OLD - Sherlock x reader: A co...

By AgentLlamaSocks341

155K 3.8K 4K

My first fanfic and my first reader insert so don't kill me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The story is about You my reader... More

Sherlock x reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 1
Sherlock x reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 2
Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 3
Sherlock x reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 4
Sherlock x reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 5
Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 6
Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 7
Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love Chapter 8
Author's note- I'm sorry
A/N Part 2- I'M ALIVE
Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective chapter 9
A/N ~ Thank you ^-^
Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love Chapter 10
Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love Chapter 11
Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love Chapter 12
Sherlock x Reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 13 ~Finale~
A/N ~ Announcing the new story! <3
A/N~ The sequel...

A/N ~ Starting something new

3.5K 69 53
By AgentLlamaSocks341

Hi my little tacos and cupcakes!! This is just a little update to tell you something that is EXTREMELY important! This is just something that I need all of you to do for me. Since this series is coming to an end shortly, I would like to start a new series soon after. I have some ideas and what I would like you guys to do for me is to answer this question for me!

Out of these ideas, which one would you like to see from me next?

- Superwholock x Reader

- A sequel to ACDIL (If you want more after the last chapter is published)

- Avengers x Reader

- Johnlock Fanfiction

- Moriarty x Reader

- Crossover AU (I have one in mind)

- Or your own Suggestion!!!

Please comment down below which one you would like to see from me, I will tally up all of the comments and announce which one has won next week! You have till next week everyone! Thank you all for reading this! I hope you all have a wonderful week and I will see you when I next update!!!

~AgentLlamaSocks341 aka Sophie~


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