Ingredients for Failed Experi...

By roos282000

2.3K 205 128

"KIM. MOTHERF*CKING. SEOK. JIN! What the fuck did you stuff in those brownies?!" Vanessa's life takes an uns... More

The, as always, boring disclaimer
2. Cheetos in Tae's closet
3. Snores and unicorns
4. Hello there, Angel
5. Hot Alien stole my toothpaste
6. Hey, one question: What The F*ck?!
7. Fly to my room
8. Gin, the squeaky grocery cart
9. Pong-Pong

1. An Ouija-board, Seokjins flipflop and Hoseoks bum

304 21 12
By roos282000

"ARE YOU GUYS INSANE?!! You can't summon demons with a homemade, cardboard Ouija board, you crazy bunch of lunatics! If you're not careful that so-called 'Ouija board' will burn down by accident and we'll be stuck with an unwanted demon in the house, which, by the way, won't surprise me anymore...

And that demon just might end up liking to sabotage me, like I don't pay enough prices for your ridiculous experiments already!"

The slight desperation in Namjoon's voice, in addition to anger, probably has something to do with the fact that things often get terrible out of control around him. He's supposed to be the leader of this pack of misfits, but if he'd known beforehand what he'd actually got himself into... Most likely, he wouldn't take on the role of leader again.

But, yeah, almost ten years later it's a little too late to back out.

Somehow, he had the illusion that these hopelessly chaotic, spontaneous actions would become less nightmarish and destructive once Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin had passed the more mature age of 21. And maybe Hoseok would finally behave himself too.

But dear lord, it only seemed to get worse!

Trying to control his despair, he circles in front of the TV, muttering about all the ways this could have ended in a disaster, grabbing his dark blond hair in frustration every now and then.

Seemingly unaffected by his frustration, five young men are scattered around the common living room.

On the large sofa across the room, Yoongi sits cross-legged between Jimin's knees, sipping unbothered from his ice-cold americano, an indifferent expression on his face. He could be having the time of his life, enjoying his favorite drink. But there's also a serious possibility that, in a minute, he'll be throwing that sacred potion of his at Namjoon's head to silence him. 

Jimin, who seems completely oblivious to his surroundings, sits behind him on the backrest. His round glasses have dropped to the tip of his nose as his hands work in utter concentration on Yoongi's white-blond hair, making something what must probably represent little braids.

The youngest two sprouts are centered around the cause of Namjoon's outburst: a greasy pizza box, defaced with a black marker, that apparently must represent an 'Ouija board'. Jungkook, sprawled on his stomach on the floor, is frozen in an arm movement to place a glass upside down on the piece of cardboard. His large, innocent eyes look up at Namjoon.

Taehyung sits on Jungkook's back, his dark, almost black hair tied on top of his head in a wacky ponytail. A bubblegum-pink lollipop nearly falls from between his lips as he pulls a disappointed pout. Presumably, he realizes that their experiment cannot go on as he and Jungkook had hoped.

To Namjoon's right sits a humming Hoseok upside down in a huge, blue armchair. Yes, sits upside down... His wobbly, long legs extend high above the backrest while his back is on the seat cushion. To top off this rather uncomfortable look, his head is tilted over the edge so his auburn hair almost touches the floor.

But that quickly changes with Namjoon's comment: 

"What do you mean you pay the price for our most ingenious, well-thought-out experiments?"

Hoseok, who normally cannot be knocked out of this uncomfortable position, scrambles indignant to his feet to kick Namjoon's but.

"Well," Namjoon begins, but before he can even start his argument, he is interrupted by an aggressive grumbling Seokjin who just entered the room.

"Sorry, not sorry, but I believe I paid the highest price for your ridiculous ideas. Remember that time when you guys wanted to demonstrate how to put out a flash in the pan... in MY kitchen!? And PURPOSEFULLY set a hot pan with oil on fire for that?" 

"Hey, but that method worked pretty well!" Jungkook joins the conversation. "Just put the lid on it, went OK, didn't it?"

"Yes, that part was the 'wisest' part of your plan, except that you had to set a pan with oil on fire, which, in itself, is too ridicules for words..." 

The silence is broken by soft giggles coming from Jimin and a resigned sigh from Hoseok who slumps back into his armchair and proclaims with a whisper: "Aanndd rapper Jin is activated..."

Seokjin catches his breath for a brief second before he erupts: "BUT-THEN-YOU-IdiOts-INSISTED-TO-DEMONSTRATE-WHAT-nOT-TO-DO! Throwing water into a burning pan of oil is the most insane thing you can do! Because we all know what happens next!" 

Taehyung, frowning guilty, rubs his palm over his now-regrown eyebrows. Jimin almost facepalms himself, but hides a giggle instead, while Jungkook's eyes widen before he blinks innocently.

"It was Hobi's idea, he said that otherwise it wouldn't be a calibrated experiment." Tae pouts.

"But...," Jungkook continues, "In the video, there was only a huge flash fire, which didn't seem too difficult to extinguish with our ultimate flash-in-the-pan-lid-on-extinguish-method! And we had just tested that method at the time, so it couldn't go wrong!"

"Yes," Hoseok states. "If we hadn't tested that method first, the experiment would probably have gotten completely out of control."

"Oh, so you don't call the scorched eyebrows, a blackened kitchen, and a huge amount of firewater damage a completely out-of-control experiment?!" Seokjin roars in disbelief.

From across the room comes a suppressed splutter from Jimin, followed by a muffled "auuch!" as Yoongi warns him by poking him between his ribs.

"Look at the bright side, Seokjin" Namjoon tries to calm the heated situation. "At least you have a beautiful, brand-new kitchen! With a reasonably clean refrigerator full of products that aren't expired, now complete tableware, and, the best of all, a beautiful oven that does work for a change, with reflective glass at your eye level! You don't even have to go to the bathroom to look at yourself!"

Seokjin seems to cool off a little at these words, but that's before Hoseok decides to meddle in soothing Seokjin's anger, which is likely to end in utter failure...

"Yes! and that might be particularly useful now that the bathroom is not usable for a while!" Hoseok grins triumphantly, he seems pleased that he can add something useful to the discussion.

Jimin's hands freeze in the middle of his likely hundredth little braid and look with widened eyes over his glasses at Hoseok before he mutters under his breath: "That is about as useful as tits on a bull, Hobi..."

Jungkook carefully sets the glass down and quietly rolls from underneath Taehyung, who doesn't seem to notice the growing consternation of his brothers. He just flops back on the floor next to Jungkook while he quietly sucks on his lollipop.

The deafening silence, in which everyone, except Taehyung, watches his life pass by, is broken by Yoongi. With a mournful sigh, he slaps his palm flat against his forehead before he stands up and walks to the door, without a sound he disappears in the direction of his bedroom. The door closes behind him with an eerily soft click.

"Seriously, Hobi?" Namjoon whispers in disbelief, his eyes wide in sheer shock, his voice hoarse with slight panic before he slowly lowers himself behind the large chair and clumsily tries to hide his tall body under a fleece blanket.

"What??" Hoseok asks in a long, high-pitched voice. Then realization kicks in, his eyes widen and his hand flies up to cover his gaping mouth. "Uuuhhh-ohh..."

"Uhhh, I'm going to get myself to safety" Jimin squeaks before he skedaddles away, followed by Jungkook who pulls a confused and stumbling Tae behind him.

Taehyung loses his lollypop and tries desperately to free himself of Jungkook. "Koooookkk! Let go of me! My lollyyyyy!" His whining slowly fades away as Jungkook stubbornly drags him to a safer place.

The roar of Seokjin chasing them is truly demonic. "What have you been doing this time?! Namjoon and I have been gone for..." He glances at his bare wrist that apparently can tell the time, "Exactly one hour and we come back to a house where a séance is held to summon supposedly friendly demons and before that, you also demolished the bathroom?! HOW ON eARTH did you even manage to do that?!

"Uuuuh" The unfortunate Hoseok who is the only remaining one sitting across from Seokjin, squeaks. "Well technically... uh... It's not our fault...!" Hoseok tries to save his ass, looking hopelessly around for the most ideal escape route before Seokjin chases after him with his flip-flop.

As Seokjin bends down to grab his slipper in a rather dramatic gesture, Namjoon leaps out of his hiding spot and pulls Hoseok with a not-too-gentle movement along in search of a safer shelter.

But he doesn't just pull Hoseok with him in this clumsy move...

The chair also feels obliged to participate in this hopeless flight from Jin's temper tantrum and miraculously sticks to Hoseok's legs.

To make matters worse, Namjoon's long legs become entangled in the fleece blanket he had just hidden under, and, in his desperate rescue, he falls flat over his head, mowing a vase of pink tulips off the table.

Hoseok falls at the same speed on top of Namjoon, dragging the chair with him.

All of this unfolds with a thunderous roar that nearly drowns out Seokjin's furious scream as he rushes to the pathetic pile of a chair, glass shards, and fleece blanket to hit the two startled men with his flip-flop.

The hilarious view of the abashed heads and wet hair decorated with pink tulip petals seems to escape him completely as he vents his frustration by, not too gently, dropping the slipper on Hobi's bum.

BAM!! Chapter 1! What do you guys think about it? Vote and comment babys so other peeps can find my story.

Loveyou guys <3

Love, Saartje

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