
By Gardenna

246K 6.5K 343

Fern Blossom is a 19 year college student living at home with her manipulating mother. She loves writing and... More

Scented (Prologue)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chaptee 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 27

3.8K 104 6
By Gardenna

Fern Blossom

I could feel all eyes on me waiting and watching. I have no idea why they are so keen to know how I ended up alone in the woods and why they would want information on my friends, but I decided to give it to them since there is a high possibility they are long gone from the forest.

It's been well over a week, and I wouldn't want any of them to end up like I have, Trapped, confined. All of them above. Afterall I'm stuck here for 6 months. Thinking about it, I want to confirm it first.

"Before I tell you anything, I want you to confirm something first" I watched his facial expression, his eyes turned to slits and he clenched his jaw. "Go ahead"

"After 6 months you said if I still decided to leave I can. Is that still-" I was cut off was harsh words "After 6 months if you decided to leave you can until then you will be staying here, there are no if or buts yet. Understood" he said in a dark tone making sure there was no room for question, and I nodded my head obediently.

"Now tell me everything and do not miss a single detail" and so I told him everything from the beginning of the forest, the sleep, the wolf, how I hurt my ankle and my friends took me to this house where I stayed the night, Where I found Teddy, Weird noises I heard. every. single. detail. As I was telling him everything, especially the weird noises and growls I heard, and I even told him about the old painting I found that looked a lot like Vladimir.

"Growls..." He looked like he was thinking for a moment before his eyes found mine again and they hardened. "Did the growl come from the same place you found Teddy?" I thought about it for a moment and nodded my head. "It sounded like they came from all around me, not just one" I saw he visibly started shaking and a part of me was concerned he was upset about something I had said. "Rogue wolves, that means the puppy you fucking found was a rogue puppy and the possibility of it being with a rogue pack is high as the fucking sky!" He slammed both his hands on the desk causing me to jump out of my seat and started shaking out of fear he might do something to me.

He pushed his chair back and it hit the wall. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if it caused a dent in the wall. He stormed over to me with a look of annoyance and anger, I tried to get up and get away from him, but he grabbed my arms and yanked me back down to my seat. Effortlessly he picked up my seat and turned it around, so it was facing him and so was my body.

"Do you even think before you act? Do you not think of the consequences? Do you not think that wolf might have a mother or father?" I felt the unwanted tears gather in my eyes, suddenly feeling ashamed of myself. The way he yelled at me reminded me of how my mama would whenever I would accidentally spill some water or drop some food on the floor. Just like when this happens with mama, I sat there looking towards the ground taking in all of his insults and nasty words but one of them caught me off guard "No matter what I will forever hate your species and one way or another I'll find a way to get rid of you" he gritted out turning his back towards me.

The further he walked away the more I felt the feelings crawl in, I don't know what happened to me, but I felt exhausted and tired. It was almost like it was my drunk mama all over again, but this time it was my captor. A man who ordered someone to take me by force, keep me against me will, but yet he wants me gone. None of this makes sense.

The further he got the more I felt like I was drowning again. I don't know what situations I've caused but I could only guess they were bad as Dimitri made them out to be and whatever was to come is my fault

The guilty feeling hit in multiple waves, just what exactly had I done? How bad was the damage? I sat there unknowingly in my own head while many eyes watched me. I hadn't even noticed Dimitri's footsteps stopped. A large hand touched my back, and I jumped up and sat straight up in my seat and quickly turned around to see Damien behind me with a small smile on his face, but I just stared at him blankly for a few seconds and his smile dropped. Taking his hand off my back he stepped away from me again but not before I heard him mutter "Sorry little one"

Once I heard that I ran my hands through my hair and yanked the strands. A burning sensation filled me, and I hissed in pain. I clenched my fists around my head refusing to let go ignoring all the mumbling "Fern let go dammit listen to me" A booming voice said, shaking me viciously.

I hadn't even realised I closed my eyes but when I opened them, I saw an annoyed looking Dimitri staring down at me holding both of my wrists in his hands. "Don't do stupid fucking things to yourself especially if they cause you pain" He gritted out. I felt his hands clench around my wrists, but it didn't hurt. I looked up to him, staring at him in the eyes and not looking away.

"Do not do that again, understand?" He demanded and I nodded my head taken aback by his words and actions all at the same time. The tears that were on the verge of spilling had disappeared and now all I could hear was my hammering heartbeat. He suddenly let go of my wrists and they fell into my lap, but he didn't move away like I first thought. Instead, he leaned down until he was face level with me.

I waited patiently thinking he was going to say something, it looked as though it may even been on the tip of his tongue but instead, he huffed and shook his head standing to his full height again and turned around and headed to the door. "If you left any details out that I should know about then let one of them know" by 'them' I knew he was referring to Vladimir, Ivan, Damien and Mikhail. My shoulders slumped watching him until I couldn't anymore, and the only noise was of the door slamming. The second the door closed my eyes were back to the floor as the disappointment seeped in.

Why was I disappointed? I tried to shake myself off the ugly feeling that refused to go away. "Fern" a voice called out and I looked over to a worried looking Ivan. He looked hesitant for a moment and took slow steps towards me, and I watched him come closer. "Are you alright?" He questioned. "Yes" I was quick to say.

"Well... Dimitri wanted me to tell you to be ready for dinner time. He spoke to the chef and told them to make Lasagna again-" I shake my head pausing him "No, I'm not hungry." I got up from the chair but didn't get far when hands wrapped around my waist. I was quick to look up and see Mikhail holding me in place. "You must" for a second I thought I saw desperation. "He's not always like this I swear" He was quick to add, and I instantly knew he was talking about Dimitri again. When he touched me, I felt a weird fuzzy feeling of comfort and I wanted to relax into it but refused to let myself fall like that.

"I preferred not tonight" I tried again looking up at him. He looked to the ground and then back to me and nodded "I'll have food brought to your new room which I'll be taking you too" I agreed and walked out of the room. In the corner of my eyes, I swear I saw something quickly move around the corner, but it all happened so fast I didn't see anything and thought I could have imagined it. "What's wrong?" Vladimir said coming up next to me and seeing my focused expression on the corner. "Nothing" I whispered and looked behind me and gestured for Mikhail to lead the way.

I should be thankful they aren't tying me down and assaulting me, I should be thankful that Dimitri is going to keep his promise and after 6 months of keeping me here he's going to let me go back to my home where mama is and my friends are, and then I can finally ask them why Sofia and Briteny left me in the woods all alone with nothing. Perhaps if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here right now, instead I could be working or at home helping with the house.

I take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds before letting it out. "Fern" Mikhail called out, grabbing my attention. So much for trying to keep a calm heart and head. "Yes," I replied, keeping a fast pace on me with Mikhail now trailing closely behind me. I had no idea how he got from being in front of me to being behind.

"I apologise for Dimitri's actions... It's just with this new news he has been on edge especially with all the new changes" I could hear the nervousness in his voice like he was careful with his words. "With new changes do you mean me?" I swallowed thickly my own nerves kicking in. "Yes." He rasped. "Then why keep me around?" I was confused and annoyed. If I was a simple a nuisance, then why would they keep me around.

"It's different..." He trailed off. "How?" he huffed "It doesn't matter"

"How does it not matter?" The footsteps behind me stopped and when I turned around, I was met with two bright purple eyes, and I immediately stepped back frightened from what I'm seeing. "W..w" I didn't get the chance to get my words in before he came barrelling towards me "Why do you ask so many questions when it is clear I do not want to answer. Do you want to be tied up and held prisoner for the rest of your human life?" When he came into my personal space, I felt restricted and frozen.

When I did not respond he grabbed both my arms and yanked my closer, so my body was pressing up to his "What do you think of me" he mumbled leaning his forehead on mine. I could his breath fan my face and it oddly made me relax. I watched his eyes closely. "Do you perhaps think of me... Us as monsters for taking you away from your family?" He questioned softly while his soft grip remained but now his thumbs were rubbing against my skin. The small warm feeling lighted up a bubble inside me.

"I don't understand anything, I'm scared, I feel alone, yet I'm not, I'm worried you'll hurt me if I walk around without one of you-" I hushed when his finger covered my lips, and it was like it was magical. All my worries and fear vanished. "Do not think like that, in time you will learn to understand everything and trust us. All we ask is time and acceptance" he whispered softly, not moving positions.

"What about Dimitri?" I mumbled. "He is struggling to... understand and accept a few things but I knew he would say the same things I would and want the same things we all want." I debated for a few seconds. Should I truly give the people who are keeping me prisoners here a chance?

"I feel your confliction, I will give you time to think about it, but please, for the sake of us all gives us a chance and if we do something wrong you do not like voice it and I can guarantee no harm will come your way I swear it with my very life" I didn't say anything but listen to his sweet words. I took it all in, there was a chance he could be lying but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to trust this man whose eyes just glowed purple.

"I know you have many questions; I know you have been told to wait, I know you grow irritable by the day, I understand how you feel believe it or not because I was in this position once too" He huffed, nudging his head closer to me. I grabbed the fabric of his shirt and the smell of him intoxicating.

"Okay, I'll be patient," I hummed. "Thank you. I'll bring food to your new room that we are now in front of" He chuckled, pulling away from me. The loss of his touch made me gasp from how much I wanted it back. I kept my mouth shut at the tempting thought of complaining to him that I want him to put our foreheads together again but now that I thought about it in my head it sounded... weird.

When I looked back up at him his eyes were normal "Behind those doors is your new room and down the hall is where my room is" I nodded my head staring intently at him. He smiled down at me "Goodbye for now" and I nodded my head again dumbfounded.

I watched him as he turned his back and walked away. His words sounded a lot like Vladimir's when I promised him to give him a chance and it almost sounded the exact same. It made me wonder whether or not they had planned this, but it sounded too stupid to be true, perhaps it was just a coincidence.

As soon as he turned the corner, and I was alone I felt my body get colder and within seconds I was freezing. I covered my body with my arms, my teeth clattering together at the sudden change. I headed towards the door quickly and when I opened it, I was shocked to say the least. "What the" I whispered under my breath. The room was massive and nothing like I've ever seen before.

The room was massive, but it felt so small, the walls were a cream colour and lots of corner couches with tons of pillows and along the wall were shelves and hundreds of books. In the middle of the room was a light purple bean bag sat in the middle of the rug that looked so fluffy. The bed was in front of it a large fireplace that was lit. I stared at it all taking it in. "Do you like it?" Damien suddenly appeared behind me.

When I turned around, he and Ivan were standing next to each other by the door. I just came through, surprising me when I noticed I hadn't heard them come in. "Oh" was my first response, not even taking in his first question. "Do you?" A worried look took over his face. "Oh yes! I love it" I said, awkwardly giggled while fiddling with my fingers

It was true I did love the room, but I just wasn't sure how to express it without being too overwhelming. "I never seen a room this big before" I spoke out and they both stared at me with an emotion I don't recognise. "You deserve it, all of us designed it and put it together for you" My face dropped "You? You all put it together?" They both nodded together. "Even Dimitri" Ivan was quick to add.

"Really?" I was shocked, out of all of them he made the least effort. "Yes, he made sure to put those fairy lights up" He nodded towards the ceiling and when I looked up my jaw dropped at the sight of lights hanging neatly across my room that I didn't even see. "Your favourite colour is purple... right?" I nodded my head slowly, staring upwards amazed by the sight.

"Can you turn them on?" I asked. "Of course," He moved away from the door and moved closer to my bed where I just noticed a lot of buttons were. Suddenly the lights dimmed, and the sun was blocked out of the room and just then the purple fairy lights that looked like dragonflies lighted up a wonderful dark purple almost making the room pitch black. Luckily, I could still see where Ivan and Damien stood.

"How long did it take you to do this?" I spoke into the darkness staring up at the ceiling with a strange warmth entering me. "As soon as you came, we started doing this room for you" Damien answered, and I was instantly in awe of it.

It was silent, a comfortable silence. One that I embraced wholeheartedly, I couldn't even remember the last time anyone did something so large for me and the last people I expected to ever do this for me are the people who forcefully keep me here... maybe they could even compete with papa? Who am I kidding no one could ever compete with him. Who am I to even think that?

I could feel the tears working their way up. I was silently thankful that the room was so dark so they couldn't see the tears that were streaming down my cheeks. "Why are you crying?" A voice lulled in my ear, and I didn't jump away or even move, instead I just stood there leaning into whoever was behind me. "This reminds me of my papa," I mumbled.

Neither of them said anything so I continued "No one has done this much for me since my papa's death" A wave of sleepiness hit me, and I didn't fight it. Instead, I embraced it.

Sleep now, don't let them trick you...

A voice echoed in my mind.


Instagram: Purpl3UwiEE

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