By Kuribee126

70.6K 6.3K 772

The forests behind Rinei's home hold rumors of beautiful creatures. Many have gone in to find them, but none... More



840 92 8
By Kuribee126


"Keep your hood lower. You don't want to make a scene, do you?"

And I'm about to instinctively reach up to adjust the hood of his cloak deeper over his face when I hesitate. Then I quickly draw my hand back, hoping he didn't notice my awkward motion.

I had to stop forgetting to keep some distance.

"Come on. If you daze off for even a second, you're going to get lost." I say, a little loudly to try and cover up my embarrassment. "We're going to get some cake first, okay?"

He blinks, slowly.


The entire way there, he seems distracted. I don't blame him— he'd probably never seen anything like this before.

And when I notice one of the vendors offering samples, I hurry to take the chance.

"Come on!"

I wave him over, my eyes fixed on small squares of golden sarieh, filled with a tangy orange paste. The elf who's selling them gives me a small smile.

"Two, please." I say, flashing a smile back at her under my hood.

V is standing behind me. And I hand him one of the squares, already done chewing on mine. It's so soft, and the flavor of the orange is light but delicious.

He shakes his head.

"You can have it."

I frown. "No. Eat it. That's not what this is for, remember?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Yeah, right. You probably haven't eaten anything for the entire day because you were literally just sitting there doing nothing."

I stare at him.

But he's hesitating, still. And I'm about to purse my lips when I hear the seller laugh behind me.

"It's just a small sweet. Don't leave your wife hanging, hm?"


"I—he's just a friend." I say quickly, while furrowing my brows in confusion. I mean— technically I was married to Taehyung, but this wasn't Taehyung. This was V, even though he's in Tae's body...

Never mind.

I can feel V's eyes on me as I shake my head with an awkward smile.

But the motherly look on the older elf's face doesn't change, and I flush as I continue on my brisk walk down the streets filled with vendors, left and right.

I risk a glance behind, whipping my head back forward when I meet eyes with V.

This is so embarrassing.

But ever since Arlen had put that thought in my head— that V actually loved me, it was just so awkward. It kept me from treating him comfortably, because what if he took it as a sign?

My eyes scrunch.

Just buy the stuff you need and go.

It's not a big deal.



Maybe Jungkook would like this.

I hold up the watch, swinging it side to side. Then I show it to V, who raises a skeptical brow at my find.

"Are you serious?"

"Why? Isn't it a good idea? It's like carrying a clock with you at all times. Besides, Jungkook's so forgetful. He's never on time for things."

He shrugs. "If that's what you really think, Queen."


I place the watch back. Then I look around, for something that might catch my eye when I see a glittering pair of sapphire crystals.

Couple rings. And they're so gorgeous, with each one being carved to fit perfectly against each other.

Perfect for him and Arlen.

"V!" I call, gently taking the box off the shelf to show it to him. I turn around excitedly.

"What about th—"

My words cut off as I find myself inches away from him. He's so close— so close that the tip of my nose almost touches his chest. He looks down at me, eyes falling on the ring box.

"That's better."

I can't even back away, with the counter right behind me.

"Um, g-great." I say, shimmying to turn back around. I can still feel the heat of his presence right behind me as I smile at the vendor.

"Can I get this, please?"

V moves away, to look at something else.

"Thank you." I say softly, as the vendor passes me the wrapped gift box. Then I call to V, that I have everything that I need.

He tilts his head. "No flowers?"

Oh shoot. I'd forgotten about the flowers.

"We can pick some from the Palace garden." I suggest, just wanting to get back as fast as possible. "Probably roses— they're the ones in high bloom right now."

He nods.


The walk back had been silent and awkward.

But now we're at the garden, hoods down. And I'm silently and awkwardly picking the prettiest roses from the rose bush when I hear V whisper.


"Huh— I mean yeah?"

And I'm about to turn towards him when I feel a stinging pain in my fingertip. I quickly glance down, to see blood welling from a shallow cut.

From the rose thorn. Darn.

"Yeah? Did you call me?" I repeat, looking at him with my hand clasped together. I'd turned my hands so he wouldn't be able to see, but somehow he knows. His eyes are fixed on it.

"Come closer."

"...why?" I say, adding an awkward laugh at the end. "I'm almost done picking. Probably just one or two more and I—"

"Just come." He says, a bit of impatience in his tone as he grips my wrist and tugs. Then before I even realize, he's opened my palm to him.

"Is this from the roses?"

"Yeah, but I'm fine." I say quickly, already inching back my hand little by little. "I'll just get a bandage or something, you know. It's not—"


His voice is cold. And firm.

"I think you're mistaking something." He says, swiftly wiping the blood away with the hem of his cloak. He wraps the cloth around the cut, pressing down hard.

His eyes meet mine.

"I do not love you."


"You don't?"


"So stop acting like you're walking on glass around me," He scowls, unraveling the cloak from my finger. "It's actually becoming painful to watch."



I burst into laughter. Now everything just feels so stupid— how conscience I'd been. He'd been probably laughing at me the entire time we'd been together for today.

I'd been worrying over nothing.

"Sorry," I giggle, clapping his back. "I just thought— I just completely got this wrong, didn't I? It's just that if you really do love me, it makes things a little complicated. Because you and Taehyung—"

He breathes, cutting me off. "I know."

Wow, Rinei.

"Sorry." I repeat, laughing again. "I'll stop bringing this up— you should come with me to give this to Jungkook and Arlen, V. It'll be nice, I promise."

He shakes his head.

"I'll be in our room if you need me."

And I blink, staring at his back as he walks away, to the opposite direction of where Jungkook and Arlen is. My eyes flicker down to the rings in my hands.


I don't know whether to feel more embarrassed or relieved right now.



Damn it.

This girl.

My lip pulls in a scowl. And my steps grow faster, a storm over my gaze. I want to take someone— anyone— string them up in a tree and hear them cry and scream for help.

She avoided me like the plague, didn't she?

If I hadn't done that.

If I hadn't said that, would she have ever smiled at me again?

Kim Taehyung, lucky bastard.

I can feel him. His soul— the soul of the one she loves. I could so easily crush him. So easily kill him, or at least stall him from ever seeing the outside world again.

My lip curls.

He was lucky she loved him.

And he was lucky that I loved her.

My steps echo cold and quiet.

I needed to stop loving her.

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