

Charlie sighed and began to caress his forehead. "Not like i have any other choice." The undercut haired boy groaned against his palm before tilting his head to look at his lover who has been quiet.

"Well... that's all. I will send you the schedule date but right now, Xiaoting and I have to go catch some fun." Yu Jin said, getting up from the couch before leading her girlfriend out of the house and waved goodbye to the couples.

"I will leave you both to talk." She announced and closed the door, leaving the couple in silence.

Charlie gulped hard and slowly scoot closer to Jungkook before taking the older's little hand into his large ones and gave it a soft squeeze.


"It's fine. Actually, i don't see a problem in it." The older spoke up, surprising his boyfriend.



"But..?" Charlie slowly asked, seeing from the older's face he could tell there was something else and he decided to ask.

"But, I'm just... I'm a little bit jealous. I wish I was a MPREG. I want to have my own babies."

Charlie snorted and softly grab the older's cheeks while smiling wholeheartedly.

"You think it's funny?" Jungkook asked, a bit annoyed.

"No. I think you're cute." Charlie responded and grin before clasping his lips against the older's and shortly pull away.

"A-anyway I'm serious about it." Jungkook grumbled to hide his embarrassment before getting up and dash upstairs making Charlie to chuckle.


"Wow.... someone is grinning so much i think his cheek is about to explode." Hoseok teased as he walk towards Yoongi's table and sat down on the opposite couch.

"Uh....speak for yourself." The shorter mocks before taking a sip from his coffee and smile.

"Oh, here." He turned and grab his sling bag, pulling a file out of the bag and carefully handed it over to Hoseok.

"This....." The taller trail off, eying his friend as he motions to the file.

"Congratulations! You finally found her!" Yoongi squealed in all excitement and suddenly felt embarrassed as he looked around the cafe.

"Ouch. I thought you'd be happy?" He whispered, staring at Hoseok who was frantically glancing through the result to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him.

"Is this a prank?"

"How could it be? What's with you? I thought you'd be more excited."

"No! I-i mean yes I am. I just...i didn't expect this." Hoseok mumbled as tears slip through his eyelid.

"Well....i am just glad you finally found her, I'm resigning so i wouldn't have been able to help you again if she wasn't the one. You know, it was the last shot."

Hoseok mouth fell open as he stare at his friend in surprise before looking back at the file. He just couldn't take his eyes off the DNA result.

'i finally find you, Rosey.' he thought and held the file to his heart, feeling relief from his worries.

Word count: 3 4 0 3

Me jubilating after seeing this on Google

Only to realize why with pain

😂😂😂😂 Anyway, at least it's still something and I'm proud of myself.

My late research and cutest thing about Charles & Jjk their shipping name. Almost like spooky. When I get a teddy i would name it Pookie, it's so cute.

Did it surprise you? I hope you're still liking the book. Anyway, thanks for your support and love you! Bye~

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