A Billionaire's Bodyguard

By Rshores

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Percy woke up on the bank of a lake just outside Gotham city. Problem? Oh, not many besides her scratches, s... More

Chapter 1: A fresh start
Chapter 2: Shoot! I Knew Parties Sucked
Chapter 3: Dodging the Bulldozer
Chapter 4: Training pact
Chapter 5: Holy Memory cookies
Chapter 6: A call bearing good news
Chapter 7: I share my morning with crazy cosplayers and children
Chapter 8: I make an old man cry
Chapter 9: First day, first pains
Chapter 10: With new jobs come new pains
Chapter 11: Just keep dancing
Chapter 12: A Confession
Chapter 13: Remembering a past life
Chapter 14: Playing Soccer against a pro and a lucky charm
Chapter 15: Trying to make cookies from memory
Chapter 16: Many encounter begin at 11
Chapter 17: Getting bribed by a child
Chapter 18: A Midmorning Report
Chapter 19: A Grand Takedown
Chapter 20: Alakazam, Alakazoom, heal that wound!!
Chapter 21: Having a child read to me
Chapter 22: I Shoot a Girl with Some Windex
Chapter 23: A Threat of Getting Kidnapped
Chapter 24: A Brick Wall Smiles
Chapter 25: A Sea of Flashing Lights Nearly Blinds Me
Chapter 26: A Common Philosophy Between Friends
Chapter 27: The Redhead Bids Me Goodbye...I Think?
Chapter 28: A Call From The Bathroom
Chapter 29: Getting Home With New Rules
Chapter 30: Hallucinations Accompany Dishes
Chapter 31: Cigarettes Lead to Forgiveness
Chapter 32: The Awful News
Chapter 33: The Yellow Shirt May Not Fit
Chapter 34: McShizzle the master artist
Chapter 35: Everyone Deserves Someone to be There for Them
Chapter 36: Hopeless and Childish
Chapter 37: A Serious Sit Down
Chapter 38: Floof and Scoot against the world
Chapter 39: The Fall
Chapter 40: A Strong Man Breaks
Chapter 41: Getting Tackled By a Fur Ball
Chapter 42: A Very Sickly Plane Flight
Chapter 43: It Wasn't Funny the First Time
Chapter 44: Apparently Helping Makes Me a Dinkleberg
Chapter 46: Frosting....Everywhere
Chapter 47: How cliche would that be right?
Chapter 48: --------
Chapter 49: 12 hours
Chapter 50: A Weiner Dog Monster
Chapter 51: Late night visits
Chapter 52: A Deliberation
Chapter 53: The culprits hang their heads in shame
Chapter 54: As it all comes flooding in
Chapter 55: A single text can make a whole day
Chapter 56: I get tackled by the little star
Chapter 57: Poor West gets kicked out
Chapter 58: Not taking anything back, not even the hand sized cookies
One shot #1
Oneshot #2
One Shot #3

Chapter 45: All Better

3.7K 218 21
By Rshores

—————-Percy's POV: —————-

The bus ride was quiet, the night sky moving by highlighting the dark forestry and occasional lakes.

We had planned on leaving the next night, but with everything that happened Bruce got us onto a last minute bus ride back to Gotham. We'd been lucky to get a secluded bus that had a max of 4 other people, all of which seemed to be either asleep or in another realm.

I'd been talking slightly with Sadie, though somehow she seemed to be even more aggressive over text which I never knew was possible until now.

Though this only seemed to fall into the back of my mind as even through my reassurance, Bruce seemed to be quiet. I snuck a peek over at him to see him staring blankly at the laptop monitor in front of him. He wasn't moving, just seemingly lost in thought.

I looked back to my phone as another message popped up. This one from an unknown number.


I could feel my breathing pick up slightly, was this Annabeth?

My fingers hovered over the letters hesitantly before I picked up the speed "Annabeth?"

The world went quiet as I waited for what felt like forever for the message to come back, a bubble would pop up then disappear before popping up again and dying like before. Suddenly the number came up for a call. I took a deep breath, tapping Bruce. He looked over and I motioned that I was gonna go a seat over to take the call. He nodded, giving me a small smile.

I stood up, quickly going back a few rows before picking up the call.

"Percy! Percy oh my gods it's you! Please tell me this is you and Sadie didn't just play a prank because I swear on Hades good name that I will-"

"It's me Annabeth." I said quickly, her voice stopping immediately. A moment of silence went between us before she spoke up again, her voice a lot more emotional than before.

"You know you promised not to disappear again. You're not very good at keeping promises." I let out a short laugh. Something about this situation was making my emotional and I could feel my chest getting heavy.

"I see." I replied, not having much else to say.

"You don't have to pretend to know everything, Sadie explained your memory loss, for your information this is the second time this has happened." I let out another laugh.

"I mean seriously, why don't you guys lock me up??" I asked, feeling my smile widen.

"I ask myself that everyday Perc." She let out a short breath, and I could hear the heavy relief that filled every word. "You don't know how good it is to hear your voice right now." She mumbled, the phone barely picking up her voice.

"It's nice to know the girl from my memories is as she seemed" I replied, and I could hear a short sob come from the other end. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"You never change seaweed brain" I stopped apologizing, allowing Annabeth a moment to collect herself. "Everyone's missed you. Like a lot. And Hazel and Jason think they killed you much to everyone's opposition."

"It was my fault though, I told the horse to go up" I said quickly.

"You remember falling? Holy shit Percy I'm so sorry, we should've found you sooner maybe-"

"It's fine Annabeth. I've been lucky" I looked over to Bruce to see him now working away on his computer. "I've had a lot of help recently"

"That's good. I hope it hasn't been too bad." I let out a short laugh, shaking my head.

"It's been a rollar coaster, I can drop all the medicine now." A short mumble that was too low for me tot make out came from Annabeth but I continued. "I'm heading to Gotham now, I've got an apartment there and am making pretty good money and...I've got a boyfriend, and his family are all so sweet." Annabeth paused on the other end.

"What's he like?" she asked more quietly though I could hear the small smile in her voice.

"He's great, he's a bit quiet but he's really nice, and his kids are adorable, and menacing, but mainly great. There's a lot more but I think I'd rather you meet him yourself." I heard a short 'mmm' from the end.

"That's great Percy, to think you'd start a whole nother life is well.. actually that kinda makes sense, but I'm happy for you." She let out a short sigh. "I gotta go Percy, I really wish I could talk longer but I don't think the others want to be held up any longer, if you could, I'm going to send you Hazel's and Jason's numbers, do you mind calling them? Oh and we'll have people over in Gotham within the week, transportation might be slow but we'll have people ready to get you."

"Wait, get me? I'll be able to come back right?" I asked panicky, holding the phone slightly tighter.

"Of course Percy, we aren't about to kidnap you, but we need to figure out what happened, then you're free to go back. I hope you won't leave us forever but you'll be free to do whatever you want."

"I wouldn't leave you all, I just think I like the life I have here. But uh, I don't want to hold you any longer, I'll call Hazel and Jason, stay safe"

Annabeth let out a short laugh. "Of course seaweed brain, unlike you I don't think I'm going to be kidnapped on the spot. I'll call you tomorrow, in fact be prepared because I'll be calling everyday to make sure no unfortunate event has wreaked havoc once more."

"I'll pick up every time, I'll see you Annabeth."

"Bye Percy." There was an air of sovern silence before she hung up, leaving me with only the sound of the engine once more.

I took a deep breath, feeling an ease that I hadn't felt in a while. As I lowered my phone two numbers appeared from Annabeth's contact, and I quickly tapped on the first number, putting the phone back up to my ear.

It rang a few times before it answered.

"Percy!? Percy, hello!!?" A small female voice spoke strongly, sounding panicked.

"Hello, this is Hazel right?" The other voice paused, and I could hear a small sob ring out.

"Yes! Yes it's me Hazel! Percy are you okay?! Where are you right now?" she asked in rapid succession, and I could hear someone else moving around behind her.

"I'm okay Hazel, I'm okay, I'm in Gotham, or well, I'm heading there now. I'm okay Hazel, I don't want you blaming yourself for what happened okay?" Small sobs rang out from the other end.

"I was so worried!! *hic" Her voice shook and wavered, sounding relieved and yet overwhelmed. "You don't know how happy I am to hear your voice." She broke out into another round of sobs and I could hear the phone get passed to someone else.

"Percy? Hey, it's Frank, Annabeth let us all know what happened but I'm glad to hear you're okay, you know you gave us a real scare there." I let out a short chuckle.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I think Annabeths sending someone to come get me soon so I'll see you all soon."

"Alright, but you better be expecting lots of hugs, Estelle's been especially angry since you've disappeared so I wouldn't put a punch past her."

"Estelle?" I asked, the name sounding unfamiliar and yet the mere thought brought fuzzy feelings to my heart.

"Estelle's your sister Percy, she tried to go find you herself but Annabeth eventually convinced her to wait a bit, she'll be relieved for sure." I felt my lips quiver as I nodded, only realizing a little late that he couldn't see me.

"Right right, I'll be waiting." I took a few breaths as the phone was passed over.

"Percy I'm so glad you're coming home, but you should call Jason, he took it all really hard."

"Right, of course. I'll make sure to give you a big hug okay Hazel, now goodnight."

"I'll expect nothing less, sleep tight Percy and be safe."

"Of course" she hung up and I quickly pressed on the other number. Like Hazels, the number rang for a minute before the other person picked up.

"Percy!" The voice sounded groggy yet happy. "It's you right?"

"It's me, Jason." I could hear a short laugh, one that sounded completely relieved.

"Of course you'd disappear for months then just randomly call me, I should've expected nothing less." I let out a short huff, shaking my head.

"Yeah yeah, I've heard I'm not the most reliable person."

"Heard? It doesn't matter, all that matters is that you're back, where are you, I'll send people out for you now." I could hear the ruffling of bed sheets in the background as another voice mumbled something I didn't quite catch.

"It's Percy pipes, I'll be back in a second." This short sentence was followed by what sounded like someone falling and a hurried voice.

"Wait what?! Percy! Hand over the phone!"

"What no-"

"Hand over the phone Jace!! Or I swear I'll get Annabeth on your case!"

"Fine!!" The phone was handed over to another person, their lovely voice sounding more excited than anything.

"Percy! Oh my- are you okay? Where have you been? Why didn't you contact us? Or come back?" 

I felt a short smile come to my face as I switched the hand I was using to hold my phone.

"I've been in Gotham, didn't Annabeth explain?"

"Nooo, she didn't..." I heard small noises coming from the other end before the girl spoke again. "Jason!"

"What?" He asked, going quiet for a second before letting out a groan. "I was asleep!! I didn't know she'd text me!" One sigh later and Piper was back.

"It's nice to hear your voice again, Jason might cry if I don't pass over the phone so I gotta go, but we'll pick you up in a few days, Zeus has been testy lately so I think the air's out of the question. We'll be there as fast as possible, okay?"

"Uhhhh...Yeah?" I didn't sound too confident but I was convincing enough.

"Great." She handed the phone over, Jason's voice soon following.

"Percy, I'm sorry we didn't find you sooner, we tried-"

"It's fine Jason, let's just be glad I'm alive."

"Of course, I'll see you soon Percy."

"See you" I hung up, slowly bringing the phone down to my lap as I stared at the numbers in my phone. I could feel a smile rise to my face as I stared at the screen.

Small droplets soon fell onto the screen.

———Bruce's POV:———

I finished up writing my email, letting out a short sigh as I sent the message.

I turned to the side, wanting to talk with Percy about the bad news that'd come up only to find she wasn't there. I hadn't realized how long she'd been gone. I blinked a few times before turning back only to be cut short as she appeared beside me, sitting down in her seat quickly.

"Hey-" her eyes were slightly puffy but she had a bright smile, one I don't think I've seen in a while. "What happened?" I asked, feeling a small smile come to my face from her own infectious one.

"Nothing, but uh..." she briefly looked down at my hand. "I think there's something wrong with your hand." I felt my brows furrow as I lifted my hand. Had I injured myself while fighting and not realized? Usually Alfred would notify me bu-

Percy quickly wrapped her fingers through mine, grabbing my hand tight.

"All better." She let out a short chuckle as she laid her head on my shoulder, shutting her eyes as she held my hand confidently.

I let out a short chuckle myself, placing a kiss on her head. "Much better" I watched her smile break out once more before her grip loosened and her breathing settled.

I let out a short breath as I watched her for a moment longer before shutting my own eyes, resting my head on top of hers allowing myself to fall into unconsciousness.

2070 words

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