A Reversal

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Jill woke and turned, casting a bleary eye towards the wall opposite. For a moment she thought she was still in bed alone. As she came more fully awake she felt Joe's presence and the events of the past few days came flooding back to her.

She smiled when she thought of their reunion and the time since spent together again. The past two days allowed them to catch their breath, be together obviously but just to have some tiny sense of normality too. They had quickly fallen back into their natural rhythm but they were undeniably closer, the time together more special. All during their lives together the tough times actually made them stronger, made them understand that their foundation was secure, that they always had each other. No matter what else was happening, no matter what outward forces buffeted them, as long as they looked to each other they were strong.

She turned her eyes on her sleeping husband. He seemed well, healthy. She had expected some hangover from covid, some lingering symptoms, some indication within his body that he hadn't quite managed to beat the virus. But for the tiniest cough she was so relieved that her worry seemed to have been for naught. Please God she prayed now, keep him healthy. We have so much to do. Joe has so much to do. The country needs him. The world needs him.

She lightly pressed a tiny kiss on his cheek and gently brushed his hair back from his face with her fingertips. She smiled lovingly, gazing at him, enjoying the moments of peace and calm within her own mind. Loving that he was at rest. Gathering his strength.

Today was a big day.

She turned, settling on her side she ran her hand along his face. He murmured in his sleep and turned to lie on his back with a sigh. She rested her hand on his tummy, feeling the warmth from his body on her skin, reveling in the sound of his voice, that catch in his throat, the sound of his breath exhaling. All so familiar to her. All gave her peace. She pondered on the sheer joy of being together again, resting in their bed. The last couple of days had been so special.

Eating together.

Sharing coffee.

Cuddling on the sofa.

The bliss of reaching for him and taking a kiss whenever she wanted.

Whenever he wanted.

Holding each other.

A shared smile.

A knowing glance.

The lightest touch.

The sparks that invaded her body when he whispered an intimate thought into her ear.

When he stood so close she couldn't figure where her own body ended and his began.

Knowing what he was going to say before he even said it.

Him handing her what she was looking for before she had even asked.

The small things that meant so much, that they tried not to take for granted. She certainly didn't take them for granted these days, these precious days of their reunion.

Joe was fast asleep but she was reluctant to leave his side, the warmth of their bed. She settled down again. Lying on her back, her head on her pillow, she reached across and took his hand in hers, rubbing her thumb across his skin, like a worry stone, a talisman; a waysign.

She closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of their hands entwined. The proximity of his body. The silence of the house. Silence was something she didn't get to experience very often anymore and she missed it. That, and the chance to think, to process where they were, what had been done and what was left to do. She opened her mind, let the feelings of the past few months wash over her.

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