Black Meets Red

By MafiagirlVictoria99

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He's quiet with everyone but her. She's quiet with everyone but him. In which a lost boy who has given up on... More

Chapter 1 - Family
Chapter 2 - Friend
Chapter 3- Green Eyes
Chapter 4- Actual Friends
Chapter 5- Impossible Possibility
Chapter 6 - Muscles
Chapter 7- Stuck
Chapter 8- Reunite
Chapter 9 - Tiny Feet
Chapter 11 - Waltz
Chapter 12 - Don't Belong
Chapter 13 - Discovery
Chapter 14 - Curiosity
Chapter 15 - Past
Chapter 16 - Truth
Chapter 17 - Emotions
Chapter 18 - Distracted
Chapter 19 - Dating
Chapter 20 - Dash

Chapter 10 - Sick

590 14 0
By MafiagirlVictoria99

You just don't appericate breathing out
of both nostrils until one
suddenly is taken away
from you.


I'm sick and I'm not gonna be at school for that audition.

I came home dripping wet last night (that's what she said), with a cold. My parents are still not home, which is good, my brother left for college last week. Wherever my parents are, let them stay there, forever if possible.

Stella had freaked out when she saw me and gave me an earful before setting a steaming hot bath and some medicines. However I woke up with a fever and a blocked nose and terrible sneezing.

I looked terrible when I looked in the mirror. My hair was everywhere, I had huge eye bags and my nose and cheeks were extra red. Even my ears were hot and red.

I received the stink eye from my sister when I went downstairs before she left. We haven't said a word to each other since that day. Thank you Lord, truly.

I was currently in my room under the warm blanket with a thermometer in my mouth and Stella impatiently tapping her foot whiles waiting. She had called the school immediately after checking my temperature for the first time earlier. She took out the thermometer and shakes her head while scowling at me "Your temperature is still high. I'm bringing soup for you" she hurries outside and I let out a sigh.

It's still early so I grabbed a book to read but my phone buzzed making me groan "Hello" My voice is barely audible in my own ears "good heavens! What happened to your voice my munchkin?" It was Spencer.

"Sick" I manage to groan out and he sighs.

"You guys just had to get sick at the same time and stay home huh? I'm all alone in this school today. I had to sneak to the restroom to call you both" he whisper yells.

"Sorry. I didn't know Felix was also sick" I sneeze again "Ewe. Well he is and he sounds exactly the same as you. I gave him your number so you can comfort each other while at home" he was still whispering.

I didn't realise we've been hanging out a whole week without having each other's number. Thoughts of the audition finally occurred to me and I groan "oh no Spencer" I almost cried.

"What is it?" He asks quickly "the audition is today and I'm going to miss it" I sigh as I move under the covers even more.

"Right! I was about to remind you about that"

"It's okay. I'll sing at some other ...event" I sigh again.

"Oh no you don't. Don't worry, I'll think of something" the line starts to get shaky.

"What are you going to do?"

"You'll see. I have to go munchkin, I've been out for too long. Bye!"

The line went silent and a few minutes passed before Stella walked in with a big bowl of hot soup.

I can feel a headache coming on "You, young lady, are going to finish every last drop of this soup" she glared at me as she places the bowl on the table.

I nodded and tried the soup. It was actually really good. It was chicken soup and vegetables. I'm not a huge fan of vegetables but I don't want another earful from Stella so I quickly finished the soup.

My nose was clear by the time I was done and I was sweating a lot. Stella places the back of her hand on my sweaty forehead and smiles "Thank goodness your fever is gone. Stubborn one you have there" she took the towel and wiped off my sweat "you don't have to do that Stella. I'll just go take a shower."

"Okay my sweet" she pulls my cheek and I gave her a small smile.

I wonder how Felix is feeling. Does he also have a fever? Should I take some soup to him too? I don't even know where he lives.

I shake my head as I took the duvet off me and grabbed my phone and speaker and went to the bathroom. I connected my phone and played Doja's album cause I just love her so much.

"Yeah yeah oh oh oh, baby I need to know oh"

I was singing along until the music died down and my phone started vibrating. I was already standing in the shower with soap in my eyes "hey Siri, answer the call"

"Answering FaceTime with unknown caller on speaker"

"What!?" FaceTime?

And then my heart almost popped out of its chest when I heard a deep raspy voice boom from the speakers in the bathroom"hello?" From non other than Felix.

My phone was facing the tub. It was very close to the shower but it couldn't show where I was standing butt naked.

"Harper, are you in the shower right now?" He asks, his voice sounding a lot more sick this time.

"Uh..I'm uh" My mind is too jumbled at his voice to even think about a reply.

"I'm sorry. I'll call back" he says quickly before the line went quiet.

My heart was drumming in my chest and my stomach was getting all mushy. Darn him and his incredibly attractive voice.

My mouth was opened and I was frozen in my spot under the shower. I put on the water and quickly finish taking my bath.

I took my phone after getting dressed in the green dress I got. Should I call him?

That was so embarrassing! Holy shit!

"Okay. I can do this..." I tapped his number and it rang for a few minutes before his jet black hair popped on my screen making my heart jump.

"Harper" he coughs and my heart ache seeing him so sick.

"Oh dear. You're sicker than I thought" I place my phone on my dresser so I can give life to my pale face. I didn't even think about it before deciding to call him.

But whatever.

"You don't sound sick at all" his eyebrows furrow and I shrug "I have a really good nurse" I gave him the biggest smile I could muster.

Maybe I should bring him some soup.

"I should bring you the soup I had. It works wonders" I apply some moisturiser and serum on my face and noticed how intently Felix was looking at what I was doing.

"No thank you" is all he says looking away, the camera shaking a lot as he changes his position on the bed. His room had a blue dim light but his phone's screen made his hair and eyes visible.

I roll my eyes at that "I'll bring you some anyway" I took the lipgloss and applied it on my lips, smacking it a few times before letting my hair loose from the bun.

I heard Felix cough and I turn to look at him but his face was covered and he was looking away the other direction.

"Send me your address. I'll bring you the soup, you look horrible." He doesn't but I need him to drink that soup.

"Fuck no" his mumbled voice answers.

"Oh come on. You clearly need it" I tell him softly.

"I don't" his face becomes visible again. His hair is messy and covering his forehead and almost his eyes.

"Yes you do. Now send me the address or I'll just ask Spencer" I fold my hand and glare at him but he gave me a blank stare before looking away from the screen.

"You're even more stubborn when your sick" I mumble to myself before putting on a little blush.

"I heard that" he grumbles and I mimic him "I heard that" I make a face while doing so.

"You're insufferable" he shakes his head before sneezing, twice!

"That's it. I'm coming over" I take my phone and have a proper look at his face.

He was obviously glaring at me but when exactly is he not.

"No you're not" he places the duvet over his shoulders.

He looks so cute right now.

So I take a picture. He frowns and glares at me again. I just gave him a cheeky smile.

"See you soon Lex boy" I wave at him and he gave me his famous eye roll.

"Yeah. Sure" he shakes his head and I end the call.

I went down to the kitchen to see Stella pulling Harry's ear "when will you learn to listen to what I say? I told you to get more fruits but you got chocolate instead" she scolds him and I clear my throat to stop myself from laughing.

"Hello sweetheart. You look so much better now" she gave me a big smile while holding Harry who mouthed a help me.

"Uhm..Stella" she turns to me again and let's go of Harry's ear "yes my sweet?"  She gave me her full attention.

"Is there any soup left from earlier? I would like to take some for a friend who is also sick please" I look at Harry who was rubbing his red ears.

"Oh yes. I'll pack some and have Tom take it there" she smiles and move to the stove where the pot was seated "oh no. I'll like to take it there myself please. Harry will drop me off. Tom might not be around at the moment" I quickly tell her.

"Oh nonsense. Tom is always around plus it's his job. You're not well" she insists.

"Please Stella. I just need some fresh air and I'll really like to take it there myself" I smile at her pleadingly and she sighs.

"Fine. You can go with Tom, Harry over here is not going anywhere" she glares at him and I give him a sympathetic look.

I don't know why I'm excited. Maybe it's because I'll be seeing him or maybe because I'm going to his place for the first time.

Stella packed the soup and hands it to Tom who was cheerful as always and then he drove me to the address I had gotten from Spencer who skipped class again because he was busy being a hero whatever that means.

"We're here Miss Rosy" Tom tells me as we pull up to a big house with a Victorian style just like ours.

"Thank you Tom. I'll call when I want you to come pick me up" I tell him with a grin and he tipped his hat off to me "you enjoy your time Miss Rosy" he tells me before driving off.

This is the first time I'm visiting a friend's place. It's very exhilarating really.

I walk up the front door and pressed the door bell after a long debate in my head. I couldn't waste time here because the soup was getting cold.

The door opened revealing a very handsome man in his thirties or so with a fancy suit on, who had a confused expression on his face but it disappeared when a look of familiarity and shock took over his expression and then finally a smile showing his perfect teeth.

Weird. I don't think I've ever met him before today and surely I would remember if I had.

"Hello sir" I greet him with a light curtesy.

"Oh dear me. Hi" his smile widens even more and I return it. He seems nice.

"Uhm am I at Brooks' resident please?" I ask politely. It would be embarrassing if I was at the wrong address.

"Yes you are. Please come in" he offered quickly and I sigh in relief.

"You're definitely not here to see me and I live with only one other person,'re here for Felix?" He asks, excitement lacing his voice a little.

I blush a little at that. I shouldn't have added blush knowing I'll be seeing him anyway.

"Yes please" I fiddle with the bag I was holding containing the soup.

"Good. Because I've been trying to get him to leave his room since this morning when he came down for breakfast but he refused to come downstairs after. He has a fever and I'm very late for work" he gave a glance at his watch before grabbing a bag that was on the couch nearby.


"Upstairs, the third door. Pleasure to meet you Rosy" he smiles and took off without giving me a chance to ask him how he knows my name.

I looked around the place and looked for the kitchen first. After finding it, I took the soup out and found a small pot to heat it up in.

I did that and placed it a bowl. The things aren't difficult to find. The house setting is ridiculously similar to mine. Like they were built by brothers or best friends.

I placed the bowl on a tray and grabbed my purse and walked up the stairs slowly trying not to spill the hot substance.

I had left my shoes downstairs and was left in my olive green socks. As I carefully walk the rest of the stairs, I noticed the pictures on the walls. Our walls are plain with no pictures or even a simple painting.

I walked down the hall and to the third room that illuminated blue lights that was visible under the door.

Classical music was playing and my eyes widen at that. I didn't see Felix as the type to listen to classical music. I knocked on the door but there was no reply. I knocked again but there was still no reply.

So I did it again until the music died and a shadow was cast under the door. The door didn't open so I balance the tray on one hand again to knock but the door suddenly opened making me jump a little but I was quick to hold the trey before it tipped over.

I looked up at Felix who was looking at me like I've grown 10 heads with his eyes wide.

"Harper. What the fuck are you doing here?" His voice sounds way more raspy now in person.

"What do you mean? I told you I'll bring you soup. So I'm here with soup, here" I push the trey closer to him but he was only staring at me.

I was putting up an unbothered charred but my knees were weak by just the sight of him. He looks good even when he's sick.

"It's getting cold" I mumble after feeling intimidated under his gaze.

He looked down at the hot soup and blinked before looking back at me "take the damn soup Felix" I groan as the weight was getting too much for me.

He seem to snap out of whatever daze he was in and took the trey from me and then he looked me from the top of my head to my green socks and then back at my eyes "you're actually here" he says as if it's so difficult to believe.

"Yes. And you need to drink this soup" I nod at him. Since we're stating things.

He rolled his eyes before moving aside to let me in his room.

The very first time I'm entering a guy's room. Look at me grandma! I'm a big girl now!

Lord give me the strength!

Ending this right here!
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