chip x Dale love story

By gingerlover1235

2.1K 74 11

Another chip n dale romance story More

chip n dales confession
chip n dale love
horrible tragady
nikki first birthday
dales lullaby song for nikki
a fun storm family night
new friend max
nikkis real father?
early vacation
nikki to the rescue
the battle
discapline heart to heart moment
family movie night
nikki uncalled behavior
chip n dale new case
sovled case nikki kidnapped
max tranferring to a new school?!
nikkis recovery
kidnapped max
the battle for max
dale ungrateful family
the gift
recovery road
nikki got her memorys restored
in a coma
the court
max recovery
nikki sick day
its a miracle!
the return of nikki real father
double date
9 years later
chip n dale agrues with basil
max and nikki wedding
darkwing is the kidnapper!
rescueing max and nikki
authors note
max and nikki baby twins

nikki first day in kindergarten

49 2 0
By gingerlover1235

Dale woke up as he yawned and stretch looking at his clock he smiled at first but a little said nikki going to kindergarten  that means he's going to be alone at home until chip pick her up from school. Dale then got up head to nikki's room  opened the door quietly and watched nikki sleeping peacefully  even dale dosen't want to he gently woke her up "morning baby girl it's time to get up" dale said as he kissed her cheek nikki woke up and rub her eyes " good morning daddy!" Nikki said smiling  " good morning sweetie  how did you sleep?" Dale asked as he put out outfits for nikki to wear " it was good I dream about  unicorns!" Nikki cheered dale smiled  at his cute little angel  " okay princess  here's you're clothes  I have to wake up papa and fix you're food " dale said "okay daddy" nikki nodded as dale closed the door for her privacy  and wake up his handsome husband  dale kissed his lips " morning hun it's time to get up" dale said lovingly  " morning hun did you sleep well " chip asked as he kissed his cheek  and put on his work shirt  " yes hun it's just I'm nervous about nikki going to kindergarten " sale said admittedly  " oh dale nothing  going to happen to her I promise " chip said as he hugged him  " it's not that it's just I'll be alone here time goes by fast with her growing " dale sighed "oh babe tell you what after me and nikki come home we go out to eat" chip said " really?" Dale asked hopefully  " yes I'll do anything for our family " chip  said as he kissed dale  which he kissed back passionately  " papa and daddy sitting in the tree  k I s s I n g" nikki sang  dale and chip laugh  and kissed their little girl  like a thousand times  " okay I'll make you two breakfast  and let' you get going " dale said as he went downstairs to cook breakfast for his husband and daughter  chip and nikki ate their breakfast  and hugged him  and left dale got started to  clean up the  house so he won't get bored . Meanwhile at nikki school  mrs velma introduced  nikki as the new student  and everyone  wants to be  friends with her  which gave her a headache  and thinks to herself  maybe they want to be friends with me just because my daddy's a tv star nikki sadly sigh and ate her lunch it was 2:59 and chip was picking up his daughter  and  she looked sad " hey what's wrong  sweetie?" Chip asked as he strapped her booster seat " everyone  at school just wanted me to be friends with me  just because you and daddy  are tv stars and gave me a headache " nikki said sniff " oh honey  I'm so sorry that happened to you  well talk to your school tomorrow and get it straight " chip said  as he parked his car at the house  chip unbuckle  nikki seatbelts  as he and her entered the house " here comes my two favorite people in the world  how was yours day" dale said as he picked nikki up and kissed her cheek  " mine was the Sam as usual  but nikki had a rough day " chip said as he changed his shirt  " wait what?! Did someone hurt her let daddy  see " dale said as he searched for any bruises or Mark's on her chip chuckle  at dale protectiveness  "  no babe it's everyone at school at school  wants to be her friend just because we're tv stars  and giving her a hard time and a headache" chip said "oh my poor baby  " as dale hugged her tight and kissed her cheek  " anyways dale let's get ready for us to go out to eat like I promise  come on nikki let's get you changed clothes" chip said as chip help her change her outfit and they went to Burger King and ate their food dale was thinking to himself  God I love my husband and my daughter  I hope this stays this way

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