She moved out

By Chhoooo

17.8K 1.1K 241

They were closed friends, living in the same apartment, working in the same company. Until she came back from... More

1: I hate her so much it hurts
2: The Favorite
3: Melon
4: Fast as lightning
5: HeHe
6: The future wife
7: Sorry.. Sorry.. Sorry..
8: Misery
9: The sex wasn't good
10: Idiots
11: Team Building
13: Team building and a broken relationship
14: Gained nothing. Lost something.
15: Baggage and Luggage
16: First step
17: Google is my friend
18: Rock the boat
19: Weekend
20: Talk all night
21: Last day
22: Back to square one
23: We're better
24: Momo is right
25: Calm before the storm
26: Mina

12: Their fight? Our fight.

575 42 4
By Chhoooo

Tzuyu is a 26 year old attractive woman while she is 28 and horny.

She rubs her face with both of her hands in total frustration. She has been shouting internally to get her freaking mind out of the gutter but seeing Tzuyu with her legs exposed is not helping with her fantasies. After the great revelation earlier she couldn't help but to be curious about Tzuyu's dating life. Tzuyu dated in the past, yet she hasn't done it with people who she thought were attractive. She's been thinking how attractive someone should be for Tzuyu to actually do it.

Now her mind wanders freely searching for the possibility that Tzuyu finds her hot too..

"I like Tzuyu's toned legs." Momo says without shame.

Dahyun agrees. "Yes, she has a nice body." She says after examining the engineer with her eyes with huge bags underneath.

"She doesn't have a bad angle."

Her two friends have the guts to say these things about Tzuyu while she's just sitting beside them.

She scoffs.

"What are you doing here, Momo? Are you spying on us?" Jihyo smirks before munching peanuts.

Momo looks at her, the corner of her mouth rises higher than the other. "I don't need to do extra work. We're gonna win regardless."

"Oh really?"

Jihyo hates losing, so after Momo tells her the apparent result of the activities, and her team losing, her desire to win burns up her whole body. "If our team ranks higher than your team, you will do anything I say."

"Oh this is bad." Dahyun thinks to herself.

"If my team ranks higher, you will do anything I say." Momo repeats with confidence because Tzuyu is on her team.

"Let's see."

Just beside the two stubborn rocks clashing, is a woman daydreaming, unaware of the tension on her side. Thinking if she could ask Tzuyu for permission to touch her legs.

She shakes her head. I need to cool down or I would combust here.

"I'll get a drink." Momo and Dahyun nod at her before she walks inside the hotel.

Everyone is getting ready for another activity. They formed 7 teams with 6 members each from different departments. Tzuyu is teamed up with Momo, Mina, Ashley, Somin, and Robert. She's happy that Elkie is not on her team by the way. While she's with Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Peter, Kevin and Jihyo. Jihyo wasn't originally going to play but when she saw the people in her team she volunteered to be the last member.

Kevin Oh is a notorious playboy in Accounting, Tzuyu is not aware of her colleagues' personal affairs so she didn't react when the man shorter than her by 1 '' made his way to Sana with a smug face that screams trouble.

Sana walks to the long table with different snacks and drinks. She opens a bottle of water and swills the liquid, still thinking about Tzuyu.

Not long after, a devil approached her. "Hey."

"What?" She asks in an unfriendly tone.

"We almost won earlier."

"I know. I was there."

Kevin smirks, nodding his head. "Do you want to go upstairs?"

"I don't."

"I mean—" He shamelessly stares at her chest. "It won't take long."

She clenches the water bottle, holding herself back because if she doesn't he has been punched on the face already.


Sana and Kevin bow to greet Nayeon. That doesn't stop Kevin from checking her out though.

Sana didn't expect they would meet in this situation. Clearly not when someone is trying to do something ill-suited. "Hello, Nayeon."

Nayeon grabs a can of soda placed close to where Kevin is standing. Her eyes widened as she saw how the older woman extended her elbow to make sure that she would hit the man.

"Hello." Nayeon greets back.

Kevin steps back, holding his stomach, then rudely stride off.

"You should be careful. Isabelle is here."

"Tzuyu's sister is here?"

She watches while holding her breath as Nayeon nods to confirm that she heard it right.

"She's nothing like Tzuyu, but she's quite an observant. You should be careful with your actions."

Nayeon walks back outside after warning her. Nayeon didn't approach because she thought Kevin was making her uncomfortable. She thought she would do something inappropriate with him.

Why is everyone against her? People see her as someone who will hurt Tzuyu and it's starting to affect her more than it should.

Her parents don't trust her. Her friends warn her to act right and Tzuyu's family is watching her.

They really see me as a bad person.

But what's wrong with dating people she thinks are attractive? She was single. She didn't date two people at the same time. She's just someone trying to enjoy her life. Is that wrong?

She finishes her drink and walks outside, suddenly the air inside isn't enough to fill her lungs.

"Tzuyu sent me to inform you that her sister is here and you should be on your best behavior."

Wow. When she thought she had heard everything from people close to Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu's best friend, reminds her that she's one of them too.

She walks past her like she didn't see or hear her. They never fail to make her feel inferior.

All of them gathered at the back of the hotel where they will diligently do all of the activities to promote teamwork from different departments.

Isabelle and Nayeon are watching Tzuyu, then they will move to Sana who's less enthusiastic than the engineer.

"Why are they so serious about this?" Isabelle asks.

"Your sister is competitive." Nayeon answers, then she looks at Sana. "She's the opposite of Sana."

"Looks like it."

"Then that man, wearing a red shirt, beside Tzuyu's team. He is Sana's long time suitor."

"Oh really?" Isabelle sips her wine.


Tzuyu is talking to her teammates like they are playing in the olympics. Always serious and competitive. On the other side, Sana is just listening to her team. She will nod when it's time to agree so they would just stop talking like it will give them the edge to win.

They are doing a sack race with some crazy add-ons. They are using a huge sack that fits 6 people. The first person who will hop is the only person who won't be blindfolded. Right.

Tzuyu is so worried that she's sweating profusely, sneaking glances at Sana, checking if the architect will be the first to race. She should, she will definitely fall without blindfold, it will be a disaster if gets her eyes covered.

"Sana will be fine." Mina says after notices her discomfort. "She's with Jihyo."

Tzuyu nods while looking at the farthest team from them. "She has to be careful."

Mina loops her arm around her shoulder and says, "Let's go and win those airpods."

The race starts when Im Joseph claps. He beams when her employees start the race. Cheering their own team, laughing, some with fierce looks on their face, two people exert excessive determination, that's Jihyo and Momo.

Tzuyu is the first one to race for her team, then Mark for his team, then Jihyo, Jack, Elkie, Sandra and Drew. Sana is not paying attention to her team, she's more concerned about Tzuyu. She is the first one to race so she has to hop like a kangaroo until she gets all her teammates. That's why she rejected the offer to be the one without a blindfold. She doesn't have the energy and the will to win so she volunteers to be the last.

She doesn't play hard, she plays smart.

Her eyebrow raises when she sees the second person on Tzuyu's team, it's Somin. She's standing behind Tzuyu, her arm around her waist.

She's clicking her tongue above the roof of her mouth while watching those hands slide on her fake girlfriend.


"Tzuyu, I can't hear you!" Momo exclaims. "Speak louder!" Now her turn has come to join the two. They are holding each other's waist while gripping the sack, forming a straight line while they hop.

"This is already my loudest voice."

"What? I couldn't hear you!"

"She said that's her loudest already." Somin repeats.

"We're doomed." Momo sighs. "You can do it. Just shout!"

"Alright." Tzuyu says that even Somin did not hear.

Tzuyu loses her focus when it's Sana's turn. She watches her instead, praying she won't fall and hurt herself.

"Tzuyu! Why are we so slow?!" Momo shouts from behind.

She doesn't mind it though, she just keeps watching Sana and.. sees their team slowly falls.

Tzuyu jumps out of the sack and runs as if she's Usain Bolt, leaving her team behind. She pushes Kevin away from Sana and helps her remove her blindfold completely.

"You okay?" She asks while smiling softly. "You did great there."

Sana smiles back shyly. "Yeah. I tried my best."

"Are you hurt somewhere?"

Sana shakes her head as she stands, Tzuyu is holding her arm, examining her if she got any scratches.

"Are you sure?"

"I am." Sana looks at Tzuyu's team. They lost, her teammates are staring at her in disbelief after she abandoned them. Momo refused to accept that their competitive leader chose Sana over 5 awesome people. She could have gone there after they won.

"You lost though." Sana says pointing behind her.

"It's fine. I'm glad you're okay." Tzuyu didn't even spare a glance at her team, instead she stared at Sana.

"Distance. Distance. No making out." Jihyo urges Tzuyu to step back. "She's okay. Don't worry."

"Yeah. Sorry."

Jihyo waves at Momo, dancing and shaking her stiff body to annoy Momo who's standing there with her disqualified team. "Momo!" She calls her, beaming with joy. "I'm gonna win!"

After the show is done, Chaeyoung approaches her friend. "Now, Tzuyu. Go back to your team and apologize." She loops her arm around the shoulder of the engineer, pulling her away from Sana. "Sana would melt if you don't stop."

"Did I stare at her that long?"

"Yeah." Chaeyoung chuckles beside her. "I thought you're gonna kiss her."

"She's pretty."

"What?" Chaeyoung cracks up at the sudden, unlikely confession.

"Did I say that outloud?"

"You did."

"Hey, that is mine!"

"I don't see name on it."

"Well, that is mine." Momo grabs the glass off Nayeon's hand.

Maybe she's just not in a good mood after their team lost, and Jihyo annoyed her and put salt on her deep wound. Not literally but it surely affects her and her poor trampled pride.

Also, she's hungry. She wants to eat her sadness away but the food is taking too long to prepare.

"Are you insane? Don't you know me? My father—"

"I do." Momo answers nonchalantly. She shrugs before emptying the glass and smirking after. "What does it have to do with this?"

Nayeon is so dumbfounded, she can't move her arm to slap the smirk off the face of the woman in front of her.

Momo grabs her hand and gives the empty glass. "Don't steal again, okay?" Then she walks off.

They didn't expect that they would fight again soon. They were okay, they were happy, but none of them wanted to step back and hear the other side of the story.

Tzuyu: Tell Momo to apologize to Nayeon. Now.

Sana: Why? It isn't her fault.

Tzuyu: I'm not going to repeat myself

Sana: Your cousin is clearly on the wrong here. Momo will not apologize.

Tzuyu: They still own the company! She didn't respect her!

Sana: Don't use that exclamation, Chou Tzuyu. I'm warning you.

Tzuyu: What are you going to do?

Sana: I'm not someone you can boss around. Momo will not apologize and that is final.

Tzuyu: Then tell her to find another job because she's fired.

Sana: Are you freaking kidding me?! Stop piling on her! Meet me at the pool, Tzuyu!

It feels like she's fighting alone while everyone gangs up on her. She's fighting a lonely battle against the people that she cares about.

"Don't ever threaten my friend using her job."

"She disrespected my cousin and Nayeon is the daughter of the President of this company. In case you forgot."

The two are standing behind a tree. They thought it could help them hide or maybe they are too mad to make sense. They are too focused on releasing their anger.

"Do you think I care about who she is?"

"You should."

"You never stand up for yourself, but look at you now. You maltreat innocent people just because you can."

Tzuyu exhales deeply. "Are you being serious? I want an apology from your friend because she clearly disrespected Nayeon. How is that maltreating her?"

"I am. I don't care even if your cousin is the daughter of the President of this country. I will never let my friend apologize to someone who oppresses her. Not on my watch."

"You're taking this too far. Just apologize and—"

"She's fired, right? Then I will submit my resignation today."

Sana walks out and Tzuyu scrambles to catch her arm. "We're not done!"

Annoyed, Sana turns and pushes Tzuyu on her shoulder. "Don't—"

"Did you just push my sister?"

Tzuyu turns around aggressively when she hears the voice of her sister.

"What is this?"

"Belle, stay out of this." She stretches her arm, keeping a safe distance between her sister and Sana.

"I saw it with my own eyes. Are you two getting physical now?"

"We're just having a little misunderstanding, it's normal for a couple like us."

"I don't think hurting you physically is normal. After you have slept with everyone in our uncle's company you will marry my sister and hurt her? You don't—"

"Belle! Stop! My goodness. Let us fix our own problem!"

"I won't leave you alone with this woman." Isabelle stands her ground.

Sana bows, "I'm sorry." She utters her apology, even the deaf could tell it's not sincere.

"That's enough. We still have to talk."

"I have to leave." Sana quickly runs away from her.

Tzuyu groans, pulling her hair out of frustration. "Stay out of this, Belle."

Isabelle did not listen.

Sana didn't even touch her food during dinner, so no matter how nervous she is being in the same room with the company's President, Nayeon and Isabelle, she would not vomit anything.

"I'm not here as your boss, but as Tzuyu's uncle."

Of course they are all here for Tzuyu.

She nods. The great sister has already reported that she's abusing Tzuyu.

Sana just wants this meeting to end. Like her parents, they won't listen to her and just push everything down her throat. After all, it's her fault.

"Stop blaming her. We're just having a misunderstanding."

"She pushed you. I saw it." Isabelle says.

Nayeon holds her arm and shakes her head. "Let them speak first."

"Tzuyu is my younger sister. I won't let anyone treat her that way."

"She had to because I couldn't control my temper anymore."

"Anything can–"

"This won't work if everyone in your family sees me as an enemy instead of someone you will marry. Let's just break up."

That was perfect. A perfect ending for their fake relationship. If it happened before, Tzuyu would be relieved.

"And I will submit my resignation today."

Everyone in the room is surprised. They didn't expect the situation to worsen this much. It happened too fast.

"Sana.." Tzuyu steps slowly, closing the space between them. "Let's calm down."

"I won't change my mind. I will send my resignation."

She bows her head to the President and leaves the room without throwing a glance at Tzuyu.

"Go after her, Tzuyu."

Tzuyu doesn't hesitate and moves quickly, she grabs the knob of the door, "you never treated me like a younger sibling." Tzuyu utters, while thinking of her relationship with her sister. "I wish you did in the past."

She pulls the door open and runs after her fake girlfriend.

Momo stands from her bed when Sana opens the door of their hotel room.

"Are you—" but retreats when she sees Tzuyu behind her friend.

"Sana." Tzuyu calls her. "Let's talk."

Sensing a serious situation Momo sneaks out the room quietly, giving them privacy.


The architect opens her wheeled luggage and lays it on the floor. She roams around the room, checking her things. She goes to the bedside table and pulls her phone charger, tossing it in her bag.

"Stop. Let's talk first."

Sana yanks her hand off Tzuyu's grip and carries on throwing her clothes in her bag.

"Calm down first."

"It's done. This fake relationship is over." She says before getting her things in the bathroom then throwing them in her bag.

Tzuyu should be celebrating. She doesn't need to be in a relationship now. But she feels the opposite and a tug in her chest.

"Let's talk." She tries to convince Sana again. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry for what?" Sana turns around, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "For discriminating my friend? For letting your sister insult me? For letting your whole family criticize me while you stand there doing nothing?"

Sana hits her with the truth and her mind goes blank. She wants to hold her but Sana will just keep pushing her. She will hurt her more if she steps closer.

Sana sneers. "I see. I will leave so let me do this in peace."

"You won't."

"Stop controlling me. Will you?! Stop controlling me like my parents do! Stay away from me!" Sana pushes Tzuyu again, causing Tzuyu to stumble on her feet.

The engineer holds her wrists loosely. "That's not—"

"Right. That's not what you meant to happen. You always want the good to happen. Of course, the righteous!" Sana throws her hands, annoyed and mad. "Now, leave me alone."

"We need to talk if we want to fix this. This is just a misunderstanding."

"What is there to fix exactly? You didn't want all of these to happen. I did you a favor since you can't let anyone get hurt but me. Right?"


"You know I'm right."

"Just call me when you're ready to talk. I will wait."

Tzuyu leaves before she hears Sana's answer. She knows it will be another hurtful word. She's unsure if she could take more.

Tzuyu walks away, looking at the screen of her phone while it rings. She heaves a sigh deeply before answering.

"I heard what happened. I will talk to Azumi about her—"

"Stop interfering, mom."

"What? What did you say, Tzuyu?"

Sylvia couldn't believe the words from her daughter. Tzuyu had always been the good daughter. Always honest, respectful, she never talks back.

"I said stop." She whispers. She rests her forehead on the wall, her phone against her ear. Amidst high emotions, she's trying to control herself not to speak carelessly to her mother.

"Tzuyu, what's happening with you?"

"Sana struggles more than I do because of you and her parents. We can't breathe with your constant scolding, reminders about the most basic things. Isabelle shows up here uninvited, pointing her finger at Sana during our argument. We're both adults, if you can't trust us then maybe I should leave her alone."

"Tzuyu, I like Sana for you but what she did—"

"If you do, please tell Belle to leave tomorrow before Sana wakes up." She closes her eyes and sniffs, "We just reconciled, mom. Please help me. I don't want to hurt her again."

Momo: Tzuyu fell asleep outside our room. She will hurt her neck.

Momo: I already apologized to Nayeon. Stop fighting.

Momo: I will sleep in Mina's room.

Momo: Let Tzuyu sleep inside.

Momo: Thank you, my dumb friend.

Sana forces a painful smile, she looks at the door, contemplating if she will open it for Tzuyu.

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