Remnants Experiment: A Chaine...

Por corkykong

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Taken from his home, and turned into a weapon. A rare male panda faunus is forced into becoming a weapon, and... Más

Character Info + Prologue
Chapter 1: Inside The Bear Cage
Chapter 2: The Queen's Care
Chapter 3: Dropping Into The World
Chapter 4: Truth Behind Kind Faces
Choice time!!!
Chapter 5: The Choice To Make, And The Two Headed Snake
Chapter 6: What's Normal?
Chapter 7: Things Are Getting Grimm
Chapter 8: Old Spider, New Tricks
Chapter 9: Ballistics, and Backup
Chapter 10: Under Steel Skin
Choice time!!!!
Chapter 11: Panda Ears, and Tiger Eyes
Chapter 12: An Experiment's Song
Chapter 13: Fang Friends
Choice time!!!!
Chapter 15: A Path of Damascus
Chapter 15.5: The Guiding Storm (short)
Chapter 16: Pass The Tank Please
Chapter 17: One Third Grimm, One Third Panda, One Third You
10K!!! and some choices to make!
Chapter 17: Black Panda
Chapter 18: White Panda
Chapter 19: Faith and Trust
Chapter 20: Know Your Place...
Choice time...
Chapter 21: Metal From The Heart
Chapter 21.5: Time in Death...
Chapter 22: Moried Dreams
Chapter 23: Held By Hope
Chapter 24: What You Choose Next
Chapter 25: It's Time For An Upgrade
Choice Time!!!!
Chapter 26: Leaving The Nest
Chapter 27: A Snowy Panda?
Chapter 28: Something From the Past
Chapter 29: The Old Cage

Chapter 14: Tangled Webs

1.1K 11 9
Por corkykong

Neo pov

Me: 'Come on come on come on!- how long does it take for a massive ship to land already!'

As I stood at the exit, I aimed to dash straight towards the white fang hideout I was told Y/N was in...but why did team RWBY follow me...and where is the emo black bow one?

Yang looked in my direction before walking over to me.

Yang: hey Amy, you haven't seen our teammate Blake anywhere, have ya?

I shook my head before getting curious. Pulling up my scroll I typed up my response.

Me: why are you asking about her?

Yang took only a second to read the message before speaking back.

Yang: well...Blake and Weiss had a..."large disagreement". Turns out that she was part of white fang for a bit, but left to try and better herself. Weiss never really...saw eye to eye to this at all...but in the end, she drove Blake away, and now we are trying to find her.

I typed up another message.

Me: and what if she doesn't want to be found.

Yang sighed before giving me hopeful glance.

Yang:'s really not up to her or Weiss if they make up or not...but we all need her...we are a team after all...

I only gave an agreeing nod before looking out the window...why were there Atlas mechs roaming around?

Y/N pov

You walked into a large warehouse before seeing a small stage.

Adam: and in here, is where we hold most of our announcements. We are scheduled to hold both a movement plan going forward with our peaceful protests, and new equipment coming in.

Y/N: weapons?

Adam crossed his arms and closed his eyes as he responded.

Adam: kinda. Torch Wick was able to "commandeer" a small batch of old Atlas mechs. They're for more construction, and combat use. But we are going to be stripping them of their weapons and armor. They'll help us move things here, and protect anyone that may be in harms way during our protests. All we need will be some volunteers that will train to use these.

Y/N: hmmm...oh wait, I can bring my Glare over here!

Adam: your what?

Adam looked at you with a confused glance before watching you pull out your spider bots remote. On said remote was a button labeled "recall".

Y/N: hope this works...

Somewhere in Beacon...

Velvet walked into the forest looking for Y/N...was he on his robot again?

Velvet: Y/N?! there!?...can you heal my ears again!?... Cardin pinched them again...

Velvet reached the robot, but no sign of Y/N anywhere...

Velvet: hmm...I wonder...

Velvet mantled on top of the spider bot before opening the pilot hatch.

Velvet: nope, not in here either...where is he-

The bot suddenly powered on before moving sharply, and abruptly. Making Velvet not only let out a squeak of terror...but also causing her to fall into the cockpit before the hatch automatically closed. All systems turned on while posting a sign saying "recall mode" and a map to where it was going on the pilot viewing was going to Vale!?

Velvet: oh...oh, no...

The engines powered up. Sending vibrations throughout the mech while it's eyes gave off their unusual and uncanny glow.

Velvet: no no no no!

But it was to late. The bot slowly moved it's legs and body to face the general direction...before moving at it's max speeds...roughly 125 mph towards it's destination... through a dense forest too...


Ozpin only looked down from his office while watching a spider Tank scuttle around the school grounds before promptly jumping off the cliff...

Ozpin: hmm... interesting...

He then took a sip from his mug.

Back at Vale

Y/N: I have no clue if that worked or not...

Adam: we're all still waiting for things in life, right?

Adam playfully punched your shoulder as you retaliated with one of your own

Y/N: right back atcha!

You and Adam continued to both laugh around before, and joke before hearing someone coming up behind you.

???: Well your up earlier than expected~

Turning around, you saw Sienna leaning on a doorway before giving you both a small wave.

Sienna: I take it you're fully rested, and recovered?

You nodded before speaking up.

Y/N: nothing that a bit of magic and rest can't help ma'am.

Sienna: I see, then let me extend my gratitude. For helping our cause, you have the White Fang's. If there is anything that we may be able to do for you, just say the word.

You smiled before giving her a small bow.

Y/N: and just let me know if there is anything the white fang still needs.

Sienna: ah, which reminds me...

Sienna signaled someone before seeing Ilia come with a small box. She seemed to have a cheeky smile on her face.

Sienna: consider this another chance. From the Fang.

Ilia opened up the box...and you couldn't help but she'd a single tear.

Sienna: it took a few wood smiths to find the original shape of it. But they finally got it down when they watched the videos of you singing around in the park.

Ilia stepped up to you with a smile while presenting the instrument you had used before. You took it up with grace, as you were afraid to damage it further...but it wasn't at all what you had expected.

From the crude wood of the last instrument. This version of it was sturdy, and felt that it could hold up for a long time. And as your hands gently waved along the strings, you noticed that they had come from the original one you had played with before.

You gently strummed the instrument with grace. As a pure and beautiful sound echoed through the room.

From there, you began to play a little song.

Like before, your drones exited the box to join in the rhythm, while both Aps, and Apl poked their heads out before bouncing and gently hissing to the beat. Both heads seemed to be happy that you were playing again.

As you played, you gently swayed your body while getting used to the new feeling of your gift. Pure notes and harmony making a swirl of calm emotions you didn't really think was possible.

Your Scav drone made pulsating based beats with it's hovers. The Agis drone made synth like noises with it's barrier to match the harmony. And your Strike drone used it's small caliber weapon recover to make small clicking sounds that sounded like snaps.

But as you neared the end of the song you had made from scratch. You began to notice a large group of people walk around the outside of the building. Although they did have the usual White Fang attire. It was strange to see that the sigil that was commonly seen on the uniform; was ultimately desecrated. Instead of the usual beast head with claw markings behind it. The head of the beast was covered with blood and was...uncanny, and odd to say the least.

Though you said nothing as you plucked the last stringed note. Adam seemed to have noticed the hidden motions outside of Sienna's and Ilia's view.

Adam: Sienna, Ilia. If I may? I need to speak with some of our members.

Siena with an untrusting glance simply nodded in acceptance before dismissing Adam.

Sienna: shall we continue your tour Y/N?

You quickly shook out of your superstition before nodding with a smile. everything was going to be fine...right?

Glynda pov

Me: I cant believe you sent more forces to Vale...

Ironwood tried to keep face at his own mistake.

Ironwood: look, my men were injured. When I requested a few reinforcements; I wasn't aware that they would be bring state of the art Mechs!

Ozpin dared not to look in James' general direction in fear of loosing his temper. He only let out a disappointed sigh before taking another sip from his mug.

I looked down from the dropship we had arrived in Vale with before looking bellow to see what kind of armaments the robots had...most of it was anti -personnel... large and over bearing arms with a demoralizing amount of weapons. Not to mention that the armor that lined every nook and cranny of whatever looked like a weak spot.

Despite the mission of finding Y/N and returning him back to Beacon safely. I couldn't help but wonder how Y/N's spider would hold against the. between the bots that were "peacefully" clearing out the streets with threats and force; and the spider...the spider would never stand a chance.

Ironwood: what the hell is that!?

Ozpin: ah, I was wondering where that was going...

I looked over with interest before overlooking where Ozpin and Ironwood was observing...

Me: you have got to be kidding me...

About 18 city blocks away. I could spot Y/N's "Glare" not only moving at insane speeds, but leaping and vaulting over buildings and roofs like it nothin. Turning to both Ironwood and Ozpin, I folded my arms in expectation of an obvious answer. Ironwood quickly pulled up his scroll before shouting a new set of orders.

Ironwood: I want eyes and a team on that Spider!-

Ozpin: James- No! I might lead us to Y/N! We are trying to save him! Not threaten him!

Ozpin swept his cane under Ironwood's feet before making him fall like a tone of bricks...I hope we can get to Y/N before Atlas can...but as night was quickly beginning to set...A feeling of something bad was going to happen was starting to dawn on me.

But it was going to have to start by following a Steel Recluse. Good or Bad, I made a small promise to see Y/N again.

Neo pov

while team RWBY continued their search for their lost teammate. I easily slipped out of view before getting rid of my disguise, and beginning my search for Y/N...though my search has been quite the failure so far.

letting out an inaudible sigh, I put my search on hold before heading towards some sort of warehouse near the docks...but that was when I heard it...

Somewhere both near, and above me. I began to hear something close to a jet engine powering a lawnmower. I immediately looked up to the top on the roofs...and there I saw it.

Like a jumping spider, I watched from bellow. As Y/N's spider leaped across from one roof to another. Only allowing the sight of the complicated underbelly of the bot as it shifted and clicked while leaping over.

Me: 'he pressed the recall button?- why?- he isn't in danger, right?!'

My mind raced with both questions and worry, before collecting myself. One thing was for certain...I had to somehow follow a spider moving faster than a heavy drop ship.

looking around for anything useful to use in my chase. I noticed some posh asshole park his car near a fancy restaurant before going in with some deranged gold digger...and a smile began to appear on my face~

Y/N pov

Sienna: and that concludes the tour.

Sienna stopped in her tracks in the middle of her throne room. She looked at you with a satisfied grin before speaking up again.

Sienna: any questions or comments?

Ilia: yeah, is there a food court in the head quarters off seas, but not this one?

Sienna gave an annoyed glance at Ilia before responding.

Sienna: foreign rent costs...also because we get local society discounts in a few fanus accepting restaurants.

You wondered about your next question until the urge to see the new line of robots that were supposed to come in today.

Y/N: I think I can find my way around for now. I'm gonna go see Adam real quick!

Sienna had a worried expression, but it had slightly changed once she had seen your confidence...she was trusting you.

Sienna: very well, Ilia?- can you stay with Y/N Incase he finds himself lost?

Ilia gave a glad nod before grabbing your hand.

Ilia: come on!- I know a short cut to the wearhouses!

Ilia guided you around the area once more. And all the while, those you had passed gave you happy waves and smiles.

Though as you neared the building where the mechs would and Ilia began to hear talking...

Ilia: you hear yelling?

???: All that I am saying is that we should focus our efforts on what we have now!- if we wait it out for a little bit longer, we can succeed without any need for violence!

A voice that sounded very much familiar could be sounded like they were trying to stop something; it would be the reason that you and Ilia had begun to hear something big and mechanical start moving around.

???2: No!- screw that! You gave use the tools we need to take these guys down and "now" your telling us to lay low and be "good" again!? Just a few days ago; you told us that were close to achieving our goal, and you do this now!?

A loud uproar of agreeing cheers and chants echoed out of the warehouse...they sounded violent, and the voice that was trying for peace was ultimately lost.

Ilia: lets get a closer look...

Ilia began to push forward, but you grabbed her hand before she could get any closer to the conflict. You didn't want a friend to go head first into least not unprepared

funneling your aura into your container. a few mechanical arms unfolded before picking up and bolting your gear back on to your skeletal frame. Though you only allowed the armor and weapons for your mars to be placed.

Because of this, your gear was quickly set in place before automatically shifting into place with small clicks and bolts clamping down to lock in. The only weapon you had on however, was the Bastion. Your artillery and rapid fire ballistic amalgamation.

Ilia: mow much do you have in there?



Y/N: enough? gonna go with enough....yeah...enough...anyway!

You strung the small caliber chain gun belt into place as a heavy artillery round was shucked into the receiver via a small mechanical slide.

And as the round had finally set into the barrel, the barrel slid back so it wouldn't be in the way.

Y/N: ok, we go now...

Ilia: here, follow me. I know a way we can get in without being seen...

Ilia grabbed you by the hand before quietly guiding you around the entrance; dipping in and out of cover when the time was right.

Eventually, you had both ended up coming up to a torn portion of the outer wall.

Ilia: ok, I'm going aren't going to try and stop me this time right?

You shook your head as your helmet came down before enveloping your head in a safe canopy.

You watched in full view of Ilia using her semblance to change the pigment of her skin before going fully camouflaged with her was quite impressive to say the least.

You could only see on mere out line of her that was lit from a near by light post. But you could "almost" see her casually walk in before staying close to the wall.

Following her lead, you quietly walked in...that's when you Saw them...

A full squadron consisting of 20 battle hardened and ready mechs. Standing about 13 feet tall, and an obvious weapon made for mass destruction. The mech was more humanoid than your Glare, but at the same time, more up to date.

From what you could tell, a large belt fed machine gun was the mech's main weapon. With an up to scale sized knife as a more than capable secondary. Worrying enough about the weapons though, they seemed to be quite agile and mobile despite their look.

Though what had truly begun to make you worry...was the fact that the strange white fang members you had noticed before...were the ones piloting.

But when you looked past the people learning to use both the basic function and saw Adam trying to argue with them.

Adam: Look, I know what I had promised..."a new age, paved by the blood of our oppressors"?...I know what I said, but...we can change that...but I warn you...

You watch Adam draw his blade. As a vibrant red blade was swayed into an attack stance by Adam's hand.

Adam: I will cut down the corruption I have caused...

A proud smile made it's way on to your face...but his words fell upon deaf ears. As the man he was trying to argue with to influence the others...hopped into a mech of his own

???: Well if you don't see the vision of the world you wanted to make...

He grabbed the belt fed machine gun before drawing it on Adam.

???: Then maybe it is time for some new leadership...cause we now have the weapons to take them down!- tools and gifts, "You" had granted us...take this quick death as a merciful gift... because the rest of use are going to watch the world burn~

A roar of cheers could be heard from the other traitors, but Adam stood completely still.

Adam: then that is it only regret was not being able to sway you from this path like a friend had done for me...

Adam then brought his stance lower to the ground; readying to either block an attack...or make one...though you would be the first to make the choice.

Quickly and as silently as you could. You made your way behind an unoccupied mech before getting into position.

You calmly raised your right hand to aim and fire. The barrel slowly extended forth as you aimed to disable.

???: Just shut up and die then!~

The man in the suit that was arguing with Adam, raised the bayonet portion of the ballistic weapon the mech possessed. Before bringing the blade down.

Although Adam had easily dodged this strike. It had came to a surprise to everyone but you when a massive hole appeared in the mech's weapon and leg before being forced back via a delayed explosion.

???: W-who the hell did that!?-...YOU!!!

The man rolled out of his mech with a small smoke trail before signaling you out...kinda obvious who shot you when a smoking and bouncing artillery shell casing is rolling around the only person with a literal cannon for a hand held weapon.

All 17 mechs looked at you with weapons in hand before they began their approach. Adam quickly slid past them and to your side before getting into fighting positions...but something wasn't right...20 shot one...19...your using one as cover 18...where was the other one?

Sienna: *sigh* and this is why I sent for Ilia to look after you boys~

Everyone turned to Sienna's voice before seeing her stand in front of the missing mech...with Ilia piloting it!?

Sienna: and what might be going on here?~

You and Adam both looked at each other before nodding, and rushing to Sienna's side. She only looked at you both with proud and amused grins.

Sienna: so... who's going to confess?

Adam: that's- uh...that's on me...I tried to stop them but...

Sienna let out a sigh before drawing her chain whip while Ilia drew out the mech's main gun.

Sienna: save your apologizes for after we're done taking down these traitors.

Your armor attached your "hand shake" weapon to your left hand as you shot forward.

The tradition in the mech's tried to aim towards your general direction, but their movements were sloppy...they were still inexperienced in piloting those things!

With more confidence, you dashed in between two of the mech's before preparing a strike.

???: Move it!- I can't get a clear shot!

???2: don't tell me what to do!-shit!

Cutting one of the pilots words short, you revved up your chain gun before jamming the barrel into it's knee joints. Then ripping the barrel out, only to unload a small wave of bullets, to make the frame fall.

You paused only to witness the satisfying thud the metal frame made when it had fallen.

Though this pilot wouldn't be swayed by broken leg joints, as the man inside, aimed the mech's main gun...but just as you was cut in half?

Adam: if you take them down a notch, I'll make sure they won't fire, or hurt anyone else...

You just looked at Adam with a "really?" Face.

Adam: ok, I promise that no one will die today...that better?

Adam sheathed his blade before the mech's arms fell into bits and pieces.

You smiled before nodding...this would be fun~

Like a destructive hammer, and a disabling nail. You and Adam paired up, with you immobilizing any attacking traitors in mechs, before Adam coming into disabled the mech for good.

The count had quickly changed from 17 to 13 as you and Adam handled the aggressors with grace and speed...Ilia and Sienna on the other hand however.

were having fun to say the least...

Unlike the strategy you and Adam had adapted to. Ilia was taking on three at once in the mech, while Sienna made openings by either damaging joints, or stunning the person inside Via her chain whip. It almost looked like a brutal bar brawl; with a brawler and a tiger against three inexperience fighters...but the two were just laughing at the ease and might they held over their opponents...the count was now 10


Adam: *chuckle* let's not be out done!

Turning to Adam, you nodded and smiled through your helm before charging towards the next target

???: Not this time!

As you came near the blind spot of the mech. The pilot shifted it's balance into a kicking stance. Not only throwing you off, but leaving you open for a strike.

???: Get out of here, you stupid pest!

Holding up your armored arms to protect yourself, a massive flat metal foot collided against your guard before sending you flying towards the wall.

Adam: Crap!- Y/N!-

???: Less talk, more fighting!!

Adam called out to you mid fight, but his focus quickly returned as he was forced to parry a metallic punch that came his way.

You on the other hand not only collided with the went through it too...

After which, you stumbled and rolled to your side before groaning in a fit of blunt pain. If you hadn't brought your guard up...this would've hurt way more.

Though as you stood on wobbly legs. You let your helmet unfold, before taking in a breath of fresh air...that's when you heard it...behind the quite whistling of the heard a familiar rapid and loud mechanical noise... accompanied with a violent sounding engine...

Darting your vision left and right to what might be your mechanical buddy. You yelped in surprised as the Glare leaped over you before landing near close to you.

A smile began to appear on your face as the hatch opened; inviting you inside.

Quickly packing both your current weapons and armor, you slung your container onto the back latch of the Glare before hopping inside.

Systems: diverting controls to pilot...welcome back... :)

Y/N: thanks for coming for then...

Your hands almost seemed to glide over the panels and controls, as you regained control of the Glare...but before you could push the throttle...

???: Y-Y/N? that you?

Your eyes widened in slowly turned to looked back toward the passenger seat...

Y/N: VELVET!?- w-wha!? How are you here!?

Velvet looked offended by the accusations before yelling her response.

Velvet: don't blame me!- your spider trapped me in here when I tried looking for you!

Scatter brained and confused, you made a decision.

Y/N: uh- oh,Wait- no...but...ok, so uh...I'm currently fight a bunch of White Fang traitors, and uh... I need to put an end to it so...Buckle up?

Velvet: there are no seat belts...



Y/N: We'll I personally think tha-

You cut your own words short as you began to hear something big coming in.

It almost sounded like a group of giants coming your way, but...

That would've been to easy...

As four 19 foot Atlas behemoths began to peer around the corners and large path ways that lead to the docks...but there was one that stood out...

Apart from what looked to be reinforced looked the same, but...This would be a fight you might not be able to win...

As the larger and more advanced mechs came up in a formation, they sounded off with a threatening bass like noise...

A harmony of a violent promise echoed. Though more was to come, as the hole your body had made was quickly used as an escape rout for Sienna, Adam and Ilia. They seems to be unscathed, but the remaining 7 White Fang traitors came out in their mechs.

???(WFM): looks like the fight came to us this time boys!~...get out of here if you aren't going to help Adam...this is what we choose...

The 7 mechs got into their position with their main weapons aimed towards the opposing 5 that faced them.

A blunt deep and mechanical noise vibrates out of the older mechs in defiance as each side came to a stand off...

But then there was you...

Y/N: Velvet...I won't drag you into this if want to leave...

You moved the Glare's frame to look at both sides... They told had took notice of you... But Velvet placed her hand on your shoulder...the soundless expression she gave you was one of complete trust...mixed in with a bit of nervousness of course.

Smiling back at pushed the throttle up before jumpstarting all systems.

Like a little hiccup. The Glare's systems went dead for a moment before Letting out a siren like sound. The core let out a warm glow, and all systems came back at the same time...

The rubble that had been kicked up by the various commotions; rumbled and bounced at the area of vibrations the Glare was making.

Power flooded back to all systems before letting a powerful after glow flood out of the small unpatched panels, and crevasses...this would be something for all to remember~

End of chapter

Corky: holy fucking shit!- uh, hi!...damn...did not expect to pull this off...well then. Options for battle music is still up. For now I have the following

Corky: to the MFs that gave me the recommendation for the first two...Hi...but if you all still have recommendations... put em in big man!!!

Next chapter will come soon friends~

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