Auror's Son | Book 3 Harry Po...

By Mordecur

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After surviving the basilisk and awakening a new power, Raven tries to understand his connection to creatures... More

Chapter 1: Snowspear
Chapter 2: Lily
Chapter 3: Dementor
Chapter 4: Future and Buckbeak
Chapter 5: Fear
Chapter 6: Hogsmeade
Chapter 7: Anger
Chapter 8: Mothers and Greengrass
Chapter 9: Truth and Emotions
Chapter 10: Christmas with the Tonks'
Chapter 11: Seeker
Chapter 12: Firebolt
Chapter 14: Vision
Chapter 15: Exams
Chapter 16: Cats, Rat, and Dog
Chapter 17: Truth
Chapter 18: Dementor's Kiss
Chapter 19: Patronus
Chapter 20: Mumma Bird

Chapter 13: Friendship

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By Mordecur

Raven POV

Harry had convinced Ron to come watch him practice before Saturday's match, to get his mind off of Scabbers. I went with them. Madam Hooch, who had been overseeing Gryffindor's practice's was just as impressed by Harry's Firebolt as everyone else had been.

Ron and I were impressed and entranced by how fast and mobile, Harry's Firebolt was. Seeing him speed through the field, and turn so sharply was incredible. It got me really excited to try it out after the match.

After practice, Ron, Harry and I were heading back up to the castle. Harry stopped and looked into the darkness. I looked and noticed that he was looking at two pairs of glowing eyes. "Lumos!" Harry cast to see.

"Relax." I said. "It's just Uri and Crookshanks."

"Get out of here!" Ron roared, and he stopped down and seized a stone lying on the grass. Before he could throw it, I stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Hey!" I barked. "Don't throw things at them!"

"He ate Scabbers!" Ron said. "And who's to say your cat isn't innocent either!"

"Uri's never been in the Gryffindor common room." I defended.

"You don't know that. She could have been." Ron retorted.

"I do know!" I said. "I keep a constant watch on where she is by sensing her energy, so I know she's safe. She's never once been in the Gryffindor common room!" Uri then came up to me. I smiled and picked her up. "Don't go dragging me and my cat in your drama."

"Sorry, it's just, I'm still angry about what happened to Scabbers." Ron apologized.

"It's okay." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "I understand, I would be angry if someone hurt or killed Uri."

"Thanks, Raven." Ron said. "And sorry, Uri." He gave her small pets. We walked back to the castle, and I went to my dorm.

The next morning, we were eating breakfast, as the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin was today. The Slytherin team was thunderstruck at Harry's new broom. "Did you see his face?" Ron said gleefully, looking back at Draco. "He can't believe it! This is brilliant!"

"Put it here, Harry." Wood said. Harry laid the broom in the middle of the table for everyone to see. People from my house and Hufflepuff came over to look. Cedric Diggory came over to congratulate him. Penelope Clearwater asked if she could hold it.

"Now, now, Penny, no sabotage!" Percy said heartily. Sod off, Percy. I thought. Penelope put it down, thanked Harry, and went back to her table.

"Sure you can manage that broom, Potter?" Draco said, in his cold drawling voice.

"Yeah, reckon so." Harry said casually.

"Got plenty of special features, hasn't it?" Draco said, with his eyes glittering maliciously. "Shame it doesn't come with a parachute-in case you get too near a Dementor."

"Pity you can't attach an extra arm to yours, Malfoy." Harry retorted. "Then it could catch the Snitch for you."

Everyone laughed loudly. Draco's pale eyes narrowed, and stalked away. "That was a good one, Harry." I said patting him on the back. "I'm so proud."

Gryffindor had beat Slytherin, as Harry caught the Snitch pretty early into the match. Draco's broom stood no chance at keeping up with Harry's Firebolt. Then again, Draco wasn't much of a Seeker anyway. Even with all the dirty tactics Slytherin tried, they failed to win.

I went down onto the field to congratulate him. We were so happy that we would be playing against each other in the Quidditch cup, that we hugged each other jumping. Alicia, Angelina, and Katie kissed Harry, much to his surprise.

"Come on!" George said. "Party in the Gryffindor common room, now!"

"You're welcome to join, Raven!" Fred said.

It felt as though they had already won the Quidditch Cup. The party went on all day and into the night. Fred and George disappeared for a couple of hours and returned with armfuls of bottles of butterbeer, pumpkin fizz, and several bags full of Honeydukes sweets.

"How did you do that?" Angelina squealed.

"With a little help from Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs." Fred whispered in to Harry and I. We gave him a smirk. Before it got too late, I said my goodbyes, and went back to my dorm to sleep.

I was at breakfast the next morning and being told by Ron, what had happened last night. Apparently, Sirius Black had infiltrated the Gryffindor common room, because Neville left notes lying around with the passwords on them.

"I was asleep, and I heard this ripping noise, and I thought it was in my dram, you know" Ron began. "But then there was this draft... I woke up and one side of the hanging on my bed had been pulled down... I rolled over... and I saw him standing over me... like a skeleton, with loads of filthy hair holding this great long knife, must've been twelve inches... and he looked at me, and I looked at him, and then I yelled, and he scampered."

"Wait." I said. "If he got into your dorm, then why did he go after you and not Harry? Or silenced you before you screamed? He clearly had no problem killing innocents before."

"He must've known he'd have a job getting back out of the castle once you'd yelled and woken people up." Harry said thoughtfully. "He'd've had to kill the whole House to get back through the portrait hole... then he would've met the teachers."

"What if he tries for the Ravenclaw common room next?" Ron said. "He's supposedly after you as well, Raven."

"I'd say he's probably too dumb to solve the riddle to get in, but I wouldn't put it past me." I said. "I'll have Uri wake me if he decides to show up."

Professor McGonagall had banned Neville from Hogsmeade visits, given him a detention, and forbidden anyone to give him the password into the tower. None of these punishments, however, came close to matching the one his grandmother had in store for him. Two days after Black's break-in, she sent him the worst thing a student could receive over breakfast-a Howler.

"Run for it, Neville." Ron said, remembering his from last year. Neville didn't need telling twice. He seized the envelope, and holding it before him like a bomb, sprinted out of the hall, while the Slytherin table exploded with laughter at the sight of him. We heard the Howler go off in the entrance hall-Neville's grandmother's voice, magically magnified to a hundred times its usual volume, shrieking about how he had brought shame to the whole family.

"Ouch! Oh-thanks, Hedwig." Harry said, as Hedwig had been nipping him in the wrist to get his attention. He took a note and read it aloud.

Dear Harry, Ron, and Raven

How about having tea with me this afternoon around six?

I'll come and collect you from the castle.





"He probably wants to hear all about Black!" Ron said.

At six o'clock that afternoon, I met up with Harry and Ron at the entrance hall. "All right, Hagrid!" Ron said. "S'pose you want to hear about Saturday night, do you?"

"I've already heard all about it." Hagrid said, opening the front doors and leading us outside.

"Oh." Ron said, looking slightly put out.

The first thing we saw on entering Hagrid's cabin was Buckbeak. "Buckbeak!" I yelled happily, running over to him and embracing him in a hug, to which he happily returned wrapping his neck over my shoulder. "I've missed you!" I said in a baby voice.

"What are those for, Hagrid?" Harry asked. I saw him pointing to a gigantic, hairy brown suit and a very horrible yellow-and-orange tie hanging from the top of Hagrid's wardrobe.

"Buckbeak's case against the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures." Hagrid said. "This Friday. Him and me'll be doing down to London together. I've booked two beds on the Knight Bus..."

I felt super worried for Buckbeak again. Hagrid pours us tea and offered us a plate of bath buns, but I knew better than to accept Hagrid's cooking, so I just took the tea. "I've got something to discuss with you two." Hagrid said, pointing to Harry and Ron.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Hermione." Hagrid said.

"What about her?" Ron questioned.

"She's in a right state, that's what." Hagrid said. "She's been coming down to visit me a lot since Christmas. Been feeling lonely. First you weren't talking to her because of the Firebolt, now your not talking to her because her cat-"

"-ate Scabbers!" Ron interjected angrily.

"Because her cat acted like all cats do." Hagrid continued doggedly. "She's cried a fair few times, you know. Going through a rough time at the moment. Bitten off more than she can chew, if you ask me, all the work she's trying to do. Still found time to help me with Buckbeak's case, mind... She's found some really good stuff for me... reckon he'll stand a good chance."

"Hagrid, we should've helped as well-sorry-" Harry began awkwardly.

"I'm not blaming you!" Hagrid said, waving Harry's apology aside.

"Your not a dangerous Hippogriff are you, Buckbeak? Draco's just too much of an idiot to follow instructions. You're a good boy, yes you are." I told Buckbeak in a baby voice. Ron and Harry gave me weird looks, while Hagrid seemed happy with my support.

"God knows you've had enough to be getting on with." Hagrid said. "I've seen you and Raven practicing Quidditch every hour of the day and night-but I gotta tell you, I though you two'd value your friend more than broomsticks and rats. That's all."

Harry and Ron exchanged uncomfortably looks. "And it seems you've been stuck in the middle of it all, eh Raven?" Hagrid said.

"You have no idea." I sighed. "I've been sitting with Hermione in class when I get the chance, so she won't be lonely."

"Really upset, she was, when Black nearly stabbed you, Ron." Hagrid said. "She's got her heart in the right place, Hermione has, and you two not talking to her-"

"If she'd just get rid of that cat, I'd speak to her again." Ron said angrily. "But she's still sticking up for it! It's a maniac, and she won't hear a word against it!"

"Ah, well, people can be a bit stupid about their pets." Hagrid said wisely.

"What you both need to do, is apologize to each other." I said.

"Apologize!?" Ron questioned angrily. "Her cat killed Scabbers! She should be the one to apologize!"

"Like I said. You both need to apologize." I said calmly. "Hermione needs to admit what Crookshanks did, and apologize for it. And you need to apologize to her, for all the bad things you've said, Ron. The longer you hold it off, the farther apart you two will drift. And if you drift to won't find your way back." Ron looked down, and seemed to be thinking.

"Raven's right, Ron." Hagrid said. "Don't ruin a good friendship." Hagrid walked us back to the castle at nine o'clock.

Ron and I got to take turns on Harry's Firebolt after one of his practices. Madam Hooch and Professor McGonagall, were both supervising mine and Harry's Quidditch practices. They've upped the security since Black's second break in.

The Firebolt was quite the experience. It was so fast, and maneuvering felt so smooth. Even Ron, who didn't play Quidditch, was amazed by the way it felt to fly. Harry was a lucky guy.

Ron had tried to apologize to Hermione, but they ended getting into another argument. If those two get married to each other, they're going to argue over the stupidest things.

3rd Person POV

The day for the next Hogsmeade visit came around. Raven and Daphne met up by the entrance hall, as they promised to go there together again. "Ready?" Raven asked.

"Yep." Daphne replied. The two made their way to a carriage and sat across from each other. The carriage set off to Hogsmeade, and Daphne pulled something out of her bag. "Happy late birthday." She said handing him a book.

Raven grabbed in and read the title: A Vampire's Bite. "I wasn't sure I'd find anything for you in Hogsmeade, so I thought I'd gift you my favorite romance novel." Daphne said. "I'm not sure if its a genre you read, but I hope you like the gift."

"I've not read many romance novels, but I'll definitely read it since you gifted it to me." Raven said. "Thank you, Daphne." He smiled, and she returned it. "As for the genre's I do read, those are: Adventure and Horror."

"I'll keep that in mind." Daphne said. "Let me know what you think when you read it."

"Will you want it back after I finish it?" Raven asked.

"Oh no no, it's my gift to you." Daphne said. "Keep it, I've read it plenty of times."

"I'll let Mum read it after I do, she's a sucker for romance." Raven said.

"Speaking of your mum. You weren't kidding when you said you and her were close." Daphne said. "The way you interact with each other, you've got a bond like no other, I admire that."

"Yeah, she's the best." Raven said. "It made me really happy that she came and watched my Quidditch match."

The carriage arrived in Hogsmeade and the pair got out. Raven noticed a familiar owl on the roof of a building. He knew it was his mother, not only because of the purple eyes, but because the feather tips on her right wing were metallic. He gave her a smile, and she winked back at him.

"Where to first?" Daphne asked.

"Well, I don't exactly need to get anything this time. So unless you do, we can just browse around." Raven said.

"Sounds good to me." Daphne said. "I don't need to do any shopping either. Want to chill at The Three Broomsticks for a while?"

"Sure." Raven said. The pair headed to the pub. Once inside, Raven got them drinks, while Daphne found a seat. He came back with two Butterbeers and a glass of non-alcoholic Gigglewater.

"Thanks." Daphne said, accepting her Butterbeer. "What's in this one?" She asked, pointing towards the Gigglewater.

Raven shrugged playfully and said. "Some new drink, give it a try." Daphne contemplated about it, but eventually gave in. She took it, drank it, and then let out a laugh. Some customers looked in her direction. Daphne covered her mouth and blushed madly. Raven let out a laugh.

"Raven!" Daphne hissed. "What did I just drink?"

"It's Gigglewater, non-alcoholic of course." Raven explained, still laughing a bit. "It makes the person who drinks it laugh."

"New drink huh?" Daphne sneered. "You knew what it was."

"I did, and yes it actually is new." Raven said. "Madam Rosmerta said she got it in recently. I had to tease you with it." He smirked.

She blushed a bit and said. "Well you better expect the unexpected now."

"Oh really?" Raven questioned. "Think you can embarrass the almighty Raven Mordecur?"

"Pfft! Almighty?" Daphne giggled.

"What?" Raven playfully questioned.

"Yes, yes I do." Daphne said. "The almighty Raven Mordecur, doesn't stand a chance against what I have in store."

"Hmm, I'm getting excited now." Raven smirked.

Technically, I already embarrassed you in front of the whole school with that poem last year. But I'll let you know about that another time, I want to build our friendship first. Daphne thought.

"Want to take a picture together?" Raven asked. "My mum's birthday is coming up, and she likes photos of me to keep for memories."

"Yeah, that sounds wonderful." Daphne said.

Raven pulled his camera out from his bag, scooted closer to Daphne, causing her to blush, and held the camera up. "Say, Nargles!" Raven said.

"Uhh... Nargles." Daphne said confused. Raven took the photo. It slid out and he observed it. It came out good. Him and Daphne had smiles on their faces, and the view outside from the window was nice.

"Awesome, she'll love this, thanks." Raven said. "If you want a copy, I can have mum make one, after she uses the potion to make it move."

"I'd love that, thank you." Daphne said.

After finishing their drinks and relaxing for a bit, the two headed to the Shrieking Shack. "We finally get to have a view of it this time." Daphne said, as they were leaning on the fence to the Shack.

"Yeah, it's actually quite nice to have no interruptions." Raven said, taking a picture of the Shack. "One for the books." He pocketed it. "Want one together with the Shack in the background?"

"Yeah, let's take it." Daphne said. She got closer and Raven took another photo of them together. "Be sure to make a copy of that one as well." She giggled.

"You got it." Raven said.

"So, do you think it's actually haunted, or is it just some rumor the villagers spread?" Daphne asked.

"Why don't find out?" Raven smirked, grabbing her hand and dragging her with him.

"Raven, Wait!" Daphne whined, trying to pull back.

"Ha! I knew you were scared." Raven taunted.

"Ok, you got me." Daphne said embarrassed. "I was just acting tough, so-"

"Heya, Raven, Daphne!" They heard a voice and footsteps approach. It was Ron, who was accompanied by Harry under his invisibility cloak.

"Hey Ron...Harry." Raven said, smirking when he mentioned Harry.

"How do you always know I'm here?" Harry asked, sticking his head out from the cloak.

"Constant Vigilance!" Raven said proudly.

"I still don't get why you say that, Raven." Ron said, shaking his head.

"Maybe one day." Raven said, shrugging. "Anyways, Daphne and I were about to head into the Shrieking Shack, want to join?"

"Raven, was going on his own." Daphne stated. "He was going to drag me along."

"Why would you want to get a closer look?" Ron asked. "It's haunted, there could be ghosts in there."

"So, there's ghosts at Hogwarts, how's this any different?" Raven questioned; They all looked at him surprised.

"You know what." Harry began. "You make an excellent point. How come no one thought of this before?"

"Because people are too stupid to use logic these days." Raven said.

"But Fred and George have tried to get in." Ron said. "All the entrances are sealed shut."

"Well." Raven said, pulling his wand out. "I can unseal them."

"Raven! That's vandalism!" Daphne said sternly. "You'll get in trouble."

"I can un-vandalize them." Raven retorted. "We can use magic after all."

They all then heard voices nearby. Harry quickly pulled his invisibility cloak back over his head. It was Malfoy, followed closely by Crabbe and Goyle. "Should have an owl from father any time now. He had to go to the hearing to tell them about my arm...about how I couldn't use it for three months." Malfoy said. Crabbe and Goyle sniggered.

"I really wish I could hear that great hairy moron trying to defend himself... 'There's no 'arm in 'im, 'onest-'...taht hippogriff's as good as dead-" Malfoy continued till he caught sight of Raven, Daphne, and Ron.

"What are you three doing here?" He questioned. "Suppose you still want to buy this place, Weasley. And blood-traitor, Mordecur, is he going to help you pay for it?" Malfoy taunted. "And why are you hanging out with them, you Slytherin traitor!" He spat at Daphne.

"I can hang out with whoever I want, Draco! You're not my keeper!" Daphne retorted, giving Malfoy a cold stare.

"I wouldn't really call him a Seeker either." Raven joked, causing Daphne and Ron to laugh. Harry had to hold himself back from laughter.

"You better watch it, Daphne." Malfoy said. "People tend to die around Mordecur. First his father, and I bet you and his mother are next." Raven pulled his wand out of his sleeve. And before him or Wren, who had been watching in a nearby tree, could do anything, mud hat hit Malfoy straight in the face.

"What the--?" Malfoy questioned. Raven, Ron, and Daphne burst into laughter.

"Very haunted up here, isn't it?" Ron joked.

"Indeed, I don't think the ghosts here like your kind, Draco." Raven taunted. Crabbe and Goyle were looking scared. Their bulging muscles were no use against ghosts. Malfoy was staring madly around at the deserted landscape.

Harry threw some green sludge, at Crabbe and Goyle. "It came from over there!" Malfoy said, wiping his face, and staring at a spot some six feet to the left of Harry. Crabbe and Goyle tried to find Harry, but were unsuccessful. The only people Crabbe saw were the Raven, Ron, and Daphne, so he started toward them.

Raven instinctively got in front of his friends with is wand out to protect them. Harry stuck out his leg to trip Crabbe. Crabbe stumbled-and his huge, flat foot caught the hem of Harry's cloak. Harry felt a great tug, then the cloak slid off his face.

"AAARGH!" Malfoy yelled, pointing at Harry's head. He turned tail and ran, with Crabbe and Goyle behind him.

"Harry!" Raven said. "Hurry, go back to the castle, we'll cover for you!"

"See you later." Harry said, and disappeared back to Hogsmeade.

"C'mon, let's get back to the castle as well." Raven said.

Raven POV

Ron, Daphne, and I made it back to the castle. I told Daphne it would be safer for Harry, if Ron and I went to cover for him on our own, and she agreed. After saying goodbye to her, Ron and I headed to Professor Snape's office.

Before we opened the door, I held Ron back. "Wait a moment, catch your breath." I said, as we both calmed our breathing. "Play it cool, and let me do the talking." He nodded. I opened the door.

"Ah, there you are, Harry." I said. "Did you get in trouble while we were away?" We saw Professor Lupin in here as well.

"Ah, Raven, Ron, tell me." Lupin said holding up Harry's bag of Zonko's products, and the Marauders Map. "Did you give these to Harry?"

"Yeah, we got that stuff for him during our first Hogsmeade visit." I said.

"Well!" Lupin said, clapping his hands together and looking around cheerfully. "That seems to clear that up! Severus, I'll take this back, shall I?" He folded the map and tucked it inside his robes. "Harry, Ron, Raven, come with me, I need a word about my vampire essay-excuse us, Severus-"

We all walked out with Professor Lupin, and Harry spoke up first. "Professor I-"

"I don't want to hear any explanations." Lupin said, then lowered his voice. "I happened to know that his map was confiscated by Mr. Filch many years ago. Yes, I know it's a map." Harry and Ron looked at him amazed, while I gave him a gaze that he knew more than he was letting on.

"I don't want to know how it fell into your possession. I am, however, astounded that you didn't hand it in." Lupin said. "Particularly after what happened the last time a student left information about the castle lying around. And I can't let you have it back, Harry."

"Why did Snape think I'd got it from the manufacturers?" Harry asked.

"Because..." Lupin hesitated. "Because these mapmakers would have wanted to lure you out of the school. They'd think it extremely entertaining."

"Do you know them?" Harry asked, impressed.

"We've met." Lupin said. "Don't expect me to cover up for you again, Harry. I cannot make you take Sirius Black seriously. But I would have thought that what you have heard when the Dementors draw near you would have had more of an effect on you. Your parents gave their lives to keep you alive, Harry. A poor way to repay them-gambling their sacrifice for a bag of magic tricks."

Lupin left us and I could tell, Harry felt worse than before. We all three mounted up the marble staircase. "It's my fault." Ron said abruptly. "I persuaded you to go."

"I'm to blame too." I said. "I did nothing to stop you from going, even though mum was watching over us."

"You're mum was there?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, she's been watching over me in her Animagus form each Hogsmeade visit." I explained. "But, you should just stay in the castle from now on, Harry." He gave a nod.

We reached the corridor where the security trolls were, and saw Hermione. "Come to have a good gloat?" Ron questioned savagely, as she stopped in front of us.

Seriously make up you two. I thought.

"No." Hermione said. She was holding a letter in her hands and her lip was trembling. "I just thought you ought to know...Hagrid lost his case. Buckbeak is going to be executed."

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