CYPHER ~ Naruhina

By Mighty_03

29.4K 1.1K 1.1K

Naruhina Modern AU: Slowburn: What if HE was the one who fell in love first? Naruto, who has everything. Hin... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter- 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter- 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32
Chapter - 33
Chapter - 34
Chapter - 35

Chapter - 14

675 31 12
By Mighty_03

~Few days later~

"So, has there been any progress?" Erika asked her violet-headed companion eagerly, during their break time.

"N-No... " She said, her voice stained with a bit of worry. It's gotten a little worse. I am unable to converse properly with Uzumaki-kun because I grow nervous. She was also dejected due to the fact that Naruto was becoming more and more hesitant to approach her. He used to touch her so casually earlier, but lately, it seemed like he was being cautious. She really missed it, but was too shy to admit it. 

She then noticed her supervisor walking towards the counter she and Erika were working at.

"Ms. Hyuga, your salary was deposited into your bank account." The supervisor informer. "And so has yours, Ms. Misono." She said, turning to Erika.

"Thank you." Hinata bowed politely. I can finally pay off the rent.

"That's so cool! Today's my lucky day!"

"Anything special, Erika-chan?"

"Yeah!" She then paused, as if she was thinking of something. However, she immediately seemed to dismiss the thought that was stagnating her sentence. "You see, me and Naru-senpai, we had a bet, and I won! So now, he's sponsoring an all-expenses paid blind date for me in a four-star restaurant!"

"Wow! That's awesome! Who's the guy?"

"Dunno! Apparently it's one of his friends. Well, it's tonight, and he even arranged a limo to pick me up."

"Some expensive bet that is," Hinata chuckled. "Wonder what made him l-lose so b-badly."

"That's... a secret." Erika's eyes twinkled with mischief. "You'll find out some day!" Little did Hinata know that Naruto was just paying Erika back for helping Hinata that day. What a lucky girl. He loves you so much.




That day, she returned home in shallow thought, ignoring the ominous darkness of the streets that seemed to chase her. It was almost a week since the strange man on the train had disappeared. She never really knew who that man was; she had never seen his face. All she could recognise about him was that odious, nauseating touch, one that would make her skin crawl. It was the same kind of touch she had felt when the two players had locked her in the room.

Hinata couldn't remember when this had all started, but the man would somehow make his way to stand behind her everyday religiously, and feel her up. Initially, when she felt like throwing up, she did indeed consider drawing attention to his unscrupulous behaviour. But then all the humiliation she felt that night while being excommunicated from her household, resurfaced and strangled her throat, deeming her incapable of speaking. She was surely not ready to face sexual harassment everyday, but she was even moreso afraid of drawing those cold stares of disdain upon herself. Nobody would believe what she said anyway. They would just eye her as if she was the dirtiest existence alive, and their disgust-filled gazes would burn her spirit. Her tears wouldn't be valued, nor would her screams for help; it would all just be a futile cry from the pits of misfortune, hearing which the world around her would snub her, or even worse, blame the victim herself. 
There had been times where the people around her would notice the man's wrongdoings, but had easily turned a blind-eye to it. That had been the last straw for Hinata. As she had desperately looked up to people for help unable to cry out, all she had been met with, were glances full of dismissals, and scorn, even. Even if she had asked for help, no one would have extended their hand. She knew it all too well. The world was indeed, a cruel place.

It was infuriating, but Hinata had no choice. She was all alone in the world. No one to trust, no one to rely on, just a broken soul trying to wade through the flood of humiliation with no support in sight. So she would bite her tongue and endure it. No matter how many times it happened, Hinata could never get used to the repulsive touch. Each time would feel equally repugnant, and the occasional ragged breathing and sniggers that creeped near her ear just made it worse. 

The worst part yet, was that the harassment did not stop there. Up to a certain distance from her house, he would follow her as well. The rhythmic footsteps that resounded behind her, would stop when she would, quicken when she would, and slow down when she would. The fear that Hinata would try to repress in her heart to try and act normal, was unimaginable. A thousand silent prayers escaping her lips, she would clench the straps of her backpack tightly, and stride as fast as she could in the darkness lunging out to gobble her up. She would only be able to breathe properly once the streets grew devoid of the second set of footsteps. 

But at present, the situation was too strange. She had not seen the man on the train for a few days, nor had she heard any footsteps following her. Yet, instead of relief, she only seemed to feel more panic. There was just this unsettling feel to it. 

Hinata was surprised at the fact that she had already reached home by the time this train of thought had finished. She was so  lost in thought that she had already covered the distance. Creaking the gate of the two-storeyed building open, Hinata entered cautiously, taking care not to disturb her strict landlord. She climbed up the rusty flight of stairs and headed into her small apartment. Heaving a sigh that was a result of a mix of exhaustion and respite on finally reaching home, Hinata was just about to collapse on her bed, when the doorbell rang. 

She frowned. What does he want now? She thought, irritated at being interrupted before taking a rest. She opened the door to see the Maeno impatiently tapping one foot and crossing his arms over his chest, as if he was waiting to ask something.

"G-Good evening, Maeno-san." She greeted. "If it's about the rent, I received my pay today, and I-I will  w-withdraw the mo-money and p-pay you t-tomorrow."

Her polite offer was met with a scoff. "So now you think buttering up to me will solve all your problems?" He started out of nowhere.


"Enough with the pretense. Just how long did you think you could pull wool over my eyes?"

"Excuse me... I d-don't understand. What did I do?"

"Hah! So now you're feigning innocence?"

"Maeno-san, if you want to t-tell me something, tell me p-properly. I can't make heads or tails o-out of what you are saying."

"C-Can't Make H-Heads Or Tails, is it?" He mimicked her stuttering mockingly. "You're stuttering won't get you out of this!" He declared.

"Out of what?"

"Your prostitution!"

"WH-What?!" Hinata was genuinely baffled. "What in the world are saying, Maeno-san?"

"I heard it all from that man today! He told me he met you at the brothel, and folllowed you all the way here! He asked me if you offered services here! In this very building! How dare you taint the reputation of this apartment!"

"Which man are you t-talking about?! I work at a bakery, not a brothel! There's no way-"

"Stop lying! With a body like yours, would any man believe you're good for anything but in bed?!"

Rage, humiliation, fury. A mixture of all emotions flared up inside the young girl. "I'm s-saying I did not do it!" She protested against the wrong accusation. 

"I don't care! There is no place for dirty sluts like you. Pack up and leave right this instant!"

"Th-This is outrageous! You don't even have any proof!"

"You came home that day with a man, and you had bruises on you! Isn't that proof enough?! And the man from the brothel was so impressed with your previous services, that he even took your number from me!"

"You gave a s-stranger my n-number?! How c-could you-"

"I don't see why your number is a problem when you sell your body to strangers." He snickered.

"This is ridiculous, Maeno-san! I haven't d-done anything that you are accusing me of! Moreover, how could y-you take the liberty to give out my number to a random stranger?!"

"Look here, stop trying to reason with me. I have already made up my mind. Get out of my house. Now."

"It's late night! I-I don't know what you-"

"Shut up and pack your stuff. You're leaving now."

"But I haven't e-even done anything wrong! This is not legal! You can't evict me on such short notice!"

"This is my house, and I make the rules. I'll give you fifteen more minutes. Pack your stuff. Be glad I'm not kicking you out without them." He spat, and slammed the door shut, almost on her face.

Hinata was left behind in an extremely perplexed state. It was all happening too quickly. Why was she accused of working in a brothel in the first place? 

'And the man from the brothel was so invested in you, that he even took your number from me!' The jarring voice of her landlord pierced her ears. 

Which man? Why does he know my name and address? Why did he take my number? She was completely perturbed. She was now in a very dangerous predicament. She was being kicked out without a reason, and she would be left stranded if she stepped out at night. The area was even more dangerous after dusk, and the mere thought of being in such a vulnerable state shook her to her core. With both her hands raised up to her temple, the anxious girl was trying to make sense out of things that had just happened. Can things get any worse?

She then suddenly heard her phone vibrating. A notification. A message from an unknown number. Her trembling hands took hold of the phone and opened the chat with fear. 

Hi babe! Done with work? Did you reach home?
I missed you sooo much.
What about you?

Hinata gasped, immediately exited the chat, and hastily switched off her phone. The way the person spoke resembled the same sleazy way catcallers addressed her. On top of that, the unknown person even knew her work schedule and the time she returned home! A chill ran through her spine. It seemed like this person had been watching her for some time now. She broke out in cold sweat, and her breath grew faster. She knew that replying to the person would only make matters worse, so she refrained from doing so. But now, there was a bigger problem at hand. Once she left the house, it was undeniable that this very person would ambush her. It was all a plan. Hinata was starting to piece it all together.
She didn't know who the man was, but he had cunningly ensured that Hinata would be cornered. He had purposely planted ideas into Maeno's head so that he would evict her, leaving her stranded on the streets, and easily accessible to the predator  in the dark. If something happened once she was on the streets, she wouldn't even be able to run back to her apartment. 

The horrified young woman's mind blanked. Her mouth was left agape in shock, struggling to breathe. She was left in a state too stunned to even take it all in. She didn't know what to do. Once she stepped out, it would be the end. She had nothing to protect herself with, and no hope to hold on to. As silent tears rolled down her cheeks, she clenched onto the phone in her hand in pure exasperation and fear, with the device pressing painfully into her palm, leaving a reddened impression. She was so done with all of this. 

She was just trying to live, and all these ordeals were not making it easier in the slightest. 

Should I just die? 
Her late family would definitely not be happy to see her die. She knew it. But what did it matter? Nobody alive was going to care if she died. Nobody... 

Wait, nobody?

 Suddenly, a bright image of a grinning, handsome young man with sun-kissed hair and clear, blue eyes flashed through her mind's eye. Not even Uzumaki-kun? Her thoughts were heart-wrenching to bear. What would Uzumaki-kun do if I die? She tried to imagine. He would probably be angry that I took the step. She smiled wistfully amidst her miserable sobs, trying to think of what he would say. Probably,

"Why did you do this, Hinata?! Why didn't you tell me about anything?!" She pictured his deep voice telling her off. His voice... He scolds me whenever he's worried about me, last time too-

Hinata stopped short. She recalled him talking to her out of concern so many times.

"That's my number, keep it. If you come across any trouble, give me a call. I'll be there in a minute, no matter when. Promise me you will do it."

"Take care, Hinata. Next time anything happens, call me." 

"You had promised that you'd call last time too, but you didn't. Hope it isn't an empty promise this time."

Her eyes grew wider in realisation. He had told her time and again to call him if she  found it difficult to hold up, if someone was giving her a hard time, or if she was exhausted. He had clearly let her know that she was not burdening him with her worries. He had meant it. She could sense the earnestness in his eyes when he uttered those words. 
He had been her pillar of support for a long time now, and hadn't hurt her once. For some reason, even though a glimmer of joy was welling up in her heart when she thought of him, it only made her cry more. Perhaps they were tears of happiness; of gratitude, towards the only person in her life that helped her escape the cycle of despondency. Her light. Her sunshine. The person she liked.
If there was anyone she could trust whole-heartedly and rely on, it was him. She had made up her mind now.

 She then wiped her tears away (though they were still streaming out incessantly), tried to suppress her sobs, silently prayed to God while slowly switching on her phone again.

"My bank account is bleeding with every dollar you spend." Naruto joked on the call with his friend, Erika.

"Well, you owe me," her voice came from the other end. "Besides, you have millions to spare."

"Oh yeah, Eri. One more thing. I'm hiding the fact that I own a company from Hinata, so help me out with it, please."

"Is this some kind of gold-digger prank shit?"

"Of course not. She had something to do with the corporate world in her past and it was so not good... So I wouldn't want to trigger her trauma."

"Well, if you say so."

"Thanks... Where's your date? Don't tell me he stood you up?" The blonde laughed.

"If he did, your loss, 'cos I'll make you pay for the second date too." Erika dropped the idea craftily.

"Shut uuup~" Naruto dragged his voice. He suddenly noticed another call interjecting the ongoing one. It was from an unrecognizable number. I don't think I've ever gotten a call from this number before. "Hey, Eri. I'll call you later, aight? I'm getting another call."


"Have fun, bye."

He immediately hung up on the brunette and picked up the new call.

"Hello, may I know who this is?"

"U-Uzumaki-kun? Is it you?" A broken voice meekly asked from the other end.

Naruto's eyes widened upon hearing the voice.

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