Turning the Page | The Dragon...

By Lost4Stars

27.1K 774 842

You were simply walking home from school after another uneventful day. You didn't have the best life, but you... More

Chapter 1 [Moon]
Chapter 3 [Moon]
Chapter 4 [Moon]
Chapter 5 [Moon]
Chapter 6 [Moon]
Chapter 7 [Moon]
Chapter 8 [Moon]
Author Note
Chapter 9 [Moon]
Chapter 10 [Sky]
Chapter 11 [Sky]
Author Note
Chapter 12 [Sky]
Chapter 13 [Sky]
Chapter 14 [Sky]
Author Note

Chapter 2 [Moon]

2.2K 59 65
By Lost4Stars

You couldn't remember how long you had been trapped down here. There were no windows so you couldn't tell what time it was. You also barely slept due to your anxiety, but you did have a general idea of where you were in the timeline. In short, King Harrow hadn't been assassinated yet and the Moonshadow elves were coming soon. All you had to do was wait and hope that Callum and Ezran would free you.

*Time skip to a few hours later*

You heard the mechanical whirring of the secret door and the voices of Callum and Ezran.

Ezran: Yes!

Callum: You're sure she won't be able to follow us?

Ezran: No way. It took me over a month to figure out that combination.

You decided that it was now or never. You rattled your chains as much as you could.

Y/n [shouting]: Help! Help me please!

Ezran: What was that?

Callum: Someone must be trapped down here.

You heard footsteps approaching the cell and the door was opened. You had to squint your eyes and adjust to the brightness of the room outside. They both walked in along with Bait. Bait glowed a little to provide enough light to see. You looked up at the princes and saw the hesitation in their eyes. They probably thought that you were down here for a bad reason. You looked down at yourself. You almost forgot that Viren had you wear clothes more like the humans of Xadia had. Yet you were still covered in dust, dirt, and cuts with dry blood. You looked back up at them and Callum's eyes widened for some reason.

Callum: Ezran help me look for a key.

Callum then rushed out of the room and you could hear clanging outside. Ezran gave you one last glance, then rushed out after his brother. Bait following close behind. They soon came back with Callum holding a key and approaching your chains. He unlocked your chains and helped you up after seeing you stumble. You thanked him and did your best to stand on your own even though you haven't used your legs in days.

Callum: What's your name?

Y/n: Y/n.

You all heard the door open again and rushed out of the holding cell. Didn't the door open immediately after the princes made it into the room? It didn't matter now. At least they had time to free you.

The stairs had fully descended and the Moonshadow elf, Rayla was smugly looking at the two princes. She noticed you behind the two of them and her facade fell for a moment before she regained her composure.

Rayla: Who are you?

Y/n: I'm Y/n.

Rayla redirected her attention to Ezran.

Ezran: But how did you...

Rayla: I just pressed all the stones with the jelly handprints.

Ezran facepalms leaving a jelly handprint on his face. Rayla walks closer to us and looks around the room finding small jars with animals inside on the shelves and the floor. You guessed the ones on the floor were from Callum and Ezran's search for the key to your chains.

Rayla: What is this place? Runaan is right. There's nothing in humans worth sparing.

She points her blades at the three of us making the princes back away in fear while I stood my ground.

Rayla: Time's up. Humans destroyed the egg of the Dragon Prince. There must be justice.

Callum stands in front of his brother and I protectively.

Callum: You'll have to get through me.

You join Callum by his side.

Y/n: And me.

Callum sends you a grateful smile and looks back at the elf with more confidence. Rayla swings her blade around and approaches us.

Rayla: Really?

Ezran: Wait. You need to see something.

He tilts his head towards a corner. Rayla points her blade at him accusingly.

Rayla: I'm not falling for that flashing frog trick again.

Bait seems to be offended by this and glows a deep red.

Ezran: He's a glow toad. But there's no trick this time. Please look.

He points towards an object covered by a cloak. Rayla hesitates, but curiosity gets the better of her.

Rayla: Fine. You uncover it. Slowly.

Ezran: I can hear something inside, something alive.

Ezran pulls down the sheet revealing a brightly shimmering egg of the Dragon Prince. It was more colorful in person. You were awestruck. Rayla gasps.

Rayla: It... It can't be.

Callum: The egg....It wasn't destroyed.

The four of us all gazed upon the egg.

Rayla: This changes everything.

Callum: So this is it? The egg of the Dragon Prince?

Rayla: I can't believe it. If the egg lives...

Y/n: Maybe it could stop the war.

Rayla approaches the egg and crouches down in front of it. Ezran puts his hand on the egg and Callum and I back away. Ezran grins.

Ezran: He's okay in there. I can feel it.

Callum stammers for a moment.

Callum: But how? Why wasn't it destroyed?

???: Because my father saved it.

We all turned around to see Claudia holding a Primal Stone. Rayla readies her blades.

Callum: Claudia!

Claudia: Callum, Ezran, get behind me. I can protect you from the elf and the human...

Her voice trailed off as she noticed me standing protectively in front of Callum and Ezran while still behind Rayla since she was the one with the blades. Claudia shook her head and refocused her battle position. Rayla angrily points one of her blades at Claudia.

Rayla: Your father didn't save it. He stole it.

Claudia: That's a lie!

Callum walks around me and towards Claudia

Callum: Then Claudia, why is it here?

Ezran also walks around me holding the Dragon Egg. So I move to the other side of Rayla.

Claudia: My father took it to protect us, Callum, so the elves and dragons couldn't use it.

Rayla: What are you taking about? How can we use it?

Claudia [shouting]: Don't play dumb! You know it's a powerful weapon.

Rayla: It's not a weapon. It's an egg!

Claudia: Ezran, don't be afraid. Walk towards me, and if she moves even an inch...

Claudia draws the rune for "fulminis" and targets Rayla. Callum and Ezran look at her in fear. While I look at her calmly knowing how this will turn out.

Claudia: Just bring that thing here.

Y/n: It's not a thing! It has a mother, and it needs to go back to her!

Rayla looks towards me in suprise. Callum looks to Claudia, Rayla, and then me.

Ezran: You're right. It wants its mother.

Claudia: Ezran be careful.

Ezran thinks for a moment. Then looks at Rayla and I. Rayla giving him a smile and I give a nod. He seems to grow more confident.

Ezran: Follow me.

Ezran runs out a back door with the egg and Bait, as Rayla grabs my hand and drags me along with her, stumbling every couple steps. You hear a shout, a rattling of chains, and then footsteps.

Claudia [yelling]: CALLUM

Callum [exclaims]: There's something after us.

Rayla let's go of my hand, and grabs her swords. Turning around.

Rayla: Keep running.

Ezran [to Callum]: Wait, not that way.

Callum turns his head towards Ezran.

Callum: Why not?

Callum runs straight into a wall and falls down. He gets back up and turns towards us.

Y/n: Because it's a dead-end.

Rayla comes back to us after she realized her blades can't even touch the smoke wolves Claudia sent after us.

Rayla: I can't stop them. They're just smoke. My swords pass right through.

Y/n: Callum! You have a Primal Stone! Do you know any spells?

Callum looks at you and then the Stone in his hand. The storm inside seems to grow stronger as the lightning fizzles and cracks.

Callum: There might be something I can do, but I don't know if I can do it.

Rayla [yelling]: Is this a guessing game? Just do it!

As the wolves dash towards the group, Callum draws the rune for "Aspiro"  Callum says Aspiro then takes a deep breath and blows. The smoke wolves are blown away by a wind vortex that slowly fades away. Rayla puts her blades away and walks back to the group.

Rayla: You never said you were a mage.

You walked over to Rayla and tore a piece of your shirt off to make a makeshift bandage. You removed her hand off her wound and used the first-aid skills you learned to properly wrap her arm. She gave you a small grateful smile and you returned the gesture.

Callum: Who, me? No, I'm... I'm not really anything.

Ezran: You just did magic.

Rayla: Yeah, that's what a mage is. You're a mage.

Callum: Oh. Really? Wow! I'm a mage! I'm a ma-

You cut him off by putting a hand over his mouth.

Y/n: Nobody likes a loud mage.

Callum: Sorry. Sorry. [Whispers] I'm a mage!

We all walk around one of the corridors while Ezran carries the egg and the rest of us are looking for potential treats. Rayla reaches for Ezran's shoulder.

Rayla: Listen. I need you to give me the egg. I have to get it to the roof, right away.

Ezran moves the egg away from her, not sure if they can trust her.

Ezran: What? Why?

Rayla: Just trust me.

Callum: Right, right. That makes sense. Since we go way back. Like that one time, ten minutes ago, when you chased me through the castle trying to stab me? [Laughs] Good times. [Frowns].

Y/n: She's only trying to help. And think about it. If she's here there could be others.

Rayla: They're right. There are others like me. And they're coming.

Callum [worried]: Assassins.

Rayla crouches down to Ezran's height, and opens her palm.

Rayla: I need to show them the egg to stop them. Just give it to me.

Ezran looks from Rayla, me, the egg, and Bait who croaks in response. He shakes his head.

Ezran: I'll take you to the roof.

Callum and Ezran start heading to the roof. Rayla stays behind so I put a hand on her shoulder.

Y/n: Don't worry. They'll trust you eventually.

Rayla gives me a small smile and we both start walking towards the princes. Once we get close to the castle wall, Rayla stops us.

Rayla: Here's the plan.

Word Count- 1731

*Author Note*
- Completely open to constructive criticism 💚

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