Hell's Book of Random One-sho...

By Hell_R

11.1K 247 53

A variety of one-shots from random fandoms that don't fit in elsewhere. Have a request? Drop it in! Fandoms I... More

Silence - Jason Voorhees
The Quiet - Soulmate AU
Our Little Quirks - Autistic Male Crush
Manhandled - Derek Morgan
Anger Management - Skeletor
Answer the Bone-A-Phone - Dean Winchester
Dealing with Business - Crowley (Supernatural)
Break My Stride - Male Crush
Among the Trees - Female Spirit
My Little Latte - Female Barista
Pick up the Pieces - Male Monster
A Simple Game of Scrabble - Spencer Reid - Request
Like A Hole in the Head - Derek Morgan - Request
A Shocking State of Affairs - Seto Kaiba - Soulmate AU
Forboding Tantrum - Brahms Heelshire (The Boy) - Request
Off Duty Lifeguard - Spencer Reid
Home Delivery - Spencer Reid
The Cute One in the Band - Sebastian - Stardew Valley
Pick up the Pieces - Part Two
The Card - Spencer Reid
Take Me Away - Young Sir Thomas Sharpe
A Little Bit of Mint - AU Sam Winchester - Male Reader
Play the Game - Spencer Reid
The Littlest Losechester - Winchester Siblings - Request by Jackbunnybaby89
A New Side to Jack - Soulless Jack Kline - Request
Forget the Horrors - Brahms Heelshire (The Boy) - Request
Mine and Mine Alone - Brahms Heelshire (The Boy) - Request
Lost in Space - Bunny Cafe Server & Male Child Reader - Request
Lost in Space - Part Two
Forget Me Not - Lucifer (Supernatural) - Request by TheMidnightPhoenix
Only You Shall I Follow - skekSil the Chamberlain - The Dark Crystal - Request
Not A Damsel and Not In Distress - Lucifer (SPN) - Request by TheMidnightPhoenix
The Sin of Envy - Lucifer (Supernatural) - Request by TheMidnightPhoenix
The Angel, The Hunter and The Demon - Castiel, Dean and Reader - Request
Invasive Digging - Belphegor/Jack Kline - Request by Jackbunnybaby89
Don't Mess with a Winchester - Request
Call It A Night - Seto Kaiba - Request by RadRos
Personal Trainers - Steve, Bucky and Reader - Request by Jackbunnybaby89
Loki and the Spirit Squad - Sir Thomas Sharpe - Request by kissmyscars_
Lost in the Loneliness - Adam (Only Lovers Left Alive)
Regrets in the Aftermath - Sheriff Hassan - Midnight Mass
Loki and the Spirit Squad - Part Two
Factions - Slasher/Norman Bates Taster
The Literal Death of Inspiration - The Grim Reaper Request by _MultiFandomXx
Equal Double Lives - Sam Winchester - Request by Keila-chan
Loki and the Spirit Squad - Part Three
His Other Angel - Crowley (Good Omens) - Request by Izzy has the big sad
The Lone Wolf and The Pup - Jack Kline - Request
Dragged Into It - Male Crush - Request
Dragged Into It - Part Two
Crossing Borders - Hades
Left Behind - Thor Odinson - Request by Valerie
Left Behind - Part Two
Left Behind - Part Three
Joining the Hive - Candyman/Daniel Robitaille - Request
I Swear To You - The Crow/Eric Draven - Request
Dragged Into It - Part Four
Better Than Lovers - Star-Lord/Peter Quill - Guardians of the Galaxy - Request
We, The Fallen - Prince Nuada - Hellboy - Request
We, The Fallen - Prince Nuada - Part Two
Camp Cupid - Original Characters - Request
Camp Cupid - Part Two
Camp Cupid - Part Three
Beneath the Mask - Peter Parker/Spiderman - Request
Easy Like A Sunday Morning - Sheriff Hassan - Midnight Mass - Request
Father Christmas - Father Paul Hill - Midnight Mass
Meeting a Master - Supernatural & Ginger Snaps - Request
Tame the Beast - Abe Sapien - Hellboy - Request
A Quiet Night In - Unspecified Ship
Dumb - Unspecified MxM Ship
Far Away From Here - Star-Lord/Peter Quill - Guardians of the Galaxy - Request
You're Here, With Me - Bucky Barnes - Marvel - Request by Lya_Helios
Dumb - The Incident
Dance Like No One Is Watching - Eddie Munson - Stranger Things - Request
A Casual 3am Adventure - Steddie - Stranger Things - Request

Any Friend of Yours is a Lover of Mine - Star-Lord/Peter Quill - GotG - Request

72 1 0
By Hell_R

You managed to stumble out of the sleeping bunk on the Milano and into main control, having to brace yourself on walls as the ship dipped one way and then abruptly another.

By the time you had a clear view out of the windows, the ship had settled back down and the last lot of the asteroids from the field had passed.

You stopped beside an empty chair, hand resting on the rest and eyes trained outside before you looked to your old friend and pseudo father figure, Rocket.

"That was a wild ride for a second."

"Yeah," he agreed with a careless shrug, "but we got through to hit another one another day."

"Yippee for us."

You half turned towards Peter Quill, who just barely looked away in time to avoid you catching him eyeing you up, not that he could hide the unsubtle smile.

"Don't worry," he said, still grinning, "just a little turbulence making us rock, we're all settled."

"Turbulence being huge broken rocks nearly hitting us?" You asked, slipping into the open seat.

"For now, sorry you missed all the action," Peter tilted his head towards you, giving you a little wink as he said; "But we could make it another kind of turbulence if you give me five minutes."

You laughed, leaning over to pat his arm with purposeful patronisation.

"I'd rather be hit by a minor planet."

"I'd rather he was hit by a minor planet," Rocket called over his shoulder.

"Rocket," you laughed, leaning back in your seat, "be nice."

"Not even in your dreams."

He slipped out of his seat and headed past us, shooting Peter a look of distrust.

"I'll be back shortly, don't try any funny business, you hear?"

"Cross my heart," Peter replied, giving you a cheeky wink when Rocket turned away.

"Good, keep things running smoothly and maybe I'll give you a treat."

You both twisted in your chair and watched him retreat until he was out of sight, then you lurched forward to press a chaste kiss to Peter's lips.

There was a share looked of pure longing before you both connected again.

It had been like this for a couple of weeks now.

Shared kisses when everyone else was busy, mutual looks while no one was looking, brief touches of the fingers as you passed one another while going about your business.

It was frustrating and yet ridiculously thrilling.

You'd heard that secret relationships were something, but you didn't expect the excited nervousness that came with experiencing one.

Not that you'd expected it to get as far as a full relationship.

The playful flirting hadn't been anything surprising, it was Peter Quill, Star-Lord himself, of course he was going to make flirty comments and give suggestive looks, that was a part of his boyish charm.

You were happy to play along, able to keep up and give as good as you got.

The others would either laugh at your antics, join in or roll their eyes and continue on with whatever task they had going, except for Rocket.

After practically raising you, he was cautiously watching Peter and you were sure that, on more than a few occasions, he'd offer some mild threats of harm were he to go too far.

You had laughed off his threats towards Peter, lightly defending him by saying that it wasn't anything to fret about because things weren't ever going to go 'too far'.

And they didn't, things stayed as the perfectly normal banter you'd grown accustomed to and nothing changed.

Until they did.

Until you found yourselves in a life-threatening situation that you narrowly managed to get out of.

By mostly luck and a little bit of skill, you all managed to escape with painful injuries and terrible memories, but at least you still had your lives.

Everyone else had gone their own ways to deal with things how they wished to while Peter stayed with you, carefully taking care of your injuries in a sombre silence.

It was strange to see him so serious, his face straight and eyes lacking the usual cheeky twinkle.

When he pulls away after wrapping your forearm, you catch his wrist in your hand and wait until he catches your eye, your eyebrows furrowed as you give a brief squeeze.

"Are you okay?" You asked, voice coming out quieter than you thought it would.

He doesn't answer straight away, he stares at your face and then into your eyes as his tongue flickers across his lips to wet them, then he finally shakes his head as he takes a deep breath.

"No, not really," he answers, giving in to a moment of weakness. "I thought we were dead, for sure."

"Me too," you nodded. "But hey, we made it out."

"Barely, I'm just glad you're okay."

"Takes a lot more than that to take me out."

"You are stubborn, it's one thing I like about you."

It had been a long time since you had seen him this serious, the wry smile he gave you didn't quite reach his eyes and you were going to try and comfort him but before you could move, his hands came up to cup your jaw, his thumbs running gently over your cheeks as he looked over your face.

The moment was silent and lingering until, mutually, you both leaned in to share a kiss fuelled with more emotions and intention than either of you could ever verbally express.

That was the first of many to come, you both drifting closer in an understanding that went unsaid but agreed upon.

One night, just a day short of a week since the first kiss, you were both lying in bed.

Clothed but comfortable in one another's company, half-dozing in a lazy stupor.

"So," he started quietly, only able to be heard because of the dead silence in the room, "what are we?"

You twisted to look up at him, smiling at the genuine look on his face.

It was time to finally put what you were out there.

Well, at least between you both.

"I'd confidently say we're a couple," you answered, leaning up to press a kiss to the underside of his jaw.

"Confidently until it comes to Rocket," he chuckled.

"Oh god yeah, this should stay between us for now, just until we've settled into this."

"Agreed, I don't feel like getting my ass kicked by your adoptive dad anytime soon."

You laughed, rolling over so your chest was pressed to his, one leg thrown over both of his as well.

"Then it's agreed, this is just for us until further notice."


Having it openly acknowledged felt like an entirely different dynamic and keeping it secret had been a thrill that continued for a good month.

But l good things must come to an end.

You pulled away from the kiss, both leaning back in your seats and sharing a dumb smile.

"Ooooh no...no, nope."

Both of your eyes widened and you turned your attentions towards the entrance of the control room where Rocket stood, mouth agape in shock and denial as his eyes flitted between you and Star-Lord.

Eventually, his eyes narrowed and his fists clenched as his focused squared in on Peter.

"Looks like I do gotta kick your ass!"

Rocket lunged forward as Peter jumped from his seat and took a step backward in the limited space he had, hands held up.

"Whoa! Calm down, I'm taking care like you asked, I promise."

"Oh yeah? That a fact, is it?" He asked, turning towards you.

You gave an embarrassed nod of confirmation, your hand covering your face.

"I promise too, he really has been great," you groaned. "Don't kill him for not telling you, it was my idea to keep this between us for now."

His expression shifted from irritation into something that could have been confusion or bewilderment.

"You didn't want to tell me? Why?"

"Because I knew this was how you'd react, you'd fly off the handle because you're overprotective and don't seem to get that I'm an adult."

"Hey, I get that you're an adult, I just think you can do better than that idiot," he pointed over his shoulder to Peter, who let out a sound of protest.

"Around here? Like who? Drax? I don't think we're each other's type."

"There's Mantis, she's pretty okay."

You rolled your eyes, slipping out of your seat.

"I don't want Drax or Mantis or anyone else, I'm happy with my dopey dancing Star-Lord."

Peter smiled at you over Rocket's head, at least part of your statement evidently going over his head.

"You really love him, huh?"

"I wouldn't say 'love', that's a strong word but..." you shrugged and smiled at Peter, "it could get there someday."

Rocket looked between you both and then visibly deflated as he sighed, his shoulders dropping.

"You sure about this, kid?"

"I am, absolutely."

You nodded resolutely and he looked less than thrilled but seemed to give in nonetheless.

"Okay," he said, turning towards Peter. "I'll take it, but don't think that means I won't rain hell on you if you so much as put a hair out of place."

"Hand on my heart," Peter replied, doing just that as he smiled at you.

"Right," Rocket drawled, half-turning to you. "Get outta here, I need to speak to Star-Lord here, you can have him back in a few, got it?"

You gave another nod and took a step back, mouthing a 'sorry' towards Peter as he gave you a look of desperate pleading.

After blowing a kiss, you turned on your heel and left them to it, grinning to yourself in anticipation of the complaining you'd hear later about their little talk.

While the secret had been fun, it felt nice to get it out in the open after so long...too bad that Rocket would be watching your boyfriend like a hawk for any misstep.

But he meant the best and Peter would come to understand that.

Maybe one day you could be one happy family.

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