Ryujin: The Boy Who Saved The...

By shilohthemagicelf

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Izuku was just 4 years old when his life crumpled to dust. Isolated from society- he only had one friend, his... More

chapter 1 ~ how the world failed
chapter 2 ~ Ryujin
chapter 3 - heroics training
chapter 4 ~ Ryujin kidnapped a child.
4 1/2 ~ Izuku and Hita-Chans quirk details.
chapter 5 ~ unforseen simulation join! a.k.a. The USJ
chapter 6 ~preparing for the sports festival!
chapter 7 ~ UAs sports festival!
not an update
chapter 8 ~ Internships!
chapter 9 - "dont trust everything you see, even salt looks like sugar"
chapter 10 - goodbye with the commission
chapter 11 - new sibling
chapter 12 - final exams
Live. (part 2 of training camp)#14

chapter 13- summer training camp pt.1

499 16 36
By shilohthemagicelf

Dabi was your average Commission pet. Atleast that's what he thought. After his tragic 'death', his shitface of a father sold him to the Commission, who greedily trained him alongside Kiego, a close friend of his. He'd been pretty resistant, now that he was technically an adult, (24 years old) he had his rights back, since the contract his father had made and signed to the Commission said they could only 'own' him till his 18th birthday.

Surely he could've escaped, but he couldn't. The Commission had his mother in their grasp, held in a mental hospital until he lived to their high expectations.

Sure he used to be Touya, but now? He was an underground Hero/Spy. His Alias in heroics was Pyro, not many knew of him- one of his friends, (he finds that he only has four.) Is EraserHead, an honorable man who had grown to be the blue flames users favorite. He still kept in close contact with Hawks, but since the winged man was the number 3 hero- they didn't have any time for chitchat. There was also Miruko, whom he and Hawks both had their first alcoholic beverage with. And his final friend, a Vigilante he met, during a street fight.

The most distinctly noticeable thing about the boy was his glowing green eyes, almost like pools of acid. Then there was the bright red sneakers, and the Katana the boy weilded. The boy didn't talk, but patched up Dabi's injuries and even healed near all of the dark- rotting scars that littered the ravenettes body.

His hair was naturally red, but over time the stress of his father and the commissions training caused his roots to slowly go white. When he turned 15 he was forced to dye it black so he blended with the night better, he's had his hair like that since. He'd kept in subtle contact with the green haired boy, who still healed Dabis scars. Ah yes, Dabi was his new villain name.

The commissions latest mission for him was to infiltrate a group of villains, (stupid ones.) And to eliminate them solely from the inside, but to also have them do the trouble of kidnapping a wanted student from UA. He'd been with the LOV for some time, having seen the wanted greenette at the sports festival. But he also had to work on getting them to do what the commission wants without them knowing. Basically, right now Dabi is suposed to suggest kidnapping Izuku Aizawa, EraserHeads kid, who he saw also had blue fire just like his, but received no sign of being burnt.

His father was fire resistant to a point- and his twin, Natsuo, had a weak temperature dropping quirk. Dabi ended up with a fire so hot it turned blue and could cremate a person within seconds, but he was only immune slightly. Sadly, their older sister- Fiyumi, was born quirkless. She never let it bother her- and continued to be a great person.

So what if he stalked his siblings? It was only proper to make sure they'd been okay after he "died". Then there was Shouto, the youngest of the bunch. At first, he hated Shouto, so much so that at first- he was on a mission to kill the young boy. But, Dabi soon realized how terribly wrong he had been, he saw first hand in a hallway on how Enji treated the bi-colored male, but he also saw the good people in his brothers life, and he was so extremely proud of his brother for overcoming so many obstacles and thriving to be a proper hero.

Back to himself though, Dabi was focused on what the manchild had ordered him to do. He was to override UAs security and grab the file said to hold where the "1A brats" would be doing summer training.

He'd found the correct file, but it dissapeared from the system quicker then he could copy. Then- a new file, much less protected then the last, appeared. He smirked, and copied the file. Covering it sloppily. Their was one other viewer- someone easily identified by Dabi. "Drag0Ng0d_upy0ur4ss@gmail.com"

(Not an actual Email! And if it is i'll delete it Immediately!)

Ryujin, he never expected the slippery Vigilante to work with UA of all people- but then again, he was glad. He didn't want Shouto to be hurt in the coming attack.

Reading the file he'd just copied, he found that the location was somewhere far edge of North America, in a state called California, apparently a group of famous American heroes, who called themselves the "teen titans" who, at the ripe ages of 16, started their own agency in the small town of "Jump City" which, for California's average city size- was quite small. They also happened to be the only heroes about. The members consisted of:

Quirk: Cyborg
User is mutated to be 75% robot, many functions that include, lasers, jetpack, tracking, and self destruction.
Drawback: user strives on a heavy diet of pizza, and continuously says "dude" in every sentence. (Dabi wasn't sure if the last one was a quirk issue.)

Quirk: alien princess
User has Lazer eyes, ability of flight, and speed healing
Drawback: user is easily distracted, cannot speak in proper sentences, and has a heavy addiction to cat videos.

Quirk: transformation
Powers are limited to animals of all eras, and dinosaurs are included.
Drawback: cannot speak to other animals, even when transformed into them

Quirk: none?
Raised by the batman, Robin had no trouble learning the way of the bo staff- currently his main wepon. He is the leader of the titans

The group was supposed to be teaching the class what it was like to start their agencies so young- but also about combat with real villains, seeing as how Jump City was such a crappy place to live because of the crime ratings.

Dabi doubted EraserHead would ever take his class there, as if the hero would even consider it.

When the printed version of the file was handed to Shigaraki, who was thankfully wearing gloves- the manchild frowned.

Kurogiri was their main source of transportation, if not their only source. But of course, everyone had their limits.

Kurogiris portals couldn't reach that far, Shigaraki was obviously considering his options, scratching harshly on his pale skin.

"And you pulled this straight from the UA files?" The blue haired male asked, pointing at the paper.

"Yup, getting around the security was tough you know. Your welcome." Dabi retorted, bowing sarcastically.

"Don't get snarky, your just a pawn in my game. Giran should be coming around soon with our newest members. So don't wander far." The scratchy voice spoke, Dabi rolled his eyes and stomped back to his room. His burns were starting to get itchy, since the Vigilante wasn't around to heal him. He needed to remember to repay the green eyed illigal hero some day.

Dabi also was concerned, he hadn't received word from the commission in a long while, even if it was just for updates on if he was alive, or any information on the league. The cellphone they provided him with didn't allow news feed, and the mission was suposed to end right after the league kidnapped the green haired Aizawa. He would take the kid to the Commission, who would do whatever and turn him into their soldier. Sure Dabi hated the idea, but what other choice did he have?


Back at the commissions headquarters, Izuku and Nezu were playing a game of chess, both doing equally well against eachother.

A notification sounded from Izukus laptop, which he didn't normally use for conversion, so he was confused when he received a message from a number saved as Pyro.


Pyro: you guys still want that kid? Is the mission off?

Who is this?

Pyro: I'm Pyro, is this some new safety protocol? What's with you guys and not talkin to me?

Vp has changed their name to Ryujin

Are you a commission soldier?

Pryo: more or less? I'm not sure..

Pyro: wait.. Ryujin? As in the little green eyed kid who healed my burns all the time?



Pyro: yep, now care to tell me why your on the commissions official number?

I kidnapped a child from the commission the commission got mad the commission hunted me and my children down the commission tried to kill my family I overrun the commission and committed murder against the soldiers now I am vice president of the commission and Nezu the principle of UA is the president

So basically, you don't have to be on that mission or whatever anymore.

Pyro: really?

Yea, ur like, tots free now Touya

Pyro: Hawks is free too? And you aren't controlling the people taking care of my mother?

Dayum, the trauma is not slay.
As the official vice president of the commission, your mother will be freed from the hospital, you will be provided with a penthouse in a hero building, next to hawks' *wink wink* and all the money you made while working with the commission will be moved to your own bank account.
Your mother will be moving in with you btw.

Pyro: I think you forgot the part where I look like a Walmart Frankenstein?

if you come by before 7pm I'll heal that up 4 u

Pyro: k

Back in the real world, Nezu smiled maniacally when he pulled up evidence against Endevour, adding a few new things to the file.

He'd be bringing the flame hero to court whilst Izuku and the rest of 1A are away, to ensure the safety of Todoroki Shouto.

Fiyumi and Natsuo were also given the option to stay with their mother, with Touya, in which they flipped when they learnt of him not being deciesed.

Things were going much smoother for Izuku after everything that happened, and now he was slowly gaining the trust of commission pawns who were forced to do the corrupt people's dirty works.

Hawks had already taken a liking to Izuku, but was damn near in tears when he learned of how extreme the commissions "training" had really been, Hell- the 22 year old didn't even know his own name! After the commissions downfall, Hawks started to mutate a bit more- his "perfect image" changing after he was progressively taken off the Quirk stunting medication he was forced to take.

His wings got larger, and were now a much more flourished red after his last molting. His eyes glowed a deadly gold- and his eyesight was sharper than that of the sharpest of all eagles.

Miruko thanked Izuku many times, daily, for freeing her friends.


It was two days after Ryujins 7-4 Vigilante shift, and Izuku was exhausted, because Ryujin also worked 5-5 last night to make up for the time he'll lose whilst Izuku is at the camp. Speaking of which- Izuku was readily climbing onto the large bus. The drive was going to be 2 hours, if traffic wasn't bad, and Anahita, Kota, and Eri would be joining them, since they couldn't trap poor Nezu with the Chaotic 3 for a week.

Izuku and Shinsou- along with Anahita, Kota, and Eri, took up the back rounded couch area. Denki also sat next to Izuku, leaning into the greenette, dozing slightly. Momo and Iida, (who had just gotten a silent lecture, along with Todoroki about personal safety regards and not being idiots) made sure everyone was situated, bags tucked away. Aizawa was quick to tell everyone to keep it to a low rumble, or else they'd have to all do extra work, because he wanted to sleep, and the driver (who looked oddly familiar) drove.

At the 30 minute mark, Eri got car sick and worried Aizawa, who moved her to the front where he was sitting to monitor her health for a bit.

After about an hour, Denki began to stir, Izuku laughed silently, but fondly, at the discoherant words spewing from the blonde.

"Mmhskn, Izuu" the blonde practically mumbled, a dribble of drool at the corner of his lips. Izukus face flushed and his body tensed, he knew Denki wasn't fully aware of what he was saying, but God Izuku might die if this continues.

Shinsou snorted, snapping a picture of the fond moment. Izuku glared, matching Aizawas damn near perfectly- but to the greenettes disappointment, the lavender headed male didn't delete it, but rather sent it to Shouta, and Mic, and Izuku.

Izuku just rolled his eyes playfully and shook the blonde next to him awake, since the bus was coming to a stop.

"Hm? Izu? Are we here already?" Kaminari asked, blinking away the sleepiness. Izuku shrugged, knowing this definitely wasn't where the camp was, and stood along with the rest of the class.

Aizawa ushered the "Hell Spawn" as he calls them, out of the bus, telling them to leave their things. Eri and Anahita didn't want to leave the bus, still curled into eachother watching another pre-quirk shows. This one was called "Miraculous Ladybug" and was about two teenagers (how ironic) who gained superpowers to protect Paris from some evil bad guy who used moths to turn emo people into cringe, cheaply designed villains. He'd seen a pigion guy many times throughout the show.

Kota on the other hand, saw the Pussy Cats through the dash and jumped out immediately.

"Auntie?" He called out, only seeing three of the four.

The odd bus driver followed them off the bus, their large bushy mustache and large glasses covered their face. A big- obnoxious hat covered their hair, while a longcoat sealed the deal. They were strictly unidentifiable.

"Right here Kota," the mysterious bus driver, Now revealed as Mandalay, called. She quickly discarded of her disguise and embraced the small boy, both had small tears at the rim of their eyes.

"Alright! As sweet as this reunion is..." Tiger began, the attention of all 20 students fell on him.

"This isn't your average pit stop, this is the start of your training!" He called, a few of the smarter students, (Momo, Todoroki, Iida, and Izuku) had realized what was going on, so the four of them squeezed away from the confused class. Kaminari, confused as ever, was also dragged away.

"What should we do? I certainly don't want to be prowling about here in these woods in my heals!" Momo whispered, Izuku pointed at the bus storage, where their items had been stored. Iida caught on, shaking his head lightly.

"That's far to loud, we need a better way of getting about." He whispered, causing Izuku to whine mutely. He continued to point his finger violently at the storage compartment, Kaminari sighed and opened it. To their suprise, It was silent, except for the screams of their classmates as they fell off the cliff. Pixie-Bob yelling over them


Iida was the last to climb in, shutting the compartment behind him. Now the small group turned to face Izuku, there was limited space, and air- in the compartment. Izuku kicked the top/floor of the bus, a small door popped open quickly.

Eri and Anahita smiled at them, "just like you said Izu-nii!" They said in union. Izuku climbed up, then helped the other four as they slid to the back of the bus, hiding in the seats.

Anahita and Eri giggled softly as ladybug did her finishing, "bye bye little butterfly".
The Pussy Cats entered the bus, followed by Kota and Aizawa. Aizawas eyes lingered over to where the group was, smirking softly and sitting down himself. Mandalay was quick to start the engine and drive the last 30 minutes to the real camp.

A bit after they started, Izuku wanted to go see what Anahita and Eri were arguing about, since they didn't squabble very often. Standing from his spot, he was quickly tossed forward when Mandalay slammed on the brakes, Aizawas face hit the seat infront of him, causing him to groan loudly.

"AIZAWA-SENSEI! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Iida asked abruptly, rushing to where the ravenette was sitting.

"How many of you guys are there? And when did you get here? I'm sure the bus was cleared out-" Ragdoll started, Todoroki, Momo, and Denki stood up, Aizawas face shifted and he raised a brow.
"Kaminari? I certainly didn't expect you to realize what was happening so fast.."

"I had no clue what was going on!" The blonde stated a little to proudly, "Izu just sorta dragged me along with him!"

Izuku shrugged, signing [im surprised Mic didn't tag along, you know- woods, privacy, all that good stuff.] Aizawas face reddened slightly, wrapping his capture scarf around Izuku and tossing the boy into a seat.

"Why does izu-nii not call Papa, Papa? Or Zashi? Mic is his hero name?" Eri questioned innocently, glancing expectantly at Izuku.

Izuku had to think for a moment, he never really thought about why he didn't call Mic by his name. Sure he trusted Mic, Mic treated him like a son and he couldn't ask of anything more. But calling him Zashi, or Hizashi sounded wrong, like it twisted his tongue into knots.

'You really are slow sometimes. Just make the connection. Hisashi, Hizashi, Yada Yada.' Ryujin said, Izuku made the realization, frowning deaply. He couldn't bring himself to call Mic Hizashi because it was far to close to Hisashi. And because of that, Mic thinks Izuku doesn't like him and doesn't trust him and he's ruined everything andMichateshimandsowillAizawaandthekidsand- calloused hands grasped his, pulling them from the hair he hadn't realized they'd been tugging, a look of concern plastered on Aizawas face.

"It's because it sounds like Hisashi, right? You could always call him pops, papa, dad, he still cares about you, he knows you don't mean it in a bad way when you call him Mic." The erasure hero spoke, his voice quiet and deep. Izuku took a few deep breaths, remembering how many people were around him right now.

He hummed softly, and Aizawa let go of Izukus scarred hands, the boy quickly wrapped around Denki, who happily sat with him the rest of the trip.

Arriving at the camp, not one of the students had shown up, and due to Ragdolls quirk, she found none of them were even close, and they'd wandered south, when the camp was east. Mandalay contacted them and corrected their direction.

"Aizawa-sensei!" Iida called out, Aizawa had been ready to run off and find the hellspawn he definitely didn't care about, his face frowning, with a subtle hint of... panic?

"Calm down EraserHead! I'm sure they'll be a-okay!" Tiger chimed, carrying the class' bags in.

"I don't think you understand how grave this situation is, the smart, logical, tactical ones aren't with them. Without these brats-" aizawa pointed at Iida, Todoroki, Momo, and Izuku. "They're just a bunch of reckless children without maps. Hell they'll probably destroy someone's treehouse.

Izuku shot up from the wooden bench he was resting on, Kaminari standing with him.

'MY TREEHOUSE!!' Izuku thought, bursting off towards the woods, full speed. Kaminari jogged after him, not quite understanding why.

Aizawa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He instructed the three still sitting around to go do something productive, and to not get lost.

Meanwhile, Izuku had made it to his treehouse before the rest of the class.

The first to approach was darkshadow, who must've taken the job of being a front scout.

"IZUKU" the shadow bird squaked, Tokoyami following shortly along with everyone else.

"Woah, Izuku, what's this?" Kirishima asked, knocking on the wood of the tree holding the house up.

[Off-limits.] He signed, Tokoyami was quick to translate, adding his own:

"What a mad banquet of darkness."

Izuku led them to camp, carrying a buzzed Kaminari on his back, who- was ambushed by a few medium, pig-sized dirt creatures.

(Fun facts with izuku: apparently, Kaminari is extremely afraid of Pigs. (This is not cannon))

The blonde electrified the Beasts, as well as a few more in the area. Luckily his classmates were spared and nobody was hurt.

They neared the campground at about 5pm, a bit later than anticipated- but many needed to take breaks after using their quirks to much, hensfourth Shoji, Satou, and Izuku carried people one by one to try and continue moving. The tactic worked well until the three carrying got tired, sadly Uraraka couldn't just carry them due to her already being exhausted.

"Well, I'm not disappointed." Aizawa murmured from his sleeping bag, Glancing at Izuku to check the greenette for injury. Seemingly satisfied with the limited scratches, Aizawa continued to rest in the obnoxiously yellow sleeping bag.

"Alright! You guys did slightly better than we expected. We'll be providing dinner for tonight, but after today, for the next week you'll be cooking for yourselves, and picking the vegetables from our garden!" Ragdoll announced, the exhausted class rejoiced, stuffing their faces full with food. Izuku himself enjoyed a small plate.

Izuku caught sight of Kota, who didn't have anything to eat, take the path up to the cave they called a hideout.

Izuku frowned, standing abruptly from his table. Kaminari glanced over at him, face full of curry. Izuku shook his head, Kaminari nodded and continued eating, whilst Izuku followed the short boy up the mountain trail, mumbling short complaints on how steep it was.

On the edge of the cliff is where Kota sat, glaring down at the forest below.

Izuku huffed and sat next to him, Kota looked away.

"Go away." He hissed. Izuku didn't budge.

"What's got you all sour? Did the girls do your makeup?" Izuku asked, poking the boys side.

"No! Leave me alone okay!?" Kota shifted to move away, presumably to lock himself in the walled cave area. Izuku shifted to stare at the boy.

"Was it Mandalay?" The boy shifted a bit, standing and facing away from the greenette.

"...yea." the boy mumbled, Izuku sighed and looked at the sky, something he found himself doing often when he was lost in thought.

"Did she say something?" Izuku asked, the ravenette sniffled, a small tear hitting the ground.

Soon enough, Izuku was holding the sobbing boy in his arms, silently waiting for the boy to speak.

"..she- she said that she was sorry for what happened, and that she was sorry for my parents death, but to keep my chin up.. they always say sorry! They always tell me to look on the bright side! They never worry about how I feel and it makes me so mad!" The small boy yelled all at once, still sobbing in Izukus arms.

"Shh, shh, don't cry now. Tell me, how do you feel about all that's happened, tell me all that you feel."

The small boy sniffled, calming himself down.

"I- I feel confused... I hate that my parents died! And I... I thought I hated heroes, but then you became my hero. But then- you kept getting hurt! You saved me from the commission, you saved Eri, and you saved Anahita, and your a hero. But I'm so scared you'll leave, like my mom and dad, and the guy! The guy who hurt them- killed them, is still out there! He could come back- and- and- I... I don't want Dadzawa and Papa to get hurt. I don't want anyone to get hurt! That's why I don't like heroes, or quirks! They're overrated and sooner or later- you just die! It's not fair!" The boy sobbed out, eyes growing puffy.

"Hey, Kota, being a hero isn't all about fighting and dying you know.. I used to do everything without using my quirk, wanna know why?" Izuku whispered softly. Kota made a soft grunt, meaning yes.

"I fight to save people, so people don't get hurt anymore. I don't like fighting either, because sometimes it's really scary. But I fight to save little kiddos like you, and Anahita, and Eri. So that sweet little kids like you don't need to suffer so much at a young age. But, Ill save anyone I can, I'll save everyone without a second thought." Kota glanced up at Izuku, who had a stern expression while staring out into the woods infront of him.

"I'm sorry." The small boy mumbled, Izuku looked at him.

"Don't be sorry, a glowstick needs to break before it can glow." The greenette hummed, standing and walking away.

He trusted that Kota would take those words to heart, even if they didn't make sense. Someone special had told Izuku that, he didn't remember who.. but someone did.

Denki greeted him happily when he returned, telling him that everyone was already in the hotsprings.

Izuku was cautious when undressing himself, glancing around the room carefully. Someone was watching him, he couldn't tell who, but there was someone. He cleared his throat, probably one of the only sounds he actually made around his classmates- or anyone he didn't speak to.

Kaminari appeared, blushing slightly.
"Sorry, Izu. I just wanted to wait for you." The blonde quickly sputtered out, glancing away awkwardly.

Izuku smiled, grasping the blondes hand.

The two exited, not one of the other guys bat an eye, used to seeing the two going everywhere together.

Izuku was fairly surprised when he saw Kirishima and Kacchan getting along, kirishima nudging the explosive blondes shoulder.

Kaminari had to continuously remove himself from the hotsprings every so often so that he could sneeze without risk of killing his classmates.

"No! It's Luka!" He heard Anahitas typically soft voice screech. The two were on top of the wall, the other being Eri. They must've been given the job if keeping the two groups separated.

"No! Its Adrien! They're ment for eachother!!" Eri hollered back from the farther end of the wall.

They drew closer to eachother, still screaming their heads off about... Luka and Adrien? He'd have to figure out who those two were.

"No! Marinette and Luka broke up!" Eri growled, horn growing dangerously bigger.

"No! Adrien is to stupid to love Marinette!"Anahita yelled in return, Izuku wanted to correct Anahitas vocabulary, but Shinsou cut in,

"HEY! DONT SAY THAT WORD!" He yelled at the two, who in union screamed "SHUT UP!" at him. The purplette frowned as Izuku stood, wrapping a towel around his waist. He was wearing some swim-shorts underneath, but he wanted to dry off so he wouldn't get cold.

Eri suddenly lost control and her quirk spiraled, a golden, glittery layer of thick air surrounding her. Anahita aborted and lept down to the girls side, Uraraka let our a shriek and a splash was heard. Luckily Mina affirmed that she was okay and Izuku could focus on Eri. She stumbled around and nearly fell, if it weren't for Izuku who lept up quickly, snatching her from the air and rolling to the ground, protecting her the entire way.

Aizawa was quick to rush over, most likley he heard the commotion. Mandalay yelled from the other side that Anahita was safe, and that her quirk activated on instinct and she was currently sitting in the springs with her tail, showing it off to the girls.

Eri groaned, a few tears falling.

Goodness were all of his children going to cry today?

Izuku held her close, glaring at anyone who tried to get near. Even Kaminari, because his kid was sad and he would not have it.

Luckily after a few more minutes, Eri calmed down and was dozing in Izukus arms, sniffling here and there but otherwise content.

"Izuku, I'll have Mandalay drop Anahita in my room, why don't we take Eri there, so she's more comfortable?" Aizawa asked, Izuku nodded and stood from the ground, glancing at the sulking Kaminari apologetically. Kaminari smiled softly, sadly, Izuku couldn't tell.

Izuku set Eri down on the bed, Aizawas sleeping bag was on the couch in the corner. Izuku assumed that Anahita and Eri shared the bed whilst Kota slept in his old room.

Anahita was dropped off shortly after, rushing to Izukus side.

"I'm sorry I made her mad! I'm sorry! Please I didn't mean to make her hate me!" She sobbed, shaking in Izukus firm arms. Izukus heart clenched as he comforted the girl, whispering kind words and assuring her that Eri would not be mad.

Eventually she fell asleep just like Eri had, snoring softly next to the pale haired girl.

By now, the rest of his class had turned in for the night, leaving Izuku alone to ponder in his thoughts as he sat alone in the hotsprings.

He hadn't noticed how the time went on, the moon doing its rotation over his head and the sun rising.

Izuku noticed only when Kaminari had come looking for him, finding the greenette blankly staring at the steamy water infront of him.

Eventually, a confused Izuku was ushered inside, coaxed with coffee.

Aizawa swore he could go to a mirror and count 5 new grey hairs when he saw the deep purple bags under Izukus eyes, matching with shinsou as his two eldest sons drank coffee and ate some of Izukus coffee pancakes, a small plate was also given to Aizawa, along with his usual coffee.

"Izuku, Anahita and Eri are looking for you." Ragdoll called from the doorway. Izuku stood from his chair and made his way over to Aizawas room.

Inside the two girls were watching a different show, most likley to prevent fighting, Izuku concluded.

This show was something Izuku had watched when he'd hacked into someone's Netflix, Shera. He enjoyed the show and liked the ending even more.

Eri and Anahita were sitting hand in hand while eating pop tarts.

"Hey girls." Izuku spoke, sitting behind them, the two girls spun, wide smiles on their faces as they hugged him.

"Thank you for making us realize we shouldn't fight, Oni-Chan!" Anahita cheered, Eri nodded, whispering her own little apology. The rest of the class had begun training already, and Izuku would have to stay out longer if he was late, he knew Tiger had no problem with tormenting the greenette. Izuku kissed both girls on the forehead and left them to their show.

Training wasn't to bad for Izuku, then again sparring against Kacchan was never hard. Even with the explosive blondes short fuse, he never said anything rude, simply scowling and screaming profanities every time he got sprawled onto the ground.

"Ugh! Damnit Deku. Tryna be better than me! I'm number one!" The blonde yelled, small explosions popping from his hands.

Izuku sighed and shook his head,
'Kacchans temper and ego issues would never change.' The greenette thought. He gathered his towel and water and moved on, deciding he wanted to do something else. Bakugou also left to go work on his explosions.

"Izuku!" A deeper, familiar voice boomed, Tiger jogged to Izuku, a stern-yet-gleefull expression on the buff man's face.

"Let's catch up on lost time yea!? Let's fight! Me-ow!" The man boomed, Izuku smirked, yes! This is what he needed, a good punching bag.

Izuku nodded, fist bumping the older man and following him to a cleared out area.

"Rules are: no severe injuring, though it's not that I'd let you get that close! Haha!" The man laughed, then continued.
"Going past the boundaries are an imitate disqualification. Getting knocked out is the only other way to win, so immobilizing your opponent doesn't cut it. You ready for a good ol' one sided battle!" Tiger boomed, oh if only he knew.

Izuku nodded, getting into a low- cat like stance, two small daggers that he usually carried at the ready. Tiger opted for a much more open, raised fist stance, with impeccable foot placement to prevent being pushed over. Izuku smirked, the smile-like scars on each side of his smile itching.

Izuku was the first to move, leaping forward in a blur of green and pouncing on Tiger.

"NICE TRY! HAHAHA!" The man tossed Izuku aside, who landed in his feline pose, baring his teeth. A peice of fabric from the man's shoulder.

"Biting?" Tiger chuckled, rotating his bitten arm clockwise.

"You forget who the cat is here. I won't hold back!" Tiger yelled, leaping forward. Izuku tried to keep a safe distance, slithering around the bigger man's attacks and managing to land a few good kicks and punches. By now a few others had gathered, Kota, Aizawa, Ragdoll, Mandalay, and a few of his classmates.

Tiger managed to grasp Izuku by his shirt green curls, causing the smaller boy to wip backwards and land hardly on his back. Tiger tried to get a better hold of Izuku, most likley to throw him out of bounds- but was bitten harshly and pulled his arm back. Izuku smiled profusely and rolled away, getting back on his feet. His head hurt, a bunch, and now a metallic taste lingered in his mouth.

Izuku activated Ȟ̴̹͖̪͖͎̂͝ẹ̷̻͕̙́̆̿̌̇l̴̼͎͙̳̼̍͗͘l̸̜̳̞̝̜̽͘ş̴͚͈͓͗̉͒̅̕ ̷͆̀̈ͅr̸̳͖͓̫̋̚ư̷̗̬̪̪͚͋͝l̷̡̖̼̘̟͐̋͝e̸̤̖̝͖̱͗͂̌, and he

floated in the air. He had much better control over it, and was able to utilize the ability without running off of pure rage.

Tiger seemed to falter a moment, but Izuku supposed anyone would. Large fire serpents licking at his arms as he floated in the air, his eyes turned a vibrant red and his hair floated up like Aizawas, and a new addition- FIRE HORNS!! Those were his favorite, they made him look badass.

He pointed at Tiger, fire licking at his outstretched arm as his serpents attskced mercilessly, radiating the strong smell of Izukus favorite flower of death, the pink fire mixed beautifully with a deep white, which were so cold Tiger had to pull away in fear of frostbite.

Tiger stretched his arms out graciously to avoid anything vital being frozen.

(How ironic is it that my sister is watching frozen rn😂)

Izuku pushed himself forward, wrapping himself around tigers neck, his body temperature was lower than it should be, seeing as he's a naturally heated person, so it was strange to feel so cold. Tiger must've felt it too, since he let out a hiss and instantly began to shiver lightly.

Izuku cautiously waved his hand infront of Tigers nose, pink flame emitting a very strong smell of Valerian, the same flower he used on Aizawa. Tiger swayed, blinking rapidly to try and shoo away the darkening vision. With a final pull backwards, Izuku effectively knocked out Tiger. His classmates cheered and clapped, even Mandalay seemed impressed.

Izuku managed to calm the class down, signing that it wasn't a big deal. He snuck off to his work laptop, hoping Dabi had messaged him about leaving the league.


Pyro: bad news kid
The LOV has a spy or something cuz they know where the stupid camp is. They have a plan to attack at night.
Maybe even tonight, but I'm not sure..
Listen they wouldn't let me leave, I might try to break away during the attack.
Respond cus we need to work this stuff out.

Wait what!?
Ok, uhh
Tell me about the members,
I'll Alert Aizawa-sensei
about this so we
can leave asap..
Also yea, if we can't
get out I'll hide u so they
Can't take u back when I
Beat their asses😊
Try and learn about the spy too!
I'll teach them a lesson about
Traitorous acts.

Pyro: okay, there's a few members
But... 3 of them are kids.
Like, two are Highschool age, a girl with a blood based quirk and a boy with a Lizard quirk.

They're villains and all- but.. society failed them. They had nobody to turn to and it led to villainy.

The other one is a fucking junior high student. He's so young, kid hardly knows how to use a wepon, But carries a gun on him. He has a gas-quirk like the Hero Midnight.

Please try to save them.

Also, we're suposed to be kidnapping some kids, but we haven't gotten the list yet

I'll do everything I can.
Thanks, for all of this.

Izuku shut his laptop and searched for Aizawa.

His expression changed in an instant as he took in the sight. He'd just opened the door of the room he was in. He was only gone for 4 minutes.

The forest was engulfed in flame, blue flame. He assumed Tou- Dabi didn't have a choice. His heart stung knowing his treehouse wouldn't be safe.

He managed to locate not just Aizawa, but also Dabi, purple scars prominent on his body.

Aizawa has Dabi pinned, an angry expression, mixed with worry and regret.

Izuku was quick to race over.

"D-Dadzawa!" He stuttered out, still taking in the situation.

"D-don't hurt him I-" he tried, but the Dabi- or the fake Dabi, melted away into a puddle of mud.

"Problem child, go to the study rooms, its safer- and Kaminari is there." Aizawa ordered, But Izuku shook his head.

"No. D-dabi is a spy, w-was a spy atleast.. hes stuck and I said I'd help him out okay! The commission- they- they controlled him for so long.." Izuku trailed off, Mandalay caught his attention as she ran towards them, panicking.

"Ohmygoshimgladifoundyiuguys!" She spat out, panting heavily.
"K-kota! It's Kota! He's missing! The girls are supposed to be with him too- oh my God I-" She was cut off quickly, Izuku could get to them.

"Y-you guys find the rest of the class. The s-spy said that the LOV is behind this and they are trying to kidnap some people!" Izuku rushed, dashing away as soon as he finished.

Both adults stood silently, before slowly remembering 'shit, we're under attack right now.'

"He- he talks!?" Mandalay asked abruptly. Aizawa nodded and left to go his own direction, telling Mandalay to watch out for anyone with purple scars and black hair, and that he was suposed to be the spy.


Izuku didn't waste a second climbing up the mountainside. He was internally greatful that the villain he heard was monologing to the three horrified children, it bought him time to arrive.

"Hey, you. Little boy, I like your hat. I want it, give it to me." The muscular man said, reaching his large hand out. Kota backed away, followed by Eri and Anahita who were both crying.

Izuku put on his brave, Ryujin face. He was going to be brave for his kids.

The muscular man, well- Izuku realized that it was Muscular, the villain who killed Kotas. Anyway- Muscular seemed displeased as the kids backed away, he didn't get the hat he wanted.

"Don't you know it's rude. Not to give your superior what they want?" Muscular growled, reaching out to grab Eri. Ryujin dove forward, his sharp teeth latching to the villains arm as he held on tightly. Muscular hissed in pain and tried to throw Ryujin off, but couldn't due to the sheer heat the boy let off. He was well over 400°f and it was only increasing with each passing moment, Izu- Ryujin didn't want his- Izukus kids to be scared.

Ryujin swung his foot down, landing a solid, full force hit to Musculars groin.

"AUGH! FUCKING HERO BRAT! WHO EVEN ARE YOU." Muscular yelled out, finally prying the small boy off.

"Izuku, but you- my friend, can call me Ryujin." The greenette responded, an unnerving sense of calm and venom lacing the quiet yet deadly voice. The usually vermilion eyes were a sharp red, following the large man's every move. A dagger held in the left hand as his other held Eri, who was closest. The other two kids latched to his legs, sobs shaking their small frames.

Ryujin... or maybe Izuku..? wispered, a smile- not his scary one. His bright, heroic smile. "Never fear, for I am here!" He cheered, releasing his hold on Eri. He then turned back to the Villain who was staring at a piece of paper.

"So your the Vigilante brat that the scratchy brat wants.. you and the explosive blonde?" The villain mumbled.

"I guess no killing you, I'm sure he won't mind a few dead brats." He chuckled menacingly, switching his eye out for a trigger induced one.

His muscles began to change, expanding and lashing outside his skin. Izuku didn't like the idea of having a quirk like that. But he didn't have time for stuff like that. Ryujin had to fight this guy- right? Izuku mentally searched for his mask, for Ryujin, but he came up blank.

Where was his brave face? Izuku surley couldn't fight a villain of this size! Ryujin is the scary one! He hadn't ment to take over when it wasn't his turn but- he was so worried about the kids.

Lost in his mind, he choked on a gasp as he was kicked in the stomach.

"Stay outa my way for now." Muscular laughed, then turned to look at Eri.

"I know you, you belonged to the germ guy. The one who was selling quirk canceling drugs? Whats a brat like you doing out here?" Muscular asked while crouching in front of her, head cocked to the side.

"I-i-i-" She stuttered, Muscular didn't like that. He smacked her harshly, And she fell to the ground in sobs as she held her face. Anahita rushed to Eris side and held her in a hug, also crying. Kota sprayed some scorching water at Muscular, who bat him away easily.

Izuku rose to his feet, rushing past the villain and to Eri.

"Eri-Chan! Did he twist your neck? Does it hurt when you turn to look at me?" He asked quickly, glaring at the villain.

"N-no Oni-chan, he didn't hurt my neck." She wispered. Izuku sighed in relief and stood to face the villain. Even if Ryujin didn't want to be his mask. Even if he wasn't very brave as Izuku, his kids wouldn't get hurt under his supervision.

Launching forward, he caught the villain in a moment of suprise and ripped the muscle in the area of his heart. Izuku saw the thin layers of flesh that were suposed to be on top. Muscular pushed Izuku away, far to bulky to really dodge.
Izuku didn't hesitate to leap forward again, this time successfully tearing away the flesh. The body looked so wierd without muscles, bones and veins just floating carelessly. Izuku grasped Musculars heart, giving it a good hearty(lololol) squeeze before being thrown into the mountainside.

Izuku stood again, blood dribbling his face as rocks stuck from various wounds.

He sent a wave if blue flame and allowed it to burn the man I'm random places, since heroes weren't suposed to kill.

No, heroes did kill.

Heroes killed bad guys.. right?

Well, I guess it's only if they have to.

And Izuku wanted to kill him.

And Izuku was already a murderer, nothing would change.

With a final growing wave of flame, Musculars unprotected heart was burnt to nothingness. Muscular let out gurgling screeches, his heart no longer pumpingnto supply oxygen he fell to his knees, gasping for the oxygen that wouldn't come.

Izuku kicked the man's head, smiling madly.

"I hate people like you. Do me a favor and die." He wispered, stomping on Musculars head one last time before turning away.

He was quick to comfort the kiddos, and Izuku made sure to praise each of them for being brave.

"Oni-chan... your still bleeding! Use your power and make it stop!" Anahita spoke sadly, Kota nodded his head in agreement. Izuku smiled happily, black flame engulfing them as he hoisted Kota on his back, he then held Eri and Anahita in each oh his arms.

"Let's find Dadzawa." He said, racing down the mountain.

He was glad to know the terrain so well, otherwise he would be lost.

Aizawa came into view quickly, destroying another clay-like clone of a blonde girl.

"Dadzawa!" He called. Aizawa turned his head quickly, staring at the kids.

"I found them! There's a guy up on the mountains, the villain muscular. He won't be an issue anymore though!" Izuku said, setting the kids down carefully. Aizawa led them back to the cabin, eyeing Izuku carefully as he left.

"Izuku." His teacher finally called out.

"Be safe. Come home." The teacher spoke, then the two separated, one of them taking three kids with him.

Izuku came across Souji next, and quickly used his fire to calm Dark Shadow.

"I'm sorry, Izuku. I didn't think he would take over like that, I am truly weak to the darkness." Tokoyami had said, finding great interest in a rock on the ground.

The next group to be located was Kacchan and Todoroki.

[Kacchan! The villains are after me and you! They plan to kidnap us!] Izuku signed, Bakugou nodded along. The group formed a protective circle around the two targets, while a thick-but-invisible layer of jail fire protected them from airial atacks..


>Hi!! So, basically- this story will have 1-2 more chapters, based off of how long I plan to make the ending.

I'll be starting another story shortly, and I plan on improving my writing style a bunch!

Thanks to everyone who stuck around to read this story!

Until next time!

Word count: 7596

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