Another Reunion

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'Hey Jill, I left today's delivery in the kitchen for you. How you feeling? You need anything else?' Jamie asked. 'Joe will ask me questions about how you are so I need to have something to tell him ya know?' he continued, bobbing from foot to foot on the pristine tiles. 'Thank you Jamie, everything looks wonderful as always. And I'm fine. Thank you, I really don't need anything else. I'll speak to Joe later and tell him how I'm doing', Jill said kindly, careful to keep the required distance between them. Jamie scuffed his toe against the polished floor as he twisted his mouth in a grin. 'Umm. No offense but I don't think you understand how many questions he asks about you', Jamie said, 'the guy is crazy about you, does not stop talking about you!'

The young man paused for a moment before raising his eyes to meet Jill's. 'Joe's pretty cool', he said, 'I never knew my Dad, he took off when my Mom was pregnant. I wish my Dad was like Joe'. Jill smiled, it never ceased to amaze her the connections Joe could make with people, and all of this from a series of telephone calls she mused. How fortunate for them all that Jamie had answered the phone in the florists that first morning when Joe rang.

She smiled at Jamie 'he is great', she agreed, 'and I know he's very grateful to you for helping me out when I can't get these things for myself. When I talk with him later, I'll let him know you're doing a great job for him', she said. Jamie beamed at the compliment, his whole face lit up and she knew she had made his day. 'Now, let me get my purse' Jill said, 'I need to pay you for all of this beautiful produce'. 'No need, Joe sorted me out already. He'd kill me if I let you pay for this stuff', he exclaimed in horror. He turned to leave, waving as he walked out the door. 'Bye Jill, see you tomorrow', he called, waving back to her as he left, taking the steps two at a time, warmed to his soul by the compliments from Jill. If she was Joe's girl then she must a pretty amazing lady. And she did seem to be. She had taken time to speak with him, as a person, and not like he was invisible like so many others did.

Outside he saw Anthony, coming back from doing an errand. They passed with a nod at each other. Anthony was staring intently at his phone screen so he nodded distractedly and kept walking. Jamie didn't like it. This guy wasn't taking his duties seriously enough for him. He paused, turned slowly, and called Anthony. Jamie looked straight at him, keeping his voice low. 'You need to take better care of Jill with all of these guys around', he said, indicating the Secret Service agents. 'I dunno who they all are or what they're doing but Joe is my friend. He's the real deal; a straight-up guy and I don't want him or his lady messed around. Anything happens to Jill then you'll have me to answer to. We clear man?' Jamie challenged, stretching his lanky, spindly frame to his full height. Anthony just nodded, perplexed as to how exactly it had come to this, 'we're clear', he heard his own voice say. What the hell was going on he asked himself. At least they had progressed from 'chick' to 'lady', he thought, shaking his head in baffled wonder.

'Joe, stop. Please', Jill begged her husband. 'Hopefully I'll test negative and I can be back to you tomorrow, what am I supposed to do with all of this food?' she said, looking around. Jamie had delivered again. Today it was fresh lobster, beautiful greens, delicious strawberries and the latest novel that she had just happened to mention was due to be released. Of course Joe had been listening. Of course Joe had taken note of the date of publication. Of course Joe had called Jamie. Jamie had gone and bought a copy, had it wrapped in paper and delivered it to her with a query if she needed anything else. What could she possibly want or need, she had asked herself. Except, of course for the self-isolation to end but she couldn't really complain about that either. She missed Joe and her family, of course she did but, overall she had been lucky, hadn't been too unwell, she couldn't complain. Wouldn't complain.

'It won't go unused baby', Joe said over the screen. 'Now that you've tested negative once you can ring Jamie, get him to bring whatever you want and you can cook for the staff, it would be a nice thank you for them'. Jill smiled, she leaned closer to the screen. 'That's very thoughtful, maybe I'll do just that', she said, satisfied that the beautiful produce wouldn't go to waste. 'When did Jamie figure out that he had the personal cell phone number of the president?' Jill asked. 'His grandmother heard us on the phone, recognized my voice. We had a great conversation', Joe said, leaning back on the sofa in the residence of the White House, 'she's a marvelous woman, we're gonna keep in touch, she said I can call any time and she'll be straight with me about how she thinks I'm doin, if we're making a difference for folks', Joe said eagerly. 'Actually, Jamie doesn't know yet', he continued. 'I don't want him to feel he has to treat me differently; he's a great kid. Did you know he's working three jobs, going to school and taking care of his Grandma?' Unseen, Jill grinned and shook her head. That was just typical Joe. He didn't care what the polls said, believed half of what was on tv but he'd trust what an elderly lady in anywhere America told him; change the administration's approach accordingly. She just knew that, when all of this was over, Joe wouldn't forget and he would keep checking in with Jamie to see how he was doing. She sighed, what a truly wonderful man her husband was. 'I love you Joe', she said, 'and I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Hopefully.'

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