The Criminal(?)

By pikachukite

16.2K 777 178


Kenchis house
Character list. (i need your help to name these kids and thier looks)
Meeting the family part 1
Meeting the family part 2
Samaus's Dream
Samaus's morning...
What happened?
Hello... where the hell am I?
the questions part one
the questions part two
Getting out
Samaus goes into town
Samaus meets more people!
Normal afternoon? Wait... what?!
nightmares after showers
Awkward moment
Kakashi's face!
readers choice!
Save me
What's next? More crud?
Pain of the heart? Or the body?
Saving Sam
Waking up in the hospital

The Revelation

553 34 1
By pikachukite

Samaus sighs as he walks into the kitchen full of kids. He seen Kenchi and walked over to him. "Kenchisan. You wanted me to see you?"

Kenchi turned and grinned. "AH! Sam my boy! Good morning. Come. Come." He waved him towards his study away from prying eyes and curious ears. "Sit on the table and we shall get started on cleaning that wound of yours. By the way... do you ever plan to tell anyone about it?"

Sam bit his lip and sighed. He took off the green sleeveless shirt and let Kenchi bandage his wound.

Samaus closed his eyes and sat quietly for a second. "Kenchisan. What would you do if you were accused of something that didn't happen and only you knew the truth. Would you run and figure it out yourself or would you let someone kill you for the fun of it?"

Kenchi thought about it as he bandages the wound after cleaning it. "I would run I suppose... is that what you did Samaus?"

Samaus licked his lips. "I did... I ran away... I could've done something but I didn't... I was afraid. I was weak... I couldn't do anything but watch..." He whispered.

Kenchi listened to him patiently. He was curious.

Samaus tightened his fists. "I was just a normal coward who couldn't protect a single friend..." A tear fell from his closed eyes. "And now... everyone thinks... I'm the one who did it when I didn't... how... how can I stop and get them to understand when they only what blood!?"

Kenchi took Samaus' hands in his. "You did what you thought was best young man. And you will continue to do so until you can figure it all out. I believe in you." Kenchi smiled as Samaus opened his eyes to look at him in disbelief.

"Why?...why do you say that?"

"Because I have plenty of faith in you son."

Samaus couldn't believe the words out of Kenchis mouth but smiled slightly and nodded. "Okay... I'll trust in your judgement old man."

They both laughed at each other's words and got up to go eat after Samaus' stomach growled.

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