Forever With You (ForthBeam)

By Thibha16

31.3K 1.6K 171

Have you ever felt like you know more about certain things which are not your specialty? Have you ever had a... More

Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Not an update!!!
Chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chap 11
Chap 12
Chap 13
Chap 14
Chap 16
Chap 17
Chap 18
Chap 19
Chap 20

Chap 15

915 53 5
By Thibha16

My lovely cupcakes, I tried to write the family meeting part in a single chapter, which became more than 5k words. So I'm going to separate it into two different chapters.

I hope you guys don't get bored with the many word counts. And I also added a flow chart to reveal new characters.

Do support me till the very end, and please don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Here we go


"I'm home!!!!" shouted Fiat as soon as he entered the bungalow. He is right at the time for lunch, and he is starving.

"Owh, you didn't bring home your new boyfriend?" asked his mom as she looked past him.

"Mom, I only had one boyfriend my whole life, and that's P'Leo. What do you even mean by new?!" asked Fiat, who felt offended.

"So, did you bring him home, Son?" comes a caring voice from the stairs.

"Dad!!! I missed you," shouted Fiat in excitement as he hugged his dad tightly, mimicking a koala bear.

"You sure are your dad's son. You didn't even kiss me upon your arrival. You spoiled him too much, Pho," sulked his mom to his dad as she left the duo at the stairs.

"Dad, why didn't you inform me earlier? I was surprised to see you as the special guest for our sports event. I couldn't get close to you during the event, or my hazers might kill me. Why didn't you wait to meet me? I was sad, you know. And we had issues at our medic tent. I had to handle that and missed you in the crowd," Fiat spoke a mile for a minute without taking a break with his dad while his mom set up the table for lunch.

"Breathe, my child. I'm not going anywhere," teased his dad as he handed him a cup of water.

Fiat drank it all in one gulp as he continued to chat about anything under the sky with his dad.

"Nong Forth is a softie. He won't kill you for meeting your dad," replied his dad as he helped his mom set up the utensils.

"That's because you didn't work with him on any project. He almost enslaved me, dad," he complained while pouting.

Khun Kong remembered Forth's work ethics back at the rig. He would be so focused and strict during work. But become friendly out of working hours.

Khun Kong remembers how they shared new recipes and chit chat during their midnight snack time. If only he could return to the past, he would make a different choice this time, not worrying about the consequences.

"Forth never changes," mumbled his dad with a faraway look more to himself, but Fiat could hear him.

"What was that dad?" he asked again to be sure.

"Nothing, Fiat. Let's eat. Mae, let's eat, leave the rest to the maid, na," called his dad as he settled down at the head chair.

They had their lunch peacefully with a talk in between. But Khun Kong daydreamed about the past in the middle, which gained Fiat's attention.

"Dad, don't daydream and eat quick, please. Mom won't give us dessert if we are late," complained Fiat with a mouthful of food.

"Swallow before you talk, Fiat. And I won't give him desserts even if he doesn't daydream," answered his mom as she ate elegantly.

"Huh?! Why?!" whined Khun Kong, unlike his collected, cold demeanour.

"Because your sugar level is spiking up, and I'm not letting you get diabetics," she scolded him as she handed mongo custard to Fiat, who sat across her on the table.

"Then, may I get dad's portion of dessert too, mom?" he asked sweetly and gained an angry pout from his dad.

The dining table got filled with laughter and happy vibes upon the return of their only son. But Khun Kong couldn't be glad wholeheartedly even after all these years.

It took him years to stop self-blaming and start his own family, which explains the age difference between him and his wife, who is just forty-five plus, whereas he is fifty plus.

Luckily he met his wife, who was so understanding and accepting. She loved all of his flaws too. They started their family late compared to many, and compared to his friend's kids, Fiat is way too young and more like the same age as his friend's kids.

His past mistake has been eating him alive for more than 40 years. His guilt and self-blame are more than anybody outside could portray on him. If only he could trade his life to redeem himself, he would, without a doubt. His only regret is killing him slowly.

For now, all he could do was do good deeds and hope his mistakes got forgiven.


"Yes, yes. I'll be there. My MAMA WON'T BE MAD IF I'M LATE A BIT. TRUST ME," Forth talked on the phone with dramatic gestures and a surprisingly loud voice to let his mother hear him.

Grandpa Pha and Yo, who watched this act, shared looks between them. They can pretty much guess what Forth is trying to pull.

After a few more minutes in the call, Forth hung up and walked into the dining room to execute this master plan.

"Mom, Grandpops, I can't carpool with you guys to the gathering. I have to meet Inn and Run. They are in town and want to pass me a few documents about our latest sports event to me. So, I'll join you guys after getting it from them," Forth explained calmly and confidently as he practiced in his bathroom mirror.

But to his surprise, his mother didn't say anything as she continued to eat her porridge peacefully.

As for his dad, he didn't even bother to spare him a glance from his newspaper.

"Dads, I'll join you guys straight there after the meeting at the law firm. Darling, see you there," said Mr. Sun as he walked out of the dining room after kissing his wife and Grandpa Yo goodbye.

Forth was on alert as it was not what he was expecting from his parents. So, he looked at his Grandpa Pha for any clue or hints to be obedient.

After finishing her porridge and taking her sweet time eating the pudding, Mrs. Jane looked at Forth with a pointed look.

"Is that 'Run' in the call or 'Inn'?" questioned Mrs. Jane while sipping her tea without giving away any emotions on her face.

"It's Inn, Mama. Why?" he asked politely.

Forth felt like he is back in school and presenting his report cards to her to get the goddamn signature.

She never cared about his academic outcome, but she could be intimidating.

She is not a narc or manipulative, but she knows how to control her naughty son, and Mrs. Jane always knows what he plans.

"Video call him again. I want to talk to him," Mrs. Jane ordered calmly.

"Okay, mama," he replied as he looked at his grandpops for help.

"Just do it," said Grandpa Yo with a mouth gesture, while Grandpa Pha didn't even bat him another look.

"Hello, meng. Mama wants to talk to you. Put on a shirt," said Forth as he switched the screen towards his Mama.

"Sawadee, Nong Inn. How are you?" she greeted cheerfully.

"Sawadee khrap, Mama. I'm fine.

Wow, Mama. You look good in that summer dress," Inn praised her.

"Still a sweet talker, I see," she replied while smiling.

"Mama, I'm sorry to borrow Forth during your family gathering. I had to pass this document to him before I left town for the semester break. So, please lend him to me for half an hour," Inn politely requested as he walked around the room to show the documents.

"So, Forth has to collect the documents. He is not simply making an excuse to skip the gathering, right?" she asked Inn as she gave Forth a questioning look.

"Mama, even if Forth wants to skip it using me, I don't have time, na," convinced Inn with assuring smile.

"Alright then. Please send my greetings to your mom, na. I'll visit her next month," she responded as she hung up the call.

Forth looked at her calmly after she hung up the call.

"Forth, Baby, I'm sorry I asked to talk to your friend and acted like a typical mother from TV lakorns. But you didn't leave me any choice.

You were reluctant to join us from the beginning, and I promised Bane to bring my son. Forgive me, na," she asked with a sincere look.

"Mama, I won't ditch you guys. Yes, I was not interested in meeting your old friends and was distracted the whole week. But I won't do you bad," he answered with a pout which gained cooing from his Mama.

"Forgive Mama, na. And it was your Papa's idea," she requested again pleadingly as she also dragged her husband into the equation. She is not going down alone. It was his idea anyway.

"Forgive her already, Forth. Don't make my daughter-in-law sad," added Grandpa Yo, while Grandpa Pha nodded his head, agreeing with Grandpa Yo.

"In that case, may I be late extra 10 minutes?" asked Forth teasingly, which gained a glare from his Mama.

"Don't push your luck, Luk (son)," she warned him sternly.

"Okay, okay. I give up. I'll leave after breakfast and meet you guys early," he replied happily and ate his breakfast.

Throughout the ordeal at the dining table, Grandpa Phana was quiet and was in deep thoughts.

He was worried about the reactions of the Jaturapoom family. After all, he was going to bring back their late son in front of him, although Forth is not the same person.

Grandpa Yo pressed his knee under the table to give him his moral support. He was nervous about their reactions too, but the pressure was on his husband more.


"P'Pha, are you worried about their reaction?" asked Yo as they reached the hotel for the gathering.

"I am. What if P'Mew and the rest thought that we betrayed them? What would our children think then?" Pha questioned back.

"Our son and daughter-in-law know about this, and they don't bother about it. For them, as long as Forth is their son, they are alright. About the Jaturapoom, we have to wait to see. Are you not worried about P'Kit's reaction?"

"I can handle Kit just right. He won't be a problem," replied Pha, trying to be confident with his answer.

"Are you sure, P''Pha?" teased Yo to reduce his tension.

"To be honest, no, Yo. Beam could handle him better than me. Kit is crazy," exclaimed Pha, worried.

"Who are you calling crazy, Ai'Pha~?" scolded Kit as he kicked the shin of his best friend.

"Ai'Kit, that hurts...," whined Pha towards his short, grumpy friend.

"Serves you for calling me crazy," replied Kit as he made a face at him.

"You grumpy little kitten, come here," Phana started to chase Kit around the lounge to revenge as Yo and Ming looked at them with an unamused face. They are old enough to pass as senior citizens, yet they both are running around like kids.

This kind of behaviour was so ordinary in their friendship. P'Beam would have cheered for them and encouraged them to pull each other's hair if he was alive with them. That crazy doctor gang was legendary.

"You kids haven't changed even after all these years," said a voice from the entrance, and the duo stopped chasing after one another.

"P'Gulf! How are you? We missed you so much, na," said Kit and the others as they surrounded the elder like happy kids.

"Oi, oi, leave my husband alone," commented P'Mew as he pulled P'Gulf to his side.

"Owh, come on, P'Mew. Nobody is going to take your P'Gulf away. Let us have a chat, na," replied Ming with pleading eyes.

"Fine, fine. Let's catch up inside, Nong Ming," replied P'Mew as he laughed a little and guided all of them inside the resigned room.

As all of them had taken their seats, the hotel staff started to serve them the appetizers.

"What happened to introduce the grandchildren thingy? I don't see none of them," asked Ming.

"My apologies. My son had to meet his friends to get some stuff before reaching here. He will be here anytime," replied Mrs. Jane on behalf of the Kongtanins, as her husband joined them here earlier and didn't know their arrangement with Forth.

"In that case, I have to apologize too. My son was sick recently, and he got cranky. So, he might have to skip this gathering. But, I hope his friend could change his mind at the last minute, though," answered Mr. Bane on behalf of the Jaturapoom, but P'Mew added on this comment.

"But, I'll introduce him to you guys soon, I promise," added P'Mew with an underlying note.

"Well, my daughter will bring her kids with her anytime now. They went for golf in the morning, which my old bones disagree to join. They will be here after they freshen up," stated Ming excitedly.

"We are here already, daddy," they heard a cheerful sound from the door as two early teenage kids ran into the room to greet their grandparents. They both hugged Kit and Ming and peppered their face with kisses.

"Rain, Summer, don't run. Sawadeep Kha, everybody," warned their mother, Stella, and greeted the others politely. She is Ming and Kit's only daughter.

"Sawadeep Khrap/ Sawadeep Khaa," the twins greeted them excitedly and politely after their mother. Gulf and Yo can't stop themselves from cooing at them. The twins were so cute in their eyes.

"I didn't know you had twins, congrats," said Bane and Sun to Stella as she replied, "Of course, you don't. You guys forget about me after high school anyway."

"Owh na, don't sulk in front of your kids now," teased Bane.

"And you look ugly when you sulk, Stell," added Sun as he laughed with Bane at her reaction.

"Looks like you both forgot my hands," she replied as she smacked their head from behind, which gained smiles and giggles from the parents and kids.

"Owh, Stell, behave like an adult," complained Bane as he pressed his hurting head, and they continued to argue between them, ignoring the elders or the youngers till P'Gulf had to step up.

"Settle down, kids," he warned them, and they followed him like good kids. But they still kicked among themselves under the tables.

P'Mew laughed at their sudden obedience and felt how similar are they to their parents. Bane is just like Gulf, who teases people at any chance. Sun is just like Phana, who seems calm and collected but becomes playful once he is with his gang. As for Stella, she was feisty and could beat up the boys just like Kit. She was the only girl among their kids.

"You guys are just like your kids," said Jane as she smiled with Sanoah. Their husbands resemble their sons in their eyes.

The big round table got served a variety of food and drinks.

The elders continued to chat about their work, life, and kids in between pampering the grandchildren with lots of food.

The parents continued to converse as they ate lunch and argued about everything in their vision.


"Beam, you seriously don't want to join your family in the gathering?" asked Leo as he sipped his iced mocha, sitting opposite Beam.

"Hmm," he replied as he tried to remember the password for his old email accounts.

"Why? It could be fun. They have more food there than the desserts in the cafe, na," Leo tried to convince Beam to join the gathering as he promised Mr. Bane.

"Arrghhh," shouted Beam as he messed his hair in anger.

He doesn't understand why he created different passwords for each mail account. Yes, it could avoid scam problems, but who would have thought he would forget half of them?

"Meng, calm down and think again. You look like a panda with dark circles and messy hair. People might misunderstand you as a crazy person, na," advised Leo worriedly.

He has no idea what Beam has been searching or trying to find using his laptop for the past few days.

"Be a wall and just listen," ordered Beam as he started to talk.

"If someone forgets all the passwords and he can't access any of his mail or documents. But, that someone is not stupid. He won't depend only on his old format mails. Where else could he keep his documents?" asked Beam, seriously.

"You're asking me?" asked back Leo. He is acting as a wall. And walls should stay stationary and shouldn't converse, you see.

It is not Narnia here for the walls and trees to talk!

"Nope, yes. Ah, I don't know," commented Beam tensed, as he banged his head on the table.

"Nowadays, nobody uses old format emails anymore. Everything is under google drive or mail. If you ask the person who forgets it, he might not know precisely where.

But, who knows, he might have kept a spare in the locker or something?" Leo chipped in his idea.

"Lockers...? Lockers...! Oh my god, you're a genius," said Beam as he suddenly became fresh with the new idea. He started to type away on his laptop.

Leo felt happy that he could help his troubled friend. But now, this fellow won't leave this cafe to join the gathering on the top floor of this hotel. His more than half an hour effect for Beam to attend the family gathering just went in vain.

He exhaled a deep sigh as he watched his friend becomes busy behind the laptop.


Forth entered a local hotel by the beach to meet Ai'Inn. He didn't expect to meet Ai'Run there, but who could separate that pair?

"Here, meng," Ai'run called out for Forth as he spotted him by the entrance.

They were chilling by the beach with sparkling water as Forth sat on the beach chair beside them.

Ai'Run left them to get Forth a drink while Ai'Inn engaged in a conversation with Forth.

"Where's the file, Ai'Inn? I got to get back fast. We can always gossip in chat or skype," said Forth after chatting with them for a few minutes.

"Where's the fire? I thought you wanted to skip this gathering," said Inn playfully.

"Don't hold him here, Ai'Inn. He wants to meet his boyfriend. Beam is in the town," added Ai'Run as he raised his eyebrows playfully.

"What do you mean by Beam is in town? Where did you meet him?" asked Forth, alarmed.

He missed his boyfriend so much. If he could even get a glimpse of him now, Forth would feel cheery.

"Owh, you didn't know? I saw him with Leo yesterday at the nearby cafe. He was there working on something on his laptop while Leo did all the talking," replied Ai'Run.

"What else did you know? Tell me all about it?" urged Forth impatiently.

"Leo said they are here for a family gathering too. If I'm not mistaken, Leo mentioned the family gathering is at the Desaru hotel," commented Ai'Run doubtfully.

Forth stared at him for a whole minute as the clock needle circled in his mind to connect the points.

As realization hits him, he can't stop himself from cursing loud out.

He was so stupid for trying to skip the meeting.

"Shit, I got to run, guys. I guess Beam's family is meeting mine in this family gathering," mentioned Forth in a rush as he ran out from there.

Both Inn and Run looked at the retreating figure of their leader as he jumped above the beach fence to leave the hotel soon without using the main entrance door.

"Did I say something wrong?" asked Run with doubt at Inn.

"Nope. You said nothing wrong. Guess he gets to meet Beam today after one week. Let's head home, Run," said Inn as he patted Run's shoulder and stretched before heading back into the hotel.

Run smiled as he followed him inside. They don't flaunt their relationship in public or broadcast it. They are happy to keep it private.

Anyway, who cares about it? They don't, and that's what matters.


End of Chap 15.



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