Hidden secrets (Rider of Pose...

By madeleineN_03

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Evelyn's dream was to get a scholarship to the best ballet school in the US, but when her mother got murdered... More



164 7 2
By madeleineN_03


Evelyn had begun to understand how slow time went when she can't do other than sit still in one of the houses in the mc territory with at least two bikers by her side at all times. After the confrontation with the hitman, who is now at least five feet underground, Jeremiah had a long meeting with Jax about how Evelyn's safety would be now. Evelyn did not like the constant eyes on her as she moved around, mostly in the main house. Ev could not meet her dad and could absolutely not be alone with Jeremiah for more than five minutes. Jax had a long talk with her about how important it was for her to follow the rules about having the bikers after her, even what the consequences would be if she didn't follow them was told. To Evelyn, this felt like a prison.

"Evelyn?" A voice was heard by the dining room's main doorway as Ev lay on the table, looking up at the ceiling. After six days inside the main house, she had, for the first time, seen the stories on the dining room ceiling. After days of doing nothing, all she could do was watch them.

"Emma," Ev said and sat up to look over at her friend standing watching her friend placed on the table with two bikers sitting by the table looking around bored.

"What are you doing?" the pregnant woman asked as she walked over the room with a hand over her big and round stomach, reminding Evelyn of the twins that would come soon.

"Looking at the ceiling," Ev answered and jumped down from the table to take a seat beside Emma. The lady looked at her dead husband's best friend with a small smile spreading on her lips.

"You are bored, aren't you?" She asked, remembering just how restless Ev and James could be. How the two always had something to do, and if not, they wear pretty sure to find something new to pass the time with. Evelyn couldn't help but blush at the words knowing how well Emma knew her.

"Can you blame me?" Evelyn said and gave up one of the famous innocent smiles she always gave Emma whenever she did something Emma wouldn't like. Emma shook her head and made a gesture to the room before looking back at Ev with tired eyes. Evelyn knew Emma had had a hard time sleeping since the day James died, and with the twins in constant movements now, she probably didn't sleep much at all.

"Dance for me... Please?" Emma asked with pleading eyes. Emma was one of the few people that knew about her dancing and the panic attacks. At first, Evelyn was on her way to protest, like she always did when someone suggested she do the activity she loved and hated. But when a voice in her mind, Jeremiah, popped up telling her about the possible plans she silent down the protests.

"Fine, let me just get my shoes," Ev said and stood up. The two bikers that had their round with her stood up with questionable looks on their faces, not knowing about the dancing. Without a word, the trio walked up the stairs and got the shoes Evelyn said she would get. The two bikers followed close by her giving each other looks wondering what was going on and what they had missed about the detective. At first, Evelyn had been irritated, always having someone at her heels felt wrong, but nowadays she had begun to get used to the constant company.

When she walked into the dining room again, she saw how a small crowd had formed, and they nervously rose up like bubbles in a can of soda. Her heart began to pump quicker as she saw the looks bikers and sirens were giving her, a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. Emma had probably told more about the show and to Evelyn's dismay, they all got curious about what they didn't know about the detective. The dining table had been moved to the side to give the detective more space to dance on and the chairs were quickly filling up with people staying because of the crowd. In a split second, Evelyn was on her way to run back to her room with her heart right up her throat while forcing herself to never put herself in a situation like that again. Her breath quickened, and her vision faded slightly as her legs began to turn.

Brown's beautiful eyes caught the anxious woman's eyes and were quick to calm her down. Jeremiah must have heard about the show and probably left his empire in his kitchen to see what everyone seemed to be talking about, Ev thought as she saw the confused look on his face. He sat down next to Jax and Ice which had taken place next to the pregnant woman that was now smiling over something the president said.

"Oh, our dancer is here," Jax said with eyes glittering with joyful glimpses aiming to irritate the detective. What the president didn't know was how nervous Evelyn was and how unresponsive she would be to his teasing. Her eyes didn't even meet his as she forced herself to stay still and not run away, maybe I could walk away slowly? she asked herself debating what to do.

"Shut it. I really want to see this," Athena said, hoping Jax wouldn't scare the detective away. With a sigh and determination, Evelyn sat down on the floor to begin to tie the shoes. She slowly breathe through the nervousness as she forced herself to do this thing for her friend. While Evelyn sat down, Gunner walked in with a bowl of popcorn and sat down behind Athena on the moved table. Jeremiah took some steps closer to his sugar and crotch down to sit next to her. He had a feeling that lots of emotions were building up inside her and wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he saw the huffy breath leaving Ev's chest. Ev looked up at him and gave up a small nod before looking over at the crowd again. She hadn't danced for more than four persons since the day she fell on stage.

"Yeah, I think so," Was all she said before taking some shaky steps over to the small speaker someone had gotten the small event this was turning into. With nervous movement, Evelyn took out her phone, connected it to the speaker, and carefully chose a song to dance to. When she couldn't push the time anymore she gave off a sight and turned around to get in position for her dancing.

Seeing everyone stare at her made her heart pump even faster again, at first she was ready to run out of the room and never put on the stupid shoes again, but when her eyes meet Jeremiah something told her to at least try. When the right ton from the song came, her body began to elegantly move like she hadn't done anything else in years. The nervousness disappeared like water down a hill and was replaced with excitement. The few times Ev could see the crowd she couldn't see anything else but surprised faces and some proud ones too. This was what she wanted to do, she wanted to wow people.

When the last second of the song was played she did a small but elegant curtsy making everyone burst out in hurrays and applause. Jeremiah flies up and rushes over to Ev with a big smile on his lips. He was quick to embrace the girl, lift her up and spin her around in two cute spins.

"You were amazing!" He said to her and placed her down on the ground again, still with that big smile on his face. The crowd began to cheer even more when they saw the look the biker had for the girl and a small blush spread around Evelyn's cheeks.

"Sweet, give us another show now," Jax roared out with a dirty smirk as he leaned back in his chair, earning him a slap to his head from an old lady, Athena.

"Do not even think about them having sex now," Was all the woman said before looking over at Evelyn with a wink making her blush even more. At that moment Evelyn knew she was going to do what Jeremiah had told her to. She was going to start to teach kids to dance and overcome the anxiety around dancing once and for all, this feeling of doing the right thing was stronger than her fear.


As always Jax threw a party for the smallest of things, today for amazing dancing and the fact that nothing big yet had happened. The bar room was full of drunk bikers as well as sirens lurking in every corner waiting to seduce another biker. Evelyn together with the rest of Jeremiah's group sat by their table chatting and laughing. Emma had gone to bed a long time ago saying the twins kept her company, but Evelyn knew a party like this would be overwhelming for her.

"I love that you dance!" Vic says excitedly, Athena put a hand up while looking at her friend like she was trying to stop her from something. All the bikers began to laugh already knowing what Athena was going to school the girl for.

"Don't even try to make her train your sirens to dance, it's enough that I need to train them to fight!" She said making Vic roll her eyes before looking over at Evelyn.

"She doesn't have to train them anymore but do it out of kindness," Vic said and gave Athena a playful glaze making Athena playfully hit her friend over the arm. Evelyn saw the beautiful friendship in front of her and couldn't help but feel a bit envious, they had each other and she didn't have James anymore. With a swift moment, Evelyn took a big gulp out of her drink, trying to shove the thoughts out of her head.

"What else would I do here, honestly," Athena said and made a hand gesture around the room, meaning the club as a whole. Evelyn thought about what Athena had told her a few days earlier when they ate lunch together. the old lady did not have a job at the moment and if it wasn't for the house building she would be too restless to even stay on the territory.

"You can always be with me my angel, I wouldn't complain to have you around me at all times," Gunner said in his deep voice while looking down at his old lady. Evelyn could see the affection the man had for the woman and looked over at her own man. Jeremiah was looking at the couple with a small smile before looking down at the girl next to him, Evelyn.

"No but I'm sure Maddox wouldn't be too happy," Athena said but leaned into her biker's side while whispering something that made the biker's cheeks slowly turn red. The sight was so out of character for Evelyn it made her freeze for a few seconds while staring at the guy. After a few seconds of freezing, Jeremiah had taken the opportunity to lean closer to his woman and bit her earlobe lightly.

"At least I can have you around me at all times" He whispered into her ear with a smirk on his lips knowing it was true. At that moment Evelyn got a brilliant idea, a good solution to both her and Athena's problems. She sat up straight and accidentally hit her hands down at the table a little too hard making everyone around the table turn to her in surprise.

"Athena, I got a brilliant idea!" Was all she said as she tried to find the right words for the idea she had come up with. If it was something Evelyn had learned from the past days was how well Athena and she got along. They trained together as often as Ev's bodyguards allowed, and they had been speaking about how good the two of them would be if they worked together in anything, mostly as a joke, but it was something in it, something Evelyn knew could be their thing.

"Well, spit it out then," Athena said with a laugh coming right after as she saw how hard it was for Evelyn to contain her excitement. The old lady got her biker's arm around her as Gunner observed the detective as she came up with just the right things to say for the moment.

"You and I have always spoken about how good we would be if we worked together. Well, we could if we made our own part of this mc, we could work together to do things our way" Ev said and leaned over the table to get even closer to Athena not caring about the laughing bikers around her.

"Doing what?" Athena asked now serious not caring about her man looking at the two girls like they were aliens while laughing.

"You know women and men come to the bikers to get help with things, what if we create our own organisation in the club, I know we can't be a part of the biker's work more than we are, but if we open up an only girl part that isn't part of the siren-hood we would have a lot to do... I mean Titus does have his mechanic business and the tattoo shop is part of the mc too" Evelyn said and took a deep breath in before continuing her rant as she looked into her friend's blue shining eyes.

"I promised James to break this hitman organisation down, I think the two of us could do it together. We can take cases and hunt people down, you can fight and I am a trained detective, I have been living for hunting people down for a very long while, It would be like Maddox and Gunner but us to and we decided on our own what to do" Evelyn said and looked straight at the old lady with serious intentions. When that sentence was out everyone stopped laughing hearing just how honest Evelyn's statement was. Jeremiah looked at his girl and began to shake his head no as a million pictures went through his head, the next more brutal than the one before.

"No, absolutely not, Jax and us bikers will take care of that. It is too dangerous for you two" Jeremiah said with a worried voice, Gunner nodded his head agreeing with his friend as Evelyn rolled her eyes in enjoyment. The two of them were too protective Ev thought as she saw the gazes they gave each other over the table they sat by.

"Oh stop, I am an educated detective and she has grown up in a mafia family, we can take care of ourselves," Evelyn said dismissing Jeremiah's statement while waving her hand like she could wave away the worry the biker had.

"Well I'm on it, when our house is done I will be having too little to do and searching for that organisation could be fun," Athena said ignoring the biker's protests and sticking her hand out for Evelyn to take. In seconds the two of them shook hands and agreed to what would potentially change their life. The bikers shake their heads as they desperately tried to find arguments for them to stop their crazy plans. The friends of the two bikers in love saw the worry build up in their brothers and made their voices and body language heard as they leans forward and cleared their throats.

"The two of you would be needed to go through the president with that idea," Wyatt said as he took a sip from his bear. To him, the idea was acutely pleasing and good but he still wanted to support his friends, he knew the potential the girls has and even if he was against violence he could still see the good in them starting this idea. Athena sight as she thought about the president.

"He is right," She said and looked over at the president as she tried to decide a way to convince the stubborn man to let them do something like this. Something Athena had learned from that man was how protective he was and how he wouldn't risk their lives like that if he didn't believe in the course.

"Is it really a good idea, sugar? After everything that happened shouldn't you be taking it cool with all the action? open a business and do something less action full?" Jeremiah tried to reason with the girl he had grown to love after the few months he had known her. With that said J, turned Evelyn's face so she could look right into his worried eyes, trying to convince her that what she planned only meant trouble. But what he tried to achieve didn't make an impact on the girl as she let a huff out and shook his hand off her chin.

"Thanks for your concern Jeremiah but this is something I need to do, I promise James just before he died to save us all... This is the last thing I could do for him, besides I can open up that ballet school too, it won't take up all my time so doing this would put the free time to a minimum" Evelyn said forcing herself to say it in a calm and emotionless voice. She knew she would start to cry if she thought about him too much, so it was easier to just keep her emotions as a cool ton while discussing this. Jeremiah saw how the detective started to shut down and changed tactics, he wouldn't be able to convince her, that much he knew.

"Well, okay, I just want you to be safe, so please think about the consequences before taking action," J said and was met by her green lovely eyes. With a short nod and a small kiss on the biker's soft lips, he knew she would do just that. Evelyn didn't want him to worry and that was why she would do just that, think about what to do next.

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