Can You Love Me Right? GxG

Galing kay CrazyAplaka1

87.3K 2.6K 873

Voldemort is back!!! And this time the wizarding world knows of his return and about Harry's and Y/N's prophe... Higit pa

Chapter 1 - Welcome Back!
Chapter 2 - Show Me How Much You Missed Me
Chapter 3 - Meeting Slughorn
Chapter 4 - The Burrow
Chapter 5 - Late Night Talks
Chapter 6 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 7 - The Train to Hogwarts
Chapter 8 - New Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher
Chapter 9 - Hufflepuff Party
Chapter 10 - Hufflepuff Party Pt.2
Chapter 11 - Its All Fun and Games Darling
Chapter 12 - Potion Masters
Chapter 13 - Don't be Jealous My Love
Chapter 14 - I'm Sorry Darling
Chapter 15 - The Pensieve
Chapter 16 - Quidditch Trials
Chapter 17 - Do You Trust Me
Chapter 18 - Dumbledore's training
Chapter 19 - Birthday girl
Chapter 20 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 21 - Nice Skin
Chapter 22 - Hidden places
Chapter 23 - Dinner Party
Chapter 24 - Quidditch Day
Chapter 25 - Weasley is our King
Chapter 26 - Regulus Black
Chapter 27 - Will you just relax
Chapter 28 - Christmas Party
Chapter 29 - Christmas Party Pt.2
Chapter 30 - The Granger's
Chapter 31 - Death Eater Attack
Chapter 32 - Settling in
Chapter 34 - Lupin
Chapter 35 - A quiet new years
Chpater 36 - Happy Birthday Y/N
Chapter 37 - Birthday surprise
Chapter 38 - A night out in london
Chapter 39 - Dumbledore Returns
Chapter 40 - New changes
Chapter 41 - Failed task

Chapter 33 - Under Suspicion

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Galing kay CrazyAplaka1

The night is still and silent, Y/N's arm still tucked protectively around Ollie's fragile frame. It seems like everyone else has gone to sleep except for one particular Gryffindor girl. Hermione quietly opens the door to the spare room, being careful not to make any sound. The Ravenclaw slowly stirs awake, feeling the presence of someone in the room. Y/N grips her wand tightly and instinctively raises her wand becoming fully awake

"Hey, it's just me" Hermione whispers and Y/N calms recognising her girlfriends voice

"Hey" she replies back lowering her wand. Hermione looks between her and Ollie "it's alright he's asleep" Y/N answers

Hermione nods and kneels down beside her "Are you coming to bed. Or are you staying here"

The Ravenclaw looks at Ollie sleeping soundly next to her. She smiles and turns back to Hermione "I think I should stay here tonight, I don't think it'll end well if he wakes up and I'm not here"

"Alright then, I'll stay too" Hermione says and kisses Y/N's cheek "I'll bring you a spare change of clothes from your room"

The Ravenclaw smiles gratefully "Thank you"

Hermione gently kisses Y/N's cheek then quietly shuts the door behind her as she leaves. Y/N slowly gets up from the bed, careful not to wake Ollie and goes into the spare bathroom to get ready for bed. She looks at herself in the mirror and her girlfriend was right, she does look awful. With the lack of sleep and the Weasley's being attacked, she hasn't had time to catch a break.

And then there's Jorden, her sweet Hufflepuff friend. A part of her believed that him being attacked was her fault. She should've said something or taken his words more seriously then none of this would've happened. But now all Y/N can assume is the worst, because she didn't speak up. The Ravenclaw had gotten herself all worked up that she didn't know she was crying. She slowly collapses to the tiled floor, her body feeling the affects of her tired state as she holds her knees to her chest.

"Y/N!" Hermione says, her voice full of worry. She sits down next to her wraps an arm around her and immediately the Ravenclaw buries her face in the nook of her neck whilst she grips the front of her shirt. Hermione just gently strokes her girlfriend's back hoping that will help in calming her down "Y/N what's wrong"

"It's my fault" Y/N says though muffled tears "I should've told someone"

"Told someone what, my love" the Gryffindor asks

"Jorden told me he thought he was being followed by something and now I know it was the pack of werewolves. I should've urged him to tell Dumbledore that he was being followed or I should've done it. Then this wouldn't have happened" the Ravenclaw sobs

"Y/N it's not your fault you wouldn't have known this would happen alright. Jorden's accident is not your fault" Hermione reassures, gently wiping the tears from the Ravenclaw's eyes. "Come on I'll help you get changed and we'll go to bed"

Y/N nods and Hermione starts to undress her girlfriend, putting her in an oversized shirt and sweatpants. The Gryffindor then helps Y/N to her feet and the Ravenclaw practically leans on Hermione for support which made it more difficult for the Gryffindor to help Y/N to the bed due to her smaller frame.

As they got under the covers, Y/N practically clings to a she drifts off the sleep. Ollie readjusts himself so he's sleeping on top of Y/an chest and Hermione can't help but find the sight of the two of them adorable. The Gryffindor trails her fingers through Y/N's hair and a small smile deforms on her lips.

"I love you" Y/N mumbles softly and Hermione can't help but smile contently as her words

"I love you too" Hermione replies kissing the Ravenclaw's forehead and drifting off to sleep with Y/N in her arms.


The next morning came by and everyone seemed exhausted. Ginny and Ron helped Aston in the kitchen prepare breakfast for everyone. The little Hufflepuff boy has made a name for himself being one of the best cooks at Hogwarts and has even earned the privilege of being allowed in the Hogwarts Kitchens. Flo and Hermione made tea coffee and pumpkin juice while Ron and Harry set the table for everyone.

Hermione decided it was best to let her girlfriend sleep in after what happened last night. The Gryffindor girl is actually a little worried about her. Y/N has only ever broken down a few times, but this time it feels different. Usually, the Ravenclaw bounces back fairly quickly from past experience, but Hermione worries that there is so much her girlfriend can take before she really explodes.

Aston plates up pancakes, bacon and eggs, croissants and a lovely plate of fruit on the large dining table and they all sit down to eat. Flo and Ron sat next to each other whilst Ginny, Harry and Hermione sat on the other side. Aston sat at the head of the table and looked at everyone not making a move to eat the food he's prepared.

"Well don't just sit there" Aston pouts "I didn't slave away in the kitchen for you lot not to eat it"

Ron didn't need to be told twice as he piled a stack of pancakes onto his plate and a side of bacon and eggs. Flo laughs and plates up a few pancakes and fruit on her plate.

"Bloody hell Ron save some for the rest of us," The Ravenclaw says, and everyone at the table laughs.

That seemed to break the tension in the room and the group starts plating up food on their plates. Ginny smirks as she takes a slice of bacon off Harry's plate and the raven-haired boy frowns.

"What the hell Ginny you've already got three pieces on your plate" Harry says, and Ginny grins widely

"So?" the Weasley girl says "I'm hungry and what are you going to do about it"

Harry's frown turns into a wicked smirk, making Ginny's cheeks blush. He stands and so does the Weasley girl, and they race around the table with ginny holding her fork just out of reach of Harry. Everyone at the table laughs at the display but they're also shocked at Harry acting so boisterous, they often don't see that side of him. Flo and Hermione give each other a look knowing that Harry and Ginny are definitely in love with each other, even if neither of them will admit it just yet. Harry eventually lifts Ginny over his shoulder and the Wealsey girl was kind of surprised by Harry's strength.

"Harry James Potter put me down!" Ginny says, and Harry laughs

"Give me back my bacon then Ginevra," Harry says back and Ginny pouts. She shoves the bacon into her mouth and Harry reluctantly puts Ginny down both of them having massive grins on their faces as they sit back down. As Harry sits down  then steals a slice of bacon off Ginny's plate and they both look at each other laughing with the rest of the group.

"We can never have a civilised time at the table can we" Hermione says to Flo who nods her head

"This is the best we're going to get to civilised" Flo says, and the two girls giggle

"Hey, who's having all the fun without us" Fred says as he enters the large kitchen and dining room with George not far behind him.

"and you guys made food," George replies "how dare you guys not tell us"

"Well hurry up and grab a plate before its all gone then" Ginny says and the twins sit down and dig in.

It's not long before Rue comes downstairs and joins the table and starts annoying her twin brother at the table throwing a few blueberries at him which then starts a competition with Fred and Ron about how many blueberries they can catch in their mouths. Everyone was joking and laughing with each other, and it felt like everything was normal once more.

"Alright you lot, who forgot to wake us and tell me breakfast was ready," Y/N says holding Ollie in her arms.

"Y/N!" everyone says at the table, and Hermione smiles that Y/N looks a lot better this morning than last night.

"It was Aston" Rue dobs and the Hufflepuff boy scouls at his twin sister.

"Did not!" Aston fires back "Rue your such a snitch"

"Aston you little gremlin," Y/N says then looks to Ollie "I think we should teach him a lesson. Don't you think Ollie"

the little boy smiles "Monster!" he says happily, and Y/N grins.

Rue giggles and Flo laughs knowing what's going to happen whilst Aston looks a little scared as he sits in his seat. The others watch on confused but have an idea about what will happen.

Y/N puts Ollie on top of her shoulders and holds onto his legs whilst the little boy puts up his hands and pretends to be a little monster.

"Alrighty Aston, here comes the monster," Y/N says, and she runs around the table chasing the Hufflepuff boy. Ollie squeals happily on Y/N's shoulders and the Ravenclaw has a massive grin on her face as she chases Aston. The Hufflepuff boy then holds his ground trying to push Y/N and Ollie away, but they are too strong. Y/N evades Aston's hands whilst Ollie pushes Aston around which is only light because of how young he is.

"Go on get him Ollie" Fred and George chant and the others join in

"Come on Aston, fight back" Rue and Ron chant whilst the others laugh at the spectacle.

Eventually, Y/N puts Ollie down and sits down next to Hermione at the table with Ollie on the other side. Aston grumbles back to his seat, and Rue laughs at her brother's reaction. Y/N puts a pancake on Ollie's plate and a few pieces of fruit cutting it all up into bite-sized pieces before turning to her own plate only to find that it had already been plated up with fruit, bacon and eggs and a croissant. Y/N smiles gratefully and turns to Hermione who has a small espresso in her hand and gives it to her girlfriend.

"How is it that you are so perfect. Thank you," Y/N says and Hermione smiles kissing the Ravenclaw's cheek.

"You just bring out the best in me, my love" The Gryffindor replies with witty smile on her lips "how are you feeling"

Y/N sighs "the same as yesterday but sleeping helped a little bit"

Hermione nods and places her hand on Y/N's thigh under the table "we'll talk about it later, now eat please"

The Ravenclaw nods and digs into the delicious food. The table is once more filled with cheerful noise and laughter as they eat. Eventually, Monica, Molly and Jean all come downstairs and were surprised when they saw an assortment of breakfast foods on the table. They also see the kids having fun even after the events that happened last night and both look at each other and decide that they will let their behaviour slide for the time being.

The rest of the adults join us for breakfast and sit at the other end of the large dining table chatting amongst themselves. Mostly exchanging embarrassing stories about their children. After everyone's plates are empty, the adults decide to let the kids be kids, and they wash up whilst the children get ready for the day. Y/N takes the dogs outside and plays with them in the snow for a little while which serves as a good distraction for her mind. After some time, Hermione comes and joins her and kneels beside her girlfriend as she pets the two dogs.

"Callan's back" Hermione says and Y/N nods "our group is all in the theatre room. It's time to fill everyone in properly"

Y/N sighs "okay"

"If you're not up for it that's okay too" the Gryffindor girl says

"No, I should be there, regardless of how I'm feeling," Y/N says as he stands up and dusts the snow off of her.

"Y/N," Hermione says softly "you need to start taking care of yourself. Physically I know you can, but it's up here where you struggle," she says touching the side of Y/N's temple taking about her mind.

"I'm- working on it" Y/N finally says, and Hermione just leaves it at that and takes her girlfriend's hand as they walk back to the house with the dogs following them.


The group sit in the theatre room as they listen to Harry explain the events of last night to the group in more detail. Flo reads a copy of the Daily Prophet beside Ron who gently moves closer to her side as she reads. Y/N lays against Hermione's chest as she scribbles in her music journal where she keeps all the lyrics for her songs. The Gryffindor girl has her hands wrapped around Y/N's waist, comforting her. Callan sits quietly on the couch looking tired but listens to the raven-haired boy,

"You're lucky you weren't killed" Hermione says to after Harry had finshed

"You have to realize who you are, Harry." Flo says and Harry sighs

"I know who I am, Florence, alright?" Harry says a little harshly then realises "Sorry"

Flo nods and accepts the boy's apology "So tell us what Arthur said"

"If Dumbledore's travelling places, it's news to the Ministry," Harry says "But get this: that night at Borgin & Burkes? It seems Draco was looking at a Vanishing Cabinet"

"What would Draco want with a Vanishing Cabinet?" Ron says

Harry shrugs "You tell me."

Its silent after that then Callan clears his throat "so I news on Jorden's condition"

the group all look at Callan as he speaks waiting to the outcome. "and" Ron says

"He's okay, he's awake now and is going to make a full recovery," Callan says, and everyone sighs with relief

"Thats a relief," Flo says and Cal nods but he doesn't seem to be happy, like he's holding something back

"Callan, what is it you not telling us," Hermione asks, and the Slytherin boy swallows thickly and opens his mouth, but he can't seem to get out the words

"He's a werewolf now," Harry says "isn't he?"

Callan wipes away a stray tear and nods, and the mood seems to drop "It's a full moon in a few weeks, and that is when he will make the transition. Jorden's parents and the twins know as well. Remus is with Jorden now to talk about what will happen to him when he.... Transforms"

"How is Jorden handling the news," Ron asks

"I don't really know," Callan says "I think he's just processing at the moment, he was happy to see me, but after hearing the news, he wasn't much in the talking mood"

"We'll all be there for him when he gets out of the hospital," Flo says "him being a werewolf doesn't change the fact that he is our friend first"

The others nod and Flo goes to comfort Callan. Ron decides that they should put on a movie to and the others agree to put on Mean Girls at Cal and Flo's request, and they all watch quietly. As the movie is about to end Monica enters to room with an unreadable expression. 

"Y/N, my office now," the older woman says, and Y/N closes her journal, gets up from Hermione's lap, and follows her aunty upstairs to her office. As they enter the large office Monica goes behind her desk whilst Y/N stays on the other side.

"So what's up" Y/N asks and Monica sighs and places an opened envelope on the desk.

"A letter came for you this morning" Monica replies and Y/N picks it up "it's from the ministry"

"And you opened it" Y/N says and Monica sighs

"Just read it please" her aunt says and stares out the window as Y/N reads the letter

Dear Y/N Black,

I am writing to inform you that the Ministry of Magic  has decided it is necessary to conduct an investigation into your actions in relation to the following:

- working for the Dark Lord as a spy
- plotting of an attempted murder
- Affiliated with Death Eaters
- The destruction of Mr and Mrs Weasley's home on the 25th of December 2009

The person in charge of the investigation will be Gawain Robards

The aim of the investigation is to establish the facts of the matter by gathering as much relevant information as possible. The investigation is expected to be completed by the 1st of February 2009.

Once the investigation has been completed, you will be informed in writing of its outcome. If it is found that there is a case to answer, you will be invited to attend a formal disciplinary hearing. The investigator may invite you to attend an investigation meeting where you can explain your version of events. If this is required, you will be informed of the time and date of the meeting in advance.

In the meantime, should you have any information that might be of assistance to the investigation or wish to discuss anything, please contact:

Gawain Robards, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement

So that the investigation can be conducted as fairly as possible, we request that you keep the matter confidential. Any breach of confidentiality may be considered a disciplinary matter.

Please note that you should continue to attend Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry while the investigation takes place.

Yours sincerely,
Rufus Scrimgeour, Minister of Magic

"What is this" Y/N says not believing the words she's just read

"They suspect you of conspiring with the Dark Lord" Monica says "they have reason to believe that you are spying on Dumbledore, and possibly planning his death"

"You can't be serious" Y/N says shocked

"I wish I wasn't," Monica says calmly "Y/N you have to be more careful"

"Careful?! Monica my whole life I've been careful" Y/N snaps "I'm sick of being careful. I haven't even done anything wrong"

"I know kiddo" Her aunt replies trying to calm her niece down

"So what happens if they suspect me any further" Y/N says

Monica sighs "I think you know the answer"

"Azkaban," Y/N says and her aunt nods. The Ravenclaw shakes her head "they're never going to see past my last name"

"Y/N please" Monica tries to reason

"No, it's true. They see the last name Black and it screams Death Eater. My father tried to be different and look where that got him. He's dead, leaving me to take the blame for my family's mistakes" Y/N explains "I'm so sick of trying to be good if all they see is bad"

Monica's expression falters as her niece speaks "You don't mean that Y/N"

"But I do! It seems like everyone is waiting for me to slip up. This letter is proof of that" she says holding up the piece of parchment. "Whatever I'm done with this conversation"

"Well I'm not kiddo," Monica says but Y/N leaves the office with her aunt following behind her "We need to make a plan Y/N. You're not the only one being investigated, the Malfoy's are too"

"Great 'cause that makes me feel ten times better. I don't give a shit about the Malfoy's, this is about me!" Y/N shouts

"Y/N calm down please," Monica says firmly as she can see that they have gathered a bit of attention from her friends.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down" Y/N shouts "you're not the one that is getting sent to Azkaban just because of a last name"

"Monica what's going on," Harry says, and they both turn to see that Hermione, Harry and the Weasleys have heard the growing argument

"Are you happy now? You've caused a scene" Monica says now furious "It seems like you missed the word confidential in your letter"

"Oh says the one who opened it" Y/N spits back, her words attacking like venom "And what good has hiding the truth ever done"

"Monica" Molly warns, but she won't listen

As Y/N starts to leave, Monica finally reaches her limit with her niece "you want the truth, maybe this is a wake up call for you that your not invincible. Maybe it'll finally make you change the arrogant attitude of yours" but Y/N makes her way to the staircase still not listening. "Hey look at me when I'm talking to you"

As Monica reaches out to grab Y/N's arm but the Ravenclaw turns around quickly and pushes her aunts hand away from her "don't fucking touch me"

"We'll look me in the bloody eye when I talking to you" Monica says firmly and Y/N's frowns her eyes full of anger.

"You know I could easily get away from you right now." Y/N says "you've got no idea what I'm capable of"

"I raised you," Monica says sternly her voice holding back but her eyes are full of rage. Y/N falls silent, her expression unreadable "and you do not scare me"

Y/N's jaw tightens as she steps closer to her aunt "you know what's a shame, Monica. My parents are dead" the Ravenclaw says "Kinda keeps you from admitting what a shit parent you are"

The Ravenclaw's words hit Monica like a tidal wave. The room goes deathly quiet. "Get out," Monica says her eyes filled with tears but her tone stone cold "I'm done with putting up with this shit"

"So that's it then" Y/N says

"All I've ever done is get you out of trouble but I'm done with that now. I'm done trying to help you when clearly you don't. do whatever you want, get sent to Azkaban for all I  care but your on your own now kiddo. So get out"

Y/N's expression is emotionless as she walks past her aunt and her friends up to her room. She packs a small bag with clothes and a few of her belongings before heading downstairs. She's furious at her aunt, but more so than that the Ministry. The whole system is fucked up and that's what angers her the most. A part of her is already accepting the fact that she most likely will be sent to Azkaban. When she gets downstairs, her friends stand at the bottom of the stairs with Mr Weasley and Callan's dad beside them.

"Y/N don't go," Adrian says "your aunt didn't mean what she said"

"She meant every word and so did I" Y/N replies and bursts through the front doors into the snow. She holds out her hand calling her broom to her, and as it arrives, she jumps on and flies into the setting sky.

as she leaves, she realises what she has done, and it hits her hard. Tears stream down her face, but she keeps flying, to the only place she knows she won't get kicked out of.

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