46 tests positive

By BreeWilmington

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Joe & Jill navigate their way through Joe's COVID-19 diagnosis More

Telling Jill
The First Night
A Long Weekend
Together Again
A Reversal
Vacation Time
Jill's Turn
Another Reunion
Back to the Beginning


380 8 7
By BreeWilmington

By the time Air Force One landed at Andrews Jill was dozing against him. Joe had to wake her to prepare to land and he could see that she was bone weary. As they stood he held her coat out for her and gently kissed her cheek, holding her close to him for a moment, letting her readjust again before stepping back into the full-view of the cameras. As they descended the stairs of AF1 she held his hand tightly, letting go just long enough for him to salute. The camera flashes cut through the almost darkness leaving a halo of light hanging over the assembled press group, their shouted questions, unanswered by Joe, followed them across the expanse of open space. They made their way without delay to Marine One. He just wanted to get her to Camp David and then she could rest without interruption.

He helped her into the cabin, holding her hand as she negotiated the step, resting his other hand lightly on her lower back lest she stumble. He stood directly behind her as she stepped up. It was his customary position as she negotiated the tricky steps onto the helicopter where he would be ready to catch her, break her fall, would shield her misstep from the merciless viewfinders of the ever-present, all-pervasive cameras. Without any issue tonight she settled into the seat opposite. He was sorry that the arrangement in the cabin didn't allow for her to sit beside him. He felt that she needed to feel physically connected to him tonight. He understood how she was feeling. Had some idea at least. The Covid self-isolation and subsequent reentry into society were bound to take a little adjustment; it had for him too. But to do as Jill did. To renter into the heady glow of the world's media and an historic speech was on another level.

When he was in isolation it had been more of a nuisance than anything, he hadn't stopped working, and by the nature of his job, he always had someone nearby, albeit at a distance. But for Jill it was different. Once she got home to Delaware she had to face another period alone. But for Anthony who had brought her meals and left anything she needed by the door she saw nobody for five days. She had been confined to a couple of rooms. It pained him to even think about that.

Luckily at both houses, she at least has a balcony to get some fresh air and see the sea. He had kept her spirits up as much as he could and they had talked numerous times every day, chatting about what was happening in the world, with the kids, the extended family. Inevitably, before the end of every call they made each other laugh, lifted each other's spirits, sharing the burden. Joe looked at her now, seated across from him she looked pale, tired. She had been so nervous before the speech, ecstatic afterwards, chatty and enthused and making sure everyone was thanked and acknowledged but that all sapped the energy from her. She was exhausted. Looking at her now in the dimly lit space he thought back over their 'covid-time' as they had taken to call it.

It still grated on him that he couldn't be with Jill when she needed him, it was anathema and he knew she felt the same way. For the past six weeks they hadn't been able to be together and care for each other when they were each unwell. Do the little things for each other; fetch a drink, cuddle under an extra blanket, hand over control of the remote, buy favorite books and magazines and treats, fuss over each other, pamper each other, give each other an insulated space to be miserable and wallow in self-pity in the beautiful embrace of the other, to reach for the hand you knew better than your own, to run fingers through locks of her hair, to stroke an arm, a thigh, rub his back, to say I'm here. You're not alone. I don't care how awful you feel. To me you're so beautiful; that's what covid cheated them of.

He smiled a wry smile as he looked across at her and watched her eyes closing, eyelashes flickering, head gently lolling to one side. He let his eyes roam over every inch of her face and her body. He settled down to watch that she was comfortable, ready to lean across if turbulence caused her discomfort, if a change in cabin pressure caused her to awaken suddenly. He was ready, waiting to do anything he could to make things better, more bearable for her.

Joe wanted this weekend to be special. He wanted to spoil her, lavish love and attention on the woman he loved from the deepest part of his heart and soul. He wanted to give her the gift of time; time to regain her strength, time to bring her mind and body back in line, and time to prepare before having to face the pressures and the whirlwind of the world they lived in. It was her last weekend before going back to work at NOVA too and he always liked to make a special fuss of her before the term began. It was Jill's time. Marked out on their calendars and diaries, the dates noted months in advance.

Since they met their summers revolved around the cycles of the academic year. Jill often spoke of the excitement of the back-to-school rituals, the comfort that her classroom brought. The nervous anticipation as she counted down the last days. But in truth, Joe shared in it too. For him, for them, late August was Jill's time. Time to bring the lazy, less disciplined days of the holidays to an end. To look at things anew. The fall and winter stretched ahead with the promise of new acquaintances, new beginnings, new adventures, and new challenges. It was the time of year that brought special focus on Jill's career, her work, her interests, and her passion and that made it extra important for Joe. He always did something to acknowledge that; to make her feel special. Be sure she felt seen. As her eyelashes flickered open again their eyes caught across the space between them and he winked at her. She smiled back at him. A tired, weary smile. He looked down over the dark countryside and checked his watch. They would be landing soon, he'd just get her to their cabin and go straight to bed he decided.

She gratefully held his hand as they stepped off the helicopter, feeling more relaxed now that they were away from Washington, away from the cameras, the crowds at the speech, and the staff at the White House. Here at Camp David, the agents would keep back a little, giving them more space. Once they were at the compound it was secure, secured by the military so nothing was allowed in or out without scrutiny. No journalists ever set foot on the grounds without invitation.

Joe held her hand as she stepped into the suburban. She leaned her head on his shoulder for the duration of the short ride. She was grateful to him for sensing what she needed, for staying close but giving her some quiet space too. She lifted her weary head and kissed his cheek. 'What was that for?', he asked, his voice low, intimate. 'Thank you for taking care of me Joe', she replied, 'I just feel exhausted, I think everything has caught up on me', she admitted rubbing her hand across the back of his. He nodded in the darkness, the movement just visible from the lighting outside their lodge as the car pulled up under the canopy. 'Stay there and I'll come around', he said, gently squeezing her hand.

She stepped down, her legs were leaden, her head fuzzy, and her balance a little questionable. She felt the stability of Joe's arm encircling her, felt the solidity of his body as he held her close. Gratefully she leaned against him, letting him lead her inside. Murmured 'thank you' and 'goodnight', after she heard Joe say the same. Without hesitation, he led her through the cabin to their bedroom. She noticed that candles lit the way, her mind telling her that he had arranged for a special welcome, a romantic evening but she just couldn't seem to shake this tiredness that was permeating every part of her body. She swallowed and bunched the fabric of his jacket in her fist. 'You ok baby?', he asked immediately. 'I think I've ruined the evening you've planned', she said as he opened the door of their bedroom. He huffed gently 'I have you, how could that ever ruin anything?', he said, pressing his lips softly to her temple. 'Let me get you into bed, you can rest and we have the whole weekend to do whatever we want', he said as he indicated for her to step out of her shoes.

In a matter of moments, he had her undressed and she felt him pull the covers over her, felt his lips on hers, felt his breath on her cheek as he told her that he'd be back soon, and heard him move quietly around the living room blowing out the candles, heard the soft click of the bedroom door as he closed it, heard the flow of water as he brushed his teeth, heard the rustle of his clothes as he undressed, felt the mattress move under her as he settled beside her, felt the warmth of his body as he held her, felt her body settle into his, felt peace and comfort and love envelop her, felt the world slip away as she fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

She woke to the sun streaming through the window. She stretched and blinked, yawned, rubbed her bleary eyes, and reached for Joe but groaned when she didn't find him. 'Hey, I'm here', he said, his voice coming from a little distance away. Again she felt the mattress move as he came to sit beside her. He was dressed, shaved, and smiling. Her heart fluttered as he kissed her gently but with intent made evident by the way he slipped his tongue past her lips, exploring her mouth. She could taste his toothpaste. Gently she pushed his face away. 'I must taste disgusting baby, I'm sorry', she said, running her fingers along his cheek. He smiled, looking directly into her eyes. 'I think that stopped being an issue, ummm, fifty years ago', he said, catching her in a deep and luxurious kiss, slipping his hand under her back as she arched off the bed, reaching towards him. When they stopped she was a little breathless, he grinned, pleased with himself. He popped a kiss on her nose before settling beside her, holding her hand, giving her time to come awake.

'How're you feeling?', he asked. 'Good, I feel good. What time is it?' she wondered, raising her head from the pillow to try to get some indication. 'It's 12.00 pm princess lazy bones', he said laughing. 'I was gonna call you soon anyway, I ordered lunch for 1.00. It's a beautiful day. I thought we could eat on the terrace, and enjoy some fresh air'. 'I can't believe I slept that long. I've wasted our morning ...' 'Shhhhh', he said, leaning across and catching her lips in a delicate kiss. 'First of all, you needed to rest. You're just two days out of Covid babe, let your body tell you what it needs', he said seriously. 'And secondly, I had some work to do anyway so I got that done this morning, now I'm free to spend the rest of the day with you', he said happily. She looked around the room. 'Did you stay here all morning?' she asked, spying a pile of binders and notebooks, pens, and his phone arranged on the floor around the armchair in their bedroom. 'Yeah, I didn't want you to wake up and think you were alone', he said, kissing her neck. She sighed happily, snuggling against him, placing her hand on his chest, and nestling her head under her chin. 'I love you, Joe. You're so wonderful to me honey', she declared quietly, sincerely. 'Back at ya babe', he said with a laugh. 'I love you too', he said, serious now, holding her close, reveling in the proximity of her body. They stayed there for a time, the room filling with the soft murmurs of their voices, the calm, tranquil space enveloping them.

'Hmmmmm, I guess we should really get up', Jill said, breaking away from a deep and wonderful kiss. She stretched luxuriously, Joe's hand still splayed across her stomach, she saw his eyes darken as he looked at her body, and felt the strong muscles of her tummy tense and relax under his hand. 'You ok there Mr. President', she asked with a smirk, running her fingers lightly across his jawline. She was teasing him now. She knew just how much her husband loved to look at her naked body. But for the black lace panties that Joe had left on her last night when he put her to bed, he could see everything. 'Anything else you'd like to see?' she asked him. He grinned, his breath changing as she placed her hand on top of his and gently moved it from where it lay on her stomach to stop at the very edge of the lace trimming her skimpy underwear. She watched his eyes darken, watched him slowly slip his fingertips inside the elastic, gently caressing her skin, causing shivers to run up her spine. A soft moan escaped her lips as he ran the palm of his hand down her skin, inside the lace to find his favorite destination. She lay back, awaiting the pleasure he would bring her, watching his hand, concentrating on every nerve ...

'Who the fuck is that!' Joe exclaimed, tearing his eyes from the sensational view in front of him, disgusted at the knocking on the door of the cabin that interrupted his progress. Jill bit her lip, trying not to laugh at his reaction. 'Oh honey, didn't you say you had ordered lunch', she said laughing. He shook his head from side to side, not trusting himself to speak before he finally laughed too. 'Yeah, I did. I tell ya what, being a gentleman sure sucks sometimes', he said, visibly gathering himself together before preparing to answer the door. He kissed her quickly and stood. He paused, grinned wryly, and lay back across the bed. He reached his hand across and gently pulled the material of her panties free of her skin, the warmth of his hand still lingering there. Gently he pulled the material down just enough to expose her to him. He leaned down, placed one gentle sweet kiss on her pussy, gave one magical swirling lick to her clit, and ran his finger quickly through her wetness. He cupped her pussy with his hand as he stretched his body up to kiss her mouth. 'I'll see to you later', he promised, lovingly squeezing her pussy, before leaving her behind on their bed, exposed, breathless, crazy for him. 'Dammit Joe', Jill exclaimed to his retreating back. His laugh flowed back to her, teasing her.

They enjoyed a lazy lunch, sitting on the terrace, the sun warm on their skin, a gentle breeze keeping the hot day bearable. After lunch they moved to lie on the sun loungers nearby, soon after Joe went inside and changed, it was too warm now to be wearing anything much. He reappeared with his polo shirt flung carelessly over his shoulder and wearing nothing but his aviators and navy shorts which were just a little too snug. He walked right in front of his wife before settling on his recliner and beginning to read. Jill couldn't concentrate. She tried to read, got a drink, settled again, and tried to read some more but she couldn't tear her mind away from the fact that Joe was so close and wearing so little. She tapped her fingers lightly on the armrest but he never reacted, he was so engrossed in his novel. 'Why the hell did I buy him that?', she wondered, torn between being glad that he was relaxing and being irritated that he was not paying her any attention. She mused.

'Back in a sec baby', she said, running her hand along the length of his bare arm before leaving him alone outdoors. He grinned. Wondered what she was going to do. He knew he had left her longing for more earlier. He knew that ignoring her was driving her crazy. He had heard every tap of her fingers and had fought against his own desire to continue where they had been interrupted but he decided that teasing a horny Jill was way too much fun. They both knew they would have sex again today, it was just a matter of when and where. He jumped as the warm water from the pool splashed him lightly. He turned his eyes to watch her as she swam, the ripple of the water casting a shimmering illusion over the sexy body, clad in a bright red bikini. He settled back, content to watch her. That bikini was one of his absolute favorites, it barely covered her. Every beautiful curve was accentuated.

His eyes never left her as she swam length after length, her arms stretching, legs pumping, glorious ass barely beneath the water. He swallowed hard as she expertly flipped on her back and continued the show for him, her bobbing breasts caught in the bright sunlight. When she had tortured him enough she stopped, not before flipping water towards him, wetting his legs and bare chest. As she emerged he stood waiting he leaned forward and kissed her, pulling her wet body to his, running his fingertips down her slick back in a delicious tease before tracing his fingers around the top of her skimpy bottoms, searching for the tiny string which held it all together, kissing her neck, making way towards her breasts, his hands cupping her ass, holding her close to him. Joe had the string caught between his fingers. One light pull was all it would take for the material to fall away, bottoms first followed soon after by the skimpy excuse for a top, her glorious breasts were already spilling out of the tiny cups. It was all just a heartbeat away from him. 'Joe, stop', Jill said, urgently. Instantly his fingers stilled. He looked at her in surprise.

'I heard something', she said, standing with her hands splayed across his naked back, their bodies as close as was physically possible. He settled his hands on her hips, and caught a flash of color before he saw the Marine, incongruous in his splendid uniform emerging from within the lodge. The three were frozen for a moment. The tableau that presented itself was obvious. The President and First Lady; are two lovers almost naked, locked in an intimate embrace, their intention absolutely clear. The young Marine couldn't help but have his eyes drawn to the beautiful body directly, in front of him clad in the tiniest bikini, the red screaming to be seen, her body laid almost bare before him. But for another few seconds he would be seeing a lot more of her too, Joe thought.

As the situation registered and the Marine began to turn an interesting shade of red the President reacted first. Gallantly he reached for a towel he had luckily brought to the edge of the pool moments before. He wrapped it around Jill, covering her torso at least. As he did so he couldn't help but look at her through the eyes of the young soldier. Jill was an incredibly beautiful woman. Her body was magnificent. He told her so every day. He had seen the young man's eyes quickly flick over his wife's body. He couldn't blame him. It would be impossible not to look, for him not to react to such perfection. While Joe wanted to protect her modesty, a little part of him couldn't help but be pleased that the young man saw what he had. He hoped he was jealous as hell. Quickly deciding that wasn't the reaction he should have, he wrapped his arm protectively around his wife, her bare midriff now encased in the white towel, and held her close. 'Sir, Ma'am', he began, unable to look Jill in the eye, 'I apologize, I knocked but you didn't hear me ...' the Marine continued, his color intensifying with every hard-fought word. Joe took pity on him, after all, Jill's body took his breath away too and he could look at it whenever he wanted to; had been doing so for fifty years. 'It's alright son, what did you want me for?' he asked. 'Mr. Klain is on a video call for you sir', he said. Joe sighed, as he looked at Jill 'I'm sorry baby ...' he began but she just smiled and kissed him. 'Go ahead Joe, it's ok, do what you need to do. I'll be here', she promised.

Joe was gone an age. Jill was bored. Their little game earlier had been fun and had raised the levels of anticipation. When Joe was called away she thought he'd be back in half an hour and they could just continue with their flirting, take it up a notch. She curled up on the sofa indoors now, enjoying a long cool drink. She missed Joe. Since their enforced separation recently she didn't want to spend any more time than was absolutely necessary away from him. She knew that would change, that the sharp edges of their time apart would become blunted as time moved on, the further they got from the past six weeks, life would intrude again and they would be buffeted by the whims of everyday life. And that was fine, they would always make time for each other. They were strong. Their partnership was strong. Their marriage was solid. They were crazy about each other. But there was something special about this time together. These past few days. Something intangible that, after so much time apart, felt like a recalibration. It was a time of healing, of renewal, of seeing the mundane with new eyes. I'll never take having him sleep beside me for granted ever again, she thought. Never pass the opportunity to kiss him, hold his hand, touch him, have him hold me, she mused. As the sky darkened outside she moved around the cozy lodge, closing blinds and curtains, and turning on lamps instead of the stronger overhead lights. She got to work, preparing for when her husband arrived back to her, however long that would be.

He was gone for three hours. It was dark and getting cooler by the time he arrived back at the cabin. The heat of the day had given way to a slight chill. The breeze from the nearby mountain blowing down the valley. He thought of the heat by the pool earlier. The warmth of the sun and also the heat exuded by his sensational wife. He was weary and a little annoyed that he had been so long. He'd promised Jill as much time together as possible for these few days and here, most of the evening together had been wasted. As he opened the door of the cabin a frown crossed his face. Why weren't the lights on? Has Jill gone somewhere? He wondered.

As he stepped inside he saw the candles, the soft light was inviting and welcoming, beckoning him forward.

He followed the trail picked out by the flickering flames. Across the foyer, through the living room turning left down the hall, into their bedroom. All around him soft music filled the cabin. Coupled with the candlelight and the cozy glow from the many lamps it made the whole space feel warm and calm; romantic; the candles beckoned him forward.

He crossed the hallway into the bedroom and followed the pathway through toward the huge en suite. He paused at their bed, threw his jacket onto the covers, and kicked off his shoes before stepping into the bathroom. At the threshold, he stopped and swallowed hard. The steam and moist air from the bath seemed to envelop him, the aroma of the scented candles and the bubble bath Jill had used filled his nose, and his senses heightened. But when he saw her, her skin glistening; gleaming in the faint light; the soft sheen of moisture seemed to make her luminescent, she looked amazing. His heart began to hammer in his chest, his breath coming in shorter gasps, his whole body reacting to the sight in front of his eyes. This was no time for playing or innuendo, it was time to take care of his wife, and see to her needs, and his own. Show her how special she was to him, how absolutely wonderful, how beautiful, how truly sensational this amazing woman was. 'Hey Mr. President', she called, her voice barely above a whisper. He groaned. Hearing her use that salutation, hearing the fun in her voice, flirtatious yes, but sultry too, there was a longing behind it, an invitation an acknowledgment of their path to this point in their lives, a tale of a journey shared, travails won and lost, of a partnership, a love a life built and spent together. Together.

Her voice was so seductive, mesmerizing. He crossed the space in a few short steps, his eyes fixed on her face. It seemed to glow in the light. Her blond hair was like a halo. His angel. His savior. His north star. His anchor. Always guiding him. Always beside him.

She smiled at the expression on his face, her body tingling with anticipation. He was gazing at her, his face aglow, his hopes and intentions clearly expressed in his eyes. His love for her seemed to envelop her. She felt a calmness fill her body, felt healing and renewal fill her soul and swell inside her to cleanse her very being of doubt and fear and sickness.

He closed the space between them in a few short steps, kneeling, almost reverentially beside the tub he reached across and gently lifted a damp curl from her cheek, lightly rubbing his thumb across the skin where it had lain. He ran his fingers behind her ear, gently arranging her golden locks in place. His eyes narrowed lustfully, his heart overflowing with love as he slowly leaned his body closer to her, bringing his lips to meet hers in a beautiful, soft, playful kiss. 'I'm sorry I was so long baby', he whispered, 'I missed you', he said, his breath warm on her cheeks. She sighed, her breasts rising with the action, catching his attention. She watched his eyes take in the sight before him. Glow with the hopes and promises of what was to come. She reached her wet hand to the back of his neck, dampening his collar, wetting his skin but he just grinned and gladly followed the direction of her touch and dipped his head to kiss her again.

He kissed her; her lips, her face. Her skin was covered in a film of moisture, he looked down, ran his hands through the bubbles, parting them, giving him a most majestic view. He gazed at her breasts, her torso, her flat, toned stomach, and further down, his eyes feasted on her. A groan escaped his lips when his eyes fell on her recently waxed pussy, the pink lips swollen in the warm water, glistening, inviting. He kissed her breasts, paying each one attention. He took her nipples between his lips tasting the slight citrus flavor of the product she had used. He sucked gently and Jill immediately felt the pull on her pussy, the desire building fast towards a crescendo. Their flirtation all day meant that neither of them would last long.

At that moment she felt so powerful, he was the leader of the free world, kneeling beside her, worshiping her body. She knew he would do anything for her. Anything she had ever asked of him he'd done for her, would do for her. She was the only person on this earth who could order him around and could deny him any request. The power that gave her made her heady.

She had missed him so much over the past six weeks. Missed his strong, steady presence. To the public Joe was often seen as gregarious, perhaps bombastic but with her, alone, he was so gentle, so calm, so sure, so caring. He absolutely idolized her, bathed her in love, and shrouded her in confidence and tonight she wanted to repay the favor to him in a special way. Reconnect. Replace the empty, lonely, fearful memories with love. 

He continued to suck and gently nip her breasts. Her own heart was beating faster. The sucking became more intense, he moved his hand, and she knew where he was headed. 'Stop Joe', she said, and he did. Immediately. Without hesitation. She could see the look of confusion on his face. She reached towards him and took his face between her hands, pulling his face to hers, and kissed him, deeply, fiercely. 'I want you in here with me', she murmured, 'I need to lie against you, feel your body against mine', she pleaded, lips tickling against his, her hand tugging at his belt, her eyes communicating her desire to him. He got the message and quickly undressed. She took in his physique in one swift glance, her body responding to what her eyes communicated, and saw him react in unison. She scooted forward in the tub, giving him room to settle behind her.

The feeling of Joe's naked, warm body against hers was indescribable, it sent shivers down her spine but also felt so familiar, like coming home. She ran her hands along his legs, now stretched along either side of hers, the feeling of the long dark hair against her soft palms was intoxicating. The feeling of having her man behind her, touching her, wanting her was heady. When he had covered her body before the gaze of the Marine earlier it had set off sparks of desire within her. The way he had wanted to protect her, to shield her, had made her want him even more.

She shuddered now as he placed a sweet kiss on her shoulder and ran his hand down her arm settling her body back against his. She nestled against him, feeling his erection against her back. At his direction she leaned back, and closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation of the hairs on his chest tickling the hypersensitive skin of her back.

Joe kissed her.

He worshiped her.

He kissed her neck, her shoulders, her back, peppering her skin with light, sweet kisses, reverentially, as if he was cleansing her. With gentle fingers, he traced the individual nodes of her spine, slowly, deliciously, right down to the very base of her back where his hands began to explore. She groaned, licked her lips in anticipation, and pressed her body back, bracing herself against his hairy chest, lifting her torso from the water as he brought both hands forward, his fingers seeking, coming closer to his goal with every movement. She closed her eyes and let her head lol to the side, opening her neck to more kisses from her lover. She gasped aloud as his fingers reached their destination. 

Spreading her pussy lips open, the warm water began to softly lap against the sensitive nerves newly awakened; exposed by the expertly experienced hands of her husband. Naturally, her legs fell open for him, her knees falling wide, her body settling against Joe's awaiting the pleasure he would draw from her. His soft lips settled against her neck. His nose rubbed the sensitive spot beneath her ears, before his lips settled on the hollow of her collar bone and he sucked and kissed and nibbled the skin there while his fingers expertly, deliciously pleasured her. He was insistent, persistent he had read her well, knew she needed to come hard and fast now. Knew her body had become a coiled spring in the hours he had been away, she needed a release and he was more than happy to oblige.

When she was done he gently slid his fingers from the slippery, safe haven and paddled the water, sloshing it around the bath, causing the ripples to lap gently against her screaming nerves. Instinctively she tried to close her legs but he placed his hands on her thighs and held her wide open, kissing her neck.

He swallowed hard as he heard her gasp, felt her press herself against him, bracing herself, ready for the next orgasm she could already feel building, growing, coming fast within her body. With one hand he gently slapped the water between her open legs, causing it to lap once more against her. 'Can you keep your legs open baby?' He asked, his voice low, sexy. She whimpered, unable to form words. 'Answer me Jilly' he insisted, knowing how much effort it took for her to do so. 'Hmmmmm. Yes ... I ... can' she finally managed , her words more a groan than anything. 'Good girl', he replied, gently slapping her swollen pussy as a reward. She bucked against him at the unexpected contact. Behind her he grinned. He reached around and caught her wrist, drawing it close to her pussy, opening her fingers he incated what he wanted her to do. He watched as she slipped a finger inside herself, his eyes darkening, his breath coming shorter as he felt her body react against him. Knowing that she was doing herself was intoxicating.

Watching his beautiful wife come undone was one of his life's great pleasures. 'Ohhhhh, Joe' she groaned. He laughed. 'Just enjoy it baby' he said, whispering in her ear, his breath hot and intense. Placing his hands beneath her ass he lifted her and opened her to him. He readjusted himself and sighed from the very deepest parts of his soul as he felt her tightness envelop him and invite him in. He moved against her, drawing pleasure from her body, giving everything of himself to her.

Afterwards she was suspended in that half reality of intoxication, adrenalin and exhaustion. She relaxed. Truly, deeply, physically, emotionally, relaxed. Felt her body soften against him. Felt her mind clear of all of the fear and worry and pain and torment and loneliness that Covid had brought to their lives, their bodies.

Felt her whole self lean into him.

Felt peace and love and comfort and strength envelop her as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close; safe.

Yet again his gift to her was his patience, his understanding, his love. He was so gentle, so loving. He knew her so well. Knew that she needed space to unburden and so he held her in the warm, comforting, joyous space of his embrace. For a time they just lay there, savoring the feeling of their bodies touching, the comfort of being together. Chasing the sickness away, triumphing together once again.

As the air cooled Joe kissed her shoulder and whispered in her ear. He untangled his body from hers and stepped from the tub. He laid a bath sheet on the warming rail and disappeared to clear their bed, pull down the covers, prepare their cozy cocoon. He returned and helped her from the bath, dried her body with such care and attention, love and devotion that she felt tears prickle her eyes.

As he dried her skin he covered her body with kisses, lavishing his love on her.

He carried her carefully and placed her gently in their bed, slipping in behind her, spooning her, his body following every contour of hers. He gently kissed her neck, ran his hands everywhere before settling again between her legs. This time he just cupped her, his palm resting comfortably on her silky skin, his fingers happily resting between her legs.

And they slept.

Bodies sated.

The sounds of nature just outside providing a soundtrack to their rest.

A gentle breeze from the valley cooling their warm, satisfied, exhausted bodies.

The clean, crisp air of the valley chasing away the last remnants of sickness, filling their bodies and minds with purity and healing.

They slept deeply through the long night, awakening together in the morning sunshine feeling calm.

Truly loved.


The end.

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