Celestial Love (GxG)

By savage-_-potato

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Juno was reading in her room when the earth started the shake heavily followed with a loud ear deadening cras... More



11.6K 773 217
By savage-_-potato


As soon as the bracelets unlocked from my wrists, I felt an insane amount of energy roaming my whole body. In a second I was floating on top of all the guards, my whole body was shaking in anger and I had no control over what I was going to do.

I put my hand out towards one of those who were hanging Theo, the guard started to struggle holding to their head. I squeezed my fist shut and her head blew up like someone shot her brains out. I dropped the body down and went to the other one, she wasn't holding Theo down anymore, I somehow saw behind her mask and she was staring at me in horror.

I pulled her up on her feet without touching her and started slamming her head on the wall behind her, harder with each hit. I watched as her blood dripped from her nose and mouth inside her mask I only stopped when I couldn't hear her heart beats anymore.

I dropped down next to Theo's body, her eyes were closed as she laid on her side not moving. I cried out in sorrow and anger, everything I get close to is stripped from me. Everytime life smiles at me, something horrific has to happen and kill every living cell in my body.

I pulled her head on my lap and gently caressed her bruised neck and messy hair, my tears were uncontrollable as they fell on her face constantly blurring my sight.

"Please..." I whispered kissing her forehead, I've just met her, I've just had her, for once I wanted to feel something. I wanted to feel loved, I wanted warmth and care. I felt the guilt build up in me, since I was the reason she got hurt. The reason she's gone...

"Wake up Theo...I just found you...I'm begging..." I cried out, my heart aching so bad that I found it so hard to breathe. I've always been against being attached to someone, but how can I not get attached when that someone is Theo. She was the softest and nicest out of them, I've never thought I'll lose her as fast as I found her.

The two guards left alive stared at me but didn't dare get any close, I felt that energy build up again inside me and I stood up. The lines on my skin were glowing a lot to the point they could blind you if you stared too hard.

I stared at my hands in surprise and noticed the electric sparks appear everytime a finger gets closer to the other, I saw my reflection on the glass door and my eyes were completely shiny with a golden color. My hair went from its brown color to a bright golden one as well.

"I'm gonna enjoy watching you burn" I heard myself say in a raspy voice, I build up whatever this was and watched as a ball of electric sparks developed on my palm, I watched as it float and move however I wanted it to, I looked up at the guards and smirked.

I threw whatever this was at one of them and it went right through her chest melting everything it touches, including her lungs and heart. I did the same with the other one only this time my chest started to hurt and I couldn't help but let out a loud scream.

The high voltage electric sparks started flying everywhere around me, I closed my eyes feeling the pain cover my limbs, I've never used this much power, I didn't even know I had it.

But everyone deserved to die and I had to do it, for her, for Theodora.

Even though my whole body was aching in pain I walked through the broken glass door and went out of the prison or whatever they called it. I have sworn I'll kill anything that has a heartbeat in this castle if something happens to her.

"Vega!" I yelled as kicked the throne room's door open, I walked further in the room and found Cheryl and Vega glaring at each other. She turned her head at the sound of extra footsteps and I watched her eyes go wide in surprise.

"Juno?! What the fuck happened to you?!" She said worriedly while she walked closet to where I was standing, before she could lay her hand on my face I used my powers and made her fly to the side slamming against the marble wall.

"I have warned you Vega! I've done everything in my power to stick to my side of the fuckin plan!" I yelled slamming her against the wall on the opposite side of the room.

"I've listened! I've obeyed! But you don't respect what I asked for?!" My tears were already streaming down my face, as I kept hitting Vega from a wall to another until her whole face was bleeding.

"One thing Vega...one person I wanted to be safe. And you took her from me" I made her float right in front of my face as I spoke every word with hatred, she tried to reach from me but that arm was quickly twisted behind her back and broken with a loud crack. I heard her scream in pain as she struggled against my powers.

"I hope betraying me....was worth it" I digged my nails in her neck as I squeezed it hard, blood started pouring from her mouth and neck and she stopped fighting like she accepted her faith.

"I- didn't give...the orders. He...did" Vega choked out her words as she pointed behind me, I threw her away towards Cheryl who quickly rushed to her to see if she was alive.

Behind me stood Vigor with a large smirk, next to him stood over a dozen masked guards in back armors ready to kill.

"Aww the little human has found the power button? Let's see what you got" He said mentioned for his guards to attack, I oddly dodged every punch they threw towards me. It was like I could easily read their next moves, one of them pulled out a gun looking thing and aimed it towards me. The firearm build up laser like energy and fired towards me, thankfully it missed my body by a few inches.

"You wanna play unfair?" I asked with a threatening smile, I closed my eyes and I felt the same energy that I had back in the cell build in my chest and limbs, when I opened my eyes my hand a long electrifying whip.

"Let's play then, shall we?" I asked smugly, I swing the whip fast and anything that it touched got cut into half. The guards started falling at my feet one by one, limbs scattered in every corner of the room.

I was slowly progressing towards Vigor who had a nervous look instead of the smug one he usually puts. I made a mistake by not making sure one of the guards was dead, I cut her leg and she stopped moving and I thought I've finished her.

She shakily aimed her gun towards me hitting my calf, I winced in pain and dropped on one leg. My calf was burning thankfully my leg didn't get cut off, the weapon missed by a but and it only burned my skin. I heard a chuckle in front of me and I looked up at vigor who had a stupid smile on his face.

"Nice try princess" he aimed his gun towards my head and I stared at him emotionless. If this was my end, then shall be it. I closed my eyes and waited for him to end my life.

Hmmmm another cliffhanger...

Okay bye, LOVE YOU!



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