A Year With An Original Vampi...

Bởi BeckySmolder

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An Elijah Mikaelson Whirlwind Romance... Blake Samuels is a struggling single mom just trying to make it thro... Xem Thêm

Week 1: When Blake Met Elijah 🍎
Week 2: When It's A Date 🍾
Week 3: When The Job Is Permanent 📘
Week 4: When We Double Date 💕
Week 5: When Life Gets Busy ☁️
Week 7: When We're Official 🍷
Week 8: When Katherine Stalks 🔍
Week 9: When You Drunk Buy Flights ✈️
Week 10: When We're Reunited 🫦
Week 11: When It's Mother's Day 👩‍👧
Week 12: When We Get Caught 📸
Week 13: When We Break Up 💔
Week 14: When I Graduate 🎓

Week 6: When It's Easter 🐣

181 11 2
Bởi BeckySmolder

Week 6:
When It's Easter
~ April 2nd - April 8th, 2012  ~


I hurried to plop down in the seat across from Miranda. Per usual I was running late to school. Being the great best friend she is, she had coffee and donuts waiting for me. "Sorry I'm late. But I'm here now. Tell me everything. How was your weekend away with Jasper? How was New York? His sister? Spill!" I demanded eagerly with a grin.

"His sister, Amelia, is annoying as hell," Miranda stated firstly. I laughed at the frustrated look on her face. I don't think it would be wrong to assume she didn't have a good time away. Surprisingly she didn't call or text me during the couple of days. "So instead of dinner and a club or bar. We had breakfast at a juice bar where I had to fill up on carrot juice and a protein granola thing. I almost chipped a tooth. Anyways, I starved. Then she took us, along with 10 other people to a silent spa. No phones, no talking, no boy and girl sharing a yurt—yeah, a friggin yurt. Oh, and guess who I had to bunk with?" She was ranting now, she was pissed.

"Who? Amelia?" I guessed.

"No. Anita!"

"Anita?!" I gasped loudly. "Jasper's ex fiancée?"


"He didn't tell you she was going to be there?"

"He claims he didn't know she kept in touch with his sister. But reminded me they all did used to live together in New York. Anita just moved from there recently so... it wasn't a shock they saw each other years after he moved away."

"Wow," I scoffed, shaking my head. "Crazy. Did you have any fun at all?"

"Yeah, my masseuse at the spa was amazing. I almost considered ditching Jasper for him," Miranda joked and I rolled my eyes. "Then Jasper and I took his sister out for dinner, just the three of us. She wanted to call it a night, but I convinced Jasper to go out with me. So we spent a couple hours at a lounge bar playing quarters and swaying to jazz."

"Not bad," I shrugged.

She snorted, "I'm just glad to be home. All we did yesterday before the drive was take Amelia to a shopping mall so Jasper could buy her a birthday present. Took longer than I'd like but I bought myself a fur coat out of boredom."

"So totally lame trip?" I laughed.

"Ugh. Yeah. Never again," she groaned. "Anyways, how was your weekend?"

"It was good actually," I smiled. "Elijah and I took Mia to the zoo Saturday before I had to go to work. Then... M, Mom and I went to visit Danny."

"How was it?"

"It was great. We had lunch, the kids played, and my mom fawned over Daniel and his future prospects now that he's single again."

"She didn't," Miranda gasped.

"She did," I laughed. "But it was nice hanging out with him and catching up. We spent the whole day at his place. It's gorgeous by the way."

"And Elijah?"

I rolled my eyes, sighing, "He leaves tonight."


"He told me Saturday night. He's going back to PA to meet with his ex to see some artifact. If it all looks good, they're meeting his brother in Mystic Falls. But he assumes it'll be a week before I see him again."

"That sucks."

"Totally," I agreed before standing up. She followed suit, the two of us leaving the cafe. "Now let's see how his class goes today. He better not give us a lot of work like he did last time. Why are we punished cause he's taking a trip?"

"Someone seems upset," Miranda replied in a sing-song voice.

"I don't want him to go," I whined. "Is that selfish? Things have been so good. I love spending time with him, but it's hard enough as it is when we're in the same city."

"I know, B, but it'll be fine. If he was an immature jerk about our age, I'd worry," Miranda was saying. She paused as I scoffed. "He's not though. He's a gentleman. Mature, respectful, smart... He's better than every other man I know.

"Jasper's still pretty great," I reminded her.

"Yeah, but... the jury's still out."


I furrowed my eyebrows, but a smile tugged onto my lips as I approached Elijah who was waiting at the front podium. One of my coworkers just informed me someone was waiting for me. And there was my history professor with a dozen long stem red roses, wearing the same dark brown suit he wore this morning for lecture.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, surprised as I opened my arms to embrace him.

"I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye," he said, one arm around my waist while the other held the roses between our chests. "You seemed a little upset this morning."

I grimaced, "you could tell?"

"Yes, I could tell," he chuckled. "You weren't hiding it that well, babe."

I blushed, laughing as I pulled away from him now. "I don't want you to go," I admitted.

"Really? I had no idea," he mocked, handing me the flowers. I took them in one hand and then grabbed his hand in my other, pulling him through the diner to an empty booth in the back.

"It's stupid," I shrugged, "I was just worried. Like what if you go away and things..."

"Change?" He asked as we sat down.

I nodded, "I like spending time with you. And last week was hard enough, trying to find time together. I don't want you going away to... you know, put a dent in things."

He reached for my hand across the table, smiling softly at me. "I'm going away for business, for family business. There's nothing that can or will happen to change my feelings for you," he swore.

I licked my lips, staring into his sincere looking brown eyes. "Are you sure?" I asked. I mean, he was going to meet his ex first. All of this was a favor for her. I wasn't too sure how to feel. He told me briefly about her, and I got the impression he was protective of her despite whatever was the real cause of them not being together.

Elijah frowned then, "of course I'm sure."

I nodded, but didn't voice any more of my concerns. Only time would tell. We'd see how things were when he got back. Whenever he did get back.

"Um, did you want food?" I questioned, changing the subject.

"Blake," he said.


"What's wrong?"


He sighed, dropping my hand, "I give you my word, you have nothing to worry about. I'll be missing you everyday I'm away. And I hope the same is for you. Unless there's someone—"

"There's no one," I cut him off, laughing at the ridiculous idea. It was a miracle meeting him. I definitely did not have multiple prospects.

Elijah smiled, shaking his head, "You underestimate just how beautiful you are. So do me a favor, stay in a lot. I don't want you meeting someone with the sense to ask you out while I'm away."

I rolled my eyes, "I promise if the impossible happens while you're away this week, I'll reject any and all advances."

"You joke," he said, "But a man would have to be a complete moron not to want you."

I smiled softly, "Do you want food?"

He furrowed his brows, "No. I really should hit the road."

I nodded, getting out of my seat and rounding the booth to his side. He moved as I slid in beside him. "I'll miss you," I whispered, bringing one hand to his slightly stubbly cheek.


I chuckled, "Yes. I promise."

"I miss you already," he replied, leaning his head in to close the space between our faces.

We shared a long winded kiss, full of tenderness and sincerity. It was sensual enough to reassure me and rid me of my fears and insecurities. I was also sure I'd miss his mouth. His kisses. I was addicted. Years without any affection and now suddenly a man like this falls into my lap? I never wanted it to end. And him leaving, made me think there was a chance it would. But I would hold onto hope.


I was currently in the bath tub, on the phone with Elijah. He had spent earlier in the night talking to Mia who was beyond curious about his trip away. She was sure to invite him to our house this Sunday for Easter. It was all fine until he promised to be there. I didn't want her to get her hopes up. He told me he wasn't sure when he'd be home, and now Mia was all excited for him to see the black dress she picked up. It matched black lace bunny ears, so that was that. I turned Easter Sunday into a goth occasion to match. We were all wearing black.

While the two were bonding over the phone I had ran myself a bath, adding in a couple large tea light candles and rose petals from the flowers Elijah gave me the other night before he headed to PA. Once my mother had took Mia off to bed, I took my phone into the bathroom.

Which is where we were passive aggressively talking about Easter, "you said you weren't sure you'd be free by Sunday. So you shouldn't have promised," I repeated.

He sighed deeply, "I know I shouldn't have. But that doesn't mean I won't be there. I always keep my promises."

I rolled my eyes, "She's six Elijah. When she says she wants you there, she means first thing, all day. If you don't make it until the end of the evening, it won't count to her. You'd have missed it and she's going to be upset."

"Then I'll be there first thing in the morning. Why don't you believe me?"

I remained silent. Monday night before he left the diner, he said he'd call me every day. And then the first day, yesterday. He didn't. It wasn't a full committed promise, but it sure as hell felt implied. And I mean the very next day, he couldn't even remember to?

"We'll see," I said simply.

"Babe, I will be there. Okay? You need me to get anything? Bring anything for you?"



"What if you're late?"

"What time does it start?" He asked.

"I told everyone to come over at 10."

He made a low noise as if that was going to be hard to do and I shook my head. "I'll be there as soon as I can," he said.

"That's not 10."

"I'll be close. It's just I'd have to leave early in the morning and that's going to be a tough one to explain to my siblings."

"Are you still in Pennsylvania?" I asked.

"No. We got to Mystic Falls last night."


He sighed, "I didn't call last night."

Oh, he remembered? Hmph. That still didn't answer my question. Who was we? What, his ex didn't have her own car? Isn't she on the run?

"You didn't call all day."

"You could call me, you know."

"I'd hate to bother you when you're clearly dealing with a serious situation."

"I sense a bit of sarcasm there, love," a new voice came. A British one. It obviously belonged to a female.

My brows rose in shock. He wasn't even alone now?! Who was she? His ex? And she was listening to our conversation?! Where was he? It's nearly 10 o'clock at night and he's with another woman?!

"Rebekah," Elijah snapped at her. "Do you mind? I'm on the phone here."

"I know," Rebekah purred. "I don't mind. Hi, Elijah's lady friend!"

"Hi," I mumbled, confused. She sounded further away now. But Rebekah? Is that his sister or his ex? We talked about his family, but not in extensive detail. But I knew he was supposed to be with them in Mystic Falls.

"Sorry, babe," Elijah sighed, coming back into the phone to speak to me.

"Babe?" I heard the same woman question.

"That was my little sister, Rebekah. She's... nosey at best."

I laughed softly, "Well, it's nice to sort of meet her. I'd FaceTime ya... but I'm in the bath."

"Are you now?" He asked.

"I'm going now!" I heard Rebekah shout from a distance it seemed like.

Elijah and I both chuckled. I smiled, relaxing in my tub, "I got a bath full of rose petals."

"That's not what I bought you flowers for."

I giggled, "So?"

"You're laughing, does that mean you forgive me for not calling yesterday?"

"Yes," I sighed. "But I won't forgive you if you don't show for Easter."

"Blake, I'll be there."

"I look forward to it."

"I'll let you go, beautiful. Enjoy your bath. You deserve to relax."

"Thank you," I said softly. "I'll talk to you tomorrow?"

"Yes, I promise."

I smiled, "alright then. I'll talk to you."

"Goodnight, babe."


I pushed Axel's lower back, sending him flying back towards the sky. He giggled loudly, waving at his brother as he passed him. Next to me stood Danny, pushing his other son, Luca on the swing next to his twin.

"Higher! Higher!" Luca pleaded with his father who gave him a large push.

I laughed, looking at Danny, "Your kids are adorable."

He scoffed, "your kid is pretty great too."

I smiled, looking across the playground where Mia and her best friend, Elsa were taking turns on the big slide. Again and again. "She's pretty amazing," I agreed. "I got really lucky."

"She's got an amazing mom," Danny replied, stepping closer towards me as we let the boys fend for themselves on the swings. "Luck doesn't have much to do with it, Blake."

I blushed, biting my lip as I moved my eyes back to check on my daughter. Elsa's mother, Janet, was on a bench watching them both so I didn't mind being as far away with Danny and his boys on the swings. If they weren't here, I'd be beside Janet chatting up anything the two of us could think of about our kids, the weather, the news, and the latest city gossip.

"You want to take the kids for pizza after?" Danny asked me, bringing my attention right back to him.

"Actually, we have dinner plans with my best friend and her boyfriend."

"Oh, okay," he said. "Get you some much more needed adult time, huh?"

I furrowed my brows, "Do you want to join us?"

"I don't want to impose," he shrugged. "I'm sure your friends don't want a stranger and two toddlers at dinner."

I frowned then, "hey, how about you and I go out for lunch tomorrow? No kids. Then you and I both can get some adult conversation."

He chuckled, "who would watch the kids?"

"My mom," I shrugged.

"Sure, sure. Only if she doesn't mind."

"I'm sure she won't."

An hour later I was home. Mia was in the bath, getting clean after playing all afternoon. I left her alone for a minute to talk to my mother who scoffed at my question of watching all the kids while Danny and I got lunch.

"You want me to watch three children? On a Saturday? I'll have to entertain them all," my mother complained.

"They'll entertain each other," I argued.

"You told me you weren't interested in Danny. You were seeing somebody. What happened to that? That professor leaves town and you ask another man out to on a date?"

"It's not a date," I corrected. "It's lunch. Two parents—"

"Single parents."

I rolled my eyes, "old friends getting food for an hour or so."

"Or so?"

"Mother," I groaned.

She smirked, "I'm just teasing, Blake. Lighten up. Besides, the real argument—or should I say defense? Yours by the way is weak— is with Professor Smith. What does he think about your food for an hour with an old friend? A tall, blonde, muscled, friend?"

I scoffed, "you live for drama, don't you?"

"You live in a delusional world if you think I'm wrong about there being a problem."

"You are wrong," I retorted. "Watch. I'll tell Elijah when he calls. And he won't fret."



Elijah sighed on the phone. I waited for him to speak, listening to the sound of a loud slam of a door coming through the line. "Sorry, my brother and sister are having a competitive spat," he informed me.


"Remember that artifact I've been telling you about?"

"The one your brother wants and your ex was getting? Or got?"

"Yes, she got it."

"What is it?"

"It's a... a very long story."

I frowned, "I have time."

"Not enough for this one," he chuckled. "But to make a long story short, the artifact is desirable. My brother wants possession of it so his enemies don't have it, can't use it against him. But my sister, she wants to use it for... personal reasons. Being the oldest, I made a deal. If she can behave as someone who deserves it, she can have it. She misbehaves at all tomorrow, the day of her big school dance, my brother gets to keep it as a trophy."

"I'm totally lost," I admitted, laughing myself as I sat on the bed, kicking off my converse.

"Don't worry about it. My brother is just mad at us both, he'll get over it."

"This brother is named...?"



"Klaus for short," he said.

I nodded to myself, "Klaus and Rebekah. Both younger than you. And you have more siblings?"

"Had. A ton more. Also, a long story."

"Elijah," I sighed. "You can tell me. I love learning more about you. But... if you're uncomfortable, that's fine. Don't share. I just don't want you to feel like you have to hide yourself or the bad parts from me."

"I know, Blake. It's just... it's a lot to dive into sometimes. You'd have questions I can't answer. It's..."

"A long story?"

He sighed deeply this time, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I don't want you to think I'm this closed off guy with all these secrets."

I smiled, "I don't think that."

"Good. Because I'm... I'm almost an open book. I want to talk to you about everything and anything."

"Well, speaking of anything. You know my old friend Danny? Well, he's really my brother's old friend. I mean we all grew up together, they were just a little older than me at the time but now it doesn't seem like such a big age difference now that we're adults—"

"Babe, you're rambling," he cut me off.

Rambling? Oh, God. I was nervous. Mom had got into my head. Then when I mentioned it to dinner with Jasper and Miranda, they both were against this lunch. Jasper said it was for sure a date and no guy would see it differently. Innocent lunch or not. Danny was newly single, which Elijah would take into count. And on Danny's end, we're not just friends, we haven't seen each other in a while. This was like going out with an acquaintance to get to know them better—hence a date. Miranda didn't agree in that department, but she was adamant on the jealousy aspect. She has a lot of dating experience. So she kind of got in my head. Especially when she described Danny the way my mom did. Successful, attractive, charming, and single. He wasn't a guy most girls would be seeking the friend zone with. So, how do I convince my not-boyfriend that that's exactly all I'm looking for?

"I asked him out to lunch," I blurted out. "Not as a date or anything. I don't want you to think I'm going out with other guys. It's not like that. Danny's just... a um..."

Your old crush. I could practically hear Miranda's voice taunting. A sexy Aussie. My teenage self was reminding me. Like a brother. That would be a great line, if only I meant it. He was like family, close enough to us all... but I never saw him in that light. Cause I never got over the part of me that fan-girl-ed over him.

"An old friend?" Elijah suggested.

Oh, my God. I was digging myself into a hole now. Why didn't I say that? I'm nervous and rambling. I'm not making any sense. All signs point to guilt. I'm guilty, guilty, guilty!

"You don't mind, do you?" I questioned, my voice squeaking out in the end. I was on the edge of my seat, holding my breath waiting for his answer. I thought it would never come.

"Of course I don't."

I let out a slow breath, my anxiety balloon popping. I deflated into my calm, relieved persona. I should've known there was nothing to worry about. He trusts me.

"I knew you were too mature to be the jealous type," I smiled, laying down on my bed.

"What's there to be jealous of? He's known you forever, if he wanted to make a move, he would've already... He hasn't before, has he?"

I laughed, "No. Of course not."

"You were a kid when you met, he probably sees you as his little sister."

I cringed, "Probably."

"Then I have nothing to worry about?"


He hummed delighted, "Well, have fun at lunch. I'm getting ready for bed. I had a long day."

"Okay, honey," I said softly. "I'm getting into bed too. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow," he agreed. "Goodnight, gorgeous. Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight," I responded before hanging up the phone. I sighed then. Elijah took that better than I expected. So why was there a disappointed pit in my stomach? Because he didn't care or get jealous about me going out with another man? Or because he said those awful words? Like a little sister.

I dreaded hearing that growing up. Didn't every girl. Who didn't like an older guy at some point? Danny never said those words. But my brother did for him. And my parents, his parents, and then his wife. No one saw me as a threat. But in their defense when he was 20 something getting married I was only in middle school, waiting for puberty to hit. I was 23 now and a mom. He was 31 and a dad. The same age gap meant something entirely different now. Nothing. We were both adults. Not one adult, one kid. Two adults with kids. Yes, chances are if he did view me personally as his little sister too, that wouldn't change now. But part of me, believed he knew my crush on him when I was young. Maybe that's why he was so nice and sweet to me. It was also cruel, he didn't exactly crush my crush.

Ugh! Why do I even care?!


Danny laughed loudly, throwing his head back as he did so. I blushed as a few people looked over at us. We were at a small Pho place, eating on the deck outside. It wasn't too packed so our loudness, attracted attention.

"When did you get so funny?" Danny asked me, his hand reaching out and covering mine on the table. I gulped, fighting the urge to pull my hand away and make it an awkward ordeal. It's not weird Blake, until you make it weird. Just two friends catching up. Do not make him cringe in that tv sitcom way, 'ew, my best friends annoying little sibling.' I needed to be cool. Chill.

"I don't know," I said, but my voice croaked.

Danny frowned, "something stuck in your throat? Drink some water."

Immediately he was holding my glass of water up to my lips, his hand that was over mine now firmly holding onto my forearm. I forced myself to take a sip of water, "sorry. Thanks," I said, smiling awkwardly.

His paternal instincts were there. Sparks we're not flying. Nothing sexy or dare like happening here. I was overreacting about the hand thing.

"No problem," he replied, lowering my glass to the table. His hand leaving my arm, but his other went from my glass to my face, brushing a wavy piece of hair away and tucking it behind my ear. "I can't believe how much you've grown up, B."

I blushed, "You were there for my 21st birthday."

"It was dark and it was a rare night Tiffany and I got out of the city, kid free together for more than a few hours," he pointed out. "And we all drank so much, I barely remember it after buying you your first legal shot of liquor."

I laughed, "it was a crazy night."

"But I hadnt seen you since what... you were like 16."


He nodded, "yeah. And you had just had Mia."

I smiled, "yeah. You left a couple months after she was born."

"I'm just glad I was there when she was born."

I laughed, "you panicked the whole drive to the hospital. And you forgot my emergency bag."

"I went back for it," he snorted.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being there for me."

"That's what family does," he said.

A tiny pang to my chest. Did that count as a you're like my little sister? "Yeah," I agreed.

"What's that look for?" He whispered, leaning forward, elbows on the table.

"What look?"

"You just... Nevermind."

"You said family and I... just..."

"We are family," he stated. "How else do you describe it? I love you unconditionally, B. And I've cared and been protective of you for as long as I can remember. Lucas was like my brother, his family is mine. I'd do anything for him. Including, look out for his little sister."

"I'm like your little sister, huh?" I asked, trying not to grimace.

He snorted, "I have a younger sibling. He's a pain in my ass. You. You're nothing like that."

What did that mean? "Your brother isn't that bad," I chuckled, changing the subject.

"Yeah, but he got on my nerves. Where you, you were perfect. You were adorable."

I blushed as he winked for affect, "oh. Shut up."

He smirked, "You still weak to my charm?"

I gasped, "what?"

"Oh, come on. How could I think of you like a little sister when you used to practically drool over me?"

"You knew about that?" I gasped, my hands covering my hot face in embarrassment.

"I thought it was cute," he shrugged. "We all did. No harm. No foul. You were just a kid."

I shook my head, "You thought it was cute? I'm mortified."

"Don't be," he chuckled. "It's ancient history. Besides, you've moved on, right? I bet guys are just falling at your feet."

I scoffed, "not in the last seven years."

He frowned, "what? Oh, stop it. That cannot be true. I mean... look at you."

I raised a brow. Now it was Danny's turn to blush. And despite how I knew this lunch was turning into a flirting no-no. I couldn't help the butterflies swarming my stomach like I was that 9 year old catching 17 year old Danny shirtless for the first time.

But I swallowed that moment of victory for my childhood self. "No guys. No dates. Nothing in seven years. Until recently. There's a guy... He seems really great, and I really like him," I told him, purposely leaving out that he was my professor.

Danny wasn't kidding when he said he was protective of me. He and my brother had a lot in common that way. Except my brother was a jerk about it. But I guess that's how it is being an older sibling, a younger one is annoying.

"Yeah, you told me there was a guy," Danny grinned. "And good for you, but when can I meet him?"

I shook my head, "he's out of town, but he promised Mia he'd be back for Easter. So, I guess you'll meet him then."

"He already met Mia? Hmm, well, I look forward to meeting him myself."

"Don't be macho and overprotective. I'm not a kid anymore. I can protect myself."

Danny snorted, "If he so much as gets too sarcastic, I'll kill him."

I rolled my eyes, "you're so dramatic."

"You're so naive."


"I'm going to check him out for you. Make sure he's worthy."

"He's gonna check out," I shrugged, smirking at Danny as he looked doubtful. He would be in for a hell of a surprise. Elijah was not what he was imagining for sure. Who would predict a 23 year old single mom in college was seeing a 30 something year old professor who wore a suit in and out of his office hours. That he was old fashioned, well mannered, and charming as hell.

No. Danny probably expected a fellow student, my age or maybe even younger. Someone hip, maybe even douchey. Probably someone 16 year old me would have liked, because that's the last time Danny really knew me. Knew what type of guys I liked. The same jerk who dumped me before my... before Mia's conception.


Miranda had sent me 7 photos of different black dresses. She was undecided on which one to wear. I was scrolling through when Mia barged into my room. "Happy Easter!" She shouted.

I laughed, patting the open spot in my bed right next to me. My little girl came running up and plopped down beside me. "Happy Easter, my little chickadee," I said, kissing her cheek.

"Who are you texting? Lijah?" She grinned.

"No, Randa," I answered. "She doesn't know what to wear. Wanna see her dresses?"

"Yes, I do."

I smiled, showing her the pictures and the two of us swiped through. Once Mia had her pick, I texted Miranda to wear it. The see through one with the white and pink flowers. It was perfect for our goth Easter. "Now what is mommy going to wear?" I asked my daughter.

"Your black dress with flowers," she grinned.

"Oh, good choice," I laughed.

"Who else is coming today?"

"Well, Miranda is coming with her friend Jasper. And—"

"Her boyfriend," she emphasized, correcting me on the status of my friends.

"Yes, sorry, her boyfriend Jasper. Then we have your Uncle Danny bringing his twin boys. Your best friend Elsa is coming with her mommy, daddy, and baby sister—"


"And Elijah should be here. That's everybody."

"Don't forget Nana."

"Oh, how could I forget Nana?"

"I don't know," she responded with a shrug. "But I'm going to go wake her up so she can make breakfast."

"Okay, but brush your teeth first."

"Otay," she agreed before rolling out of my bed and running out the room.

I shook my head in amusement and decided to send Elijah a text, "Hi!! Mia's already asking about you. Good morning, handsome. See you soon?"

I waited a few minutes for a reply, "I'm driving, babe. I'll be there soon. Tell Mia I have a surprise for her."

"No surprise for me?" I texted back.

"I got you something too."

"You spoil me."

"You deserve it, beautiful. I'll see you in a couple hours. Okay? Have those lips waiting for me. Because I'm kiss-deprived."

"Always ready for you 😘😘."


Everyone was here. Except Elijah. Miranda and my mom had started the idea of bottomless mimosas, on their third or fourth glasses already. Jasper, Danny, and Michael—Mia's best friend, Elsa's dad—were all out back with beers in their hands. Danny was manning the grill while all the guys were supposed to be watching the kids on their scavenger hunt for plastic Easter eggs filled with money or candy.

Janet, Elsa's mom was in my bedroom nursing her eight month old baby in private. I on the other hand was, running around like a chicken with its head cutoff. We had some finger foods for snacks, dyed boiled eggs, and now the scavenger hunt. The day was breezing by. And I was running out of activities.

A knock on the door made me freeze. I sighed in relief. I rushed to answer it, preparing to see Elijah. Instead it was Andy. From work at the diner. "Oh, Blake!" He exclaimed before throwing his arms around my neck. "It was awful. Diego and I had a huge fight. I walked out on him. I rather be somewhere I'm wanted."

"Diego?" I questioned.

"We've been seeing each other for the last three weeks. Keep up," Andy scolded, pulling away from me. "Where is the party? Where are the children? Any single daddies?"

"Out back," I answered in a grumble.

"What crawled up your ass?"

I sighed, "Elijah's late."

"Oh, girl, rather late than sorry," he said. I stared in confusion. "A sorry ass man is worse than a good man running late."

He then excused himself, rushing towards the backyard only for my mom and Miranda to pull him into the kitchen for their drinking circle. I went to follow after him when my phone rang. It was Elijah. Part of me was relieved. Another part expected bad news.

"Hello?" I answered quickly. "Where are you?"

"Sorry, Blake. You won't believe my luck. I got a flat tire. My suit got ruined and I'm in this tacky silk shirt—"

"Where are you?" I repeated.

"Hey, Blake! You're out of ice," Danny suddenly said, waltzing indoors. "I'm going to run out and get more."

I had no idea what Elijah had just said. "Honey, I'm sorry, where are you?" I asked him again, signaling Danny to hold on for a moment.

"I'm ten minutes away. I just had to stop to pick up Mia's surprise."

"Can you make a second stop for a bag of ice?"

"Sure, Blake. I'll be there in ten to fifteen minutes. Okay? I'm sorry for being late."

"It's fine. I'll see you when you get here," I said, hanging up the phone call. I then turned to Danny who stared at me confused. "Elijah's only fifteen minutes out, he'll grab ice."

"Alright, cool. The kids are probably almost done with the eggs," Danny informed me.

"Already?" I frowned.

He nodded, chuckling, "they were really excited about it."

"How long until the food is done?"

"At least thirty to forty more minutes."

I nodded, "okay. Well... my mom picked up coloring books so guess we can occupy them with that."

"Unless they're too busy eating candy," he pointed out.

"It'll spoil their appetite."

He snorted, rolling his eyes, "you convince them of that. Not me." Then he waltzed right back outside to join the guys and the kids.

I finally dragged my feet to the kitchen, giving them all an exhausted look. "Liquor me up," I pleaded.

Andy handed me an empty glass and Miranda filled it with champagne. "That's my girl," my bestie smirked.

"So Elijah is close?" My mother asked.

I nodded, "ten to fifteen minutes. He said he's had some bad luck on the road. But he's stopping to get Mia something and a bag of ice for us all, then he'll be here."

"That's great, now you can relax," Miranda said.

"This is better than a gay bar, there's so many attractive men going to be here. This has never happened before, Blake. You should be proud," Andy grinned.

"Better than a gay bar? All of these me are straight and taken," Miranda said. "So keep your eyes off my man."

"Danny isn't taken," my mother said. "Go for it, Andrew."

"In his dreams," Miranda snorted.

"Most definitely," Andy purred. "In my dreams I'm climbing him like a tree." Then he growled for effect while we all laughed together.

Just as soon as my glass of champagne was empty, there was a knock at the door. I nearly fell racing to the door. This time when I pulled it open, standing their was Elijah.

Oh wow. My brows shot up to my hair line as I took him in. Dark grey loose dress pants, over a pair of shiny black dress shoes. That part screamed the man I was used to seeing. Albeit in his casual formal wear. But his upper half? An untucked silk button up shirt. It was black with white and blue amorphous splotches I assumed were like ink blots. I wasn't sure if it was long sleeve or not because he was wearing a leather jacket over it.

Somehow he managed to pull the look off. It was slightly disheveled and resembled something a rich guy wore on a yacht in random films. But I didn't care. I was just happy he was here. The reality of this week without him was hitting me. I missed him more than I realized.

"Sorry, I'm late," he said.

I grinned, "What are you wearing?"

He gave me an unamused look, "take the ice."

I giggled, stepping back to let him in. I shut the door and turned to see him standing there. "Oh, you really need a hand?" I gasped.

"No," he snorted. Then he leaned over and down to give me a short peck on the lips.

"Oh," I mumbled.

"My hands are full, but there's more where that came from," he assured me.

He then walked through my house, placing everything he had on the dining room table. My friends and mother rushed over. Janet and baby Lori now with them.

"Everyone, this is my... friend, Elijah," I introduced. "Elijah, you know Miranda and my mom. But this is Andy who I work with at the diner. And this is Janet, mother of Mia's best friend—"

"Elsa's mom?" Elijah grinned politely.

She nodded, "Yes. And this is other child, Lori."

Elijah smiled at the beaming kid on her hip. He then turned to Andy, shaking his hand, "We've sort of met before," my friend said, eyeing Elijah like he was a piece of meat.

"At the diner a few weeks ago, I remember," Elijah assured. "Mrs. Samuels, hi." He then moved to give my mom a kiss on the cheek.

"Elijah, darling, call me Julianne," my mother insisted, smacking him lightly on the shoulder.

"Miss Drake," Elijah finished his rounds.

"Nice outfit, sir," Miranda snorted.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them. "Andy can you take this ice outside to Danny, please before it melts all over my table?" I asked him.

"Sure," he chirped. "Anything for Danny— I mean you, B."

Elijah's arm wound itself around my waist, tugging me into his side. "Where's Mia?" He asked as I turned to look at him.

"Outside. The kids are having a scavenger hunt," I told him.

"Well, I guess you'll get your surprise first."

I smiled, nodding, "Just a second, honey." I then turned to my mother and Janet. "Can you guys set up the kiddie table? There's still some time before the food is ready so I figured they could color. Mom, if you could get out the coloring books you bought?"

"We got it, sweetie," my mom said, ushering Janet to follow her so they could get on it.

Elijah and I then stared at Miranda. She scoffed, looking between us both. "Do you two want to be alone?" She questioned sarcastically.

"Yes," I stated. "Why don't you prepare more mimosas for everybody?"

"Yes, mom," she teased. She walked towards the kitchen while I nodded towards the table. Elijah pulled out a chair so I sat down.

"What's in the bag?" I asked, pointing to the large brown paper bag he brought.

"That's for Mia," he said. "Your gift is right here." He then pulled the lapel to his jacket and dug into an inside pocket, pulling out a flat, square, white box. I gasped as he handed it over to me so I could read the words, PANDORA.

"Elijah," I whispered, amazed. "You didn't—you shouldn't have."

"Just open it," he chuckled softly, stroking my hair before sitting in the seat beside me. Our knees touching as we faced each other. Him watching me reveal a beautiful gold bracelet, fully decorated with pink charms.

Pink flowers, lady bugs, dragonflies, and did I mention flowers? Along with some filled in spaced charms that blended perfectly.

"Oh, Elijah, I love it."

"Happy Easter, babe," he said, placing one hand on my thigh and the other reaching out to grab me by my chin.

I kissed him deeply, throwing an arm around his neck while my other hand held onto my new gift still in the box. Our tongues desperately danced together, pleading for more which we both knew wouldn't and couldn't come. I had half the mind to stand just so our bodies would touch and close the huge gap between where we sat next to one another. Because that wasn't enough. I needed to be closer.

"What you get?" A voice came.

Elijah and I snapped apart to see Miranda looking over the both of us, holding out two full glasses of mimosas. "Look at this bracelet Elijah got me," I grinned, showing her.

"Very nice," Miranda commented, giving Elijah a look of approval. "An Easter present? I like your style."

I pursed my lips, taking one of the glasses from her and putting it on the table. Elijah grabbed his as well, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Professor."

"Hey, stop it with that word. Not everyone knows or needs to know," I hissed quietly.

Miranda grimaced, "okay, sorry."

As she walked away, heading outside to join the majority. I turned to Elijah, "Can you two please get along?"

He furrowed his brows, "we do get along."

"You're not serious, are you?"

He chuckled, "She's a good friend to you. That's all I care about. I have no problems with her. I just like teasing her a bit."

"And I was worried she was giving you too hard of a time," I murmured. I then took the bracelet out of the box. "Can you put it on me?"

"Of course," he said, carefully clasping the bracelet on my left wrist.

"Lijah? Lijah! Lijah!" Mia was cheering as she ran inside, out of breath, perfectly curled hair flying past her face. She rushed to us, stopping by our legs.

"Mia, stop yelling, please," I frowned.

Elijah was grinning as he turned in his chair and opened his arms. She leaned forward hugging him excitedly. "Hi, baby red," he greeted.

"I missed you, Lijah," she said quietly.

He kissed the top of her head, "I missed you too. I really did."

Mia pulled back, smiling, "I got some friends for you to meet. Oh, did you see the cake? It's a bunny rabbit."

Elijah turned to see the cake she was pointing to on the table behind him. It was a small one tall layer round cake. It was made into a bunny with tiny paws in the front, a nose, and drawn on eyes. The top had pastel pink, purples, and blues with glitter and pearl sprinkles. Not to mention the best part, the fondant white with pink inside bunny ears.

"You know, that looks something like your surprise," Elijah said, grabbing the paper bag off the table and putting it onto his lap between the three of us. I wrapped my arms around Mia, pulling her a step back while Elijah got out her surprise.

I gasped as Mia shrieked in excitement. He got her flowers. More flowers. Our last box of roses were still perfectly fresh. But this was adorable. In a round box was roses and peonies and flowers I didn't know the names of. In pinks and whites. The box itself was pink, and like the cake had bunny feet on the front and white with pink bunny ears shoved between the flowers.

"It's a bunny! It's flowers! It's a rabbit flower bunny surprise!" Mia squealed, hugging the box of flowers.

"I think she likes it," I joked, looking at Elijah adoringly. "What do you say, M?"

"Oh, thank you so much, Lijah," Mia said, taking the flowers from him. "I gotta show Elsa now. Bye bye."

"You're so welcome," Elijah barely got time to respond before she was running back outside.

"Thank you," I said, reaching out my hands to grab his face and bring his attention back to me.

"You're welcome," he said, leaning in.

Before I could kiss him, the back door slid open and the guys were all piling in. "Food is ready!" Danny announced.

"Time to wash up," Michael told the kids, ushering his daughter and mine inside as they were in the end behind Danny, Andy, Jasper, Miranda and the twins.

"Oh, we just left out the coloring books," my mother said, coming into the room. "I'll clear the kiddie table."

"Michael, take Lori," Janet said, handing the baby over to him as she joined everyone.

"Boys, put the food down," I laughed, gesturing to the table in front of me as Elijah and I stood up. Danny and Jasper each carried over trays.

"Everybody lets wash our hands!" Danny announced loudly. His boys giggled, racing each other to the kitchen sink.

"Hold on, kids," Miranda chuckled, moving to turn on the water for him.

"Mia, why don't you and Elsa go use the bathroom sink?" I told her.

"Come on, Lijah," my daughter replied, moving to grab his hand and then Elsa's. "I have a step stool in the bathroom."

I glanced at the professor who chuckled, "I don't think I'll need it, baby red."

"Mommy says we have to wash our hands before we eat," Mia told him anyways as the three made their way down the hall.

"I see she really likes him," Janet said as she joined me by the table.

I nodded, "she does." She handed me a paper plate and I joined her in making the plates for the kids. "What are you two doing?" I asked Jasper and Danny who were just sitting down at the table now. "Did you two wash up?"

"The sinks are occupied," Danny argued.

I scoffed, "Mhm."

Soon enough his boys came running, trying to pile on his lap. Axel telling his daddy to smell his hands, they smelled like lemon soap. While Luca asked if he could have cake.

"Hey, look, Mama Samuels has your table ready. Go sit down over there," he instructed both of them after sniffing Axel's hands. "After you eat your hot dog and some vegetables you can have cake."

"Ew, veggies, no," the twins chorused, stomping their little feet as they joined the kiddie table with the bulky plastic chairs.

"Andy, can you get some of the juices out of the fridge for the kids?" I asked as he was closest, now washing his own hands in the kitchen.

"Your kids got me soaked," Miranda scowled as she slid up between Danny and Jasper.

"Sorry," Danny shrugged.

I snorted. She had a wet spot along her stomach, the way I got most of the time I did the dishes. My best friend turned to me, "you need a step stool in the kitchen. I had to hold them up so they could reach."

Jasper chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her down onto her lap. "It's just water, it'll dry," he said.

I laughed, walking away to place Mia's plate down at the table. "Girls, Elijah? What's taking so long?" I shouted down the hall.

Janet placed her plate at the table. Danny was quick on his feet, washing his hands. "Hey, B. Can you make a plate for one of the boys? Hot dog with mustard and some salad," he instructed me with a pleasing look.

"Yeah, got it," I said.

"And some chips," Axel giggled.

I turned to Danny who rolled his eyes, "And a little bit of chips."

"Babbel cute," Axel grinned.

"Barbecue," Danny corrected, joining me at the table to make the other plate.

"Daddy I want ketchup and mustard," Luca chimes in.

"You don't like ketchup," Danny stated.

"Yes I do."

"No, you don't."

"Maybe I do today."

Danny face me an exasperated looked. "This is at every meal," he said. I laughed loudly, shaking my head as I served Axel a plate. Hotdog with only mustard. He smiled at me as he dug in, going for a chip. "What do you say, Axe?" Danny questioned, tone fatherly and full of warning if he didn't get this right.

"I tank you," Axel grinned.

"You're welcome, sweetie," I smiled, stroking his little head of blonde.

"Mommy, I showed Elsa and Lijah my fishy," Mia said as the three finally joined us.

"I got to feed him," Elsa grinned, running towards her mother who was pouring a cup of soda. "Can I get a fish now, mommy?"

"Ask your father," Janet shrugged. Elsa turned to moved to Michael who was in the living room on the couch. "Ah-ah. After lunch. Go sit down."

I grabbed hold of Mia, guiding her to her seat at the kids table. Elsa took the last free seat. Danny moved to serve Luca his plate and open his capri-sun. "Don't drink it all, it's the only you're going to get," he warned his boys.

"You too," Janet chimed in, giving Elsa a look from across the room.

"Okay, geez," Elsa pouted, rolling up the sleeves to her black dress.

"Honey, want me to make you a plate?" I asked Elijah as I slipped up behind him, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"No," he said. "You sit. I'll make you a plate."

My brows raised, "okay." He pulled out my chair and I sat directly across from Miranda.

"Oh, look a gentleman, Jasper," my friend told her boyfriend.

"We're sharing a plate," Jasper argued in defense.

"You still could have made it," she quipped.

"Why don't you get me a beer?" He changed the subject. She scoffed and he grinned in amusement, standing up. "I'll get it myself."

He was clearly teasing her. The smile on her face told me she knew it. Soon enough my mom was sitting beside me. Elijah took the head of the table. Jasper next to Miranda, Andy pulling up a spare foldable chair on the other side of my mother. Which left a space for Danny at the opposite end of the table.

Janet and Michael were in the living room, eating over the coffee table. She swore they were fine when I checked in. "Food good?" Danny asked everyone.

"Superb," my mom smiled.

"Yeah, nice job, man," Jasper smiled.

"Kids?" Danny asked, looking over his shoulder at their table.

"Good!", "Really good," "Yum!", and "uh-huh" came this time. Danny nodded to himself with a victorious smile coming into his face.

"Thanks for grilling," I said.

"Anytime," he replied, giving me a wink.

"Oh, we haven't met. You must be Daniel," Elijah spoke up.

Danny nodded, "Call me, Danny."

"Good luck with that," Miranda mumbled under her breath. I kicked her under the table. "Ow."

"Heard a lot about you, Elijah," Danny said.

"Danny," I warned.

Elijah raised an eyebrow, "And?"

Danny smiled, "All good things."

Elijah's lips tugged up but I saw the way his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. Feeling nervous, I placed my hand on his arm to get his attention and keep the two men from a stare off. "How was your drive?" I asked him quietly as the other couple talked amongst themselves.

"Flat tire," he reminded me.

I cringed, "sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. Did I tell you how beautiful you look?" He smiled, leaning over the corner of the table to bring his full attention to me.

I blushed, "No. Thank you. Mia picked it out."

"She picked out mine too," Miranda chimed in.

"I should have let her pick out my outfit," Andy said, giving himself a disgusted look at his pastel pink shirt over the darker magenta dress pants that stopped above his ankles to show off his marching dark pink Oxford shoes. He looked nice but preppy versus our dark theme.

"I assume she picked out her own dress," Elijah said to me, his hand intertwining with mine.

"Yes," I answered. "She's my little goth princess."

"Goth, bunny princess," my mother corrected Mia's label she gave herself this morning.

"Oh, hey, Blake, Jas and I are going to do pottery again this Friday. You in?" Miranda asked with a fake smile and big pleading eyes.

"Yeah, I'd love to," I agreed. "I had a lot of fun last time." I then turned to Elijah, "Would you happen to be free?"

"Probably not," he frowned. "Faculty meeting at seven."

"I'll go," Danny piped up.

"Uh, me too," Andy scoffed, offended he wasn't invited. "I've always wanted to go to a pottery class. I'm good with my hands."

Miranda snickered, "the more the merrier."

"Join us for drinks after," Jasper invited Elijah, giving him a small nod and half smile.

"I'm there," he replied, smiling as he turned from Jasper to me.

"Am I supposed to babysit?" My mother gasped, smacking Danny on the shoulder.

He laughed, "Or I can take the kids up to my parents for the weekend."

"Yes, do that. Give them Mia and I'll have some much needed alone time."

"Mom," I scolded.

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind, B," Danny said.

"I can't impose for a whole weekend," I told him. Besides Mia didn't know them, she just met the twins. I didn't want her to be uncomfortable and the drive was rather far out to make to go and get her.

Danny shrugged, "just let me know."

I nodded, "will do."

Lunch continued on. After everyone had ate, we served cake. Janet doing the honors as everyone else shied away. The kids piled in the living room as I put on a movie for the kids. "What do you want to watch?" I asked.

"Nemo," Mia said.

"No, Buzz," Axel pouted.

"Dora," Elsa smiled.

I turned to the adults with wide eyes that screamed 'Help!'

"Nana wants to see that monster movie again," my mother said.

"Monsters!" The boys cheered.

"Yeah!" Elsa agreed excitedly, nudging Mia with her elbow.

"Then after Nemo," my daughter told my mom as she put on Monster's Inc and got settled into the couch while the kids sat on the floor.

"We're going to go soon," Janet told me.

"Oh, no problem. Elsa can stay a little bit and I can drop her off after the movie."

Janet smiled, "Would you?"

"Of course," I said. "It's still early for the kids."

"Yeah, but I need a nap. As does that one," she replied, pointing to the baby heavily asleep in her father's arms.

"Yeah, go, get out of here. I'll bring her by when the girls are worn out."

"Thanks, Blake," she said, hugging me. She then ushered her husband to get ready before making herself a couple to-go plates from all our leftover food.

Two hands slid around my waist and a chest pressed to my back. I smiled, "You staying for movie number two? We can finally watch Finding Nemo."

Elijah kissed the inside of my neck, "I wish I could but, I have papers to grade. And a week of work to catch up on."

I frowned, turning around to face him, "Okay. Are you going now?"

"I think so."

I nodded, "let me walk you out."

Elijah said a quick goodbye to everyone except Mia who didn't want to let him go when they hugged. She said she was afraid he'd leave town again but he promised he had no plans to leave us again. She was satisfied with that answer and joined her friends on the floor, tucked in blankets provided by my mother.

Once we were on the porch, the two of us were finally and totally alone. "I'll see you tomorrow at school?" I questioned and he grimaced.

"No," he answered. "Your class I'll miss. I have a one on one meeting with Ms. Dorsey."

I frowned, nodding, "Oh. Okay."

"Hey," he frowned, rubbing both my arms affectionately as he moved closer so we could face each other. "I'm back. I'm not going anywhere. We have all the time in the world."

"We're both busy adults," I retorted, slowly wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I thought you'd be happier to see me."

"I am... I'm just worn out from today."

"You sure that's all?" He asked, caressing my cheek with his hand now. "You can talk to me, babe. I want to know what's on your mind."

"Just worried about finding time for each other."

"We will. I promise."

"How can you promise? I have a total of one day off, Sunday and two half days free— Friday night and Saturday morning. I don't want to go the whole week without you," I frowned.

"Babe, I can promise because you're all I want. Yes, we're both busy. But we've been good at making time for each other before, right?"

"I guess so," I sighed.

"Blake, it's going to be okay."

"Yeah?" I mumbled as he leaned in, pressing his forehead to mine.

"Yeah," he retorted, brushing his nose against mine before our lips joined together. And just like that my worries slipped away. The kiss was that good.

To be continued...

~9,580 words.

Elijah was away again this week. Things were a little slow, but inside to Blake's life as it expands. Her best friend's new boyfriend is becoming her friend, they're all hanging out a lot. Her childhood crush is back in town and steadily moving into her life.

However, despite Elijah being secretive, we sort of met Rebekah. And don't worry more trouble coming along the way with our favorite cast... Because he's a Mikaelson, they don't stay apart for long & trouble always finds them.

Any guesses to the first person that's going to make a splash? Because a damper in their budding romance is coming? Who will be the culprit???

Leave some yellow emojis if you liked this chapter 🐥🍌🌕🎷🌟🧽🛵📒🎗️🍯 🍋🎫

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