The Girl From Last Night

De anounymoschild

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Asami was pretty fixed on not letting her dad set her up for an arranged marriage. They've been arguing on th... Mai multe

What. The. Fuck.
Jealosy, Jealousy
Uncovering Secrets
The Girl From Last Night... Again
Exchanging favors
Happy Birthday
Nutella Pancakes
Two oblivious fuckers
Breaking Barriers
The War
The recovery
Old Friend
The Good Old Days
All In The Past
One Last Thing
The Rest Of Our Lives

The day after

330 12 5
De anounymoschild

"So, what do you girls have planned for today?"

"Um," Korra looked over at Asami, smiling softly, "I was planning on showing Asami around. She had never been here, so I thought it would be nice." 

"Where are you two going?" Senna curiously asked.

Korra shrugged. "All the basic stuff, the best restaurant for dinner, site seeing, penguin sledding–"

"Penguin what now?" Asami asked, confused.

"Penguin sledding." Korra repeated, as if it was self explanatory.

"Oh, of course," Asami sarcastically said, "penguin sledding, duh."

"Don't worry, you'll see." Korra winked.

Asami couldn't help but smile. She had absolutely no idea what penguin sledding was, but Korra was just too good damn cute! She didn't even care what they'd do, as long as they'd be together.

"Question," Korra's father started, "are you planning on going to the monument?"

Asami didn't know for sure what he was talking about, all she could do was infer that it had something to do with the recent war. Korra, however, seemed to know exactly what he was talking about, as she shifted her weight in her seat and laughed uncomfortably.

"Jeez, dad, that's a bit of a heavy topic for a nice family lunch, isn't it?" She mumbled.

"I was just wondering," he defended himself, "it's important you go pay your respects, don't you think?"

"When did I ever visit the south and skipped on going there?" Korra rolled her eyes. "But I'm not sure it'll be today... I haven't even asked Asami about it yet."

"Oh, I'd like to go," Asami interrupted, getting the feeling that they kinda forgot she was there, "if that's something you're comfortable with, of course."

Korra smiled at her sadly. "I'll think about it," she softly said.

"Okay," Asami nodded, "but again, only if you feel comfortable with it. If not, I could probably just practice Mario Kart when you're there." She joked.

"See! Mario Kart! We made a good choice with her!" Tonaraq laughed. "Oh boy!"

"You do not get any credit for this!" Korra argued. "I taught her Mario Kart! She didn't like it before she met me!"

"We picked a racer," Senna deadpanned, "a racer! The credit is definitely ours."

"Yeah? Well..." Korra glanced at Asami, who was mere seconds away from bursting into laughter. "...Shut up."

"You guys are great." Asami said, giggling.

"Don't encourage them!" Korra exclaimed.

"Please, go on and encourage us." Korra's father winked. 

The conversation kept going like this, which Asami cherished. Seeing Korra's family dynamic was intresting and hilarious at the same time... She never had anything like that with her father. She loved him dearly, but she didn't really feel comfortable being this way with him. As it turns out though, a lot of it was in her head. Just like how she thought he wouldn't approve of her beimg bi, she just assumed those things about him. Maybe she needed to open up more. 

On the other hand, she was pretty sure that if she were to be honest with him about everything, it'll break his heart. 

After a while, Korra had announced that she wanted to take a shower before heading out to the city, and though Asami had contemplated joining in, she assumed following Korra after she said that wouldn't go over well with Korra's folks. Instead, in an effort to make a good impression on Korra's family, she offered to help them clean up. An offer which they happily accepted. Even Korra looker impressed, which was a nice bonus. 

"Aren't you sweet," Senna beamed at her, "care to help an old lady out and take the dishes to the kitchen?"

"Old? Oh Senna, you and your husband don't look a day over twenty." Asami joked with a smug smile, sticking her tongue out as Korra mouthed 'Kiss Ass' before heading back to her room. 

Senna was quite chatty, she asked her a bunch of questions which she certainly knew the answer to, given certainly w eventually they had to decide Asami was a good match for Korra. But Senna was polite enough to show an intrest in Asami, and she appriciated it. She had bazillion questions towards the couple too, mostly about Korra's past, But she realized it may have been a tad too early to ask about what was probably the most traumatic experience of their life. So instead she just answered their questions with a warm smile.

"So," Tonaraq said at some point, folding his arms, "tell me about that engineering business. I should probably know the basics before I start having business meetings with your father. Korra had tried explaning it to me, but–" 

"Whatever Korra told you, forget about it." Asami chuckled, shaking her head in disapproval. "Trust me, this girl doesn't even know the basics."

"She only told me was that you're supposed to replace your car battery every two years, or something like that... Right? " He scratched his head, confused.

Asami couldn't help but smile, remebering how she got annoyed with Korra over that exact thing, and thinking about the fact that Korra remembered it too. Well enough so that it'll be the only thing she'd know to tell her father about cars. It was heart warming, really, and it made her feel really happy that Korra was listening to her, even in subjects she knew nothing about. 

God, she felt like a teenager. That was so pathetic of her.

"Something like that," Asami affirmed with a smile, as they finished up cleaning the table. 

"I didn't even know cars have to be charged." He mumbled, "I hope the charger is USB-C... "

Asami had to stop herself from snorting. It was truely insane how little the residants of the south pole all knew about mechanics. No womder Korra was so confused about the car battery. This deal that they cut with her father would really make their life a lot  easier. Well, maybe not for the taxi drivers, but everyone else would absolutely benefit from it.

After they finished cleaning up the place, Asami excused herself back to Korra's room and made her way there. It didn't really accure to her that she should probably knock, until she was quite literally met with Korra's naked ass. And damn, that ass... 

Korra peared over her shoulder, smirking at the very flustered Asami. "Oh, please, come in!" She teased. "It's nothing you haven't seen before!" 

Asami opened her mouth to retort, but was caught speechless when her eyes wondered to Korra's back. Oh shit. Had she really never noticed it before? Was Korra attempting to hide it from her, or was she just not very observant?  

"Oh." Korra spun around as soon as she realized why Asami wasn't answering. "I guess there is something you haven't seen before..." Korra then mumbled, nervous looking. 

Asami was a little stunned. Seeing Korra's scar somehow made everything so real, like up until now it was just some story, some fever dream about Korra's life. Now, everything she felt last night had hit her again. She didn't want to start crying, assuming it wouldn't go over that well with Korra, and she didn't know how to express her feelings without making Korra insecure by accident . 

So, she said the only thing that she could think of. 

"It kinda looks like a smiley." She awkwardly said.

Korra stared at her, gawking silently for a few good second. Asami felt very self conscious right now, fearing that what she had said had been ultimatly worse then her just breaking down and crying on the floor or something. Korra was completly unreadable, she was just staring in utter shock at, before suddenly a smile had crept onto her lips, and Asami felt like she could finally breath again.

"Excuse My language," Korra said, amused, "but what the fuck do you mean?"

"What!" Asami smiled. "It's like this annoyed emoji thingy. Like..." she stepped closer, her fingertips now tracing the faded scars on Korra's back. "That smiley... With the lines for eyes..." 

"Yeah?" Korra mumbled after turning around. Now, her face so close that Asami could feel her breath on her own skin, and it made Asami get goosebamps when Korra placed her oen hand on top of Asami's, keeping her in place.

"And the mouth..." Asami felt really hot at the face tracing the final scar. "the lips..." oh god, they were so fucking close. She was just inches away from reaching over and kissing Korra.

"The lips..?" Korra repeated, only half listening, her eyes falling beneath Asami's eyes, fixating on her lips. 

"I... " Korra just had to be so damn sexy, right? Asami couldn't even keep being sad, she was too busy being mad horny. Fucking hell. 

But somehow, to keep being the motherfucking tease she was, she managed to pull away. 

"You should probably get dressed," she said to Korra, who was a little dazed and very confused, "we have places to be and a funicular to take!" 

"Huh?" Korra adorably clenched her eyebrows in confusion. 

Asami bit back a smile. "You want a kiss?" She said in the most formal sounding tone she could muster. "You're gonna have to earn it first, princess."

"Not fair." Korra pouted. "I'm kiss deprived! What did I ever do to deserve this?" She dramatically said, as if this was the most tragic fate anyone could ever face.

It was sweet, really.

"It's not about what you did, it's about what you didn't do," Asami scolded, trying not to burst out laughing, if you want kissed prove to me you deserve them. Got it?" 

Korra stood up straight, saluteing. "Yes Ma'am!" She called. 

Asami couldn't help but giggle. Grabbing a pair of pants from Korra's suitcase and tossing it on her. "Good. Now, let's hit the street!"

Korra had a blast on the funicular. Not becsuse she enjoyed the ride, in all honestly she thought about burning that hunk of junk more than a few times in the past, but watching Asami was a treat. She jumped in her seat like an excited child with a huge smile plastered on her face, which made Korra break into a smile too. Asami was just too adorable, it should be illegal to be this damn cute.

What was intresting about Asami, is that most people would have looked at the view. But Asami? Fuck no. She was looking at the engine. She examined their seats, the structure of the trolley, she even unbuckled her seatbelt at some point in an attempt to study the railway itself. Seriously, if Korra wouldn't have been there to grab her Asami would've ended up face first on the rails. This girl... 

"Taking you onto the funicular is like driving with children," Korra said as soon as they stepped out of the trolley.

Asami snorted. "Who the fuck let you drive around with children?" She smirked.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Korra asked, confused. 

"It means that you're a terrible, terrible driver." Asami nonchalantly said. 

"What!" Korra called out. "I'm a great driver!" 

"Oh, god, you can't actually think that, can you?" Asami sounded genuinly horrified for a second. 

"What's wrong with the way I drive?" Korra said, offended. 

"Korra," Asami apoligetically said, "you almost ran over three different pigeons the one time you drove me somewhere."

"My driving teacher said that they always instinctively fly on their own," Korra defended herself wiyh folded arms, "and that I couldn't even hit them if I wanted to." 

"Then your driving teacher was a moron." Asami laughed. "You have to always drive like everyone around you is as thick as a rock. Seriously, what if that pigeon turned out to be stupid?"

Korra's arm fell to her sided. "Oh man..." she pouted. 

"Don't worry sweetheart," Asami tried cheering her up, "at least you're hot."

Korra couldn't help but snort out a laughter. "Oh, that makes up for my driving skills? Or rather lack them of?"

"Usually it wouldn't," Asami shrugged, smirking, "but luckily for you, you are very, very hot."

"Lucky me," Korra mumbled with a dreamy smile. 

Asami smiled back. For a few good seconds the two just stared at each other, and Korra was absolutely sure that Asami was about to break. She was certain Asami was leaning in to kiss her, that any minute now their lips would finally touch. Though it had been less then twenty four hours since they last kissed, Korra felt like it's been years. She was aching for it, and she felt like Asami had been waiting for it too. 

But Asami didn't break. She just chuckled and walked away. "So, where did you take us to?" She asked, looking around. 

"Oh, you're gonna love this," Korra grinned through her disappointment, taking Asami's hand and leading the way. While Asami was asleep, Korra was contemplating with herself where to take her first. She didn't really have a favorite place in the south pole, every place that she liked was on the same level with the others, and the places she disliked were locations she could never come back to. Once, she tried coming back to where Suro and her were patroling in, but she ended up being rushed to the hospital because of a very serious panic attack.  

But never mind that. 

Eventually, she figure out that they only had half a day to tour any way, so she might as Well choose the least time consuming attraction.

Korra had led Asami to the top of the highest mountain in her home town. The view alone was worth killing for. It was pretty late in the day at this point, and it was just the right time to be there. The sun was inches away from the sea, and it's light was reflected by the snow of the nearest mountain. There was still blue present in the sky, and it mixed with shades of yellow, orange and red, causing the clouds nearby to turn into a lovely shade of pink. The mess of bright colors was mirrored perfectly by the sea, only broken with the occasional wave or so, and the rays of sunshine majing specific spots glow so bright it was almost blinding. Golden hour, some called it, but Korra didn't. This sight was so beautiful in her eyes, that she couldn't begin to imagine describing it with empty adjectives and meaningless nicknames. No matter how far she went, and how dim the world seemed to be, the sunset in the south pole was always the most beautiful sight she had ever witnessed. 

Well, until recently that is. 

But Asami could easily be described, unlike the sunset. Asami was her city girl, and it fit her perfectly. 

"Oh, wow." Asami said in complete shock, the reverence in her tone as clear as the water of the southern sea. She raised her hand to her face as she watched the sun going more and more down. Korra, couldn't stop staring. Not at the natural wonder accuring in front her, but at Asami. Asami, who was so god damn beautiful she could start wars. Seriously, as someone who (alegedly) started a war, she would absolutely fight for Asami. She didn't know when Asami noticed her and started blushing, but it just made Korra smile so hard that her cheecks started to hurt.

"You're staring at me," Asami laughed nervously, tucking a strand of stray hair behind her ear.

"I'm sorry, is it weird?" Korra tried looking away, but Asami was like a magnet. "I hope I'm not being creepy." She apologetically said.

"You're fine," Asami giggled, beaming, "thank you for bringing me here. It's... Gorgeous."

"You're gorgeous," Korra playfully bumped their shoulders together. 

Asami rolled her eyes. "Cheesy."

"Everything is better with cheese, don't you think?" Korra winked. "But actually, even though the sunset is beautiful, that's not why I brought you here."

"Oh? Then why did you?" Asami asked.

"I already told you," Korra said with a big toothy grin.

"Um, no you didn't?" Asami said, confused.

But Korra had already hurried away. She found the guy with the stand (somehoe, though it was always the same guy with the same stand, she never got his name) and bought two fish. Asami scrunched her nose in disgust as Korra approached with the fish, and Korra had to convince Asami that this was necessary.

"I don't like fish." She complained.

"You have to hold it, I can't hold it for you." Korra explained. "It'll only be a couple of minutes, promise?"

"what is it for anyway?" Asami asked suspiciously.

"Again, I already told you." Korra winked, giving Asami the fish and taking her other hand. She dragged her away from the other tourists, through a secret path that was only known to the locals. There, they found a pact of big, fat, adorable penguins. Korra couldn't help but smirk at Asami's gasp. Asami wanted to be impressed, huh? Well, mission achieved.

Asami turned to Korra, a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Penguin sledding?" She suddenly remembered.

"Penguin sledding!" Korra enthusiastically confirmed.

"But what does it mean?" Asami pleaded.

"First, I must teach you the delicate art of capturing a penguin." Korra said in a serious tone.

"Don't you just give them a fish and they automatically love you?" Asami deadpanned.

"Damn, thats the least fun way I had ever heard someone describe catching penguins." Korra pouted.

Asami giggled. "Sorry, sorry. Go ahead and teach me, please." 

Korra smirked, walking over to the pact and waving around her fish. In no time, she had about a dozen penguins all over her, trying to get the fish. Eventually, one of then managed to catch the fish, and Korra managed to catch him. The penguins didn't mind, they were used to this trade off; they get food, humans get a ride. It was a win-win situation, and it has been happening in their tribe for a few good decades. 

"Holy shit!" Asami exclaimed from behind her. Big mistake. Up until now, the penguins hadn't really noticed Asami, they were focused on Korra and her fish, but now, Asami made herself known to all penguins in the nearby radius heard her, and they were all rushing towards her excitedly. Korra couldn't help but laugh at Asami's squeal of fright. She was basically dying of laughter seeing her run around with the fish in her hand and all of the puffins chasing her enthusiasticslly, probably thinking that they're playing, and didn't understand that actually Asami was absolutely terrified of them.

Eventually, one of them managed to get the fish and the rest of them skaddadled. At this point, Asami was on the floor, blinking in confusion as she realized the one that had got the fish stayed. Korra grinned at her, patting her own penguin. "He knows you want a ride," she explained, "they are well aware of the exchange terms."

"That's amazing," Asami said, in awe, "these silly little creatures don't only understand the agreement, but commit to it even after they had been rewarded?" 

"Indeed." Korra chuckled. "They want to keep it going, so that you'd come by more often."

"Awesome." Asami smiled widely. "But… how am I supposed to slide on a penguin?" 

Korra extended her hand. "I'll show you," she said softly. 

And so she did. 

"That. Was. Awesome!" Asami had never felt so alive before. She took a ride at least four times, and Korra joined each and every one. Korra smiled at her warmly as they were walking over to the funicular to take a ride back. Asami was basically jumping up and down with excitment and adrenline. The penguins were so friendly too! Except for when they tried to eat her alive, but that's besides the point. Asami felt euphoric, she felt like she finally met someone who matches her craziness, and a wave of effection towards Korra washed over her.

"It really was," Korra grinned. "You're a natural." she complimented her. 

"We were going so fast!" Asami said with a huge smile. "I don't remeber what was the last time I had this much fun!"

"That was awesome Indeed." Korra said, biting her lower lip and blushing. "So…" she trailed off, stopping in place.

"So?" Asami looked straight into her eyes, feeling fuzzy and warm at the sight of Korra being bashful. 

"So," Korra said, gathering every drop of courage within her, "I think I earned a kiss, didn't I?" 

Asami's smile widned. "You know something?" She said, cupping her cheeks with her hand. "You talk… way too much." She huskily said, before pulling Korra into a passionate kiss.

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