Stuck In The 100 - The 100 x...

By EmeryFireXO

8K 229 98

I was just a person, chilling in my house. Playing videos games, watching Netflix, etc etc. You know, the nor... More

Ch 2 - Earth Skills
Authors Note:
Earth Kills
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Ch 1 - Pilot

1.2K 35 28
By EmeryFireXO

Y/n POV:

I turn off my tv, laying in my bed in utter shock after having finished the finale season of my favorite show, The 100. My mind races, feeling unsatisfied, wanting more, feeling a deep sadness not just because the show has ended, but for the characters. ' They deserved better. ' was the last thought I had before I slowly closed my eyes, allowing myself to drift into the darkness, falling into a deep quiet sleep. It's nice. No noise, no light, no thoughts. Just sleep.

. . .

Suddenly a loud noise jolts me awake. I look around, seeing an all too familiar scene, not being my room, something else. Something that I've seen so many times, my eyes look around frantically before someone next to me speaks, "Whoa there, it's ok, calm down." I look next to me, I freeze. My heart racing, my mind going a million miles an hour. The person next to me, it's someone I've seen so many times on the screen. It's Thomas McDonell, or should I say Finn Collins.

I take a moment to take in my surroundings before responding, "Alright... where are we?" I ask while holding my breath waiting for an answer just to verify my thoughts. "On some ship, I think we're being sent to the ground." Finn answers with a gleam in his eye while also verifying what I now know is true. I'm in The 100, like The 100. Holy forking shirt balls. Suddenly the ship starts shaking and lights are flickering, that's when a video starts playing. One that I know all too well.

"Prisoners of the Arc, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable"

"Your dads a dick, Wells!"

"This crime will be forgiven, your record wiped clean." After hearing this I zone out a bit remembering what is currently happening in space, the people are all questioning the guards and leaders of the arc. I go back to listening when I hear the video start glitching, knowing what's coming next. As I look next to me I see Finn unbuckling his seat belt. "Hey that's dangerous." I say as he floats up. "Hm?" He just smirks at me and begins backflipping in the air as someone says "Hey! Check it out!" I have to stop the kids that follow him, they're gonna die! People keep cheering for Finn as he floats over to Clarke and Wells, I freeze, it's so weird seeing them in person and, you know, untraumatized.

"Check it out, your dad floated me after all." Finn says sarcastically. "You should strap in before the parachutes deploy." Wells states. Soon the two others start unbuckling their seatbelts, I'm about to say something when Clarke speaks up, "Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live." I backed her up with, "The parachutes are gonna deploy if you're not strapped in when they do-..." my voice was kinda quiet but I knew they heard me, they did however ignore me. Finn floats down to Clarke, "Hey, you're the traitor who's been in solitary for a year." He states matter of factly. "You're the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk" Clarke snaps back. "But it was fun. I'm Finn." He introduces himself while Clarke just gives him the side eye. Ouch. The two idiots Clarke and I warn as they start floating upwards, "stay in your seats!" Clarke shouts "Please stay buckled!" I plead trying to grab the guy's arm to keep him down, Clarke gives me a grateful look glad someone agrees with her, when suddenly the parachutes deploy. "No!" I shout as the 3 dumbasses go crashing into the walls. "Finn are you ok?!" Clarke shouts looking behind her where Finn flew. Sparks start flying everywhere as everyone is in a bit of a panic. There's shouting everywhere and sparks flying throughout the entire place. I know Clarke and Wells are talking right now but it's impossible to hear in all the chaos. I grip my seat and close my eyes and tight as I can, the seats next to me now empty since one of the occupants was on the floor in pain while the other was dead along with his friend, or at least I assume they were friends. I never really got to find out, not in the show, or now. There's more screams as we land, and everything turns off.

Suddenly it's so quiet. Monty starts talking, "listen... there's no machine on." He says while Jasper whoas in amazement. People start taking off their seatbelts, and I do the same. I quickly get up and follow Clarke to where Finn and the now dead passengers are. "Finn is he breathing?" Clarke asks worriedly, Finn just shakes his head when we hear some guy yell, "The doors on the lower level! Let's go" Clarke starts getting up and I follow, "no we can't just open the doors!" She says loudly as she makes her way to the ladder. I follow her down and I hear a familiar voice, "Hey just back up guys!" He says, I know who it is instantly. Its Bellamy. Clarke suddenly stops half way down the ladder making me also stop in turn, "Stop!" She yells before making her way down the rest of the ladder. So dramatic, yk what I mean.

Clarke pushed her way to the door while I follow, and stand off to the side to let them do there thing debating whether or not I should just go up there, say fuck it, and open the door or not since I already know it's safe. I decide not to since I don't wanna look like a jackass and I start listening to them talking again. "The airs Toxic we're all dead anyways." Bellamy replies to Clarke just before you know who come down the ladder, "Bellamy?" She questions. Everyone goes quiet as she makes her way to the door. It's Octavia, the baddest bitch ever! Just, you know, not completely traumatized yet. "My god, look how big you are." Bellamy says dumbly, and Octavia hugs him while he hugs back. They pull away and Octavia looks at what he is wearing, "what the hell are you wearing, a guards uniform?" She questions with slight aggression. "I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has got to keep and eye on you." Bellamy says smugly. God I forgot how much of a dick he is at the beginning. They hug again, when Clarke interrupts like the mood killer she is and asks, "where's your wristband?" Octavia, annoyed, turns around and goes, "Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year." Me knowing what next I choose to zone out so I don't get too pissed off, which wasn't very difficult since I soon got distracted by a loose piece of blue ribbon that was for some reason tied to a little bit of wire that was hanging out of the wall panel. I turn around and start to untie it from the wire. I know why it's there now, it was keeping the wire together since it was broken. Guess they don't have tape in space. The wires didn't seem active so I assumed it was something that was broken on the way down. I turn towards where everyone is talking again, fiddling with the ribbon in my hand. Bellamy turns to me since I'm closest to the lever. "Well? Open the door." He says, I look around and realize that he's talking to me. I only just realized how close to the lever I was. It was time to let Octavia onto the ground. I turn to the lever and pull it, the doors open making a bright light shine into the dimly lit space. Everyone seems amazed by what they are seeing, Octavia steps outside. She's at the edge of the door and about to take the first step onto the earth that she will take. It feels like everyone is holding their breath, and she jumps down and takes a few steps before throwing her hands in the air and saying her iconic line, "WE'RE BACK BITCHES!!" She yells as everyone starts running out of the ship and cheering. I'm carried with the crowd and I go with it so as to not get trampled on. Everyone is running around taking in the new sights excitedly, glad they're not dying of radiation. I'm a few feet away from the ship at this point as I see Clarke jump down finally. I can almost hear radioactive playing as I look around smiling like an idiot still in shock that I was somehow in this show. I decided to wander around a little bit and leave all the finding out we're on the wrong mountain and stuff to Clarke. I mean she should be glad we didn't end up on mount weather to begin with, although she doesn't know that so I'll just leave her be with that. I'll just wait till it's time to head out on the excavation to get food where the first few plot twists happen.

I walk up to a large tree with branches low enough that I can actually reach them. In my actual world almost all the trees that are this big with branches that usually grow low enough to the ground to reach get their low branches cut off so people cant climb them. I remember when I was little there was a park near my home that had these trees and I used to climb them all the time when I was younger. However as I got older, they started cutting the low branches because too many kids like me kept climbing the trees. I reach for a branch and I start making my way up, surprised I can actually climb up, I climb up not super high since I know I need to get down soon, but high enough to get to a branch large enough for me to sit on and watch the people on the ground. I see Murphy who already has a few people following him, mostly boys. That's when I hear someone yell up to me, "HEY! How'd you get up there?!" Yelled a voice I recognized as Jasper. I looked down and I saw him, Monty, and a few other passersby looking back up at me. They must of seen me climb up, "I, uh, I just climbed?" I said in kind of more of a question than an answer. Jasper and Monty looked at each other and just laughed, I looked away a little embarrassed. "Do you think you could show us how to climb up there one of these days?" Monty asked, seeming genuinely curious. "Yeah sure!" I said, they high fives each other and started talking in what I assume to be normal voices, but I can't hear them anyways so I just go back to looking around at everyone as they walk away.

That when I remember that Lincoln is in one of these trees, probably further up than I am. I look around at the trees trying to be slightly discrete about it, but I can't spot him. He's really good at blending in I guess. I sigh and start to make my way down. It takes quite some time because I haven't climbed trees in awhile. I'm about 3/4ths of the way down when I get to a spot that I can't quite figure out where to go. I look around at the branches trying to figure out where to put my foot. I reach for the closest branch with my foot but it's just too far away. I look around and I see people gathering around Clarke and I knew a main scene was happening, I needed to get down now. I guess I just have to go for it and hope for the best.

3rd POV:

Murphy stares at Finn clearly upset that he ruined his fight. Octavia walked up and starts speaking, "Hey spacewalker, how rescue me ne-" She gets cut off by something, "OH FUCK" Y/N yells as she falls, having missed her landing. Everyone turns to the noise and sees this H/C hair girl falling out of the tree, hitting a few branches on her way down and landing flat on her back. "SHIT OW!" She yelled as she landed, also making a grunting noise. "That fucking hurt she mumbled not realizing almost everyone was looking at her. A few people came over to check if she was ok, including Jasper and Monty. Monty leaned over Y/n who was lying flat on her back grimacing in pain. "You okay?" He asked, "HEY, is she okay?!" Clarke asked, slightly concerned. Y/n threw a thumbs up in the air with a forced smile. "YEAH SHE'S OK!" Jasper shouted back to the group. After finding out y/n was ok, Bellamy pulled Octavia over somewhere to have a little chat while Clarke was checking on Wells.


I lay there on the ground, my body just in quite a bit of pain, I had a few scratches and probably some bruises but I didn't think anything was broken. Jasper and Monty helped me up to my feet. "You know, I don't think I wanna learn to climb trees from you anymore." Jasper said jokingly, as Monty agreed, and we all just laughed. "Can you walk?" Asked Monty, "yeah I can, I think I just got a few scraps, some bruises, and some new back pain but I'll live." I replied in a slightly joking tone. They nodded and we all headed back toward the main area.

A bit after we get there Finn grabs Jasper and Monty who look around confused for a second before realizing what's going on as Finn says, "4 of us, can we go now?" I was about to say something about going as well when Octavia walked up and said, "sounds like a party, make it 5!" Bellamy came following close behind and said, "Hey, what the hell are you doing?" She slightly jerks away, "going for a walk." She says matter of factly, not asking for permission. Clarke interrupts their little argument and goes up to Finn, "Hey! Were you trying to take this off?" She ask while grabbing his wrist." Me knowing what is going to happen, hoping to try to stop Bellamy from figuring out about the wrist bands, interrupts. I mean I know Bellamy is still probably going to figure it out, but at least I can delay the whole wrist band rebelling a bit,"do you want the people you love to think your dead?-" I speak up before she says anything else, "Hey make it 6!" I say loudly while interrupting Clarke on purpose. She gives me a look but nods her head and then says, "ok, now let's go!" We all start walking out away from the drop ship and to Mount Weather. Octavia catches up to where Clarke is and says, "before you get any ideas, Finn is mine." I can only hear this because I'm close enough in front of them to where I can hear, I smile to myself after hearing the line knowing how wrong she is. "Before you get any ideas, I don't care." Clarke says nonchalantly, oh girl but you will.

I increase my speed a bit to get away from them and I keep walking by myself for a little while before waking ahead of Finn kinda close to Clarke but not next to her. After awhile Finn picks a flower and puts it in Octavia's hair, I just look away and remember what Jasper and Monty are saying while watching from behind and I laugh to myself a bit.

"Now, that, my friend, is game." Says Jasper trying to sound cool. "That, my friend, is poison sumac." Replies Monty loud enough for the rest of us to hear. "What, it is?" Octavia says frantically trying to get it out of her hair while I just go over to the flowers and pick one to suck the sap stuff out of it since I haven't done it since I was a child, these used to grow in the park. Monty explains that they're medicinal, while Clarke turns around and then says, "hey guys, would you try to keep up?" Everyone looks at her, "come on Clarke, how do you block all this out?" Finn questions. "Well, I-it's simple. I wonder, why haven't we seen any animals?" I stop listening, remembering what we were about to see, not really sure how I feel about seeing that 2 headed deer in real life. I soon hear Octavia say, "someone should slip her some poison sumac." I smile a bit at that and realize we will be walking again in just a second. We start walking and Finn starts speaking, "I gotta know what you 2 did to get busted." Monty and Jasper laugh a bit, "sumac is not the only herb in the garden. If you know what I mean." Says Monty, "someone forgot to replace what we took." Jasper says grudgingly, "someone had apologized like, 1000 times." Monty replies. "How about you Octavia," Jasper questions, I stop listening and grimace at that. "Being born." She says as she runs away. At this point I'm walking next to Jasper as Monty says, "That is so not game." They smack each other a few times and move on.

I put my hand on Jasper's shoulder and offer a small reassuring smile, and he smiles back and we then continue on the way seeing the others crouched, I realize what we're about to see. I grimace but go over anyway to not be suspicious. "No animals, huh?" Finn says and Clarke just looks at him. Finn starts moving closer and I prepare knowing what's about to happen. He breaks the stick like a dumbass and it looks over at us. We jumped back surprised. Well I mean I knew it was coming but it was still gross to see in real life. I stand up straight now that the deer is gone and wait for the others. We soon start walking again and after a bit of time, Finn finally asks the big question. "You know what I would like to know?" He starts, "why send us down today, after 97 years? What changed?" He questions to no one in particular. "Who cares? I'm just glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell, and now I'm spinning in a forest." Octavia answers, "maybe they found something on a satellite, you know, like an old weather satellite or-" he get cut off, and I know what's about to come, "it wasn't a satellite, the Ark is dying." Everyone stops and turns around while Clarke just keeps walking. I stop and cringe at the dumbfounded looks on everyone's faces. "At the current population level, there's roughly 3 months left of life support, maybe 4 now that we're gone." She keep walking and Finn catches up, "so that was the secret they locked you up to keep, why they kept you in solitary, floated your old man?" Finn asks Clarke. She goes on to explain how her father found it and all that, I just keep walking and fiddle with the blue ribbon I found earlier. I don't really care to listen cause I already know all this. I think Finn, Clarke, and Monty paused for a while at some point, but I'm not sure. I wasn't paying attention anyways, I just kept walking until we finally came up on a river. Wait, the river. I think about what's going to happen and I look over next to me to see Octavia starting to take off her clothes, she looks at me with a playful gleam in her eye curious about if I would join her or not. I start stripping down as well, I hope I can stop it from getting to Octavia, her leg caused a lot of problems for her and everyone else. Especially since I do know how to swim and she doesn't. She smiled at me and started walking towards the rocks edge. I followed her, "Octavia, y/n, what the hell are you doing?" Clarke asked all confused like. I smile at that a bit, Octavia turns around and offers me her hand. I take it and we jump in together. I feel the cool water on my skin, it feels so nice after hours of walking. Makes me think that getting attacked by the snake thing is worth it since I get to be in this refreshing water. I come up to the surface and remember Octavia's little prank plan, so I crouch down with her, while also keeping an eye out for the water snake. God this is gonna hurt. "Octavia, y/n, I can't swim." Says Monty, "I know, but we can stand." Octavia replies laughing then rises out of the water, I follow a laugh a bit myself. "Wait there's not supposed to be a river here." After hearing that I knew it was only a matter of time, I watched the water. I see it and my eyes widen, Jasper also sees it, "girls, get out of the water." Jasper says, alarmed. Octavia starts to turn around but I push her closer to shore, "we have to get out of here!" I say, "get out of the water now!" Jasper shouts more frantically. I push Octavia to shore and I'm about to get out myself when it grabs my leg and drags me. Shit I knew this was gonna happen. I scream in pain and a bit of terror as I get dragged under the water.

3rd POV:

"Y/n!" Shouts Jasper as the others help Octavia away from the water. Y/n come back up screaming only for a second before being pulled back under. "No." Jasper says while everyone seems dumbfounded and scared out of their mind. There is a small pause of tense silence while they all stare at the water. Y/n comes back up again screaming and seeming to try to fight it to get away. This seems to get everyone snapped out of their shocked state and they all watch trying to come up with a plan. "What the hell is that!" Monty says, "We have to help her!" Jasper and Octavia speak at the same time. "What are you going to do?" Finn questions. Octavia seems to not have an answer while Jasper replies, "try not to get eaten." They inch closer to the water, when Clarke has an idea. "No wait, if we distract it, it might let her go. Help me!" Clarke says as she goes to a large rock and starts pushing while y/n is still in the water screaming. They all go over and help push the rock into the water. This gets the things attention and it drops y/n. "It worked, it let her go!" Monty says

Y/n POV:

The snake thing let me go and I started to flail around in the water trying to stay up with one leg while gasping for air. I try to get to the shore slightly, "Can you get the shore now?!" I hear someone who I'm pretty sure is Jasper. I move a bit to the shore but I'm not making much progress. I hear splashes beside me as Jasper comes running in and grabs me out of the water. "I got you." He says to reassure me. I hear Finn yell that it's coming back and I panic slightly still trying to catch my breath and get to the shore with Jasper's help. "It's headed right for you guys!" I hear, "come on! Come on! Keep moving!" Jasper shouts as we climb onto the rocky shore while I'm gasping for breaths trying to calm down. I look at my leg which is all bloody as well as my hand that has what seems to be a tooth in it since I tried to punch it to get away. That didn't go too well. I take a deep breath still trying to get air in my lungs as everyone comes over and Clarke tears Jasper's shirt making a makeshift bandage. I turn to Jasper and thank him over and over hugging him, because you know he saved my life. Clarke is assessing my wound and tells me that I'm going to be ok. Monty then goes, "note to self, next time, save the girl." We all laugh at that a bit. I then realize what I've done. I'd taken Octavia's place. I really hope this doesn't change the plot too much I think to myself. After a bit of time they help me up and over to a rock to sit. Octavia comes over to me, "hey.. you saved my life back there. If it weren't for you I would've been-" she starts but I cut her off, "hey hey.. don't worry about it. I know you would've done the same for me." I smile at her and she smiles back and gives me a hug. "Ooh, ouch." I say with a pain smile, "yup.. definitely still bruised from falling out of that tree earlier.." I laugh a bit. "WAIT, that was you???" Octavia asks, genuinely surprised it seems. We just look at each other before laughing.

We soon head away from the river and into the forest to set up a little camp. They don't let me do much while setting up saying I need rest. It soon becomes nighttime, I look up at the trees and stars. This forest is way prettier in real life than it ever was on screen. I know what's going to happen with Clarke and Finn tonight. And oh poor Raven. I don't feel that I can really mess with that though.. I mean I've messed up the plot some already. I don't know what to do. I sigh and continue to look up at the trees. That's when I see it, it's Lincoln. I smile a bit and look away. I don't want him to know I see him, it would just cause problems. I decided to go to bed, content that I was actually able to spot that camouflage master.


I wake up the next morning and I see that everyone else is awake already. After a while of getting ready we walked back towards the river. Oh no... Jasper. I have to make sure he doesn't get over that river. We came to the river bank and they all stayed brainstorming plans to get across. "How about we make a swing? We can use those vines." Finn says as he pointed to the vines. "Sounds like a plan." Clarke said. I start to panic a bit, Jasper already has to suffer so much... if I can take away even a little bit of his pain. I will. "I'll go first." I say as they finish setting up the swing. "Whatt, no, I wanted to go first." Says Finn, "and besides you're hurt." He continues. Jasper sees this as a chance to impress you and take your side, "Hey I mean if she wants to go first we should let her, she seems to like things that give a adrenaline rush, you know with the tree climbing and the jumping into snake infested waters." Everyone laughs a bit at that while I look down slightly embarrassed. "Alright Y/n first then." Finn says, "Are you sure you're not too injured to do it? Didn't you get bit in the hand yesterday?" Clarke says. "Oh yeah I'm fine! It only slightly but the side, I mean I did get a cool looking pointy tooth out of it though!" I said bringing it out of my pocket as I laughed a little. "Alright then." Clarke replies as I head over to the swing. I take the swing from Finn, I pull it a little before looking back at the group that are anxiously watching. I pull back and jump, as I swing across, I feel a sense of dread knowing this is gonna hurt like a bitch. The air feels nice though. Everyone cheers as I cross, I make it to the other side and they cheer even louder. I wave over at them cheering a bit with them, I look back at the group, as Clarke takes the vine from Finn, I look around and see the sign Jasper found before. I don't go over to it, I just leave it there. I look back knowing any second now, what's about to happen. I look at the tree line, I see the spear. My eyes go wide as it flies into my chest and I go flying back into the tree behind me. I can hear yelling, but it sounds so far away. I look down at the spear in my chest and back over at the shore. They're all safe... if I can lessen their pain, then I will. I can't just watch as the characters I care about so much get hurt knowing I could stop it. They were with me through all my depression and stress for years on end. This is the least I can do for them. Everything goes black.

Authors note: ok wow... This was way longer than I thought it was going to be. Y/n really like sacrificing herself I guess. I didn't know I was gonna write it this way but I did so there we have it. I'm still not entirely sure on the ships that I'm going to be doing but I guess we will just find out along the way. And I'm not going to be doing a x Bellamy because there's already so fucking many of them. I may do x Raven or maybe x Clarke maybe even x Jasper, I'm still not really sure I have others in mind as well but you know. You can leave suggestions in the comments, that would actually be really helpful. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! I will try to post as often as I can and I will be doing 1 episode per chapter so it lines up with the actual show. Thank you for reading! <3

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