
By piperaidenrussell

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From the reader's point of view, an AU world of the bangtan members with their future wives. The stories will... More

American Hustle Life P.1
American Hustle Life P.2
American Hustle Life P.3
Malaysia 2
Malaysia 3
Korea 1
Save Me
Bergen 1
Bergen 2
Bergen 3
Blood Sweat & Tears
Coming Home
Spring Day

The Next Step

59 1 2
By piperaidenrussell


"You will be mine forever," he smiled, pressing his lips to yours.

Smiling, you snuggled your face into the crook of his neck.

"Now that we're engaged, you're not allowed to hide things from me."

Nodding your head, you held him tightly, your hands shaking still noticeable to you.

"Let's get you ready. It's time to get you healthy for our wedding," he smiled.

"Now?!" You panicked.

"Let's get you checked into a rehab facility for just a couple of days."

"No!" You argued, pulled away, the fear washing over you like a tsunami.

"Y/N, do you trust me?"

"I-I d-do."

"Then trust that this will help, alright?"

You wanted to argue, everything swirling around you, you wanted to get better, but you still weren't ready to admit to yourself that it had become that big of a problem.

"One step at a time."

"I trust you," you whispered, afraid to face this unknown.

Following Yoongi in hand, you tried to continually take deep breaths as the lights from the street passed by. Yoongi's hand never left yours; his reassuring hold was enough to help you stay in control.

Walking in, you held onto Yoongi tighter. The nerves were getting worse with each step you took closer.

"Hi, how can I help you?" the receptionist asked.

"Yes, can we get one room for rehab?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes, which center? We have mental, drug abuse, food anxiety, etc., any of those sound right?" she asked.

"Yes, food anxiety, please."

"Alright, we just ask that all personal belongings be placed in these bins for the stay," she said, placing a plastic bin on the counter.

"Y-Yoongi, I-I d-don-n't w-wa-ant to d-do t-this."

"I know, but remember, we have a wedding to plan, and you need your health to plan it," he answered gently, his lips pressing to your forehead.

Nodding your head and taking a deep breath, you pulled your purse off.

"Your ring, too," she chimed.

Looking down at your engagement ring, you hesitated to take it off. Your hand shaking as you pulled it off, you went to place it in the bin, but Yoongi grabbed your wrist gently.

"I'll hold onto it for you."

"Alright," you smiled.

"I'll be here in a couple of days, alright?"

"I love you," you whispered, wrapping your arms around his waist tightly.

His arms wrapped around you, his lips pressing into your temple.

"I love you too," he said, gently pressing his lips to yours.

Following the nurse that had appeared, you followed her anxiously. You couldn't help but look over your shoulder until you had turned the corner.


It was hard to see her so nervous, but he wanted her to get better. Walking back towards the car, he placed her ring in his pocket, unsure if he had made the right decision forcing her to the center, but he needed to know that she was getting help. He couldn't handle knowing that she was breaking, and he couldn't help her.

Pulling out his phone, he looked at his recording button. Y/N would be able to talk to him in twenty-four hours, and he wanted to leave a message for her to cheer her up.

"Hey baby, it's Yoongi. Do not stay frustrated when the going gets tough. Revisiting what you didn't do well won't help you. The past is the past. Let's try to move forward with that big heart of yours. Remember, you can still be happy even if you're sick. You can still be happy when you're injured. Happy when you are sad. I will give you my happiness. I will share my happiness with you for the rest of my life, no matter what. I love you."

Turning the recording off, he started the car and made his way to the dorm, where he was sure the rest of the members were waiting for an update on Y/N.

Before making it home, he called Bang PD Nim.

"Yoongi, what can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to inform you that I have checked Y/N into a rehab facility for a couple of days."

"I'm glad that you did that. Otherwise, I would've done it myself. Let's hope that she can get the help she needs there." he answered, his voice gentle and calm.

"I proposed to her tonight."

"What did she say?" he asked, excitement in his voice.

"She said "yes"; we'll plan the wedding when she gets better."

"I'm happy for you, Yoongi!" he answered excitedly.

"I should go, I need to update the other members, but I thought you should be the first to know."

"Thank you, Yoongi. I wish Y/N all the best of luck in her recovery."


Walking into the dorm, Yoongi was unsure of what he would tell the boys, but he knew they were anxious to know.

"Hyung, where's Y/N?" Jungkook asked.

"I took her to a care facility."

"How long will she be there for?" Jin hyung asked.

"Only a couple of days."

"How are you doing, Yoongi?" Namjoon asked.

"I..." pausing, he wasn't sure how to respond.

Looking up at them, he could feel tears stinging in his eyes. Namjoon pulled him into a hug, and he was finally able to release.

He was worried for Y/N. He was feeling like a failure for having not done anything sooner. But most of all hurt that she was in pain and he couldn't help her.

"Yoongi hyung, we've got you," Jimin chimed, pulling everyone in for a group hug.

Yoongi felt relieved to have his hyungs.

Later in Y/N POV:

Everything about the care facility was overwhelming. But most of all, it was lonely. You missed Yoongi and worried about him, but also afraid that he wouldn't want to marry you after all of this.

"Alright, Y/N, are you ready to meet with your counselor?" the kind nurse asked.

Nodding your head, you followed her out of your room.

"So was that your boyfriend that came with you?" she asked with a smile.

"Yeah, he's my fiancé," you smiled.

But your smile fell when you looked at your bare hand. No ring to remind you of your future, but instead, of everything you've lost.

"Alright, just sit her for a moment, and she'll be in."

"Thank you."

Waiting, you noticed several plants all over the room, sitting in pristine white pots.

"Hello, Y/N, how are you feeling?"

"Fine," you answered, watching as she took a seat.

"Well, let's cut to the chase; you are here because you have a difficult relationship with food and are looking for that to change, am I right?"


"That's not something to be ashamed about. So let's talk about when these thoughts started."

The session was long and grueling, but you were willing to do it for Yoongi. She was kind and gave tips and challenges for the next few hours before your meeting in the morning. She encouraged you to write your thoughts down to see if it would help you overcome your fears. Sitting in your room again, you stared at the small tray in front of you with a single pudding cup. Your challenge was to eat it by the end of the hour.

Looking at the notepad in front of you, you began writing lyrics. Everything that you thought and feared.

So tell me, I'm a waste of love.

Looking up, pausing, your mind was curious about how it would be to finally not be sick.

Tell me that I'm not enough.

Reaching for the spoon, you paused, your mind racing with every reason why you shouldn't. Turning back to your notebook, you continued writing.

Say you hope I see the truth.

Starting again, you reached for the spoon, your mind finally calming about holding the spoon itself. You thought about reaching for the pudding next, but again it was like running a race with your mind.

That I won't find no one like you. Tell me you don't care no more.

Thinking of Yoongi encouraging, you grabbed hold of the pudding and held it in your lap as you continued writing more lyrics.

When you know I can't let go. Beat my heart all black and blue.

Opening the pudding, you put your spoon in just slightly and slowly put it in your mouth. Leaving it in your mouth, you continued writing your mind thinking of being healthy and seeing Yoongi.

Cause it ain't as bad as what I put you through. What I put you through. Put you through.

It was slow and painful, but as you continued writing, the noise in your head became quieter until you could eat without any noise for the first time in years.

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