ride till we die

By nevcau

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Fast and furious based novel. Oc based. Read first page to gain a better ish insight on book contents. More

small info dump
chapter 1 : long ago promises
chapter 2 : many goodbyes
chapter 3: life goes on
chapter 4 : race plans
chapter 5 : the set up
character portfolio
chapter 6: freindly talk
chapter 7 : race day
chapter 8: race day part 2
chapter 9 : the final line
chapter 10 : new rights
chapter 11 : small debts
chapter 12 : growing up
chapter 13 : the news
chapter 14 : the calm before the storm
chapter 15 : one happy moment
chapter 16: gift giving
chapter 17 : core memory
chapter 19 : smashed
chapter 20: journeys
chapter 21: the world turns dark
chapter 22 : life draining
chapter 23: present life
chapter 23: returns
chapter 24 : fun and games
chapter 25 : loser
chapter 26: you asshole
chapter 27 : growing suspicion
chapter 28 : i dont like him
chapter 29 : deeper meanings
chapter 30 : drunk admission
chapter 31 : cold feeling
chapter 32: Rage
chapter 33 : dont make me regret this
car list
chapter 34 : leave me alone
chapter 35 : twist
chapter 36: jelousy
chapter 37: feeling whole
chapter 38 : mistakes were made
chapter 39 : safe but not
chapter 40 : scum
chapter 41 : happiness ends with you
chapter 42 : happiness ends with you P2

chapter 18: pre plan

18 0 0
By nevcau

Hailee POV

I lay  staring at my phone as I wait for taylor to return from the shower.

After a couple minutes of mindless scrolling the door  of the  bathroom opens and shuts I look up from my phone and toss it on the pillow  infront of  me.

Taylor strolls into the room towel wrapped around her shoulders.

"Is that not wet" i question in a matter of fact tone.

"Meh it is but I dont care I'll dry"taylor replies back with a shrug tossing the wet towel onto the back of her chair to dry.

She then moves over to the bed and launches herself into the space next to me.

"Hi" she greets me a smile so wide.

"Hey that's better you dont smell like BEO and stale sweat"i laugh at her propping the pillow up infront of me to turn around and lean on.

"Nope now I smell minty fresh" she laughs back shifting onto her back.

"When did you get here then?"taylor questions looking over to me.

"I got here at 12 jakob came and picked me up from the station" I say  nonchalantly as I play with the necklace around my neck.

"If I knew you where here earlier I would have come home"she huffs out like an annoyed child.

"But then that would have ruined the surprise dumbass" I state poking her in the chest.

"I suppose" taylor replies with a small sigh.

The room falls silent again causing me to play with the necklace more.

Taylor raises from the bed and turns to me  her brown eyes filled with  hesitation .

"I'm ... ugh.. really glad you came to see me" she says  nervously looking down  at her knuckles.

"So am I... I did miss you T" I say quietly  through a smile happy she appreciated my effort.

She shakes off the look of nervousness and gives me one of her big grins.

Which only makes me smile at her more.

"Right I'm going to go quickly kick my uncles ass for not telling me you where coming over" she says in a fake angry voice as she smacks the bed.

She then proceeds to launch off the bed and run down the stairs to her poor unsuspecting uncle.

"No leave him out of this he innocent"i shout as I chase after her.


I wake up to a blaring alarm coming from somewhere in the room.

"Ughhh shut it uppp" i groan out covering my head with the blanket.

"Mmmm you do it" came a disgruntled sleepy reply.

I pull the blanket off my head in frustration and pick up my pillow from the deflating air matress  I slept  on and roll off it.

I make my way over to the blaring alarm and turn it off.

I then take a moment to ready my pillow over my shoulder  ready to strike a unsuspecting sleeping Taylor.

I bring the pillow over my shoulder and hit her square in the face.

"Ughhh whyyy"comes  a muffled reply from underneath the pillow.

"Because you made me get up even though the alarm is right next to you sooo if I'm up so are you" i say tartly as I  turn around step away from the bed.

Thats when  I feel a set of hands grab above my  waist and pull me with a force onto the bed.

I take a moment to asses what had happend.

I then whip around  a look of irritation on my face as I glare at the sleeping back behind me who now cuddles my pillow.

Shes trying to make me go sleep so she can continue to sleep.

"Oh no no  ni pensarlo I see what your trying to do and it's not going to work wake your ass up" I pick up a pillow once again and hit her repeatedly with it
( Translation ni pendsarlo: I dont think so )

"Okay okay I'm up" she says haslty grabbing the pillow out my hands before I could hit her again.

"Good I'm gonna go get some coffee" I say upbeat  as I get off the bed and make my way towards the door.

"I'll be down in a sec" an cranky Taylor replies.

I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Jakob sat on one of the many   metal stools that sit behind the kitchen island.

"Morning" i yawn out making my way over to the coffee machine.

"Morning sleep well" jakob ask looking up from his phone in front of him.

"Very well thank you" I say confusion setting in on how to work the machine.

"Pods are in the draw beside you cups are above you pull up the lid there and put the pod in then press that button there" jakob politely instructs and points  from the stool.

I take the steps jakob relayed out to me and soon enough I had a cup of coffee.

"Thanks" I say in appreciation as I sit at the kitchen table.

"Morning" taylor says to the room as she saunters in and sits across from me.

" what's on  the  cards  today then" jakob ask taylor with intrest.

"Well  I made plans with Faye mitchell and Kieran to meet up at 12 without knowing hailee was visiting but I can cancel for another day" she says a slight look of guilt on her face as she glances at me.

"No dont do that I want to meet your freinds I want to see who's lo suficientemente loco to  put up with you" i laugh out   trying to show Taylor she had nothing to feel guilty about.

(Translation lo suficientemente loco: crazy enough)

Taylor turns to me with a smile  a  clear look of  relief on her face.

"Okay well you both have fun then let me know if your home for dinner" jakob says as he rises from his seat and leaves the room.

"Well then I best get ready" I say clicking my tongue.

I stand from the chair taking my coffee cup with me.

Taylor's pov

We pull up to the familiar small warehouse and stop a few meters from the open metal roll door.

"You sure you want to do this we can go do somthing else if you really want and I really wont mind" I reassure hailee one last time looking at her curious face.

"I'm sure  I want to meet your freinds"she states as she rolls her   eyes at me.

"Okay" I  breath out In surrender as I drive Into the warehouse and into my usual spot.

Mitchell and faye momentarily look up from what their doing and follow my car  with their eyes as I enter.

All bar Kieran who lies ontop his car bonnet like a cat  his arm over his eyes signifying hes trying to sleep.

Mitchell is sat in his orange Mazda RX-7 situated next to Kierans  white lancer evo,clear concentration on his face as he 
revs  its engine and stares at the screen of his laptop.

Faye sits on the floor  across the other side of the warehouse   tounge out as she paints on the  gas cover of her purple Camaro.

I get out my car and walk over to kierans head.

"Hey dunce face" i greet a smirk on my face.

"Hey asshole" he greets back as he removes his arm from his eyes and sits up.

Faye and Mitchell both make their way over to kieran and I.

Faye follows suit of kieran and sits ontop his  cars bonnet.

Mitchell leans next to the driver side of my car against Kierans roof to signify hes listening.

That's when the passenger door of my car slams signifying that hailee has made herself known.

My eyes follow her as she struts over to my side a small gap between us a feeling wants me to puller her closer and close the gap.

"Hii" she beams full of happiness with a small wave  at all my friends.

"Sup" Kieran greets with a nod as he rerives a cigarette and lighter from his pocket.

"Hi I'm mitchell" he says with a hand stretched out in a act of greeting.

Hailee shakes his hand with a big smile.

"Who's this sexy lady" fayes ask sliding off the car bonnet to stand infront of  hailee clearly examining her.

Hailee shuffles awkwardly as faye circles around her  giving her small pokes as she goes.

My anger slightly raises at the rudeness of my friend.

"Faye cut it out shes clearly not liking it" I say with a wavering anger in my voice.

"Sorry" she apologises to hailee and returns back to her seat.

"Your fine  " hailee gushes out trying to make faye feel less bad.

Kieran gives faye a  flick up the head.

"So who is she?" Kieran ask bluntly as he lights his cigarette.

"Dude" frowns mitchell with a look of disappointment.

"This is hailee" I say pulling her to me with an arm around her shoulder.

"Hi" she once again greets a small blush on her cheeks as she looks at her feet.

"Oh so your the famous sunshine that T never shuts up about"kieran blurts out in realisation.

Haille gives a small chuckle as she looks up at me.

"Is that so" she says slyly.

I feel a small bit of embarrassment rise up from my toes as I bite the inside of my lip to stop the blushing.

"Oh my god honestly its oh wonder how hailee is and I miss hailee honestly she looks lika a lost puppy moping around some days" fayes says dramatically as she flaps her arms around.

This causes hailee to laugh more.

"I need a cigarette" I  choke out as the embarrassment   fights it's way onto my cheeks.

I take my arm off hailee's shoulder and quickly rush out the building.

"Stupid assholes" I huff out lighting my cigarette and taking drag.

I return back to the warehouse to find my friends and hailee around the table laughing with hailee almost on the floor in tears of laughter, fayes silently weasing ,mitchells wiping his glasses and eyes of tears with a small chuckle and Kieran  is stood acting out whatever's making them laugh.

I make my way over to them to see what they are laughing so hard about.

"Omg that's not even the worst off it so she comes out in this big ass  puffy princess dress" Kieran laughs out but before he could continue I hit him right in the gut.

Down he goes holding his stomach and no longer talking.

"I thought we agreed to never tell anyone about that" I say menacingly as I stand over Kierans crippled body.

"Hailee and I where exchanging stories and boy has she got some on you" he says through gasps of pain.

I help him up and give him a pat on the back a small smile on my face.

He only laughs at me as he sits down.

I sit down next to hailee.

Everyone continues there small talk between them.

"You okay" hailee ask in concern as she looks at me.

"Yeah all good" I breath out looking back at her.

We stay staring at each other for a moment only for faye to butt in.

"Soooo Ryan's holding a early  before new years eve party tonight Kierans already said hes going ,Mitchell's boring ass said he cant come and I've already talked to hailee who's said it's up to you  T and I know how you are  so dont  disappoint me as hailee and I have already kinda planned outfits and stuff"
Faye Hurrys out her plan.

I give a looks of debate and  thought ,only to  drag out my response time by making ahh and no noises.

"Omg you take to long hailee do the thing" faye instructs.

"Okay" hailee replies a look of mischief in her eyes.

I give both girls a look of questioning.

Hailee turns in her chair and brings her hands up to a begging pray sign  she then jutts out her bottom lip and give me the biggest puppy dog eyes I have ever seen.

I look away knowing that i will fail if I look at her.

She only persist more.

"Fineee we will go"i sigh out crossing my arms infront of me.

"Yesss"both girls shout in response high fiving.

I let a small smile slip.

"Omg we have to go get ready come on hailee we can get ready at mine" and with that faye has pulled hailee off and into her camaro ready to go.

"I'll text you the adress and times  when I get back and dont worry she is safe with me"fayes shouts out the window to me before speeding out the warehouse and away.

"Dude she just stole your girl like it was nothing" Kieran laughs out.

"Not my girl and yeah that was a very fast formed freindship" I say salty  I have to share hailee.

"I think it's nice she has a female freind like herself no offence T "say Mitchell with a proud smile  as he makes his way over to his car.

"Your such a  proud dad Mitchell"i laugh at him.

"Ha ha so funny listen I'm off I gotta get millie from my grandparents" say Mitchell with one final wave he climbed in his car and drives away.

"And then there were 2" kieran says.

I hit him up the head and leave.

Author note

Here's  what I think Jakobs kitchen looks like

Honestly it's a kitchen I would dream to have.

Anyway have a good day.

And or hope you had a good day.

Remember yout doing your best and that's all you can do.

I belive in you.



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